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Inevitable Darkness

Page 12

by Cassandra Lawson

  Vexx was taken aback by Zane’s insult until he winked at her, and she realized his words were meant to mess with Jase, not her.

  “Knock it off, Zane,” Jase growled.

  “Knock what off?” Zane asked innocently. “You have to admit that Vexx isn’t normally the voice of reason. She’s a wild little witch, more like me than you.”

  “Will you hold it against me if I beat the hell out of my brother?” Jase asked Vexx with an exasperated sigh.

  Vexx laughed. “I think we both know that won’t do any good. From what I’ve heard, he was like this with your father, as well. This is how your brother acts with everyone. In his defense, it’s hard controlling yourself when you have an impulsive nature.”

  Jase opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it and shook his head.

  “What were you about to say?” Vexx asked.

  “Nothing.” He laughed when she scowled. “Fine, I was about to say something, but I’m worried it will come out wrong and you’ll hold it against me.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me holding your words against you,” Vexx assured him with a smile.

  Even Winter laughed and said, “He’s smart to hold his tongue. You hold an ugly grudge.”

  Jase chuckled. “I guess I should tell you, anyway. Knowing how curious you are, you’ll be annoyed with me for not telling you.”

  “I want to say you're wrong, but you’re not,” Vexx replied. “So, what were you about to say, and I promise to do my best to not hold anything against you.”

  “I was just going to say I always suspected Zane was even more impulsive than a witch,” Jase replied.

  He waited for her to snap at him. Some of her past interactions with Jase hadn’t gone well, but she was trying to avoid fighting with him.

  “Witches are bad,” she agreed. “It’s nice to know that you don’t think I’m as impulsive as Zane.”

  Zane grinned. “Can I say something without you holding it against me?”

  “Probably not,” Vexx admitted. “Go ahead and say it so you don’t annoy your brother later.”

  “You should give my brother a chance,” Zane stated before adding, “Not right away.”

  “Zane,” Jase began in a warning tone.

  Zane leaned in and whispered loudly, “Make him work for it, at least, for a week or two. It’s not often my brother gets this worked up over things. I’m enjoying myself.”

  “You’re a real pain in the ass, aren’t you?” Vexx asked.

  “Nah,” Zane replied. “I’m a lovable scamp.”

  This time, Jase let out a bark of laughter before muttering, “Lovable scamp, my ass.”

  “We should go,” Winter interrupted.

  Much to Vexx’s surprise, she was disappointed about leaving Jase. Before she could shift, Jase called out, “Vexx.” When she turned to look at him, he continued, “I’ll stop by to see you tomorrow.”

  A shudder of excitement ran through her. Afraid that her voice would come out sounding breathy, and even more fearful that if she stuck around longer her sudden arousal would become obvious, Vexx nodded and shifted. She took off at a dead run with Winter by her side.

  Chapter 27

  Ian stood by the gate as Abram drove up with Mitchell. His green eyes narrowed, zeroing in on Abram’s face. The vampire looked seriously pissed, not that Abram blamed him. Ian loved Mitchell, had claimed him as his son when Mitchell had no one else. While Abram wasn’t exactly Ian’s enemy, they were far from friends. He had no reason to trust Abram with the safety of his son.

  “This isn’t going to be good,” Abram muttered as they parked and watched Ian approach.

  Mitchell looked over at him and smiled. “It’s okay. Ian already knows you’ll be traveling with us.”

  “And he hasn’t told you that you can’t go?” Abram asked.

  “Kyleigh talked to him,” was Mitchell’s reply. “He knows we’re friends.”

  Now, Ian had even more reason to kill him, especially if he figured out the mutual attraction.

  “What the fuck? Why did you tell him that?” Abram asked, but Mitchell didn’t have a chance to reply.

  “I thought you were working with Vexx and Winter,” Ian stated as he walked out of the gate to meet them. “Wasn’t Connor sending someone to pick you up later?”

  Mitchell stepped out of the jeep before responding. “I was out with Vexx and Winter. The portal we created let out by Treasure Island, and Abram offered to drive me home. It was easier that way since it meant I didn’t need to wait around for Connor to send someone to pick me up. I messaged Connor to let him know.”

  “You’re welcome,” Abram told Ian with a smug grin because he couldn’t help being an asshole. It was just in his nature. From what he could tell, he shared that trait with Ian.

  Ian’s eyes narrowed as he stalked toward the driver’s side of the jeep. “What the hell is your game?”

  “I’m not sure,” Abram admitted.

  “Don’t lie to me,” Ian ground out.

  “Ian,” Mitchell interrupted. “We’re friends. Abram did me a favor by driving me home.”

  “Being friends with Abram is like having a rattlesnake as a pet,” Ian told him.

  “That’s true,” Abram agreed with a sardonic smile. “I’m pretty damn fucked-up.”

  “We all are,” Mitchell insisted before focusing on Ian. “We talked about this. I thought you were okay with it.”

  Ian blew out a frustrated breath. “I’m trying, Mitchell, but seeing you with Abram sets off all kinds of warning bells for me.”

  “Maybe it would be best if I talk to Ian alone,” Abram suggested.

  Mitchell hesitated before finally nodding. “All right. I have things to get done, so I’ll talk to you later. Thanks again for the ride.”

  “Any time,” Abram replied.

  Ian waited until Mitchell walked through the gates to speak again. “Now that Mitchell is gone, why don’t you tell me what’s going on? I got his side of the story, but it doesn’t explain your actions. Don’t fuck with me or I’ll string you up and skin you alive.”

  Abram sighed and climbed out of the jeep. He ran a hand through his hair as he tried to figure out the answer to Ian’s question. He didn’t have a response that made a damn bit of sense, or maybe he didn’t have one he was ready to accept. “I honestly don’t know. Mitchell’s great to be around. I’ve never met anyone like him.”

  Ian nodded. “He is something else.”

  “I feel drawn to him,” Abram whispered.

  “Drawn to him how?” Ian asked. “I don’t want Mitchell to become some sick obsession for you like Claire was.”

  “Claire,” Abram breathed out. “There are similarities, but it’s not the same thing. I don’t know how to explain what’s going on.”

  “That’s a bullshit answer,” Ian spat out.

  “It’s a bullshit reality,” Abram shot back. “What is it with people always questioning my motives? Do I look like someone who knows what he’s doing half the time?”

  “No, but the last time we underestimated you, you took over Treasure Island. You’re not stupid, Abram, so don’t play dumb with me.”

  Abram blew out a frustrated breath. “Strategy is easy.”

  Ian snorted. “No, it’s not.”

  “It’s easy for me,” Abram insisted. “I can look at all the possible outcomes in a detached way and then decide how to approach a situation. People? I’m not good with people, maybe because I’m broken.”

  “You can’t strategize without understanding people,” Ian argued. “You knew how Connor would react. That’s how you were able to take Treasure Island.”

  “Again, it’s totally different,” Abram argued. “I wanted to take the island. See? I wanted something that I felt I deserved. Mitchell is different. I want him, but I know I don’t deserve him, so I try to push him away. It probably doesn’t seem that way to anyone around us. Mitchell sees it. It irritates him because he wants to see the good in me, as if th
ere is any. You should forbid him from seeing me. You should tell Connor to refuse to let Mitchell go to the witch territory if I go with him.”

  Ian’s eyes narrowed. “And you’ll stay behind while Mitchell goes if Connor gives that order?”

  Abram let out a dry laugh. “No, but I should. Fuck my life! I can’t seem to do the right thing with Mitchell. Hell, I can’t figure out why I even want to do the right thing. One thing I do know is that I don’t want to hurt him. It kills me to think about anything happening to him.”

  Ian studied him for a short time before speaking again. “I believe you mean what you say about not wanting to hurt Mitchell.”

  “But you think I will,” Abram finished for him. “You think I’m going to hurt him because I won’t be able to stop myself.”

  “Probably,” Ian admitted. “I’ve done some horrible things, so I have no room to judge you. I can even see how Mitchell might seem like your salvation. Before he came into my life, I was a mess—full of hate and lacking in compassion. I wanted to protect Mitchell within an hour of meeting him. He’ll tell you I saved him, but it’s the other way around. Eventually, Connor was going to put a stake through my heart. I’d become that dangerous. Mitchell changed everything. He has a way of connecting with people and making them want to change, so I can understand your attraction to him.”

  “He is amazing,” Abram agreed. “There’s this light in him that makes me want to be a better person. That light draws me closer.”

  “There is a darkness in you that could destroy him,” Ian added. “I don’t want Mitchell to save you. You need to leave my son alone and save yourself. That probably sounds hypocritical since I just told you how Mitchell saved me from a very dark place, but I don’t care. I’m still not the good guy Mitchell wants me to be. I’d sacrifice you in a heartbeat to keep my son safe.”

  Abram nodded. While he didn’t want to hurt Mitchell, it seemed almost inevitable. “I should go.” He climbed back into the jeep and drove away before Ian could say more.

  Ian was right; he should stay away from Mitchell, but he already knew he wasn’t going to.

  Chapter 28

  “You look irritated,” Raven remarked as she entered the meeting room.

  Connor flashed her a weak smile. His nymph had a knack for understating matters. She had to have heard his muttered curses from down the hall. He’d been training Mitchell hard over the last year, knowing Mitchell’s genetics could put him at risk. He’d already heard the Fae often killed half-breeds. Mitchell had some protection from that because his future was intertwined with another half-Fae—one with a powerful father. The demon side was a wildcard that Connor knew little about. If Kishara was anything to judge them by, Mitchell needed all the training he could get, and Connor still didn’t think he’d trained enough.

  “He’s not ready for this. He’s too young,” Connor said with a sigh before letting out a soft laugh. “That sounds crazy, doesn’t it?”

  “A little,” she agreed. “You were leading groups of fighters when you were ten years younger than Mitchell, but I can see why this would seem different to you.”

  “Kids don’t have to grow up as quickly as we did back then,” he stated. “Of course, Mitchell had to grow up a lot faster than the kids living in this settlement. I’m still not used to thinking of him as an adult.”

  Connor wouldn’t normally worry this much about one of his followers, but Mitchell was more like family.

  “He has to do this,” she reminded him. “I know you hate it, but you have to keep reminding yourself that you can’t stop him.”

  “I could,” Connor argued. “As the leader, I have every right to refuse to let him go.”

  “And he’d go, anyway,” she told him. “Mitchell believes he’s doing what’s best for everyone. You’ve known about all of this for days. Why are you in such a foul mood now?”

  “I just talked to Ian,” he began before pulling her into his arms and breathing in her scent. “I’m glad you’re here, little nymph.”

  “That’s funny,” she said with a laugh. “I seem to recall you telling me to stay at home when you stomped out of the house.”

  He pulled back and grinned at her. “Naturally, I knew you’d ignore my order. You are not a biddable mate.”

  “Wood nymphs aren’t known for their biddable nature,” she remarked. “How did Ian react when you told him he couldn’t go with Mitchell?”

  “About as well as you’d expect,” Connor replied. “I don’t blame him. I want to go with Mitchell, too.”

  “Who are you sending?” she asked, looking around the empty room.

  “No one,” he replied with a sigh.

  “What?” Raven practically shouted. “Mitchell is one of your people. How can you send him without any back-up?”

  Connor understood her shock. It hadn’t been an easy decision, but he knew it was the right one. “I’m not sending Mitchell anywhere. I’m allowing him to go. He won’t be alone.”

  “You know what I mean,” she insisted. “He’s one of ours.”

  “And getting involved is risky for my people,” Connor said in a calm voice. “We need all our best fighters here in case this demon business carries over into our territory. There’s also the fact that others are still eyeing our territory for a possible takeover. If we look weak or distracted, we run the risk of war. I won’t have that. I can’t put Mitchell ahead of the others. There’s also Abram to consider. If I send my people, there may be trouble that will distract from what needs doing. I think Abram should stay behind, but he’s not going to.”

  Raven took a deep breath and nodded. “You are doing the right thing. Poor Ian. This can’t be easy for him.”

  “It was easier before he found out I wasn’t sending back-up,” Connor admitted. “He’ll calm down and realize I have no choice, but for now, he hates me.”

  Before she could answer, Mitchell entered the room.

  “I tried to make as much noise as possible in the corridor,” Mitchell began. “I guess you didn’t hear me. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” Connor assured him. “I’m sorry you found out this way.”

  “If you’re worried I’m angry that you aren’t sending anyone, I’m not,” Mitchell assured him. “I’m glad you aren’t. It’s bad enough others are in danger because I need to do this for Kishara.”

  Chapter 29

  Mitchell didn’t miss the shock on Connor’s face, and it made him laugh. “You expected me to be upset, right?”

  Connor nodded. “I didn’t expect you to handle it this well. It could be that I’m expecting the worst after dealing with Ian.”

  Raven placed a hand on Mitchell’s shoulder, and when he looked her way, she smiled. “Connor often expects the worst of people after speaking to Ian.”

  Mitchell returned her smile. “Yeah, my dad’s not always easy to deal with. He’s trying to be reasonable about everything that’s going on with me, but he never expected anything like this. He knew I’d eventually be at risk when I went out on patrol, but what I’m doing for Kish is a different story.”

  “Ian’s also not happy about the situation with Abram,” Raven added.

  “That too,” Mitchell agreed. “He’s worrying over nothing in that case.”

  “No, he’s not,” Connor stated. “But we’ll discuss Abram later.”

  “Thank you for letting me do this,” Mitchell told him. “I was worried you’d try stopping me.”

  “I considered it,” Connor replied. “You’re my responsibility, whether you like it or not. I don’t usually make decisions based on premonitions. You’re the only person who’s ever told me they have visions. It’s hard to trust them, but in the end, I trust you.”

  “Your trust means a lot to me,” Mitchell replied.

  Connor nodded. “The others should be here soon.”

  Mitchell was there to discuss his trip to rescue Kishara with Connor, Jase, Cord, Vexx, Winter, and Abram. He still didn’t know who was traveling with them. />
  Jase, Zane, Lexi, Cord, Winter, Vexx, Abram, and three vampires Mitchell didn’t recognize entered the room.

  “You all arrived here at the same time?” Raven asked the question on Mitchell’s mind.

  “I waited outside the gate with my people until the others got here,” Abram explained. “Mitchell called yesterday to ask me to bring clothes for the shifters.”

  Connor raised an eyebrow and looked at Mitchell.

  “I know how much you hate having the shifters show up here naked,” Mitchell explained.

  “I’m surprised that bothers you,” Abram remarked casually. “You live with a wood nymph. I always figured they were more comfortable naked. I’ve only seen your nymph with shoes on once.”

  Mitchell didn’t have to look down to know Raven was barefoot. She had a habit of losing her shoes. If she showed up somewhere with shoes, odds were that she’d leave them there.

  “I don’t mind seeing Raven naked,” Connor replied. “Zane is another story.”

  “Your loss,” Zane said with a grin. “I look fantastic naked.”

  “I’ve seen you naked,” Connor replied.

  “Then you know how impressive I am,” Zane added.

  Jase reached over to cuff Zane lightly on the side of the head. “You can be a pain in the ass later. We need to talk business.”

  “He’s right,” Lexi, Zane’s mate, agreed. Lexi had long, dark blonde hair and extraordinary silver eyes. She’d inherited her eyes from her Fae father. The story of how she’d ended up with Zane still amazed Mitchell. In one version of the past, she’d died shortly after the original Moon virus outbreak. Her father had pulled her from that timeline and placed her in Zane’s path. Zane had recognized her as his mate immediately.

  “Let’s talk about how this mission is going to work,” Connor began. “As you’ve probably already noticed, I didn’t invite any of my vampires, other than Mitchell. I’m not sending anyone.”

  “That’s harsh,” Abram muttered.

  “He can’t send people,” Mitchell argued. He didn’t want Abram thinking Connor wasn’t helping him because he didn’t want to.


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