The Second World War

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The Second World War Page 76

by John Keegan

  Czechoslovakia 31-2, 409, 427-8, 495-6

  Daladier, Edouard 31-2

  Dalton, Hugh 405

  Darlan, Admiral Jean Francois 281

  de Gaulle, General Charles 51, 55, 63, 65, 67, 70, 269-72, 332, 344-5, 411

  Degrelle, Léon 437-8, 442

  Denmark 37-8, 234

  Dentz, General Henri 270-1

  Devers, General Jacob 422

  Dietl, General Eduard 38, 402

  Dietrich, General Sepp 127, 341, 367

  Dill, General Sir John 122

  Dollmann, General Friedrich 326

  Dönitz, Admiral Karl 84-7, 90-3, 175, 441, 443, 447

  Donovan, Colonel William 123

  Doolittle, Colonel James 223-4, 358-9

  Doorman, Admiral Karel 214-16

  Dornberger, Walter 484-5

  Douhet, Giulio 74, 348, 483

  Doumenc, General Aimé 54, 60

  Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh 80

  Dragoon, Operation 297, 300-1, 315-16

  Dresden 360, 493

  Dulles, Alan 482

  Dunkirk 66-7

  Dynamo, Operation 66

  Eagle, Operation 78

  Eaker, General Ira C. 298-9, 355

  East Indies 214-15, 250-51

  Eberbach, General Hans 340

  Ebert, Friedrich 19

  economies, national 82-3, 173-8

  see also production

  Eden, Anthony 66, 259, 267

  Edwards, Paul 178

  Egypt 104-5, 115, 119

  Eichelberger, General Robert 244

  Eichen, Lieutenant Sidney 325

  Einstein, Albert 487

  Eisenhower, General Dwight D. 262-4, 281-2, 291, 313-15, 338, 344, 364, 369, 438-9

  Ellis, Major Earl 473

  Engels, Friedrich 3, 6

  Enigma cipher machine 88, 132-3, 419, 420

  Erickson, Professor John 148, 156, 165, 170, 379, 385, 389-91, 404, 433-4, 442-3, 446

  espionage 417-18

  Ethiopia 120, 266-70, 344

  Evans-Pritchard, Edward 268

  Falaise Gap, Battle of 331-45

  Falkenhorst, General Nikolaus von 37

  Final Solution’ 238-9

  Finland 35-6, 108, 169, 401-2, 425-6

  Fischer, Fritz 1

  Fletcher, Admiral Frank John 225

  Flower, Desmond 80

  Flowers, Thomas 420

  food 6-7, 82-3

  Foote, Alexander 148

  Formosa 474

  Fortitude, Operation 311


  army 51, 53-4

  Blitzkrieg 45-72

  casualties 493

  invasion 61-72

  occupation 233-4, 310

  resistance 406

  surrender 70-2

  Franco, General Francisco 105

  Frank, General 492

  Frederick II, King of Prussia (the Great) 125, 213, 453

  Free French forces 269-71, 276, 411

  Freikorps 18-22

  Fretter-Pico, General Maximilian 430

  Freud, Sigmund 11

  Freyberg, Major-General Bernard 131, 133, 136, 138-9, 298, 421-2

  Frick, Wilhelm 491

  Friedeburg, General Hans von 447

  Friesner, General Johannes 303

  Frisches Haff 494

  Fritsch, General Werner von 31

  ‘Fritz’ plan 108-9

  Fromm, General Friedrich 365

  Fuchs, Klaus 487

  Fuller, Major-General J.F.C. 332

  Galland, Lieutenant General Adolf 78, 81

  Gamelin, General Maurice 52-5, 59, 62, 64, 332

  Gavin, General James 325

  Gehlen, Colonel Reinhard 399, 401

  Genda, Minoru 207, 210

  George VI, King of Great Britain 72

  Georges, General Alphonse Joseph 54-5, 59, 60, 63, 65

  Gericke, Captain Walter 135, 139


  aircraft 50-1, 76-7, 129

  arms 172-3

  army 54, 141-2

  casualties 494-5

  economy and production 82-3, 173, 178, 233-7

  marshalate 101-3

  post-war 493-5

  rockets 484-7

  tanks 51, 176, 333-4, 335, 340-1

  U-boats 83-95

  Gilbert Islands 212, 248

  Giraud, General Henri 58, 281

  Goebbels, Josef 192, 329, 357, 365, 384, 385, 445, 453

  Goering, Hermann 25, 67, 75, 77-9, 80, 101, 111, 130, 383, 441, 443, 491

  Golikov, Marshal F.I. 387

  Goodwood, Operation 327, 337

  Gordov, V.N. 186

  Gort, Field Marshal John 54-5, 66-7

  Graf Spee 37, 84

  Graham, D. 305

  Gransard, General P.P.J. 61

  Graziani, Marshal Rodolfo 119, 272-3, 293

  Greece 106, 115-18, 120-2, 126-8, 428-9, 490, 492

  Guadalcanal 241-3

  Guam 211

  Guariglia, Raffaele 291

  Guderian, General Heinz 45, 48, 51, 63-5, 110, 150-1, 158-68, 176, 331, 335, 383-9, 424, 440

  Guzzoni, Alfredo 289-90

  Hacha, Emil 32

  Haganah 490

  Hague Convention 152

  Haile Selassie, Emperor 267-9

  Halder, General Franz 46-9, 64, 65, 70, 108-10, 124, 151, 157-60, 165, 180, 184-5

  Halifax, Lord 53

  Halsey, Admiral William 224, 244, 246-7, 466, 469-70

  Hamburg 355-6, 361

  Harding, General John 299

  Harpe, General Josef 432

  Harris, Air Chief Marshal Arthur 346-8, 352-3, 355-7, 358, 361

  Hart, Admiral Thomas 218-19

  Hassell, Ulrich von 57

  Hausser, General Paul 341

  Hess, Rudolf 21, 25, 141, 148

  Heusinger, Colonel Adolf 159

  Heydrich, Reinhardt 239, 409, 428

  Heydte, Baron von der 135

  Higgings Company of New Orleans 473

  Himmler, Heinrich 30, 235-9, 365, 404, 424, 441, 443, 492

  Hindenburg, General Paul von 27, 434

  Hinsley, Professor Harold 419

  Hirohito, Emperor 204, 488

  Hiroshima 482, 487

  Hitler, Adolf

  and Allied invasion 307-16, 325-6, 335-6, 340-3, 362-3

  and Allied invasion of Italy 288-92

  Anschluss 31

  and appeasement 31-2

  Ardennes campaign 365-8, 377

  army command 54, 259, 379, 458

  and Barbarossa 142, 152, 157-9, 166, 168-9, 176

  and Battle of Britain 75-9, 80-1

  bomb plot against 329-30

  and Bulgaria 120

  and ‘Case Red’ 65

  and ‘Case Yellow’ 46-8, 55

  and concentration camps 237

  and Crete 129, 139

  and Czechoslovakia 31-2

  death 444

  and Dietl 38-9

  and Freikorps 21-2

  French defeat 71

  and the generals 28-34

  and Graf Spee 37

  and Greece 105-6, 115-18, 121

  and Hungary 427, 430

  ideology 21-2, 82, 112-113, 407-8, 453-4

  and intelligence 417

  and Kursk 387-91, 393-9, 401-4

  and Manstein Plan 48-9, 59, 64

  and Mussolini 288, 408

  Nazi revolution 26-8

  and North Africa 105, 120, 274, 278, 281-4, 383

  and Plan ‘Blue’ 180-5

  and Poland 32-5

  Putsch 23-6

  and rockets 485-6

  and Scandinavia 36-9

  Soviet offensive on Berlin 431-3, 436-7, 440-41

  and Stalingrad 189-92, 383-5

  and strategic bombing 350

  and tanks 335, 340-2

  and U-boats 85

  and USA 197, 453-4

  and USSR 103-4, 107-13

  and Volksgrenadiers 424

  and war supplies 172-3 />
  and Yugoslavia 122-7

  Ho Chi Minh 491

  Hodges, General 370

  Hoepner, General Erich 51, 162-4, 165, 168

  Homma, General Masaharu 219

  Hong Kong 211-12

  Hopkins, Harry 261, 457

  Horthy, Admiral 124, 302, 426-27

  Hoth, General Hermann 51, 151, 158, 164, 165, 182-3, 392

  Hudson, Captain D.T. 413

  Hull, Cordell 202, 205

  Hungary 104, 302-3, 426-7, 430-1, 492

  Huntziger, General Charles 60, 71

  Husky, Operation 288-91

  Iceland 87

  Ichi-Go offensive 463, 466, 471

  Iida, General Shojira 216-17, 464

  Imamura, General Hitoshi 245

  imperialism 17-18, 407-9

  Indo-China 204, 490, 497

  see also countries by name

  Indonesia 215-16, 490

  industrialisation 7-8


  Germany 172-3, 358-9

  occupied countries 233-5

  UK 175-8

  USA 177-8

  USSR 108-9, 170-1


  and Crete landings 132-3

  Czechoslovakia 409

  espionage 417-18

  of Japanese strategy 202-4, 209

  ‘Lucy’ network 148, 391, 417-18

  Overlord 311, 317

  Poland 410

  U-boats 88-9

  and USSR 148-9

  Iran 275

  Iraq 271

  ‘Iron Curtain’ 495-6

  Ironside, Field Marshal Sir Edmund 59

  Irving, David 113

  Ismay, General Sir Hastings Lionel 380


  Allied campaign in 291-306

  casualties 493

  invasion of Africa 265-6

  invasion of Greece 116

  Mussolini’s rise 286

  Winter Position 294-7

  World War I 285

  Iwo Jima 474, 475

  Jacob, Ian 456


  A-bombing 487-8

  and China 199-202, 232, 461-4, 471, 491-2

  defeat 461-71, 487-8

  Doolittle raid 223

  economy 82, 173-5

  Leyte Gulf 466-71

  Okinawa 472-8

  preparations for war 202-5

  production 467

  strategic bombing of 480-2

  strategy 197-205

  Java 215-16, 490

  Jeschonnek, General Hans 50, 348

  Jews 238-9, 490

  Jodl, General Alfried 104, 108-10, 130, 159, 167, 184, 192, 308, 366-7, 383, 387, 441, 447, 492

  Juin, General Alphonse 299

  Junge, Traudl 444

  Kallay, Miklos 302

  Kaltenbrunner, Ernst 492

  kamikaze tactics 472, 475-8

  Kantaria, Meliton 444

  Keitel, General Wilhelm 46, 71, 101, 130, 366, 383, 441, 492

  Kenney, General George 245

  Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert 48, 50, 75, 101, 282, 292-7, 300, 304, 439

  Khrushchev, Nikita S. 156, 177

  Kielsmansegg, Captain Graf von 63

  Kiev 156, 160-1

  Kimmel, Admiral H.E. 214

  King, Admiral Ernest 240, 247, 258-60, 261, 315, 466, 474

  King, General Edward 219

  Kinzel, Manfred 94

  Kipling, Rudyard 11, 16

  Kirponos, General Mikhail 146, 148-9, 156-7, 160

  Kleist, Field Marshal Ewald von 45, 111, 157, 160, 181, 184, 191, 331, 387, 395, 398-400

  Kluge, General Günther von 101, 153, 158, 168, 326, 329, 340-1, 395

  Knowles, Commander Kenneth 88

  Koenig, Pierre 270, 276

  Koga, Admiral Mineichi 246

  Kohima 465

  Koiso, Kuniaki 474, 482, 492

  Konev, Marshal Ivan 146, 168, 380, 392-3, 398-403, 431-5, 438, 440-2, 446

  Konoye, Prince Fumimaro 197-8, 201, 203, 230, 492

  Korea 497

  Korten, Günther 348

  Koryzis, Alexander 127

  Krebs, General Hans 440-1, 445-6

  Kretschmer, Otto 94

  Krueger, General Walter 468, 471

  Krupp, Alfred 8

  Küchler, General Georg von 398

  Kulik, G.I. 144-6

  Kuomintang 462

  see also Chiang Kai-shek

  Kurita, Vice-Admiral Takeo 469-70

  Kursk 288, 381-2, 386-93

  landing craft 315, 321-2, 473-4

  Lattre de Tassigny, General Jean de 69

  Laval, Pierre 121, 281, 344

  Leahy, Admiral William 480

  Lebrun, Albert 55, 70

  Leclerc, General Philippe 270, 344, 491

  Leeb, Field Marshal Ritter von 49, 101-3, 150, 155-9, 161-2

  Leese, General Oliver 259, 299

  Lelyoshenko, General D.D. 168

  LeMay, General Curtis 481

  Lend-Lease 88, 93, 176-7, 258, 455

  Leningrad 161-2, 493

  Leopold, King of Belgium 57

  Lettow-Vorbeck, General von 265

  Leyte Gulf, Battle of 466-71

  Libya 119, 266, 272-4

  Liddell Hart, Basil 332, 352

  Lindemann, Professor Frederick (Lord Cherwell) 352

  List, Field Marshall Wilhelm 101, 184

  Löhr, General Alexander 131, 304

  London, bombing of 79, 351, 486, 493

  Lorrain, Claude 306

  Lossberg, Colonel Bernhard von 102, 104, 108

  Lossow, General Otto von 24-5, 30

  Lovett, Robert A. 359

  Lucas, General John P. 297

  Luck, Hans von 327

  ‘Lucy’ network 148, 391, 417-18

  Ludendorff, General Erich 24-5

  Luftwaffe 50, 75-81, 348

  Lüttich, Operation 340-1

  Lutyens, Edwin 16

  MacArthur, General Douglas 218-19, 240-1, 244-5, 247, 250, 262, 466, 474, 480-1, 488

  McClusky, Lieutenant-Commander Wade 228

  Machiavelli, Niccolò 457

  McNeill, Professor William 4, 9, 12

  Madagascar 269

  Maercker, General Ludwig von 19-20

  ‘Magic’ 202-5, 224, 246, 419, 422, 482

  Maginot Line 47, 50-8, 69

  Malaya 212-13, 231

  Malenkov, Georgy 154, 379

  Malinovsky, Marshal R.Y. 386, 430, 438, 488

  Malta 130

  Manchuria 200, 230-1, 461-3, 487, 491

  Mannerheim, Marshal Carl Gustav 36, 162, 169, 401, 426

  Mannheim 350

  Mansbridge, Major-General E.C. 490

  Manstein, Field Marshal Erich von 47-9, 60, 110, 150, 161, 180-3, 384-88, 398-400

  Manteuffel, General Hasso von 368, 442

  Mao Zedong 203, 462-3, 491

  Marianas Islands 250, 467

  Marita, Operation 118, 122

  Market Garden, Operation 363

  Marshall, General George C. 240, 258-64, 290, 312, 457, 487, 491

  Marshall Islands 249

  Marx, Karl 5

  Matsui, General Iwane 463

  Matsuoka, Yosuke 201

  Maxim, Hiram 7

  Mekhlis, L.Z. 144, 380

  Mende, Karl Heinz 72

  Merrill’s Marauders 462, 471

  Metaxas, General John 116, 120

  Michael, King of Romania 303, 425

  Middleton, Drew 58

  Midway 223-9, 423

  Mihailović, Draza 126, 413-15

  Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw 404

  Mikoyan, A.I. 170

  Milch, Field Marshal Erhard 50, 75, 101

  militarisation 3-22

  Milward, Professor Alan 82

  Minsk 151, 153

  Mirković, General Bora 122-3

  Mitchell, General William 74

  Mitscher, Admiral Marc 249-50, 476

  Model, Field Marshal Walther 160, 342, 367, 388-93, 400, 402-4, 439

ohnke, SS Brigadeführer Wilhelm 444

  Molotov, V.M. 33, 105, 106-7, 154, 165

  Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 33, 35, 102-3, 107, 117, 148-9, 410-11

  Monte Cassino 295, 296, 298-9

  Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 59, 140, 259, 262, 277-97, 312-14, 324-32, 336-9, 344, 362-4, 370-1

  Morell, Dr Theodor 441

  Morgan, General Sir Frederick 313

  Morgenthau, Henry 453

  Moscow 108-9, 157-61, 166-8

  Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis 464

  Mufti of Jerusalem, the 267, 271

  Mussolini, Benito 20, 31, 33, 69-70, 105-6, 115-20, 265, 272, 284-91, 408

  Mutaguchi, General Renya 463-6

  Nagasaki 482, 487

  Nagumo, Admiral Chuichi 208-11, 226-9

  Nazi Party 22, 26-8

  Nehring, General Walther 282

  Netherlands 49, 56-7

  East Indies 215-16

  Neuhoff, CSM 135

  New Guinea 224-5, 243-4, 224-5, 471

  Newbold, Douglas 266

  Niedermair, John 473

  Nimitz, Admiral Chester 227, 240-3, 244, 247-50, 463, 466, 474, 477

  Nishimura, Vice-Admiral Shoji 469

  Nobel, Alfred 8

  Noël, Léon 71

  Nomura, Admiral Kichisaburo 203, 205

  Norman, Max 420

  Normandy 311, 313-14

  see also Overlord

  Norway 36-9, 311

  Nuremberg 492

  occupation 230-239

  Asia 230-2

  Eastern Europe 235-9, 410

  Western Europe 232-5

  O’Connor, General Richard 119, 273, 279

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS), USA 416

  Okinawa 474, 475-8, 479

  Oldendorff, Admiral Jesse 469-70

  Osterkamp, General Theodor 78

  Overlord, Operation 264, 307-30

  bocage campaign 325-9

  deception plans 310-16

  forces 316-19

  German confusion 319-22

  Panzer response 318, 322-5

  Overstraeten, General Robert van 57

  Overy, Dr Richard 73-4

  Ozawa, Admiral Jisaburo 250, 469-70


  East Indies 214-18

  Japanese occupation 230-2

  Japanese strategy 206-8

  Malaya 211-14

  Midway 221-9

  Pearl Harbor 208-11

  Philippines 218-20

  US counter-attack 240-51

  Pahlavi, Reza Shah 275

  Palestine 490

  Papagas, General Alexandros 120, 125, 126-7

  paratroops 129-30, 139-40

  Crete 133-40

  Overlord 320

  Paris, liberation 342-5

  Park, Air Vice-Marshal Keith 80

  Pas de Calais 311, 313

  Patch, General Alexander 301, 370, 438

  Patton, General George 280-3, 289, 301, 311, 338-9, 362-5, 369-70, 438-9

  Paul, Prince of Yugoslavia 122

  Paulus, General Friedrich von 108, 181-2, 186, 187, 189-92

  Pearl Harbor 206, 208-11

  Peenemünde 486

  Percival, General Arthur 212-14


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