Book Read Free

A Little Something Extra

Page 13

by Janet Elizabeth Henderson

  “I was saying that we’ve almost set up the school now. We hired the last staff member this morning.”

  “That’s great.” He wanted to sweep her up and hug her tight to show his admiration. But the middle of a bustling market wasn’t the best place. A thought struck him, and his stomach fell. “I was supposed to be at that interview, wasn’t I?”

  They turned up a dusty street with shanty style houses on one side of the road and high-rise buildings on the other—one of them, the hotel Harry had been aiming for. It always disturbed him that a luxury hotel overlooked the tin roofs of the shanty. It made him feel enormously guilty that he had so much when so many had so little.

  “We’re doing what we can to help,” Magenta said, as though reading his mind.

  “I know.” It was the reason they’d set up a charity to run schools in some of the poorest parts of the world to help educate kids who couldn’t afford it. And all of it was paid for with the money he’d made from selling his security software to the government. Which reminded him, he really must tweak some of his notes before he sent them off to his colleagues…

  “And he’s off again.” Magenta grinned at him.

  “I’m sorry.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side as her arm snaked around his waist. “I’ll get this done, then we can have dinner, and I promise to concentrate on every word you say.”

  “I know you will.” She gave him a squeeze. “Go do what you need to do and meet me in the lobby bar. And, if you get lost in your work and don’t appear within the next couple of hours, I’ll come find you.”

  His shoulders sagged with relief. Him getting lost in his work was a distinct possibility. “See you soon.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips and headed for the business center.

  Magenta didn’t have to track her husband down. He managed to find his way to the Hilton lobby bar less than an hour after he’d gone in search of an internet connection.

  There were dark circles under his eyes from too many nights spent working on his code, because his days had been filled helping her run their charity. He absentmindedly pushed his hair from his forehead as he smiled at her, and, as usual, her heart flipped at the sight. Harry’s genius IQ meant that when he focused on something, it got all of his attention. He honestly didn’t see anything but the object of his focus. And when that object was her, the feeling was indescribable. There was nothing in the world like having all of Harry’s attention.

  He flopped his long, lean body into the chair beside her and eyed the tablet in her hand. “School stuff?”

  “Tightening loose ends for the new board of trustees.” She put the tablet aside. “How did it go? Get the code sent okay?”

  “Yeah, but the internet here’s even slower than our hotel’s connection.” He signaled for the waiter, who headed their way. “Have you ordered already?”

  “No, I was waiting for you.”

  They gave their choices to the waiter and relaxed back into their leather seats. The crisp, clean marble-and-metal décor of the bar was in stark contrast to the dusty chaos outside the door of the hotel. Gentle background music played as cool air pumped through the room. They could have been in a hotel anywhere in the world. There was nothing around them to indicate that they were in the middle of Ethiopia.

  Magenta leaned across the table and took her husband’s hand in hers. “You’re fed up with all the traveling, aren’t you?”

  He jerked at her comment, his hand tightening on hers. “I don’t mind it. I only want you to be happy.”

  And there it was, the reason her love for Harry often overwhelmed her. “I am happy. You make me that way.”

  “Then we’re good.” And he meant it. As far as he was concerned, the topic was closed.

  Harry would bend over backward to give her everything she wanted, even if it meant sacrificing some of the things he needed. It was her job to make sure his needs were fulfilled too. One she’d slacked on these past couple of years, mainly because she’d been so busy setting up their schools. But it was time that changed.

  “I want to make you happy too,” she said.

  “You do.” He leaned across the table, eager to reassure her.

  Magenta shook her head to stop whatever he was about to say. “You’re getting antsy. I see it. You want to be working again.”

  “I do work. I work on the charity with you, and I do the odd job with Benson Security. Then there’s the government work.”

  “Which you can’t do properly, because we’re always moving, and the internet connections are spotty at best. Plus, you’re limited in what you can do because you need a secure connection. You’re doing half the job you want to do, and it’s obvious you’re getting frustrated.”

  “It’s working out okay. I don’t have any complaints.”

  No, he wouldn’t. Because that wasn’t how he functioned. It was time she complained on his behalf. Even if it meant the complaint was against herself. “The charity isn’t your thing,” she said softly. “I know you’re supporting me in it, but it isn’t your first love. Coding is. I’ve been selfish making you focus on the schools these past few years.”

  “Don’t be daft. You haven’t been selfish. And you’re wrong about my first love. It’s you, baby. Always has been, always will be.”

  And that’s why things had to change. Harry would never look out for himself; he’d always put her first. It was time she did the same for him. “The Benson Security work isn’t stretching you either. You could do it in your sleep. Let’s face it, you don’t have a whole lot of interest in the company. You mainly went into partnership with Lake and Callum to help them out.” She gentled her voice. “They don’t need you now. They’ve established their reputation, and they have Elle to do their computer stuff. I think it’s time you cut your ties with the business.”

  Harry started to protest, but his shoulders relaxed some. Which was a dead giveaway that the idea appealed to him.

  “Honey,” Magenta said to stop his protest. “I think it’s time we moved back to Scotland.”

  His gaze shot to hers, and he focused in on her, the way only Harry could: not missing one tiny thing. “You mean it?”

  She nodded. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot these past few months. The charity is well established now, and there are a lot of skilled people in Africa who are far more knowledgeable about setting up a school than I’ll ever be. I’m self-aware enough to realize that working with the charity these past few years has been more about helping me deal with growing up dyslexic than it ever was about running the schools.” She knew her smile was rueful. “I think we should employ an African team to move around and set things up, then let them get on with it.”

  “No.” Harry leaned in, ready to argue her case even against herself.

  “You know it’s true,” she cut him off. “Finding out at twenty-one that I wasn’t dumb, that I just had a learning issue, rocked my world. Having you, and the bags of cash you don’t care about has made it easy to throw myself into setting up something to ensure other kids don’t have to suffer what I did.” She reached for his other hand, holding them both tight, as she stared into the eyes of the man she loved more than she loved breathing. “You’re an amazing man. Your support over the past few years has changed everything about my life and given me confidence in me. It’s time I gave something back to you.”

  “You give me everything, baby. There’s nothing else to give.”

  Damn, but she loved her man. “I want to move back to Scotland. I want to run my own caving company like I always planned. And I want you to have great internet access, lots of computery gadgets, and your brother close enough to watch football with on a Saturday. I want to go home to Invertary.”

  His lips quirked. “Not sure computery is a technical term.”

  “We’ll make it one. What do you say, Hairy Boil? Want to go home to Invertary with me once we’ve sorted this school?”

  His goofy smile made her heart beat faster. “Y
eah, Maggie Fraser-Boil, I do.”

  “Good. Then while I sort out the last few loose ends to get the school up and running, you need to ring Lake and sell your share in the business to him. Agreed?”

  “Yeah, agreed. But you know we can still travel to check on the schools, right?”

  “I know.” She leaned across the table and kissed her husband, long and hard.

  The sound of a throat being cleared brought them up for air, and they turned to find their waiter grinning down at them. “Do you want these meals to take to your room?” he asked.

  “This isn’t actually our hotel,” Harry told him.

  The smile grew wider. “Do you want me to get you a room?”

  “No,” Magenta said. “I think we’re good.” Then she looked at her husband. “But eat fast, yeah?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he agreed with that sparkle in his eyes that she loved.

  A London Night

  This short story takes place after the events in Ransom.

  Elle Roberts stepped out of her favorite Mexican restaurant in the heart of Soho and breathed in the unique fragrance of a London summer. As usual, the theater district was packed with people. The many restaurants overflowed with chattering patrons, and the scent of different cuisines battled for supremacy in the warm night air. A person could get lost in the crowds of Soho. Elle had spent years doing just that.

  “Do you want us to walk you to the Underground?” Megan said as she came out of the doors behind Elle.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “A woman shouldn’t walk alone in the dark in London,” Dimitri said as he threw an arm around Megan’s shoulders.

  “Ignore him,” Megan said. “He’s almost as much of a Neanderthal as my brother-in-law.”

  “I’m not a Neanderthal. I’m using common sense. I’ve seen Elle during self-defense training, and it ain’t pretty. She’s the most helpless member of our team. Hell, baby, she can’t even fire a gun.”

  Megan rolled her eyes at Elle. “Bet that makes you feel so much better. Anyway, she doesn’t need a gun. She can hit an attacker over the head with her laptop.”

  That made Dimitri groan. He’d teased her all evening about bringing her laptop out to dinner with them. Elle had calmly informed him that her laptop was her date—if only that weren’t so close to the mark.

  “You two go see your show.” They were off to watch a risqué late-night cabaret in the heart of Soho. “I’ll take myself home. Trust me, I’m fine. I walk alone all the time. And look around you, there are more people here than there usually are on the streets when I walk home after work.”

  “I don’t like that either. I’m going to talk to the guys. We need to set up a schedule of people to escort you home when you work late.” Dimitri frowned, and Elle knew he was seconds away from insisting they act as her bodyguards until she got to the subway.

  “Megan,” Elle said on a sigh. “Can you deal with him, please?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” With wide blue eyes and a loving smile, her blonde friend gazed up at the man she adored. “Come with me now, or I will shoot you somewhere painful but non-essential.”

  His eyebrows shot up his forehead. “You have a gun on you?”

  She shrugged. “You don’t?”

  Dimitri looked like his head was going to explode, and that was Elle’s cue to make a getaway. It seemed that even though Megan was now an official security team member instead of a trainee, Dimitri still thought he was the boss of their partnership. Elle was pretty sure Megan never got the memo about the hierarchy.

  “I’m leaving now. Have a great time at the show.” She gave them a cheerful wave and walked away as their raised voices wafted after her. They were too busy arguing to even notice she’d gone.

  The evening showing of Harry Potter had just ended, and the Palace Theatre crowd streamed out into the street in front of her. Their excited chatter made her grin as she cut through them on her way to Chinatown. The nearest Underground station was a straight walk down Charing Cross Road, but Elle wasn’t in the mood to go home to an empty flat. She wanted to wander, hang out with the crowds and spend an hour feeling like she was part of something bigger than herself.

  In front of her, a large group of tourists stopped to stare up at the buildings, blocking her path. With a shake of her head, Elle skirted around them. As she passed a small side alley, an arm snaked around her waist from behind, and a hand clamped over her mouth. Strong arms held her tight as she was rushed into the dark, narrow alley. She was being abducted. In the middle of London. Surrounded by people who didn’t even notice. Shock froze her for a beat, and then adrenaline kicked in.

  But before she could strike out, she felt her attacker’s mouth close to her ear. “Did you miss me, gorgeous?”


  She slumped against him. And then she got furious. What the hell was he doing? Trying to scare her to death?

  She kicked back at him and had the satisfaction of feeling her heel hit his shin. She was planning her next move when suddenly she was turned and pressed against the wall. The tall, lean, muscled body of the man she obsessed over leaned into her until he was flush against her softness.

  “I should knee you in the balls for almost giving me a heart attack,” she told him.

  “Ellie, we both know that’s the last thing you want to do with that part of my anatomy.”

  His brown hair was longer than the last time she’d seen him, several months earlier in Scotland. Which reminded her. “You left me handcuffed to a bed! With pink fluffy cuffs!”

  His smile made her internal organs liquify and pool low in her body.

  “I told you to stop searching for me, but you didn’t listen, did you?”

  “I thought it was more of a suggestion than an order.” Not that she would have obeyed any order he gave, anyway.

  “You’ve stirred up a hornet’s nest, Ellie.” A flash of cold steel appeared in his eyes before disappearing, and he went back to looking at her with warmth. “I’m going to tell you again, and this time it is an order.” He paused as he twirled some of her shoulder-length pale blue hair around his finger. “Stop searching for information about my identity. If you don’t, you’re going to bring down a heap of trouble on your head, and the heads of your friends and workmates.”

  His tone was soft and seductive, completely at odds with his harsh words. But there was also something else in there. Something he wasn’t saying. Something that set alarm bells ringing.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  His eyes softened. “I can take care of myself.”

  That didn’t answer her question, and all that heat pooling low in her stomach suddenly felt like concrete starting to set. “I’ve caused trouble for you.” And she suspected it was the kind of trouble they couldn’t laugh about. Suddenly, her search for him seemed far more serious than she’d thought it would be, and for the first time since starting it, she wondered exactly what kind of mess she was digging into.

  For a micro-second, his jaw clenched before it relaxed again. But the small tell gave her all the information she needed. He was in danger. Because of her.

  She flattened her palm against his chest, over the soft thudding of his heart, and felt his heat sear her fingers. “Benson Security can help you.”

  “I don’t need any help. Everything is fine.”

  “Do you have to lie to me?”

  “Ellie, you think I’m a spy. Why would you expect me to tell the truth?”

  He had a point. “I won’t search for you anymore, on one condition.”

  “I like how you think you can negotiate with me. It’s cute.”

  Elle rolled her eyes. They both knew she would eventually dig up every piece of information there was on him. It was just a matter of time. “If you promise to contact Benson Security, and let us help you if things get too hot to handle, I’ll stop searching.”

  He leaned forward, pressing their bodies together until all she could feel was his heat at her f
ront and the cool hard wall at her back. His nose trailed up her throat until his lips were at her ear. “Your logic is off, Ellie. You know I’m a liar, so why would you believe any promise I made?”

  Elle wasn’t sure why she knew he’d keep his word to her, maybe it was just wishful thinking, but she was certain he would. “Give me your word.”

  “Fine.” He breathed out over the shell of her ear, making her shiver. “You have my word. If I need help, I’ll contact Benson Security.”

  “You’ll contact me.” She wanted to make that clear.

  He tugged at her earlobe with his teeth. “I’ll contact you,” he whispered.

  And somehow his words felt like a promise to do far more than simply get in touch.

  “Then I’ll stop searching.” At least she would try, because he was her obsession now, and it wouldn’t be easy to quit doing something that consumed her.

  “Tell me something,” he said as he leaned back to look at her. “Do you still dream about me?”

  “That night was an anomaly.” As was every single night since. The man invaded her dreams, each one hotter than the last. She burned for him now. And there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. Not unless he decided to stop running from her, because she was convinced that was exactly what he was doing.

  “So, you still dream about me.” He sounded entirely too smug for her liking, but before she could tell him he was fooling himself, he kept talking. “I like this color.” He stroked her hair. “It goes with your eyes. I like this pink dress too. You look like a fifties pin-up girl. A glamorous housewife. You should be in a kitchen somewhere, with a lace-edged apron, baking cookies for an army of kids before your husband comes home and sweeps you off your feet.”

  “Interesting fantasy you have there.” Elle’s eyes strayed to his lips as she remembered the kiss they’d shared, the same night he’d cuffed her to the bed. “A tad sexist and archaic for me though.”

  “Really?” His eyebrow cocked, and his smile stole the air from her lungs. “You don’t like role play? I’ll have to change your mind on that.”


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