The Second World War

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The Second World War Page 77

by John Keegan

  Pétain, Marshal Philippe 64, 69-72, 105, 121, 272, 281, 344, 408

  Peter, King of Yugoslavia 122

  Philby, Kim 418

  Philippines 218-20, 231-2

  Phillips, Admiral Sir Tom 211

  Pienaar, Dan 266

  Platt, General Sir William 269

  Poland 459-60, 495

  casualties 492

  invasion of 33-5

  resistance 405-6, 410

  and USSR 403-4, 410, 495-6

  Popov, General M.M. 384, 386, 392

  Popov, V.S. 151

  population growth 4-6

  Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles 263

  Potsdam Conference 482, 495-6

  Pownall, Admiral Charles 248

  Prien, Günther 94

  Pripet Marshes 150

  production, war 8, 170-8, 233-6

  Puttkamer, Admiral Karl-Jesko von 441

  Quadrant Conference, Quebec 263-4

  Quisling, Vidkun 37, 78, 408

  Rabaul 244-6

  radar 76, 352-3, 484

  Raeder, Admiral Erich 37, 102, 111

  Ramsay, Admiral Bertram 67

  Rashid Ali 267, 271

  Red Army 142-8, 179, 377-81, 395-7

  purges 109, 129-30, 142-4

  Red Orchestra 417-18

  Reichenau, Field Marshal Walther von 101, 168

  Reinhardt, General Hans 51, 432

  Reitsch, Hanna 441

  resistance 405-17

  Reynaud, Paul 64, 69, 70

  Rhine, crossings 363-4, 438-40

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von 33, 105, 107, 197, 441, 492

  Richthofen, General Wolfram von 184, 189, 191

  Ritchie, General Sir Neil 259

  Ritter von Greim, Field Marshal Robert 441, 443

  rockets 484-8

  Rodimtsev, A.I. 187

  Röhm, Captain Ernst 21-2, 24-5, 29

  Rokossovsky, Marshal K.K. 146, 156, 165, 168, 189-91, 380, 390-3, 403, 434, 440, 446

  Romanenko, General P.L. 144-5

  Romania 103-4, 117, 120, 302-3, 425, 492

  Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin 61-5, 68-72, 120, 274-93, 310-12, 320-3, 330, 333, 383, 419, 422

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. 457-8

  and Churchill 257-8, 455-6, 459

  death 453

  and intelligence 417

  and Japan 204-5, 208-9, 455

  Lend-Lease 258, 455

  neutrality 69, 206, 455

  and Overlord 313

  and Pacific war 247

  and Stalin 459-60, 495

  and strategy 259, 261-3, 453-60

  and U-boats 206, 455-6

  Rosa, Salvator 305

  Rosenberg, Alfred 492

  Rowehl, Theodor 147

  Royal Air Force (RAF)

  Bomber Command 346-61

  Fighter Command 75-81

  Rubarth, Hans 61

  Ruby, General Edouard 55, 61

  Rundstedt, Field Marshal Gerd von 47-50, 66, 68, 101, 142, 150, 155-60, 167-8, 308-12, 320, 326, 367, 439

  Ryti, Risto 426

  Saint-Lô 328-30, 338

  Salisbury, Marquess of 361

  Salomon, Ernst von 19

  Sangro, battle 295-6

  Sassoon, Siegfried 53

  Sauckel, Fritz 235, 492

  Schaub, Julius 441

  Schelde estuary 362-3

  Schepke, Joachim 94

  Schlieben General Karl Wilhelm von 325

  Schlieffen, Field Marshal von 49, 59, 108

  Schmundt, Rudolf 48, 102, 104, 159, 185

  Schörner, Field Marshal Ferdinand 400, 424, 431, 443

  Schulze-Boysen network 417

  Schuschnigg, Kurt von 31

  Sealion, Operation 75, 80, 102, 104

  Seeger, Alan 16

  Senger und Etterlin, Frido von 289, 298

  Serbs 122-3, 126

  Serrigny, Bernard 69

  Seyss-Inquart, Arthur 31, 492

  Sherrod, Robert 248, 475

  Shima, Vice-Admiral Kigohide 469

  Shirer, William 101

  Sho-1 plan 468-9

  Shtemenko, General S.M. 400

  Sicily, Allied invasion 287-91

  ‘Sickle Stroke’ 49-50, 65

  signals intelligence 87-9, 132-3, 202-4, 418-23

  Simović, General Dušan 122

  Singapore 213-14

  Skorzeny, Colonel Otto 292, 302, 371, 427

  Sledgehammer, Operation 261

  Slessor, Air Marshal Sir John 349

  Slim, General William 217-18, 465-6, 471

  Smuts, Jan 266-7, 277

  Sokolovsky, Marshal V.D. 146, 395, 445

  Somaliland 120, 265-6

  Sorge, Richard 147, 167-8, 417-18

  Spaatz, General Carl 346, 358-9, 482

  Spain 73, 105

  Spears, General Edward 70

  Special Operations Executive (SOE), UK 405-6, 409, 413-14, 428

  Speer, Dr Albert 101, 172, 334-5, 348, 358, 366, 441, 443, 485

  Speidel, Lieutenant-General Hans 323

  Sperrle, General Hugo 75, 101, 316

  spies 417-18

  Sprague, Admiral Clifton 470

  Spruance, Admiral Raymond 225, 473-4

  Stackelberg, Karl von 63, 68

  Stalin, J.V.

  and A-bombs 487

  and Churchill 147-8, 185-6, 258, 262, 304, 429

  counter-attack 387-8, 399-404

  demand for Second Front 258, 262, 307

  and Finland 35-6

  and German invasion 148-9, 154, 160, 164-5, 179-80, 185-7

  and Hungary 430

  and intelligence 417-18

  and Japan 480

  pact with Germany 33

  and Poland 404, 410, 495-6

  post-war foreign policy 495-6

  purge of generals 109, 129-30, 142-4

  Red Army command 146-7, 380-1, 458

  and Roosevelt 459-60

  and siege of Berlin 440-2, 445

  strategy 377-82

  and Tito 415, 429

  war aims 454, 460

  Stalingrad 185-92, 384-5

  Stauffenberg, Colonel Claus von 150, 329, 403, 418

  Steinbeck, John 178, 412

  Stewart, I.M.D. 136

  Stilwell, General Joe 216-17, 459, 463-6, 471

  Stokes, Richard 361

  strategic bombing 75, 346-61, 480-2

  Streicher, Julius 492

  Stresemann, Gustav 25

  Stroop, General Jürgen 410

  Student, General Kurt 130-1, 134-6, 138, 140

  Stülpnagel, General Heinrich Graf von 329-30

  Stumme, General Georg 278

  submarines, 83-95

  Sukarno, Dr 231

  Sultan, General Daniel 471

  Suner, Serrano 105

  super-weapons 482-8

  supplies, war, Battle of the Atlantic 82-95

  Surigao Strait 469

  Suzuki, Admiral Kantaro 481, 482

  Svoboda, General Ludwik 428

  Syria 270-2

  Takagi, Admiral Takeo 215

  tanks 331-2, 483

  Blitzkrieg 45-72

  German 50-1, 176, 333-4, 335, 340-1

  Soviet 109, 146, 334

  UK 175, 334

  US 266-7, 334

  Tarawa 247-9

  Taylor, A.J.P. 1

  Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur 346

  Tehran Conference 313, 401

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 16

  Ten-Go plan 474-5

  Ten-Ichigo plan 474-5

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 14

  Terauchi, General Count 464

  Thailand 216, 232, 464

  Thesiger, Wilfred 268

  Thoma, Ritter von 115, 160

  Thomas, Lieutenant W.B. 134

  Thümmel, Paul 417

  Timoshenko, Marshal S.K. 144, 146, 149, 154-9, 167, 168, 183, 186, 381, 400

  Tiso, Joseph 427

  Tito, Marshal 301-2, 303, 413-15, 429

  Tobruk 119
, 275-6

  Todt, Dr Fritz 104, 171-2, 335

  Togo, Admiral 207, 210

  Tojo, General Hideki 200-1, 203-5, 230, 474

  Tolbukhin, Marshal F.I. 303, 394, 396, 399, 429-30, 435, 438

  Torch, Operation 261, 263, 280-1

  Totalise, Operation 338

  transport 7, 146

  Trenchard, Sir Hugh 348-9

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh 453

  trials, war crimes 491-2

  Trident Conference, Washington 263-4

  Tripartite Pact 104, 107, 115, 120

  Trotsky, Leon 143-4, 186

  Trott, Adam von 357

  Truman, Harry S, 480, 482, 487, 491

  Truscott, General Lucius 297-300

  Tsolakoglu, General George 127

  Tukhachevsky, Marshal 143-4

  Tunisia 281-4

  Turing, Alan 420

  Turkey 117-18

  U-boats 83-95

  ciphers 87, 420

  U-Go offensive 464-6

  Ultra intelligence 89, 132-3, 147, 418-23

  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

  advance on Berlin 431-8, 440-7

  and the Balkans 428-31

  Barbarossa (q.v.) 141-69

  and Bulgaria 107

  casualties 492

  counter-offensive 186-7, 381-2, 384-94

  German retreat 398-401

  industry 108-9, 170-1

  intelligence 148-9

  Lend-Lease 93, 177, 258

  and Poland 403-4

  Red Army 142-8, 179, 378-81, 395-7

  supplies 92-3, 170-1, 176-7

  tanks 109, 146, 334

  war production 170-1

  United Kingdom (UK)

  aircraft 76, 175-6, 352-3

  Battle of Britain 73-81

  Burma 463-6

  casualties 493

  Crete 131-40

  economy and production 175-6

  German bombing of 350, 353-4

  Greece 117-20, 127-8, 428-9

  Lend-Lease 88, 177

  Malaya 212-15

  North Africa 266-70, 272-83

  SOE 405-6, 409, 413-16, 428

  strategic bombing 346-50

  tanks 175, 334

  United States of America (USA)

  aircraft carriers 222

  casualties 493

  economy and production 178

  Marine Corps 241-3, 248-51, 467, 472-5, 493

  Navy 247-8, 479

  neutrality 88, 454-5

  OSS 416

  tanks 266-7, 334

  Upham, Charles 131

  uranium 486-7

  Uranus, Operation 190-2

  Ushijima, General Mitsuru 476, 478

  V-1 bombs 486, 487

  V-2 rockets 485-6

  Vasilevsky, A.M. 183, 187, 380-1, 392, 401

  Vassilchikov, ‘Missie’ 357

  Vatutin, General N.F. 146, 165, 189, 384-6, 388-9, 398-9

  Vercors 406

  Versailles Treaty 28-9

  Vichy government 71-2, 105, 233, 281

  colonies 231, 265, 270, 281

  Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy 291

  Vietinghoff, General Heinrich von 294, 305

  Vietnam 497

  Vlasov, General A.A. 156, 168, 446

  Volksgrenadiers 365, 424

  Voronov, Marshal N.N. 191

  Voroshilov, Marshal K.E. 143-4, 154-5, 186, 380

  Wade, Field Marshal 6

  Wake 211

  Waller, Lieutenant-Colonel R.P. 128

  Wan Waithayakon, Prince 230-1

  Wang Ching-wei 230

  Warlimont, General Walter 110, 130, 330

  Watson-Watt, Robert 76

  Wavell, Field Marshal Sir Archibald 119, 138, 213, 214, 259-60, 266-7, 272-7

  Wedemeyer, General Albert C. 263, 471

  Weichs, General Maximilian von 183

  Weidling, General Karl 444, 446

  Weizsäcker, Richard von 494

  Welchman, Gordon 420

  Welles, Sumner 148

  Wenck, General Walther 442

  Westphal, General Siegfried 57

  Weygand, General Maxime 64, 68, 70, 270-1

  Weygand Line 68-70

  Wiese, General 343

  Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands 57

  Wilson, Field Marshal Sir Henry 127

  Wilson, Gunner Charles 321

  Wingate, Major-General Orde 268-9, 464

  Winn, Captain Rodger 88

  Witzleben, General Erwin von 101

  Wolff, General Karl 447

  World War I 1-2, 17-18, 285

  Yalta Conference 459-60, 495

  Yamamoto, Admiral Isoruku 197-8, 207, 210-11, 224, 229, 245-6

  Yamashita, General Tomoyuku 213-14, 468

  Ybarnegarey, Jean 70

  Yegorov, Mikhail 143, 444

  Yeremenko, Marshal A.I. 146, 160, 186, 190

  Young, Desmond 310

  Yugoslavia 115, 117, 118, 122-7, 301-2, 429, 492

  resistance 413-17

  Zangen, General Gustav von 364

  Zeitzler, General Kurt 184-5, 192, 387-90, 399, 424

  Zhukov, Marshal G.K. 144-9, 154, 162, 166, 168, 186-7, 189-90, 200, 380-2, 392, 398-401, 431-46, 446

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  Epub ISBN: 9781446496497

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  First published by Century Hutchinson 1989

  Pimlico edition 1997

  13 15 17 19 20 18 16 14

  © John Keegan 1989

  The right of John Keegan to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988

  Maps designed by John Sutherland and Glenn Swann

  ISBN 9780712673488

  Table of Contents


  About the Author

  Title Page



  1 Every man a soldier

  2 Fomenting world war

  Part I THE WAR IN THE WEST 1940-1943

  3 The Triumph of Blitzkrieg

  4 Air Battle: the Battle of Britain

  5 War supply and the Battle of the Atlantic

  Part II THE WAR IN THE EAST 1941-1943

  6 Hitler’s strategic dilemma

  7 Securing the eastern springboard

  8 Airborne battle: Crete

  9 Barbarossa

  10 War production

  11 Crimean summer, Stalingrad winter


  12 Tojo’s strategic dilemma

  13 From Pearl Harbor to Midway

  14 Carrier battle: Midway

  15 Occupation and repression

  16 The war for the islands

  Part IV THE WAR IN THE WEST 1940-1945

  17 Churchill’s strategic dilemma

  18 Three wars in Africa

  19 Italy and the Balkans

  20 Overlord

  21 Tank battle: Falaise

  22 Strategic bombing

  23 The Ardennes and the Rhine

  Part V THE WAR IN THE EAST 1943-1945

  24 Stalin’s strategic dilemma

  25 Kursk and the recapture of western Russia

  26 Resistance and espionage

  27 The Vistula and the Danube

  28 City battle: the siege of Berlin

  Part VI THE WAR IN THE PACIFIC 1943-1945

  29 Roosevelt’s strategic dilemma

  30 Japan’s defeat in the south

  31 Amphibious battle: Okinawa

  32 Super-weapons and the defeat of Japan


  33 The legacy of the Second World War




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