Book Read Free

Lovers & Players

Page 32

by Jackie Collins

  ‘Ah…the fantastic Antonio,’ Nigel replied, starry-eyed at the thought of being in the presence of such a famous photographer. ‘We should all be there–you, me, Yolanda and Dana. There’ll be a catered lunch and scads of champagne. It will be an amazing day.’

  ‘Exactly what I need,’ Amy said irritably.

  ‘You sound a tad snippy.’

  ‘I am.’


  ‘Sofia wants me to have lunch with her and Gianna.’

  ‘I’d be honoured if Sofia asked me to lunch,’ Nigel said, suffering a momentary twinge of jealousy. ‘And you’re not pleased?’

  ‘How can I sit there with those two women all through lunch? It’s not my thing.’

  ‘Make it your thing, dear,’ Nigel said sagely. ‘If you want to move up in this company, make it your thing.’

  After fetching Nanny Reece and Lulu from a downstairs apartment, Elliott Minor allowed the female detective to question Lulu for five minutes. Max didn’t like it, but as Elliot explained to him, nobody had anything to hide, and it was best to co-operate.

  Nobody has anything to hide, Max thought grimly. I do. I have Vladimir Bushkin to hide. And what am I going to do about that?

  It was a problem, because telling what he knew about Vladimir Bushkin would open up an investigation that might be ruinous for not only him but Lulu, and he was more concerned about his little daughter than anything else. The scandal and publicity would turn him into a joke–but for Lulu it would be even worse: she would be branded forever as the illegitimate child of the murdered Russian bigamist.

  After speaking to the detective, a frightened and subdued Lulu ran straight into his arms. ‘I want my mommy,’ she whimpered, cuddling up to him. ‘Somebody hurt my mommy.’

  ‘It’ll be all right, sweetie,’ he assured her, enveloping her in a hug. ‘Daddy’s taking care of everything.’

  Nanny Reece was now in the other room talking to Detective Rodriguez. Max needed to speak with Elliott, so he carried Lulu into the kitchen, switched the TV to a cartoon channel, instructed the maids to watch her for a few minutes, then went to find Elliott.

  ‘What’s going on?’ he demanded. ‘I have to get Lulu and her nanny out of here.’

  ‘Be patient, Max,’ Elliott counselled. ‘Let’s not antagonize anyone.’

  ‘Don’t talk to me about antagonizing people,’ he said angrily. ‘That detective has been nothing but rude to me.’

  ‘I understand, Max. Calm down, I’ll settle this.’

  ‘You don’t get it, do you, Elliott?’ he said through gritted teeth. ‘They’re treating me as if I’m a suspect.’

  ‘It’s routine to question the husband, especially the ex-husband.’

  ‘I’m not your average ex-husband,’ Max said, steaming. ‘You think I look like some construction worker who stabs his wife to death in a drunken rage?’

  ‘Stay calm, Max.’

  ‘Quit telling me to stay calm,’ he snapped. ‘My daughter’s in shock. Fucking Nanny is talking to a detective, and I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE.’

  ‘I understand,’ Elliott said. ‘I’ll see what I can do.’ He left the room and returned almost immediately. ‘I’ve just been advised there are press downstairs.’

  ‘Are you kidding me?’ Max said, outraged. ‘How did the press find out?’

  ‘They listen in on police scanners. They have spies in the Police Department. They find out everything.’

  ‘I am not talking to the press,’ Max fumed.

  ‘I know that. I’ll arrange for your driver to meet us in the underground garage.’

  ‘This is a nightmare, Elliott.’

  ‘Life goes on,’ Elliott said, spewing out a suitable cliché. ‘You’ll get over this.’

  ‘Easy for you to say,’ Max said, storming back into the living room.

  Five minutes later Elliott came to find him. ‘Detective Rodriguez informed me you’re free to go.’

  ‘He said that, did he? So he can run and check out my alibi. Christ! I need to talk to my brother.’ As soon as he mentioned Chris, he remembered the early-morning meeting with Red he’d failed to attend. ‘That’s why I can’t get hold of him,’ he muttered.

  ‘Who can’t you get hold of?’ Elliott inquired.

  ‘My brother, Chris.’

  ‘I’m glad you have family to turn to, this is a sad day. Mariska was a lovely woman.’

  ‘No, she wasn’t,’ Max contradicted, shaking his head. ‘Mariska was a money-hungry social-climber. You know that better than anyone. You were the one who went through my divorce with me.’

  ‘I’m sure she didn’t deserve to die like this,’ Elliott said, uncomfortable with Max’s harsh words.

  ‘You’re right,’ Max replied, suddenly weary. ‘Nobody deserves that.’

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Before Lady Jane Bentley was able to reveal anything more to Chris and Jett, Red Diamond made his entry into the library, flanked on either side by Sonja and Famka. They made a bizarre trio, the old billionaire and the two high-class call-girls, both towering over him in their tight-fitting suits and stiletto heels.

  ‘Sorry I’m late,’ Red said, not sorry at all. ‘I’m sure Janey here has been keeping you entertained.’

  Lady Jane remained seated on the couch, her eyes shooting daggers. ‘Red,’ she said, in a deceptively quiet tone, ‘we’re so glad you could make it. I was filling the boys in on a few things I thought they should know.’ Her eyes swivelled to take in Sonja and Famka. ‘Do introduce us to your friends.’

  She managed to make ‘friends’ sound like the dirtiest word in the dictionary.

  ‘Can’t remember their names.’ Red cackled. ‘Only the size of their tits.’

  Meanwhile Sonja had spotted Chris, and he’d recognized her. Brazenly she flaunted his stolen watch on her wrist, daring him to say anything.

  He didn’t. He was smart enough to stay silent and watch this scenario play out.

  Famka was busy checking out Jett. She had a weakness for hot young guys. She winked at him–a wink that promised, For you I’m available and free.

  ‘It looks like you’re busy,’ Chris said, not wishing to become involved in the scene that he knew was about to take place, ‘so I guess this meeting- which, by the way, never happened–is over.’

  ‘Over?’ Red roared. ‘It hasn’t even begun.’

  ‘Too bad,’ Chris responded. ‘’Cause I never did like the circus, even when I was a kid.’

  ‘You always were the one with the mouth,’ Red said, bobbing his head up and down. ‘Shame you’re so weak. You could’ve made something of yourself if you weren’t such a loser.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Chris said, remaining surprisingly calm. ‘I could’ve been like you, right? A miserable old bastard hanging out with hookers sixty years younger.’

  ‘Let’s go, Chris,’ Jett said, realizing just how nasty this could get if they didn’t make a fast exit.

  ‘Oh,’ Red said, turning to glare at his youngest son. ‘The fuck-up has a voice.’

  ‘You’re the fuck-up,’ Jett retaliated, immediately losing it. ‘You and your billions think you control everything. Well, here’s a news flash. You can’t control us.’

  ‘I can’t, huh?’ Red shouted. ‘Is that why you all came running to New York when I summoned you? Run, run, run. Pick up your ticket and run to Daddy. What did you think? That I was on my death bed? That you were about to inherit my money? Is that why you came?’

  ‘I came ’cause I thought you might’ve changed,’ Jett muttered. ‘Crazy, huh? To think I had a father who might’ve cared.’

  ‘Red will never change,’ Lady Jane said, still maintaining her composure. ‘I think we all know that.’

  ‘You’re still here,’ Red said, feigning surprise. ‘Thought I told you to pack up and get out.’

  ‘Apparently I didn’t hear you,’ she said. ‘Perhaps I was too busy reading your will, which I was on the point of telling your sons about. I’m sure they’ll be as fas
cinated as I was.’

  ‘You know nothing about my will,’ Red snarled.

  ‘We’ll see about that.’

  Sonja was getting bored. Family dramas were not her thing, she’d had enough of her own back in Slovakia. Idly she wondered about the woman sitting on the couch. An angry, repressed woman wearing Chanel and a very tasty diamond watch. Was she the old man’s wife? Mistress?

  Whoever she was, she was one furious bitch and, quite frankly, Sonja couldn’t blame her. What woman wouldn’t be angry if their husband or lover walked in with two incredibly sexy women on each arm?

  ‘Excuse me, Mr Diamond.’ Diahann had entered the room. With all the shouting going on, nobody had heard her knock.

  Sonja and Famka both turned to inspect the newcomer. She was black and quite attractive in an understated way. Late thirties, dressed in drab clothes, she could be a knock-out if she tried.

  ‘What?’ Red yelled, not pleased with the interruption.

  ‘It’s the phone for Chris,’ Diahann said, giving Sonja and Famka a disapproving look. ‘It’s Max, he says it’s very important.’

  ‘I’ll take it,’ Chris said, glad for the diversion. Diahann handed him the phone and he walked over to the other side of the room. ‘Where are you?’ he asked, in a low voice. ‘You won’t believe what’s going on here.’

  ‘Meet me at my apartment,’ Max said urgently. ‘Something terrible has happened. Mariska’s dead. She’s been murdered.’

  Naturally Liz Smith could not make lunch given such short notice, so Amy was stuck. She rode in the car with Sofia and Gianna to the Grill Room at the Four Seasons restaurant. The two Italian women jabbered away in their native tongue, while Amy sat next to Sofia’s driver feeling like a hostage on her way to an execution.

  She’d already decided there was nothing to dislike about Gianna: the Italian supermodel was unbearably beautiful and just as charming as everyone said. The more time Amy spent with her, the more she was unable to understand why Jett had cheated on such a gorgeous woman. Grandma Poppy was right. All men were dogs. All men cheated. Except Max. She was sure he wouldn’t cheat: he had too much character, which was why she loved him.

  Yes, I do love him.

  Come on.

  Lunch at the Grill Room was a ritual. The spacious restaurant was crowded with various power players who occupied their usual tables. See and be seen.

  Gianna was certainly seen–heads turned as the stunning supermodel followed Sofia to their table.

  Amy trailed behind the two flamboyant women, feeling totally miserable. She wondered what time Jett was showing up at the House of Courtenelli. If they ran into each other, would he acknowledge her? Or was he prepared to ignore their one night of incredible, mind-blowing, fantastic sex? She wondered if he was thinking about her as much as she was thinking about him.

  She had to get over to the hospital and discuss the situation with Tina. Somehow or other she was determined to make a daring escape from this abysmal lunch.

  Pacing round his apartment waiting for Chris to get there, Max knew he should call Amy and tell her before she heard it on the news. Not only were the press downstairs in Mariska’s building, they were also gathered outside his apartment building, both being part of the Max Diamond empire. This would make their story even juicier.

  He’d already called Clive Barnaby and apprised him of the situation. ‘You’ll have to deal with the Japanese,’ he’d said. ‘If they’re not happy with that, reschedule my meeting with them for the morning.’

  Clive had assured him he’d do everything he could to persuade them to come up with the money.

  Max was hoping that when he contacted Amy, she would offer to collect Lulu and take her away from the explosion of publicity he knew was about to happen: Mariska Diamond was hardly a nobody–she’d been married to him. The woman had courted publicity, she’d made sure she was part of the New York social scene. This was a headline story.

  ‘I want my mommy,’ Lulu cried, coming into his bedroom, tears streaking her pretty little face. ‘When can I see my mommy?’

  ‘Soon, baby,’ he said, trying to sound cheerful. ‘How about you watch a DVD of Finding Nemo or The Incredibles with Nanny? Is that a plan?’

  ‘No Finding Nemo! No Incredibles!’ Lulu shouted, stamping her foot. ‘I WANT MY MOMMY!’

  Christ! Where was Nanny Reece when he needed her?

  He found her in the kitchen on the phone. ‘Who are you talking to?’ he demanded, paranoid that she might be working out a deal with the National Enquirer to sell her story.

  ‘I’m sorry, Mr Diamond,’ Nanny Reece said, all crisp and English. ‘I’m booking a ticket home to England. America is not for me. I cannot take the violence.’

  ‘You can’t do that,’ he said, quite staggered that she would even contemplate deserting Lulu at a time like this.

  ‘Oh, I think I can,’ she said, tight-lipped.

  ‘You’d leave Lulu?’

  ‘I’m sorry, Mr Diamond, I have to go.’

  ‘What if I double the salary you’re getting now?’

  ‘It’s not a question of money.’

  Damn the woman! She wasn’t any good anyway–she paid absolutely no attention to Lulu. He should have noticed it before, and Mariska certainly should’ve noticed.

  ‘When are you leaving?’ he asked, resigning himself to the situation.

  ‘This afternoon.’

  What an inconsiderate incompetent cow. If this was her attitude, they were better off without her.

  ‘We have to go,’ Chris said to Jett, clicking off the phone. ‘Max has an emergency.’

  ‘Why isn’t Max here?’ Red demanded. ‘More financial disasters he’s not man enough to handle?’

  ‘You’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you?’ Lady Jane said, joining in. ‘Perhaps you can find another bank to blackmail, forcing them to withdraw from Max’s big building project.’

  ‘How dare you speak about matters that don’t concern you?’ Red said, his face darkening with anger.

  ‘I can speak about anything I want,’ she responded, her composure intact.

  Chris was already at the door. ‘Put on the TV,’ he suggested. ‘Find out for yourselves what’s going on.’

  Red was furious, he had not had the opportunity to make his planned announcement to his sons. It was all Jane’s fault–she’d ruined everything. ‘You see these lovely young ladies?’ he said, giving her a spiteful glare. ‘They’ll be moving in here with me.’

  Sonja and Famka exchanged a startled look–this was news to them.

  ‘How nice that you plan to fill your house with whores,’ Lady Jane said, remaining icy and controlled. ‘According to the private papers I read, along with your Will, you always did enjoy helping out whores. So I suggest that if you do not wish me to make my information public, you will work out a very generous settlement with my lawyer. Only then will I leave this house.’

  She arose from the couch and, without so much as glancing at Sonja and Famka, swept out of the room.

  ‘Moving in?’ Sonja said. ‘Not me.’

  ‘What do you mean, not you?’ Red growled. ‘For enough money you’ll get down on all fours and lick my boots if I order you to.’

  ‘What do you think it will cost you for us to move in?’ Famka questioned, always the businesswoman. ‘Possibly more money than even you’re prepared to spend. We are very expensive girls.’

  ‘How do you know what I’m prepared to spend?’ he said, narrowing his eyes.

  ‘Your wife seems serious about getting a big settlement,’ Sonja remarked. ‘The bitch means business.’

  ‘She’s not my wife,’ he said, scowling.

  ‘She sure acts like one,’ Sonja said, smoothing down the jacket of her tightly fitted suit.

  ‘What’s with her anyway?’ Famka added. ‘She certainly doesn’t like you.’

  Red decided he didn’t want to keep them around after all, they talked too much, they asked questions, they were getting on his nerves. It
was one thing when they were striding around his apartment, naked, giving him intense pleasure. But somehow, in his house, they were just two over-made-up hookers. Besides, he had to clear things up with Jane. How dare she pretend she knew all his secrets? Nobody knew all of Red Diamond’s secrets, that was for sure.

  ‘The two of you can get out now,’ he said, still scowling.

  ‘We’re happy to leave,’ Famka responded, ‘as soon as you’ve paid us.’

  ‘I’ve paid you plenty. Now go.’

  ‘Not enough for this trip.’ Sonja snorted derisively.

  ‘Jesus Christ!’ he said angrily. ‘You’re nothing but two greedy whores.’

  ‘And that’s just the way you like us, isn’t it?’ Famka said.

  ‘Yes,’ Sonja agreed, fingering her stolen Rolex. ‘Especially when your little cock is in our tight mouths, and you’re coming all over our tits.’

  ‘Get out!’ he shouted, reaching into his pocket and tossing a handful of hundred-dollar bills at them.

  ‘You know where to find us when you need our services again,’ Famka said pleasantly, always thinking ahead.

  ‘GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!’ Red screamed.

  The two women picked up their money and made their exit, leaving the room filled with the aroma of their expensive perfumes.

  Muttering to himself, Red clicked on the TV.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Jett asked, following Chris out to the street.

  ‘You won’t believe this,’ Chris said, flagging down a cab.

  ‘Fill me in, then I’ll tell you whether I believe you or not.’

  ‘It’s Mariska.’

  ‘Max’s ex?’

  ‘That’s right. According to Max, she’s been killed.’


  ‘Murdered was the word he used. Murdered.’

  After pushing a salad around her plate while Gianna and Sofia continued to chat animatedly in Italian, Amy finally spoke up, claiming she wasn’t feeling well.

  ‘I come with you to the ladies’ room,’ Gianna announced, full of concern. ‘You sit for a minute, we put wet cloth on your forehead. You feel better.’


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