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Stand On It

Page 17

by Jan Stryvant

  "Thanks, Dad," Sean said and hugged him back.

  "Don't do anything like that again; you had all of us worried sick!"

  "All of you?" Sean asked and glanced off towards the other members.

  "I'm talking family, Son. One of these days you do have to come down and meet my wife and the rest of our kids."

  Sean nodded and then Roxy came over and gave her dad a big hug and he hugged her back.

  When Sean got to the table, he exchanged handshakes with everybody. Even Jeffery, who was often a pain in the ass to Sean, was happy to see him.

  "Okay," Bill said as they all got seated, "Sean asked for this meeting, so I'll let him start off."

  Nodding, Sean stood back up and looked down the table at all of them.

  "I'm going to try and keep this simple. Starting Monday, we're going to go around to each of the minor magical councils and tell them to turn over their lycans. The deal is the same as everyone else has gotten so far: If you want to hire lycans to work for you, fine, but we're not anybody's slaves, and if you kill one of us, I will kill you right back. If you can prove self-defense, that's one thing, but we're not animals, and they are not going to treat us that way anymore.

  "The second thing I need to say is that we need to figure out, all of us, a way to patrol our territory. To make sure that any lycans coming here are freed, and they know that they're no longer slaves, and are of course expected to be law abiding citizens. We also need to make sure that anyone who has lycans with them has them there because it's their choice."

  "Just what exactly is our territory?" Boris the head of the tiger families asked.


  "All of it?" he said, looking a little surprised.

  Sean nodded. "Once I'm finished with Reno and the surrounding area, I'm going to be making a trip to Vegas. I don't think there are any other magic users anywhere else in the state. If we find them, we'll deal with them. With Sapientia's backing, I think we will start seeing a thawing of attitudes towards us. Just don't expect to see it overnight."

  "Sapientia is backing us?" Jeffery who was the bear clan leader asked.

  "Yes," Sean nodded.

  "And just how are they doing that?"

  "They're changing their rules and customs. Keeping slaves is now considered to be a violation of the traditions and practices of magic users."

  "Slaves? As in all slaves? Not just lycans?"



  Sean shrugged, "I don't know, maybe they got religion? Or grew a conscience? I know that originally Sapientia was backing me because they saw it as a way to increase their power over that of the Vestibulum and become the ruling magic council again. But Arthur Troy told me that they realized that if they kept cutting out exceptions, like they had in order to make slaves of us, that they'd just keep running into problems."

  "Well, that's a welcome change of attitude," Roger, who represented the local area cougars, chuckled.

  "Let me know when you're coming to town, and I'll make sure I'm there to take you to our problem spots," Ted, the leopard clan leader said. Sean had learned that most of the leopards in Nevada were in Vegas, because that's were most of the shows with big cats were, as well as a lot of the shows with acrobats. Several of the cat family lycans were often found forced to be in those shows.

  "What do you think the minor councils are going to do when they find out about this?" Bill asked from the head of the table.

  Sean shrugged, "No idea. I know that Sapientia called a conclave last night. I told him to warn them that we were coming and that if they killed their lycans I would return the favor.

  "The simple truth is, with the capitulation of the Vestibulum, we are the main power in this town now. As long as we don't abuse it, and we stick to taking care of our own, I doubt anyone will care."

  "What about the Ascendant's attack on the Vestibulum?" Jorge, the head of the northern Nevada boar families asked.

  Sean shrugged, "That's between them. As long as they leave us out of it, I really don't care."

  "What if they bring lycan forces into town?"

  "Then I'll relieve them of those forces, and they can carry on without them. By the way, I don't know if Chad has mentioned it," Sean motioned to his friend who had mostly been whispering to Claudia who was sitting next to him," but the Sacramento Ascendants have been relieved of all of their lycans, and I don't think that we have to worry about anything coming from that direction for a while."

  "Did you really do that, Chad?" Jorge asked with a surprised look on his face.

  "Well it wasn't like his royal highness over there gave me much of a choice," Chad laughed.

  Sean sat back down in his chair.

  "I think the point about patrolling the state, to make sure no here is enslaving lycans is one we all need to consider carefully," Bill said, drawing everyone's attention back to the head of the table.

  "We're also going to have to keep our eyes open for any possible attempts by one or more of the councils to come in here and try to reestablish their control."

  "I don't see how that could happen," Claudia said. "Gradatim, Vestibulum, and the Ascendants don't get along, and the later two are at each other's throats now."

  "Politics makes for strange bedfellows, they may hate each other, but I suspect they hate us even more. Then there are the minor councils. Some of them do wield a fair amount of power. It pays to be alert and we shouldn't become complacent."

  Sean leaned back in his seat and mostly tuned them out as they continued to talk. They all probably knew more about this problem than he did, so he'd let them flesh it out and fight over it.

  As he was sitting there, Cali came up from behind and started to give him a neck rub and all he could do was smile. All of the girls were dropping hints about Cali now, but he hadn't actually asked her if she wanted a child yet. He wondered if it had something to do with his almost getting killed, their having finally won the big battle, or if they just thought now that they had a well defended and secure home, it was time to raise a family.

  Roxy he knew wanted his kids, she'd told him that almost two months ago. Jolene, well, he'd wanted them with her for some time now and was rather happy that she'd agreed to at least these two. Just as he was happy to be having one with Roberta, so honestly, if Cali said yes, well, he'd be wrapped around her about as tight as she'd been ending up wrapped around him of late.

  For a girl who had been hesitant, shy and a little reticent when it came to showing emotion, it was obvious that she couldn't get enough of it now and honestly, he liked her even more this way.

  She definitely smelled a lot better today, that was for sure.

  They were talking about money now, and Sean noticed that they were glancing at him every time the word was mentioned.

  "I owe Claudia a helicopter before I can even start to consider giving you guys any cash," Sean said the next time they looked at him.

  "It wasn't that," Chad grinned, "you're purring."

  "Yeah well, I like neck rubs, so sue me!" Sean grinned. "I think I'll leave the rest of you to work this out, I do have a lot of work back home, we're still repairing everything that got damaged in the fight," and getting up Sean nodded to all of them and left the room, with Cali pressed up against his right side for a change.

  Bending over he gave her a kiss as they walked back to Daelyn's car.

  "Maybe I should just send you in my place from now on, Rox," Sean chuckled as they got back in the car.

  "Well, at least I wouldn't start purring in the middle of a meeting," Roxy laughed.

  "Oh, I don't know, I'm sure we could figure out a way to distract you," Sean chuckled as Cali started to rub up against him in the back of the car.

  "Just don't go staining the seats," Daelyn smirked as she started the car and headed back for their home.

  By the time they got home, Sean was seriously thinking about doing just that, except for the fact that the back of a 'cuda wasn't really the kind of place you could act
ually have sex. When they got out of the car and started in towards the house, Sean found he was definitely having a hard time keeping his hands off of Cali, not that she was doing anything to discourage him, quite the opposite.

  "Whatever that perfume you're wearing is, I really like it," Sean all but purred.

  "That's cause she's in heat," Roxy chuckled.

  Sean blinked and looked at Cali who was grinning at him; he had a tendency to forget that as a lycan his senses were all enhanced, even in his human form.

  "You're in heat?" Sean said staring down at her.

  Cali nodded and started to rather sensuously rub her body into his.

  "How'd that happen?" Sean asked, a little dumbfounded.

  "Because I wanted it to," Cali said in a husky voice that was incredibly sexy.

  Grabbing her, Sean kissed her, then sweeping her up into a bridal carry made a beeline for the front door.

  "Guess I don't have to ask you if you want kids," Sean chuckled as they went inside and he turned and went straight to the bedroom.

  "I want dark elf children, Sean. Lots of them."

  "Your wish is my deepest desire," Sean smiled and stopping next to the bed he set her down and kissed her once again, smiling down at his redheaded, dark-skinned wife.

  Sean took his time helping Cali out of her clothes, first peeling off the tight shirt, then as she laid back on the bed, he fastened those skin tight pants she seemed to love so much, he rolled the top lip down, then pulling on that, he peeled her out of those as well, turning them inside out as he did so.

  Shrugging off his own shirt and taking off his pants, he was once again struck by Cali's beauty. He had so many lovely women in his life, he truly was blessed. Crawling onto the bed with her, Cali held her arms open, smiling up at him.

  "Come, my Husband, let us start a family with our love."

  Sean took her in his arms, and smiling down he lowered his lips to her, and kissed her as she put her arms around his neck and kissed him back. When he stopped for a moment to smile down at her, she ran her hands up the side of his face and then ran her fingers up into his hair and urged him back down to kiss her some more.

  Rolling onto his side, he pulled her over with him, and let his hands start to explore Cali's slender body, as her hands started to stroke and explore his as well, while they continued to kiss. It was slow, and it was languid, and the entire time the wonderful scent of her filled his head making him want her more and more.

  When she finally started to work down his neck, giving him little love bites, he found it to be quite erotic, as well as exciting. She worked her way down slowly, across his chest, and pushing him onto his back she straddled him, rubbing her sex slowly over his, lightly grinding up against him, as her fingers now stroked and teased him, along with her teeth.

  After several minutes of this interesting torture, Cali whispered in his ear.

  "Sit up."

  Bending at the waist as he pushed back against the bed with his hands, Sean did just that, and had to groan as Cali slid down onto his length, taking all of him into her, until she was seated in his lap, massaging him with her insides as she smiled up at him. Then, as if that was not enough, she brought her legs up, one at a time, first leaning her right leg against his chest, and hooking her ankle behind his neck to urge him down to kiss her, as her left leg came up on the other side.

  Sean knew that Cali was flexible, but he hadn't realized just how flexible she really was!

  Wrapping his arms around her, as he kissed her, she squirmed in his lap, exciting him even more.

  "Now," Cali whispered again, "rock back and forth, slowly."

  Sean did as he was told and for all that he may have been in his human form, he started to purr. The motions moved him slowly back and forth inside of her, and either dark elves had muscles that humans didn't, or Cali really did know a few tricks that even Jolene didn't.

  She took his head gently in her hands, those same hands she'd used to slaughter Morgan, and anyone else who'd been a danger to him.

  "I love you, my Husband. Never would I have expected to have a man such as you, one who I could actually love and give myself to, completely," Cali whispered to him as they slowly made love. "I will always be yours, forever,"

  "I love you too, Cali," Sean whispered back, "I will always love you."

  Cali gasped and clung tightly to him then, and from the way she smiled and her body suddenly clenched down on his shaft, it was obvious that she'd had an orgasm.

  Stroking his hands slowly up and down her back as he held her, Sean just kissed her and told her that he loved her, until she finally wound down.

  She then urged him into another position, the two of them facing each other on their sides for a while, then it was Cali on her back, but her left leg was over his left shoulder as she turned to reach down and use her hands on him, as again, they slowly moved against each other and she once again professed her love for him until she hit her peak again.

  Three more times Cali coaxed him into some very interesting positions that took advantage of his strength and her flexibility, until at last she was on her hands and knees beneath him, as he took her from behind.

  "Fill me, my Husband, give me a child," Cali moaned beneath him, and pining her hands to the bed with his own, Sean did just as she asked. It didn't take him long to reach his peak, the slow and constant love making had him more than ready and his body had been aching for relief for some time now. So picking up speed, Sean just took her until he was finally consumed with his own lust, and lowering his head, he bit her on the shoulder as his orgasm took him, unsurprised that she joined him as he came.

  It took Sean several minutes to wind down, and when he finally did, he had his arms tightly wrapped around his wife, who was singing softly in a language he'd never heard before, but it was clear that she was happy, and that was all that mattered.

  Kissing her on the back of the neck, he waited until her song had ended, then he told her he loved her, and they made slow languid love again.


  Friday afternoon found Sean curled up in bed, with Cali tucked under his chin and his arms wrapped tightly around her. She'd kept him up very late, not that he was complaining. What still surprised him was just how tender she was last night, for all that she'd been through, and for what she'd done, it was one of the most tender and loving experiences of his life.

  Apparently making babies brought out a different side to Cali, one that he had enjoyed rather shamelessly.

  Calling up his stat sheet, he got ready to check the damage. She had worn him out after all. But surprisingly all of his physical stats had improved significantly. His agility no longer had any penalty, and his constitution was only down by a few points. Maybe Jolene's claim that sex made you heal faster was true? Up until now Sean had figured she just said that to get you in bed quicker, so she could charge her own batteries.

  "What are you doing, Husband?" Cali asked and then yawned, wiggling back against him.

  "Checking how my recovery is coming along," Sean said as he banished the spell.

  Cali chuckled, "Well I hope I didn't make it worse!"

  Grinning Sean kissed her on the top of the head, "You didn't, but even if you had, it would have been worth it."

  "Hmmmm," Cali sighed happily. "So what are you going to do today?"

  "I'm going to lay in bed and work on my magic. If anyone needs me, you'll have to shake me a few times. When I meditate like that, I really don't hear or see any of what's going on."

  "In that case, I'll stay here and make sure you're not disturbed," Cali said and stretched, drawing Sean's eyes down to that lovely full chest of hers with those dark areolas.

  "Uh-uh," she grinned and grabbing the covers pulled them up. "You have work to do, after you're done, then we can play some more."

  "Yes, Dear," Sean smiled and checking to be sure he still had the watch on he closed his eyes and went back into his classroom space.

  The first thing he di
d after he'd finished his emulator was to untar his anti-scrying spell into it. Sean knew that spell intimately, having created it from scratch. Checking it over, he got a much better understanding of how spells looked after they'd been tarred and started to learn just how to manipulate them.

  He ended up making quite a few changes to his emulator program that day, and come that night, he took all of his wives to bed, and took his time making love to each of them.

  Saturday saw him back dealing with his emulator and this time he started to examine the items that Peg had showed him. The multipliers where wonderful pieces of work, it would have taken him six months, possibly longer to make one, and the energy requirement was actually greater than that of the tags.

  But parts of the spell could definitely be improved by the techniques his father had pioneered, and Sean spent hours doing so, until he had a new version of the bracelet. Once he had finished he left the classroom and went to fill up on dinner. It was Peg's turn to keep an eye on him while he worked, so he spent a little while showing her just how much he loved her before they went and got some food.

  "What are you working on, anyway?" She asked them as they dried off after showering.

  "An improved version of those bracelets you have."

  "Improved?" Peg looked at him curious, "Improved, how?"

  "Those wristbands increase your power by twenty-five percent. The new ones will double it."

  "So, fifty percent each?"

  Sean smiled, "No, a hundred percent each. You'll have three times the power."

  Peg's eyes went wide and the next thing he knew he had a handful of Peg as she jumped him and wrapping her arms and legs around him started kissing him.

  "I want one! I want two! I want 'em now!!"

  Laughing, Sean peeled her off. "Let's get dressed first, then get some food. Then you can go ask Roxy if I can use my workshop. If she says yes," Sean snagged Peg, who was about to run out of the bathroom naked. "Clothes and food first, Peg."


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