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Strong Desires

Page 10

by Emily Ward

  “I will go in search of her and I will bring her back to you safely,” Charles vowed as he headed for the door.

  He closed the door behind him not giving anyone in the house a chance to protest his search. He headed for the barn to saddle a horse and he grabbed the gun that hung on the wall. He did not like using them but would if it came down to it. Once the horse was saddled, he noticed some tracks leading through the back pasture, so he followed them. He knew he would have some questions to answer when he returned, but he knew that he was doing the right thing. Charles knew at that moment that Madeline was who he loved and who he needed to be with for the rest of his life. He knew he had to find her and bring her home, both of their lives depended on it.


  Madeline shook in fear as the blindfold was tightened around her head. She had worn it since she had been ambushed as she entered her room. She had been attacked from behind and blindfolded so she would not see where they took her. She had been taken for ransom, that much she knew, but she was unsure if her uncle would care enough to pay it. She knew he loved her to a certain extent but the one thing he loved more than anything else was his money. She did not see him giving any of it up for her benefit.

  The sounds around her jolted her from her memories as the wagon she was in came to a halt. She gasped as she was pulled from the wagon and thrown onto what felt like a dirt floor. She surmised that she had been taken into the mountains and placed in a cabin or shack of some sort. Suddenly, she felt fingers against the back of her head as the knot in the blindfold was being untied. She began to panic and breath hard as she did not know what to expect from the people that had taken her.

  “Well, would you look at that? Her eyes are real pretty and mesmerizing just like the lady said,” the kidnapper remarked.

  Madeline did not understand what he meant by that, but she was sure she would find out sooner or later. She stayed in the corner with her head down and tried not to make eye contact with them. She did not want to give them any reason to think they were going to get anything from her. She had heard a pen scratch across paper, so she knew they had left a note. She hoped that someone had found that note by now and was looking for her. She had no idea how she would lead any searchers to the place she was at, but she knew she had to do something to get away from these men and let someone know where she was.

  “I can see why that little lady would not want this girl in her home, her beauty rivals every woman I have seen before,” another kidnapper spoke up.

  Madeline’s heart dropped to her stomach. It had been Emily that betrayed her. She sold her out to these kidnappers only to give them orders to write a ransom note. I wondered what she would have them do with the money or if the money would be their payment for getting me out of the way so she could marry Charles. Madeline could not believe that she had been utterly betrayed by the one person she thought would be her best friend the rest of their days. Her heart was broken, and she began to cry as the realization that she was all alone in the world sank into her mind. She hoped that Charles would be looking for her, but knew it was highly impossible since they had been pretending neither one existed to the other. She was brought from her reverie as cold water splashed her face.

  “Are you ready to watch the ones you love drop dead of a bullet wound?” a kidnapper spoke.

  “If they pay the ransom you are obligated to release me into their custody,” Madeline snapped.

  The man laughed and as he did Madeline could see that most of the man’s teeth were missing and his breath was horrendous. She hoped and prayed that someone would find her before it was time to pick up the ransom money. She knew she would not be able to bear the sight of her family being gunned down by the crazed kidnappers. She knew she would have to warn them if at all possible.

  Madeline had sat in the same spot for what seemed like days, only moving to use the outhouse and to stretch out to sleep at night. She had been held against her will for what seemed like weeks, but it had only been a few days. She felt in the pit of her stomach that she was going to be set free and when that time came, she told herself she would tell Charles how she truly felt about him. She knew it would most likely ruin the relationship she had with Emily, but she had realized that she could not help who she loved and despite her best efforts not to, she had fallen deeply in love with him and needed to be with him forever.

  She was jarred from her thoughts by a loud pounding sound and realized it was someone pounding on the door. The men quickly grabbed their weapons, but they were no match for what was on the other side of the door. The door suddenly flew open and Charles burst through it barrels blazing, shooting several of the kidnappers. By the time he made it to the last one they both had ran out of bullets and had resorted to fisticuffs. With one strong hit Charles knocked the man to the ground and rushed to Madeline’s side.

  “Oh, my darling, I thought I would never find you,” he said as he placed soft kisses all over her face.

  “How did you find me, Charles? I had no idea where I was even. They made me wear a blindfold. They put it on me after they pulled me from the house. The worst part is, Emily is behind this, I heard one of the men say so,” she declared.

  She watched as his face turned to horror. She knew the emotions he was going through as they were the same ones she had felt when she heard the men say Emily was the one behind it. She knew that was going to be a hard conversation to have when she returned home, but she knew that it needed to be done.

  “I found you because these idiots left very visible tracks and they led all the way here. I cannot believe that Emily would have something like this done to you on purpose. For what purpose would that serve her?” He asked.

  “it would get me out of the way so the two of you would be free to be together without the risk of me causing you to stray from her,” Madeline replied.

  “Well, that has already happened,” Charles said with a laugh.

  Madeline laughed then looked deep into his eyes. “Thank you for saving me, Charles. I honestly do not know if I would have made it out alive if it were not for you,” she said as she kissed him softly.

  “I do not know what I would have done if something tragic had befallen you, my dear. The moment I read the letter and realized you were gone from me I knew that you are the one that I am supposed to be with for the rest of my life. You are the breath in my lungs and the beat of my heart. I do not know how I have lived so long without you,” he declared as he took her hand.

  Charles led Madeline out of the hunting hut the men were keeping her in. Madeline could tell that anger and rage fueled him, but she knew that he would do nothing to hurt anyone. Anger filled her as well as she thought of what Emily had done to her. She knew the conversation that was going to be had would not be a good one, but she was furious that Emily would do such a thing to her and she hoped her uncle would be as well.

  They arrived back at the estate to cheers and applause. Emily greeted them with a small hug and a disappointed look on her face.

  “I am so glad you made it back, Madeline.” She cooed.

  “Yes, I am sure you are considering you had me kidnapped because you were insecure about your relationship. Well guess what? You had every right to be. Charles and I fell in love with each other almost from the moment we saw one another. We both tried so hard to fight it, but the attraction to each other could not be fought and the fact that you had me kidnapped to get me out of the way just drove him even farther into my arms. I hope this has taught you a lesson,” Madeline snapped at her.

  “Is what she said true? Did you orchestrate the whole kidnapping and ransom note hoping that I would forfeit the ransom and let her die?” Walter asked, seething at his daughter.

  “She had done nothing but try to take him from me since the moment he arrived. I had to do something to get them apart so my fairytale life would not be ruined!” Emily whined.

  “You did ruin it though, Emily because I could never be with someone that would stoop to that leve
l of evil to get what they want,” Charles said. “Your Grace, I hope that you can forgive me for betraying my promise to you and to Emily, but I could not ignore what my heart was telling me to do.

  Walter nodded and then turned to Emily. “You are a disgrace to me, and I want you out of my home. As far as I am concerned you are no longer my daughter. Get your things and get out of my sight,” he bellowed.

  Madeline knew there was no place for Emily to go and Christmas was only a few days away. She knew there had to be something she could do to convince her uncle to let Emily stay. “Uncle Walter do not be too harsh on her. She felt threatened and people do things they would not normally do when they feel threatened. It is almost Christmas please let her stay, besides we both know she has no place to go. She has punished herself enough by losing her intended do you agree?” She asked.

  Walter thought for a moment and smiled. “I suppose she has punished herself enough. She may stay for Christmas, but it will be a very long time before she reaps any of the benefits of her nobility,” he said with a wink.

  As they all headed for the house a light dusting of snow began to fall. They all stood together admiring it as it fell. Madeline could not believe the turn of events that had happened in her life in such a short span of time. She was glad that she had been found and was home for Christmas.






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