Strong Desires

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Strong Desires Page 7

by Emily Ward

  The carriage rolled to a stop in front of the estate and people buzzed about getting her things from the top of the carriage. The door of the estate opened, and a short, portly man stepped outside accompanied by a young lady that Madeline was sure was Emily. The butler stepped forward and opened the carriage door. He reached out his hand and she took it, gingerly stepping out of the carriage. She locked eyes with her uncle who offered her a warm smile.

  “Madeline, my dear girl, it is so good to see you again. I do wish it was under better circumstances though,” he said as he wrapped her in a tight embrace.

  “It is good to see you too, Uncle Walter. I also wish it was under better circumstances, but I am excited to stay with you and get better acquainted with you both,” Madeline said as she locked eyes with Emily.

  Emily offered her a small smile and Madeline pulled back from her uncle’s embrace and embraced her cousin heartily. Once everyone had exchanged pleasantries, they went inside where Emily took Madeline by the hand and led her up the stairs as the butler followed with her things.

  “I really hope you like it here, Madeline. I want us to become the best of friends! I have always wanted a sister and now in a way I have one,” Emily said as she stopped in front of a set of double doors. She turned the knobs and pushed them open. “This is your room. Mine is just down the hall to the left.”

  Madeline had never seen such beauty in a bedroom. The bed, in its elegant design, sat against the wall on the right side of the room taking up much of that side of the bedroom. It was tall and had four posts that reached toward the ceiling along with a canopy that billowed down and hid the rest of the bed from view. Directly in front of her was another set of double doors that led to her own private balcony that she could step out on. She opened the doors and stepped out to see what the view held for her. The sun was beginning to set, and she could not help but be in awe of the beautiful picture the sunset painted across the sky.

  She stepped back inside and closed the doors and continued to look around the magnificent room that was to be hers. She gasped as her attention was captured by the grand wardrobe on the left side of the room that was a deep cherry color with gold around the edges and was surprised to see that there were already a handful of dresses inside it.

  “Oh, this is a gorgeous room and these dresses are magnificent, Emily! I have no words for how this makes me feel,” Madeline said as she embraced Emily tightly.

  “I had hoped that you would like it, dear Cousin. Some of the dresses I bought new for you, but some of them are mine that I have outgrown,” Emily said as she pulled back from the embrace.

  “I love them all! I am so appreciative of everything you and Uncle Walter are doing for me,” Madeline said softly.

  Emily waved a hand in dismissal as she moved to help Madeline unpack the small bags of clothes and trinkets, she brought with her from home. Tears filled Madeline’s eyes as she placed the small porcelain doll with frizzy red hair her father had gotten her for Christmas one year on the table beside the bed. She did not understand why her parents had to be taken from her right before the holiday season. Thanksgiving and Christmas were her families favorite holidays and now, they meant nothing to her. How was she going to get through them without her family? She knew she would have to be strong. Her parents would not want her to forsake those special times. She was brought from her thoughts by Emily touching her arm.

  “Madeline, are you all right? I have been trying to get your attention. Dinner is ready,” she said as she headed out of the room holding on to Madeline’s hand.

  “I am fine. I was just remembering better times is all,” Madeline said as she followed Emily to the dining hall.

  As they sat in their seats, the cooking staff began to bring the courses of the meal. Everyone ate in silence for some time until Walter decided to break the silence.

  “I do hope that you find your accommodations here satisfactory my dear. I only want the best for my girls,” he said as he gave Madeline a warm smile.

  “Oh yes Uncle Walter, I love the room I have been provided and the clothing also! I am so very grateful for the things you have done and are doing for me,” she said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

  “Think nothing of it, my dear. You are my family and family sticks together,” he said as he sipped a spoonful of his soup. “Emily dear, I received word today that Charles will be coming to visit in a fortnight.”

  Madeline covered her ears at the shriek that came from her cousin and watched as the other girl jumped up and down excitedly. She uncovered her ears and smiled at her cousin. She wondered who this Charles was and knew he must be a suitor for Emily, but Emily did not look that much older than her. Could her uncle already be making plans to marry Emily off? Why would he do that with her being so young? She knew those were questions she should not be thinking as it was none of her business. She shook the thoughts from her head as Emily settled back into her chair and winked at Madeline. They finished the rest of their meal of roast chicken and boiled potatoes and corn in silence and once the table had been cleared of the dessert dishes, the girls dismissed themselves to their rooms. Just as the hand maid had helped Madeline into her nightgown, there was a knock on the door. The maid opened the door on her way out and found Emily standing on the other side of it.

  “Come in, Emily. I was hoping you would come to my room so we might have a chat,” Madeline said as she patted the spot on the bed beside her.

  “I am sorry for my behavior at dinner, I just could not contain myself. I have not seen my beloved Charles for quite a few months now and I can hardly wait to see his handsome face,” Emily said as she crawled onto the bed beside Madeline.

  “Do tell me more about this Charles you speak of. I had no idea you were even old enough to be betrothed! I thought we were the same age just by looking at you,” Madeline said with a giggle.

  “Oh goodness no, child! I will be twenty in a matter of weeks. In fact, we will be celebrating my birthday while Charles is visiting. He is a marquess as his father is the Duke of Wilchire. He is tall and handsome with eyes for only me,” she replied.

  Madeline’s heart sank as she realized that there was four years between them and that soon she would be the only one living at the manor with her uncle as Emily would soon marry Charles. She doubted that an offer of marriage would even come to her as she had always been told by her mother that she was rather homely looking. Madeline wondered if that could have been the wine her mother always drank making her say those things, but that was something she would never know now. She mustered a smile and feigned excitement as she did not want Emily to see her sudden sadness.

  “Oh, that will be lovely! I do love parties! I cannot wait to meet this beau of yours, Emily. He sounds absolutely amazing,” Madeline gushed.

  Emily smiled and waved a hand in dismissal but winked at Madeline as she climbed off the bed and headed to her room. Once Madeline was alone with her thoughts, the sadness she had experienced earlier returned to her. She knew that once Emily and Charles were married, she would be alone like she was before. She wiped at a tear that slid down her cheek and willed her emotions under control. She had to make the best of the time she had with Emily so she would have those memories to hold on to. They would be able to continue to make memories once Emily was married and she knew that, but it would be a lot harder since Emily would live quite far from them. Madeline rolled over and gazed at the darkness through the window and let the sound of the wind against the balcony doors lull her to sleep.


  The day of Charles’ arrival had finally come, and the house was bustling in preparation. Madeline watched as the house staff rushed about making last minute changes to the décor or the menu for the evening meal. She noticed at breakfast that Emily barely ate her food and seemed quite beside herself. She grinned to herself as she realized she too would be nervous if she had a suitor coming to visit her. She finished her breakfast and headed outside. The carriage waited at the front steps to take
her to school. She would only have a few weeks of school before the Christmas season, but her uncle thought it best she start as soon as possible.

  Madeline stared out the window as the carriage rolled through town and stopped in front of the church that doubled as the schoolhouse. Her uncle had insisted on having tutors come to the estate, but Madeline wanted to be among the other children just as she was back home. She entered the school before any of the other students had arrived and the teacher gave her a warm welcoming smile.

  “Hello, welcome to my class. What is your name my dear?” The teacher asked sweetly.

  “My name is Madeline Fisher. I am new here. I moved here last fortnight from London to live with my uncle Walter after my parents death. I look forward to learning in your class,” Madeline said politely.

  “Oh, I am so sorry for your loss my dear girl. My name is Miss Wilford. You may come to me with any questions or concerns you have about anything. Have you thought about what you might want to do when you get older? Your uncle is a duke so I am sure he will want you to marry soon,” she said with a laugh.

  “I am only sixteen, so marriage is a long way off for me still. I have often thought of becoming a teacher. I love learning and children. I think it would be amazing to help children learn. I am sure my uncle will have something to say about that though. I know that ladies of nobility do not normally become teachers,” Madeline replied.

  Miss Wilford pointed to a seat in the front of the class as the other students filed inside and took their seats. Once everyone was settled in, she motioned for Madeline to stand up. “Class, this is Madeline Fisher. She is knew here and I want you all to make her feel welcome,” she said.

  The class mumbled their greetings and learning was underway. Madeline listened to every word the teacher had to say. She enjoyed learning even though most of the things that were being discussed she had already learned back home. By the time they were able to take a break, Madeline had helped answer several different math questions. Madeline knew she was going to like being there and could not wait to see what the future held for her. As the teacher dismissed the students from class, Madeline watched as the carriage pulled up to collect her. She smiled at the driver, whose name was John, and he gave her his hand to help her into the carriage.

  “Did you have a good day, miss?” He asked politely.

  “Yes, I had a wonderful day today! I cannot wait to come back tomorrow,” Madeline said excitedly. She wiggled about in the seat and tried to get comfortable for the long ride back to the estate.

  Emily was waiting for her as the carriage pulled up the lane and Emily ran excitedly to the carriage door. She flung the door open before John had time to get down and help Madeline out of the carriage.

  “Oh Madeline, I am so glad that you are home! It has been rather lonely around here today without you. We must get ready now, Charles will be arriving soon, and we must look our best!” Emily said with a squeal.

  “I missed you today too, Emily. Yes, we must look our best when Charles arrives. Do you know if he has any brothers?” Madeline asked in a joking tone.

  Emily laughed as they linked their arms together and headed for the house and Madeline enjoyed hearing it. There had been so much sadness around her since her parents had been killed, she was glad that someone was finally laughing in front of her and not hiding their joy. Once upstairs they were wrestled into their corsets and bloomers before being swathed into the finest silk dresses with intricate beading on the bodices. Emily wore a cream-colored gown with silver and gold beading along the bodice and in delicate patterns along the hemline of the gown. Madeline’s gown was lavender in color with the tiniest pearls sewn onto the bodice around the neckline and around the base of the bodice. The skirt of her dress looked as if it had been sprinkled with the smallest of diamonds and they shimmered when light struck them.

  Just as the hand maid finished the final touches on their hair, the sound of horse hooves echoed up the lane. Emily squealed in delight and grabbed Madeline’s hand, pulling her to the stairs. By the time they reached the front door, Madeline was a bit out of breath. “Good grief cousin, you are going to make me ill if you keep making me move that fast,” she joked.

  Emily laughed a hearty laugh as she pulled the door open and stepped outside to meet the oncoming carriage. Madeline could tell that Emily was shaking as she stood beside her waiting for her beloved to arrive. Madeline reached over and grasped Emily’s hand and gave a gentle squeeze to let Emily know she was there for her. The carriage rolled to a stop and Charles sprung from the carriage before the driver had the carriage fully stopped. Madeline smiled as Charles ran forward and pulled Emily into an embrace, spinning her around before putting her back on her feet.

  “I say dear boy, have you forgotten the proper etiquette when greeting a member of the opposite sex?” Boomed the voice of Uncle Walter.

  Charles released her and begged forgiveness before looking at Madeline. “Hello there, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Charles Laurent, Marquess of Wilchire,” he said as he took her hand and gently kissed it. Madeline gasped as she felt something deep inside that she had never felt before.


  Charles Laurent had traveled several days to get to the Fisher estate and had just arrived. He had forgotten his manners and spun Emily around in excitement. He knew he would have to remember the proper protocol and not let that happen again. He could not help but notice the beauty of the other female standing next to his betrothed as he moved to kiss the back of her hand. As his lips met the back of her hand, he gazed into her eyes and felt a jolt deep inside.

  He smiled as she sweetly curtsied and grinned. He did not know who this delightful creature was, but he knew that he wanted to know and soon. He let the duke lead him into the house and straight to his study, but he remained distracted by the beauty of the mystery girl. The curve of her face and lips had mesmerized him, the curve of her hips had tantalized him, but her eyes had trapped his soul within them, and he did not know if he could escape them; or if he even wanted to. He was brought from his thoughts by the voice of the duke.

  “So, my boy, how is your family? I do hope they are doing well,” Walter said as he slapped a hand on Charles’ shoulder.

  “My family is doing very well, Your Grace. I am very appreciative of the chance to come and visit your estate, allowing me to get a glimpse of my beloved,” Charles said smoothly.

  The duke laughed a hearty laugh as he handed Charles a glass of brandy and a cigar, motioning for him to sit on the couch behind him. They sipped and smoked in silence for a while and the thoughts in Charles’ mind strayed to the mystery girl he had met at the front door.

  “Your Grace, who is the other young lady that accompanied your daughter in greeting me this afternoon?” Charles asked with great curiosity.

  “Ah yes, that is my niece Madeline. She came to live with us a little over a fortnight ago after her parents were killed in a botched bank robbery. I had not spoken to my brother in almost a decade. The last time Madeline and I saw each other, she was six. My brother squandered his inheritance and was left in poverty towards the end. From what the authorities told me, the reason they were at the bank was to get a loan to try and save their home. It has devastated Madeline. I am hoping that being here and having Emily for company will keep her from being too sad and lonely. I just want her to be happy,” Walter said softly.

  Charles did too. It was a thought that quickly sprang into his mind and he was confused as to why it sprang into his mind. His heart belonged to Emily and that was how it was supposed to be. That was how it was going to be. He was not going to waiver from the commitment he had made to Emily and her father, even if Madeline’s beauty called to him. He continued smoking his cigar and listened to the duke blather on about meetings with the king in London as he thought of Madeline and all the poor girl had been through in the last month.

  As the duke finished a story, Charles breathed a sigh of relief as the butler knocke
d on the door and interrupted him. The two men stood and made their way to the door as they knew the knock signified that dinner was served. Charles let the duke lead the way to the dining hall and sat where he was directed to. As they ate, he sat quiet and listened to the conversation the others were having, hoping to hear Madeline’s voice. He did not understand why he was so captivated by the young woman that sat across from him at the table. He knew it was wrong to think of her and not his beloved Emily, but he had to know more of Madeline. He needed to hear the tone of her voice, see her smile again, and caress her soft skin. He stopped himself at that thought and willed his mind into submission. For now, perhaps, he would get one thing he wanted.

  “So, Miss Fisher, are you enjoying yourself here? I am sure you are happy to be back in the life you were once accustomed to,” he said with a smirk. He wanted to tease her and see if she would have fire in her response. He liked a fiery woman and Emily had not satisfied that part of him.

  “I am sure, Mister Laurent, that I do not know what you mean by your comment, but I am very pleased to be here with my uncle and lovely cousin. They have done a great service to me by taking me in during the most tragic time in my life. Please do not try to soil their graciousness with whatever you think about me,” Madeline spat at him, fire glowing in the dark centers of her eyes.

  He smiled as he held her stare. He had gotten the reaction that he had wanted from her and it pleased him greatly. The sound of her voice flowed through him like a song through a cathedral. Her tone was soft and soothing almost like his mother’s voice had been when he was a young child. It pleased him so much that he felt his knickers tightening as his manhood pressed against them. He let his gaze fall from hers and cleared his throat.


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