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Falling for the Chieftain: A Time Travel Romance (Enchanted Falls Trilogy, Book 3)

Page 7

by Keira Montclair

  Sinclair raised his brows. “Ye’ll allow a female to join our discussion?”

  “Aye,” Brann replied, his gaze telling all he would not bend on the issue. “If ye dinnae like it, take yer leave now. She stays by my side.”

  Sinclair made a noise indicating his displeasure with the situation, but sat down in front of Brann’s desk. Angus had brought goblets in and poured wine for all.

  “I just returned from Edinburgh and brought it with me,” Sinclair said, tasting the wine first. “I’m sure ye’ll enjoy it.”

  “I have nae time for small talk. Get to yer point, Sinclair. We’ve no’ been friendly before. Why the sudden change?” He pulled an extra chair over to his desk and sat down when she did.

  “As ye wish. I’ve heard ye arenae on good terms with Taran and he lives on the part of yer land that borders mine.”

  “Aye, ‘twas a gift from me to Taran and his new wife. Why do ye care?”

  “I’d like to propose an alliance. Murray has his sights set on my land, but ye and I could take his clan over together.”

  “I have no problems with Clan Murray. What of yers?” Brann didn’t like the way this conversation was going. Ewan Murray had been a friend to Brann and Taran ever since they were young. They were all near the same age, and they had been the very best of friends, so close that Ewan’s sire had died within six months of his sire. He and the Murray held an alliance of sorts, though it did not go much further than a mutual agreement not to attack each other. It was the kind of alliance he understood.

  Any other kind of alliance, he didn’t trust—just like he did not trust Sinclair.

  “I’ll be honest with ye, and ye best listen and get off yer high horse, MacKay. I’ve discovered that the Murray is wanting to join yer brother to attack ye. He thinks the two of ye are sorely divided and ye are ripe for the overtake. If he bests ye and yer brother both because the two of ye are lovesick over a pair of thighs, ye’ll lose everything. I’m suggesting we work together and overtake Murray when he comes at ye. Ye’ll need my help because he’s built his force up to near two hundred. How many have ye?”

  “Ye want to form an alliance with me because Murray plans to join forces with my brother and attack us?” He fought the urge to snort at the older man. Little did he know Brann had built his number of warriors to over three hundred, but it would be a tactical mistake to give that information out. He had some men on patrols and others in the lists. Sinclair would not be able to guess his numbers from such a short visit.

  “Aye, ‘struth and ye need to consider it. Dinnae waste time. He plans to attack in a fortnight as he has more men coming.”

  Brann muddled over this information, unsure of his best plan of action. He did not at all believe Sinclair, but rejecting him so quickly may not be the correct course. Perhaps he could get to Murray and see what he had to say about Sinclair, act as though he’d only heard tales from traveling minstrels. He wouldn’t talk with Taran unless he had no choice.

  He had a sennight to make up his mind, though he thought it best to agree with the man at the moment. Brann had not made many friends of late.

  “Och, what’ll it be, MacKay? I havenae the time to wait all day for yer agreement. If ye dinnae agree, I’ll find another.” He stood up, knocking his chair backward, motioning to his second that it was time for them to take their leave.

  “Hold yerself. I accept yer proposal, Sinclair.”

  “Fine.” The laird picked up his goblet of wine and held it up. “To our new alliance.”

  “To our new alliance.” He said nothing else, not wanting to give Sinclair too much information.

  They drank to the agreement, but the atmosphere was still tense. They’d been rivals too long for either of them to accept this agreement with joy.


  Allison couldn’t help but think she’d made a huge mistake. Agreeing to stay to satisfy her own sexual needs had not been smart. Navigating this culture she’d been thrown into was paramount to her survival, so she vowed to hold her tongue in the future.

  Angus left to escort the Sinclair and his second out of the castle, but Brann motioned for her to stay inside the solar, so she moved to a chair across from his desk and sat down. Once the door closed, he kneaded his forehead and sighed, something that told her he had no idea what to do with her. She gave him the chance to gather his thoughts, because she was quite sure a lecture was in store for her.

  She’d listen, agree with him, have hot sex three times tonight, and then leave tomorrow. She’d always wondered if she were multi-orgasmic.

  Curbing her impulse to snicker, she coughed so she could put her hand in front of her mouth.

  If only her sisters could see her now.

  He sat down in front of her instead of returning to the seat behind his desk and rested his elbows on his knees. “If what my sire told me is true, if ye really are some type of faerie who came through the portal, then I cannae imagine how confused ye must be, but ye must learn to trust me. ‘Tis my job as chief to protect ye, but I also feel ‘tis my job as my sire’s son to protect ye as he did my mother. Can I ask ye to trust me, lass? I dinnae know if ye’ve noticed the swords we carry, but spouting off at me enemy could get us into a heap of trouble. And rest assured that he is my enemy. He’ll only be my friend so long as it suits his needs, and I’m no’ even certain I believe anything he just said.”

  “I know. My world is so different. We’ve just gone through this entire movement meant to empower women, and I…” How could she possibly explain the rise of the female voice to this man? “Forgive me, Brann. I’ll remember to stay silent. I didn’t like the way they stared at me, I didn’t… Never mind. It isn’t important. I understand your point, and I’ll do my best not to cause any issues in the future.”

  He helped her to her feet, and to her surprise, he cupped her face and kissed her, one of the sweetest kisses she’d ever experienced, so much so that she whimpered when he pulled back. He quirked his brow at her, a crooked smile on his face as he chucked her under her chin.

  She turned her face to hide her blush. What was she to do when the man kissed her as though she were the most treasured person on the planet? That had never happened to her before. Well, maybe the kiss that nerd had given her in middle school, but that kiss hadn’t left her feeling like she were the finest piece of chocolate.

  It had been more like being dipped in a vat of saliva because the boy had been a bit excited.

  A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, and it opened to reveal Angus with an awful expression on his face.

  “What is it?” Brann asked his second.

  “The Murray is nearly here, my lord.”

  Allison had her suspicions about what this could entail, and she guessed it wasn’t going to be good. The look of concern on Brann’s face told her everything, so she decided to take the initiative to get the hell out of there. “I think I’ll go to the kitchens to find my puppy.”

  “Stay there?” Brann suggested, his brow arched in question.

  “Yes, I’ll stay out of the way. I promise.” She hustled away, but Brann was right behind her, his hand at the small of her back. He gave her one final caress as he left with Angus. Why did that one small touch mean more than anything her latest ex had ever done?

  She hurried out the back door of the keep so she’d not be seen by the newcomers, but as soon as she stepped out back, a pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind and clinched her tight against his body.

  So shocked to have been accosted so, she didn’t respond at first. It was only after he spun her around and she found herself facing a man wearing a strange plaid that she sprang into action. She kicked the unsuspecting man square in his balls and he dropped in front of her, grabbing and covering his privates as if she’d attack him again.

  She glanced around but saw no one else.

  That set her into a fury. She bent over and grabbed him by the neck, squeezing it in just the right places to cause him serious trouble while
she leaned one knee toward his balls. This particular hold could cause the man to have a stroke. That wasn’t her goal, but she did wish to scare the hell out of him.

  She tightened her grip as she bent closer to deliver her warning. “Do not ever touch me again.”

  He stared at her in incomprehension, so she squeezed even tighter. “Do you understand me?”

  He nodded, his eyes unable to stay focused on her because he was losing the blood flow to his head. His mumbling was incomprehensible to her, and she didn’t even try to decipher it. They were probably Gaelic curse words.

  She let go, spinning on her heel and stalking off toward the kitchens, unable to think about what might have happened until she stepped inside. She leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, searching the area for her little puppy.

  The trembling began, just as it always did after a stressful event. She heard the mewling sounds of dear Smoky and found the pup’s crate in the corner. Jinty had kept her promise.

  “Hello, sweet pea. How are you doing?” Smoky’s tail wagged, so Allie picked her up, hoping the animal would settle the nerves in her belly. “Are you hungry?”

  She stepped into the main area in search of Cook, carrying the puppy and her crate with her. “Cook? I’m taking Smoky.”

  Cook’s gruff voice answered her a moment later. “Fine. She dinnae eat much for me. Mayhap ye should feed her. There’s fresh goat’s milk in the urn.”

  “Thank you, Cook. I’ll see you later.”

  She heard another grunt from the woman. Maybe grunts were all she could manage after spending the entire day in this infernal heat. Smoky yipped at her, turning her little face up to her as if to remind her of her existence.

  “I’ll no’ forget you.” She was starting to talk like the rest of them. “I mean, I won’t forget you.” Locating the milk, she poured some into a bowl, grabbed some clean linen squares, and stepped out into the cool air, but not before she peeked out to make sure the coast was clear of that bastard from Clan Sinclair.

  He was gone, so she made her way to the keep, but then decided to set Smoky down in the grass to see to her needs. Moving over toward the stone wall, she found a small area of soft grass and moss for Smoky and then set the puppy down so she could commence her sniffing routine.

  The waterworks began as soon as she sat down. How could someone have thought it was okay to just grab her like that? What made men so foolish? Other than Brann and the hot sex, was there any other reason for her to stay in a time period where women were treated like commodities?

  No. None.

  As the deluge of tears covered her face, she vowed to end this.

  One night of hot sex and then off to the faerie pool.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ewan Murray sat in Brann’s solar. “And do ye care to tell me why the bastard Sinclair was leaving here? I saw him, and I’ll tell ye he was smirking about something. What happened?”

  “Smirking? I gave him no reason to smirk, Murray, but I dinnae need to tell ye all we discussed. He’s concerned ye are aiming for his lands. That ye’ve joined with my brother to take over his and my land. ‘Struth?”

  Murray appeared genuinely confused. “Nay. ‘Tis no’ true. I swear it. I’d never collude agin ye Brann, on my sire’s honor. Ye know how close our sires were. My sire would roll over in his grave if he thought I was planning agin ye. I’ve talked to Taran, but only about your differences. I came to tell ye how happy he and Shona are.”

  “I dinnae care to hear about my brother’s happiness. He’s nae brother of mine. He made his choice.”

  “Brann, I understand your pride, but ye must get past it. If for nae other reason than Lachie. Ye cannae wish for him to take sides. The two of ye are stronger together than apart. If what ye say about Sinclair is true, look how quickly he moved to take advantage of your animosity toward each other.”

  Brann snorted, knowing full well that Murray spoke the truth about him and Taran, but how was he to accept it? He could not. His wounded pride would not allow it. He would rather die than admit it, but it was his brother’s abandonment that hurt far worse than Shona’s.

  “I’ll no’ make Lachie choose. He’s just a laddie, and one who had to grow up without his parents. But I cannae join with Taran again.”

  “Ye’ll no’ go for the land ye gave him, will ye? Ye’ll be honorable, will ye no’? He’s yer brother, Brann. Ye cannae go agin him or yer sire will haunt ye. And probably mine, too.”

  Brann couldn’t help but grin at that. Ewan’s sire had been a crusty old goat, but with a heart as big as the sun. “Nay, yer sire would scare me if he haunted me.” He crossed his ankles and set them up on his desk, leaning back in his chair. “I’ll no’ fight my own brother, but I’ll nae longer aid him either. I prefer to ignore him. He can live his life as he sees fit so long as he stays away.”

  “Does it hurt ye so much to see him with Shona?”

  Brann scowled and chuckled. “Nay. I ne’er had any strong feelings for Shona.”

  Now that he knew what it felt like to be truly besotted with a lass, he was even more certain he had no feelings for Shona. But Allison? She would haunt his dreams for many nights after she left him.

  “What is it?” Ewan asked.


  “Ye have a wistful look on yer face. If no’ for Shona, then who?”

  He dropped his feet to the floor, his boots hitting the stone with a resounding thump. “No’ Shona. ‘Tis all ye need to know.”

  “My advice to ye is to find another wife and rejoin yer brother. Ye’ll all be the better for it. Shall I send one of our lasses to ye?”

  “Nay. I’m no’ quite ready for that yet.” He wouldn’t tell him that he had plans for a sweet lass with an even sweeter arse.

  “So Sinclair wants to go agin me? Is that what ye said?” Murray pressed.

  “Aye. Ye know I’ll no’ do it, but I dinnae trust him. I had to agree to get him away from here. I dinnae want him planning agin me. Papa always taught me to know yer enemies.” And to get him away from Allison. He didn’t like the way the man looked at her. In fact, he wondered where she was at the moment. Had it been a mistake to send her away on her own?

  “As long as ye dinnae carry out yer promise. I’ll no’ speak with Taran of this, but if ye change yer mind about wanting a sweet lass, I have a couple in mind. Ye seem preoccupied about something today, so I’ll take my leave. I brought a cask of my best ale for ye.”

  “Many thanks, Murray. Have ye heard anything from MacDonnell?” He didn’t wish to ask after Shona’s sire, but the man could turn enemy as fast as any other.

  “Nay. He’s lying low. I heard he was sick, heaving all the time, so I’ve stayed away. I doubt he’ll be out until he feels this shaming over ye and Shona is over. I’ll take my leave. Make sure ye advise me of the Sinclair’s plans. Ye’re welcome at my keep anytime.”

  “My thanks to ye,” he said as he clasped Ewan on the back. “I’ll walk out with ye, mayhap ride with ye for a bit. I’d like to make sure the lout is off my land and no’ wandering around.”

  As they made their way to the stables, Brann’s gaze scanned the courtyard, looking for a lass with long legs and golden hair. He didn’t see her, but he tried not to worry. Maybe she was inside the keep with the puppy.

  He mounted his horse and followed the Murray out, surprised to see a couple of his men just returning from a patrol. They weren’t due back for some time.

  “Chief, may we speak with ye?” His men knew better than to disclose important information around another chieftain.

  He waved to Ewan and said, “I’ll keep ye abreast of all that transpires.”

  Ewan nodded. “I’ll have my man leave the cask on the steps to yer hall.”

  “Many thanks.” Brann led his men off to the side, far enough away from Ewan’s men to guarantee privacy.

  “What has ye concerned?” Brann asked, looking from one guard to the other.

  “Just something unusual. We heade
d out but then circled back because I thought I saw something. We saw one Sinclair guard leaving by himself. And he appeared to be coming from the back of the castle. Thought ye should know, Chief.”

  “Ye mean he was coming from behind the castle? Do ye think he came out the back entrance?” Brann was mystified. Why would a Sinclair be at the back of his castle?

  “Aye, we asked him what he was doing, but he sped off. Looked as if he was in great pain.”

  Some odd bit of intuition made him ask the next question. “Thank ye for the information. Have ye seen Allison about?”

  One guard looked to the other before they shook their heads in unison. “She’s not out on yer land, Chief.”

  Brann had a suspicion he couldn’t erase.

  It was time to find Allison.


  Allison finally forced herself to stop crying. There was no reason to make such a fuss. Wouldn’t it be better to enjoy the time she had left?

  Her stomach reminded her that it was time to eat, so she headed toward the hall, carrying Smoky in the crook of her arm, the dog’s favorite place.

  “Sweet Smoky, I hate to think what could have happened,” she whispered, kissing the puppy’s head. “What if that man had caught me and tried to steal me away? Then Brann would have chased after him and impaled the bastard on his sword, just like any knight would do…” She couldn’t help but stare off into space as she walked across the back part of the keep to the door. Back home, she’d wished for a man like the heroes in Jennae Vale’s novels. One who was strong and honorable, who’d always protect her, and who’d make her orgasm before he did.

  Hmmm…kind of like Brann. Maybe she should stay longer.

  Then again, had the worst happened, Brann would probably have murdered the brute defending her honor. Were there consequences for murder in the 1300s? How the hell would she know?

  She’d hated history in high school and had never taken it again.


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