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Caress The Dark God [Scions of the Ankh 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Toni L. Meilleur

  Scions of the Ankh 2

  Caress of the Dark God

  When Tessa Michaels flies to Egypt to rescue a friend, she wasn't prepared for the dark-eyed seductive Torian to throw her libido into overdrive.

  The Anubis has spent thousands of years alone, cursed as the Dark God. Just when he gives up all hope of finding his lifemate, Tessa storms into his life.

  Having been hurt before she clutches to her celibacy and her heart, Tessa refuses to give in to his dark charms. Torian, however, makes it clear from the very beginning he won't give up until she is in his bed, and Tessa is no longer so confident in her ability to resist him.

  Sensuality Rating: SIZZLING

  Genre: Fantasy

  Length: 48,000 words


  Toni L. Meilleur


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2009 by Toni L. Meilleur

  E-book ISBN: 1-60601-272-X

  First E-book Publication: January 2009

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2009 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  I would rather spend my life searching for that one special love, than settling for less.



  Copyright © 2009

  Chapter One

  “Who could that be?” Hathor asked when the doorbell rang as she Thoth and Anubis shared a cup of brandy. Who cared if it was early in the morning? They were celebrating; Ralabos had sent word that he and Rene would be gone for quite a while.

  “I will attend to it.” Anubis set his empty glass down and went to answer the knock. He flung the door open, wanting to startle anyone who would come calling to a home so early in the morning. What did it matter to him? He would seek his end very soon and, unlike Ralabos, he wouldn’t have anyone to stop him, and he would be successful.

  What greeted him on the other side of the door was shocking, to say the least. A woman stood there. A human woman, tall, it would seem, even for a human woman. She had huge light-brown eyes and curly hair that went halfway down her back. Her figure, though slim, was extremely curvaceous. But it was the long sexy legs in the miniskirt that caused him the most excitement. Her luscious lips pursed slightly as she perused him as well.

  “May I help you?” he drawled, surprised to find his cock was more than interested in helping her.

  “Yes. My name is Tessa Michaels. I work with Dr. Selkis. She called me yesterday a little, er, well, drunk. Anyway, I was concerned and jumped on the first plane out and even though she said she’d never come back here, there are no hotels with her signed in so this is the only address I have.” She stopped suddenly. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling. I’m just a little tired.”

  “And?” Anubis asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Well, is she here? I’m concerned.”

  “And well you should be,” Anubis answered as he stared at her. Dr. Tessa Michaels. She more than interested him, she fascinated him. Perhaps he could seek his end another time …

  * * * *

  Right off the bat, he was annoying her. After a long, hot flight and an endless search, Tessa was in no mood for wordplay. Even if the guy playing was gorgeous. It was quite unusual to run into a guy taller than her. But this dark man with the midnight-black eyes made her feel like a munchkin right from Oz. Glossy black hair was tied smoothly and neatly at the nape of his neck. Briefly, she wondered how long his hair was. Tessa shook her head. She wasn’t here for a love connection. Rene was obviously in trouble and, without family, Tessa felt obligated to help the woman.

  “Is there a particular reason I should be concerned for her? Has she been hurt, Mr. …?” Tessa shifted her weight to the other leg and tapped her heeled foot in agitation. Was the emergency number in Cairo 911 as well?

  “To my knowledge she is doing quite well.” His black eyes seemed to be glued to her legs before he languidly brought them up to meet her eyes, which she hoped were sending daggers his way.

  “How recent is your knowledge? No, forget that. I want to see her, talk to her. Is she here?”

  “As of this morning.”


  “You asked how recent was my knowledge. This morning, she called to say she was fine and not to worry.”

  “How do I know you’re not lying?”

  “How do I know you’re really a concerned friend?”

  Tessa squinted at him. Okay, so despite his dark looks, he reeked of intelligence, and something else. There seemed to be a heavy aura about him. She got the impression he had great power and was used to not being challenged. Too bad. She wasn’t leaving without answers. “Only a friend would come this far, believe me. Now, if you would just produce her, she will tell you that we work together.”

  “Ah, you mentioned that before. Interesting. Tell me, what is your specialty?”

  “Perhaps we can have this conversation when my friend’s safety and whereabouts are not in question.”

  “Fair enough. Come in.”

  Tessa hesitated. This was the same house that Rene had stayed in and seemed in a hurry to leave. Tessa thought about the note she had left in her office detailing her trip, should she not return. Like Rene, she had no family either, and no one would come looking for her should something happen. “For a moment,” she said at last, picking up her small suitcase. She hadn’t packed much, more intent on finding out what was going on with Rene and returning as quickly as possible.

  As she entered the house, the light smell of incense enveloped her. She brushed lightly against Tall, Dark and Annoying and felt a zing reverberate through the shoulder that touched him. Surprised, she paused, but then the décor of the house arrested her attention. Statues of Egyptian origin were scattered elegantly about. Rich tapestries hung against walls that were adorned with sconces that Tessa would bet were made of pure gold. Beneath her feet, the most beautiful of rugs cushioned her feet. “This house is beautiful.”

  “I used to think it the most beautiful thing I laid my eyes upon. But right now I am rethinking that notion.” His deep voice wrapped around her, his meaning not lost upon her as he flirted with her. “Come this way.” His hand performed an elegant fl
ourish as he invited her further into the house. “And don’t worry about your safety, Dr. Michaels, you’ve already entered the devil’s lair. You’re mine.”

  Tessa stopped as alarm slammed through her. A deep chuckle wafted back to her, and she realized he was intentionally baiting her. Despite her slight irritation, a small grin surfaced. So the man had a sense of humor. Duly noted. She now owed him one.

  “Just who the devil is remains to be seen,” she murmured.


  His reply shocked her, as she had said the words so low, she barely heard them coming out of her own mouth. He led her into an occupied room. A woman too beautiful for words sat on an elaborately fashioned sofa, and next to her sat her male counterpart. “Anaise, Jonathan, this is Dr. Tessa Michaels. She is here inquiring about Rene. She seems to think something foul is afoot.”

  Tessa’s jaw dropped at his declaration. She set her suitcase down with an audible thump and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Maybe if someone were more forthcoming I wouldn’t have to think that.”

  A delicate laugh cut the air as the woman stood. “Please don’t mind Torian, he’s not used to dealing with civilized people. Don’t let his manner fool you. He spends much of his time at the hospice.” Finally, a name, Torian. Unusual indeed, Tessa mused to herself. The woman’s exotic accent seemed mesmerize her. “Please, have a seat. Is there anything I can get you, a cool drink, perhaps?”

  Tessa felt suddenly thirsty and she licked her lips. She was tired and a cool drink sounded heavenly. Tessa nodded as she walked towards an overstuffed chair that matched the sofa. She was well aware of Torian’s eyes on her the whole time. “Water would be fine,” she said around a suddenly dry throat.

  “Torian, would you like something?”

  “Most definitely,” he said, low his eyes never flicking away from Tessa.

  “Torian, please behave,” Anaise admonished lightly as she left the room.

  “So, you seem to think we have done something to Rene?” Jonathan asked, running his fingers through his thick brown hair. His voice boasted the same hypnotic accent as Torian and Anaise.

  “I didn’t say that. Your friend here has a flair for the dramatic.”

  “I’m offended.” Torian looked deadly serious, but there was a devilish twinkle to his eye.

  “I don’t care,” Tessa retorted, torn between liking him and wanting to smack him.

  Jonathan smirked. “Well, Torian, it would seem you have a knack for wooing the better half of the species.”

  “There is and will be no wooing,” Tessa corrected just as Anaise walked into the room carrying a fancy glass filled with water so cool that moisture beaded along the side of it. She really wanted that water now to cool off the heat Torian seemed to generate in her. Anaise eyed her speculatively as she gave her the glass before perching on the couch next to Jonathan.

  “Rene is fine. You have my word.” Anaise smiled as she said it. For a second, Tessa felt as if everything was fine, but then she shook her head and took a sip of the water. Every time Anaise spoke it was as if her words came to life, making her believe them.

  “No offense, but I would really like to speak to Rene myself. See her, if at all possible.”

  Anaise looked a bit surprised, but said softly, “No offense taken.” She looked at Jonathan. Tessa was willing to bet they were the kind of couple that didn’t need to speak to communicate. They just knew what the other was thinking. “You’ve had a long trip. Perhaps you’d like to stay the night here, before you continue on.”

  “Rene?” Tessa reminded her firmly. She was really beginning to wonder what she had gotten herself into.

  “I will have her call you,” Anaise assured, “while you settle in.”

  “No need for that. I plan on catching the last flight back to the States if she’s fine.”

  Anaise stood then. “I’ll get right on it then.” She left the room, but not before pausing to look at the two men. Tessa felt like the monkey in the middle. What was she missing?

  “Well, it seems we have a little time then. Perhaps you’ll be inclined to answer my question now.” Torian walked quietly towards a window, where dark but sheer panels rippled in the light breeze. He seemed to blend right in with the darkness of the cloth.

  “How about this,” Tessa began, watching for his reaction. “For every question you ask me, I get to ask you two.” Torian turned to look at her, his eyes revealing something she couldn’t name. He stared for a moment before nodding slowly in acquiescence. “All right. I’m a general practitioner. I also work in a hospice.” Both of his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

  “My turn.” Tessa grinned. “What is your connection to Rene and what do you do for a living?”

  He paused before answering. “I’m an old friend of hers, recently reunited. As for what I do for a living,” he paused again, seeming to search for the right words. “I help lost souls find their way.”

  “So you’re some kind of counselor.” He lifted a long, tapered finger and slowly tsked her. Tessa rolled her eyes, remembering the rules of play.

  “Well, it would seem I’m not needed here.” Jonathan rose. “I’ll check on Anaise’s progress with Rene.”

  Tessa barely registered his exit as she kept her eyes trained on Torian. He walked slowly away from the window, his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes never leaving her. Tessa followed his progress around the room. She sipped nervously at her water while she waited. Eventually, she lost track of him as he walked behind the chair she was sitting on. She waited for him to come around the other side, but he didn’t.

  She could feel him directly behind her. In her peripheral vision, she could see masculine hands lightly gripping the furniture on either side of her shoulders. She took a deep breath as she felt his cool breath brush lightly against her neck. It made her shiver with awareness.

  “Do you currently have a lover, Tessa, that brings this magnificent body to multiple orgasms?”

  Tessa choked on her water as she set the glass down quickly on a nearby side table. She twisted around without thinking. It only brought her lips close to his. For a second, she wanted to lean forward those few extra centimeters, but caught herself. This man was like a drug. She turned back around and got up, smoothing the miniskirt as she collected herself. She had to give it to the man, he knew how to rattle her cage. He stood to his full height as he waited for her answer. Tessa would not back down; she ate men like this for lunch. Well, not exactly like him, but enough that his raunchy question shouldn’t have fazed her.

  “Such a man does not exist for any woman. Contrary to men’s belief, it is the woman who allows the man to bring her to orgasm. No man has the skills to bring me such pleasure without me telling him exactly what to do.” She smoothed out a few more imaginary wrinkles before she gathered the nerve to look at him. She was surprised at the look of pity of his face.

  “I had no idea American women were so unsatisfied. Perhaps what you need is a man who knows what he is doing in bed. A man who needs no instruction other than the moans of need he elicits in a woman. A truly talented lover can sense the specific desire of every individual woman.”

  He began to walk around the chair towards her. His slow gait was more reminiscent of a stalking predator than a man. His voice alone wove a spell around her.

  “He would know the honor that is truly his to please a woman, especially a woman like yourself.” He was so close to her now, she could smell the very masculine scent of him. “He would treasure every moment he was with her, every touch.” He took one finger and ran it down the column of her throat. Tessa swallowed as she wondered why she didn’t stop this bold man.

  “She would want to surrender her lips willingly to this lover. She would demand that he never stop touching her.” She could see his head lowering and she swallowed again. His lips, firm and sensuous, were but inches away from hers as her mind raced. How would he taste? Exotic? Spicy? “But never, never,” he whispered, “would he need h
er instruction to seduce and satisfy her.” He lifted his head then, drawing back with a knowing grin.

  Tessa was furious that she had fallen so easily for his machinations. She looked a fool. What the hell was wrong with her?

  Just as a scathing comeback came to mind, Anaise burst into the room, waving a cell phone. “I have Rene,” she practically squealed. For a moment, Tessa had forgotten exactly why she was here and what she was waiting for. She tore her eyes away from the gloating man and turned to face Anaise with a plastic smile.

  “Whatever is the matter?” Anaise asked in alarm. “Torian, what have you done?”

  Tessa reached out for the phone, ignoring her questions. Rene’s very familiar voice bubbled out of the phone. Tessa listened patiently as Rene apologized for worrying her, but assured her everything was fine. She even promised she would return soon, but insisted that Tessa return home as there was nothing to worry about. Tessa asked a few questions just to make sure everything was fine.

  Moments later, feeling satisfied, Tessa clicked the cell phone shut and handed it to Anaise. “Well, she is fine. It seems I’ve made this trip for nothing.” She retrieved her suitcase from across the room. “I’ll be leaving now.”

  “Please stay, you shouldn’t make such a trip. Rest first,” Anaise suggested.

  “No, it’s fine. Cairo is beautiful and I’ll enjoy the warm air back to the airport. I’m sure it’ll invigorate me.” Tessa wanted to get as far from Torian as she could.

  “It’s going to storm,” Torian warned.

  “No, there’s nothing but clear skies. Not to mention I got the forecast before I came. There’s not a storm in sight. Thank you again for your hospitality, but I really have to—” She paused as she looked out the window to see that the sky that was once blue and cloudless, was now populated with storm clouds. A grumble in the distance warned of its impending fury. “But that’s impossible.” Tessa stared at the skies in disbelief. Not more than a minute ago, it was sunny…


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