Book Read Free

Heart of Sin

Page 7

by Nicola Jane

  “It’s a beautiful piece isn’t it. I’ve tried to buy it so many times but the manager here refuses to sell it to me no matter how much I offer.” I glance at the elderly lady that stands beside me looking at the painting of a small child, her head is resting on her dirty knees and she looks so sad.

  “It’s a sad painting but very beautiful,” I say.

  “The artist killed herself after painting this piece so of course it’s worth a small fortune. Sad that art is worth more when you are dead,” says the lady.

  “Grandmother, I see you’ve met Alivia,” comes Vass’s voice and we both turn. He leans down to kiss both cheeks of the elderly lady.

  “She has a good eye for art,” she says smiling at me.

  “Lets eat, I’m starving,” says Vass taking her arm and wrapping it through his own. I follow them in to a large restaurant. A young girl shows us to our table and takes our order of coffee. I wonder for the second time today why Vass has me here when I could be in the office working. Not that I don’t want to meet his grandmother, she seems lovely.

  “So, Alivia, how do you know my grandson?” she asks stirring four sugars in to her coffee.

  “She’s my friend,” says Vass before I can answer. When she looks to me for confirmation, I give her a weak smile. I hate lies.

  “And what do you do for a job?”

  “I work in marketing,” I say.

  “That’s nice, a good job is important. Have you done anything I would have heard of?” she asks.

  “Maybe. I worked for D.A homes,” I say.

  “Yes, I know of them. An up and coming property guru or so I’ve heard,” she says and I inwardly groan. Of course, she would know of Daniel and his amazing company that I helped market. I feel bitterness sink in.

  “Actually Grandma, Alivia is helping me at The Luxe,” says Vass.

  She turns to him and gives him a pointed look, “Why, is there something I should know?”

  “No, she came up with some great ideas and I decided to trial some of them, with the permission of the board of course.”

  “Well we’ll hear them on Friday at our meeting and make a decision,” she says.

  We order brunch and I listen as Vass tells his grandmother that he’s thinking of putting a gym in at The Luxe. It would make sense for him to have a gym there where he spends most of his time, he likes to work out. She definitely isn’t shy and spends some time asking me questions about my work and where I live. Vass tells her about creepy Keith.

  “Well give her a room at The Luxe,” she says and Vass nods.

  “I’d like to but Alivia insists she is okay there. She’s too proud to accept help,” he says and I scowl at him for trying to get me into trouble with his grandmother.

  “Alivia, life is too short. Take the help. This landlord doesn’t sound very good. Are there other residents?”

  “I think so. There are six rooms but I haven’t seen any other residents yet. I’ve only been there a few weeks.”

  “Well consider staying at The Luxe, at least you’ll be safe,” she says firmly and I nod knowing that there is no way I’ll be accepting a room, as nice as it is, I can’t rely on Vass to keep rescuing me, he must wonder what kind of mess he’s hired to work for him.

  By the time we get back to The Luxe I manage a quick check of my emails before I head back to the bar area to meet the photographer. Khan is a friend from college and I use him a lot for photographs, he’s professional and discreet which I like.

  I tell him what sort of thing I’m looking for and how I want to portray The Luxe. We arrange for him to come back first thing tomorrow morning so that he can take photos when there are no clients about. “Actually Liv, I could do with a huge favour,” says Khan sheepishly, “I need a model.”

  “Me?” I almost choke.

  “Yeah, I’ve told you a million times that I’d love to take your picture. I have a portfolio due in for a job that I’m bidding for and the model I was using dropped out this morning. The Luxe would make an amazing background for the shots I want. I’d consider dropping my fee to half,” he says with a grin.

  “I’d have to ask my boss but if he agrees then yeah I’ll do it.”

  Khan hugs me excitedly, “Call me as soon as you’ve asked him so I can set everything up that I need. I’ll bring the outfits.”

  When I get back to the office Alex is sat in Bianca’s chair spinning around. He steadies himself by grabbing the desk, “Don’t go in there. He’s got a do not disturb sign on the door,” he says pointing to Vass’s office. I take a seat at my desk.

  “Where is Bianca?” I ask, trying not to sound too interested. He points to the office again and grins wide.

  “There’s not many jobs where you can leave your duties to have sex,” I mutter and Alex laughs.

  “I guess not.” I note how he doesn’t deny that they are having sex and the thought pisses me off. It’s natural for a girl to feel jealous even though she isn’t with the guy in question and that said guy is the boss I’m sure.

  “How’s your first few days been?” asks Alex resuming the spinning.

  “Good, everyone is really nice,” I say. The office door swings open and Clarisse saunters in, she glowers at Alex as he spins and she shakes her head.

  “Who’s he with?” she asks pointing to Vass’s do not disturb sign.

  “His new trainee,” says Alex.

  “Stop spinning it’s annoying,” she snaps and he slows to a stop and rolls his eyes to me. “I think we should go out on Friday night,” suggests Clarisse sitting on the floor in the centre of the office and crossing her legs. “It’s been ages since we all went out.”

  “I’m up for it if everyone else is,” agrees Alex. They both turn to me with an expectant look on their face. I thought they were talking amongst themselves.


  “Well you can come and celebrate your first full week of surviving Vass,” says Clarisse.

  “Oh, I don’t think so. I’m sure Vass wouldn’t want his new employee tagging along with his friends,” I say shaking my head.

  “Firstly, Vass really won’t mind and secondly Vass hardly ever comes out drinking because he doesn’t drink in case you hadn’t noticed,” says Alex, “Come out with us Liv, we always have a good night.”

  I shrug, I’m pretty sure I’m right, Vass won’t like me going out with his friends. I’ve intruded on his life enough this week plus I don’t have any money.

  “Vass is busy Friday night anyway, doesn’t he have the thing with his family?” says Clarisse.

  Alex shakes his head, “No that’s Saturday, I overheard Annalise telling someone.”

  I tap on my computer, ignoring the stab of jealousy in my stomach. I have to stop this, he is my boss and I can’t like a guy that owns a sex club, my mum would have a heart attack.

  “If I can get the money together then I’ll come,” I say, surprising myself. They both smile and then Clarisse frowns.

  “Money? Have you checked your bank lately?”

  I shake my head, “No, I can’t handle the minus balance on the screen.”

  “Vass made me pay money into your account yesterday. He said to log it down as expenses,” she says. I pull out my mobile and log in to my online banking. Clarisse is right, my account is well in credit with a thousand pounds showing in the balance.

  “Why has he paid me that?” I gasp.

  “Vass doesn’t like to see anyone struggle,” says Alex.

  I suddenly feel uncomfortable, all of the help he keeps sending my way is too much, he doesn’t even know me and now this. None of it makes sense. I stand and march over to the conjoining door. Alex stands, his face panicked as I reach for the door and push it open. I stomp into Vass’s office and ignore the fact that he is sitting on his office chair watching Bianca touch herself in front of him on his desk. Bianca freezes, looking from me to Vass. Vass looks furious but then so am I so I glare at him to let him know I’m not leaving. His expression changes and his eyes
go back to Bianca, “I didn’t say you could stop,” he says coldly and she continues whilst looking highly embarrassed.

  “What the hell is this?” I ask holding up my phone.

  He leans forward slightly and then sits back in his chair, “A cash deposit of one thousand pounds.”

  “I can see that Vass, why is it in my bank?” I demand.

  “Because you needed money,” he shrugs.

  “It isn’t pay day until the end of the month, I only started on Monday!” I snap.

  Vass rubs his forehead like he’s trying to remain calm when in actual fact he wants to yell at me. He turns to Bianca. “Stop,” he orders and she does, looking thankful, “Go into the bathroom and get in the bath, I’ll be there shortly.” She nods and does exactly as instructed. I’m still reeling from the fact he has a bathroom with an actual bath in his office.

  Vass stands, raising to his full height and squaring his shoulders. He walks around to my side of the desk and towers over me, his face a picture of rage. “How dare you march in to my office like that when I am otherwise engaged. If you weren’t so fucking vanilla, I’d have you over my knee for that,” he threatens.

  If he wasn’t so totally insulting I’d be completely wet at that thought. I glare up at him, trying to make myself feel braver than I actually do. “How dare you pay money in to my account for no reason. Who even does that after three days?”

  “Are you seriously pissed off that I’m helping you out?” he shouts.

  “Yes,” I shout back, “I didn’t ask for your help Vass. I’m not some charity girl that needs you to swoop in and rescue me all of the time. I do eat and I have a perfectly good bed in my apartment.”

  He sighs in frustration, clearly annoyed by the whole conversation. “Fine Alivia, message received loud and clear. Now get the fuck out of my office and next time you barge in like that I’ll fire you.”

  I take a step back. I want to cry and I have no idea why but I feel it coming and so I storm out and head straight to the bathroom across from our office. I lock myself into the cubicle and lower on to the toilet seat, burying my face in to my hands and bursting in to tears. I realise that I sounded crazy, who yells at someone for trying to help and who yells at their new boss when they’ve only known them three days. The thing is, I feel like I’ve known Vass for so much longer.


  Who the hell yells at someone after they’ve given you a grand. Alivia is crazy and now I’m pissed off. Clarisse pops her head in and gives a little smile to test the waters. When I don’t return it she steps in further, “Are you okay?”

  “No, I’m pissed off,” I snap.

  “Some girls don’t like money thrown at them,” she says.

  I sit back in the office chair, “I wanted to help her Riss, she had a freezer full of microwave meals, she couldn’t pay her rent.”

  “I know Vass but you can’t help everyone, on the plus side, you know she isn’t a money grabbing whore like Annalise.” I scowl at her comment, she doesn’t make secret of the fact she hates Annalise. “Liv yelled at you,” she adds and then laughs, “I’ve never heard a woman yell at you.”

  “She’s lucky I didn’t put her over my knee, I really wanted to,” I smirk.

  “I was waiting for the scary Dom voice to come out but you kept yourself quite calm,” she says doing a small clap.

  “I like having her around Riss,” I admit, “What does that mean?”

  Clarisse shrugs but smiles, “I like her Vass, I think she’ll keep you on your toes.”

  “She makes me want a drink, no one’s made me feel like a drink in a long time.”

  Clarisse’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, “But you haven’t?” she asks and I shake my head. “Well that’s good. You need a fuck, take the afternoon and go down to the main room,” she suggests.

  “Maybe,” I mutter, “I need to finish the session with Bianca, I told Tom she’d be ready by the weekend.”

  I enter the bathroom and Bianca is laying back in the bath. When I walk in she scrabbles to her knees causing the water to overflow. “I need an outlet,” I mutter and she glances at me and then remembers herself and looks back to her hands, “I’m going to let you touch me Bianca, are you okay with that?”

  She nods eagerly, “Yes Sir, I’d like that very much.”

  For two months I’ve refrained from doing anything with her other than watch her, I’m training her to be a sub for a good client of The Luxe. She came to me and asked for my help because she’d never subbed for anyone before. Since Alivia walked into this office on Monday I’ve struggled to be with other women, apart from the receptionist, I haven’t been near another woman, I can’t lie, it’s killing me but all I can think about is Liv.

  I unbutton my trousers and fist my semi hard cock. I’m used to fucking every day at least two to three times. Since Sunday the most hard I’ve got is when I think up an image of Alivia in my mind and use my hand. I close my eyes and think of Liv in the silk pyjamas. I groan when Bianca runs her tongue along my shaft. I already know that I can’t do this and she’s hardly touched me. I sigh heavy and step back, “Sorry Bianca, I’ve changed my mind.”

  She almost looks disappointed. It’s worked out for the best because now I won’t have to get rid of her.



  By Friday morning I’m feeling well and truly fed up. Vass doesn’t need to drive me to and from work now that I have my car and, in all honesty, I miss that time with him despite the fact that at the moment things are very professional between us. Gone is the flirty banter and the offers of lunch out. I know it’s what I told him I wanted but I’m starting to regret it, I miss him.

  When I get into the office Vass is waiting for me. His face changes whenever he looks at me lately, there’s no more smiles or little winks here and there, it’s a stony stare. “The board members are arriving. Have you got everything ready?” he asks coldly. I give a nod. I made sure I had everything ready before I left the office last night. He watches me as I gather the booklets I have prepared. Thanks to a last-minute rush we now have a mock up of a brochure. Khan took some amazing photos of things I wouldn’t have even dreamed of. The close up of the tassels from a flogger laying across the silk bedding is personally one of my favourites, considering I didn’t even know what it was, I’m making progress.

  Bianca arrives looking flustered, she gives Us a weak smile and Vass goes to her immediately, sensing she isn’t herself. “Are you okay?” he asks gently. It’s a bitchy thought but I can’t help feeling pissed that his whole demeaner has changed for Bianca yet his attitude to me was frosty.

  Bianca sniffles and then bursts into tears. Vass wraps her in his big arms and jealousy pushes its way in again. He whispers into her ear and she nods. Vass turns to me, “You’ll have to get started without me, I need to deal with this.”

  My eyes widen in panic, “What, On my own?” I almost screech.

  He glares at me, “Yes, you’re a big girl I think you’ll manage. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Vass, I don’t know any of these people. Can’t Clarisse take care of Bianca?”

  “Are you serious right now Alivia?” he snaps and I look away, not liking the anger in his eyes.

  “Fine, whatever,” I mutter checking I have everything. Vass leads Bianca into his office and I childishly stick my middle finger up at his closed door.

  I make my way to the board room and take a deep breath before making my entrance. Ten pairs of eyes turn as I enter and I feel my face flush as I place my paperwork down at the head of the table. I finally look up and give my best confident smile.

  “Good morning, I’m Alivia Caldwell. Unfortunately, Mr Fraser has been called to something urgent but he’ll be here shortly. Until then I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”

  I notice Vass’s grandmother and give her a weak smile; she winks at me and gives me a thumbs up which makes me feel like I haven’t made a total twat of myself just yet. It’s not that I don’t
like public speaking, I’ve done it many times but this is a different kind of company than I’m used to. I start by handing out the mock up brochure.

  “I realised that The Luxe doesn’t have any kind of brochure or anything to give to potential clients. Other places in this industry, although not near London, have a similar kind of brochure that hints at the things we cater for. As you can see, the brochure is classy with nothing too in depth but enough information to give someone an idea of what they can expect for their money. If you turn to the centre fold you’ll find the different memberships, we left the cost off the brochure because we don’t want price to put clients off. Let the description lure them in and then hit them with the price.”

  I take a deep breath and let the board look over the brochure whilst they talk amongst themselves. So far everyone looks impressed. “Mr Fraser is in talks with the golf club, which is less than two miles away, about offering a discounted membership for their members. As you can see from the back of the brochure there’s a list of packages we would like to offer that do not involve the kind of things that the memberships do. For example, our bar area could be available for business meetings during the daytime. Our main room could be available for hire to businesses that need more room for conference meetings or training purposes.”

  Members nod in agreement and Vass’s grandmother smiles wide at me. The door opens and Vass enters looking dishevelled and rushed. He runs his fingers through his hair and takes off his suit jacket. “Sorry I’m late, office crisis,” he says.

  “Involving the removal of your trousers?” asks his grandmother raising her eyebrows and looking directly at Vass’s crotch area. Vass glances down and laughs when he realises his zipper is open. He fastens it and shrugs causing the other members in the room to laugh. I, however, am pissed. How dare he leave me to start this meeting for a quick fuck. I continue charming the board with my ideas and then wrap it up because I have Khan arriving shortly to take photos of me in the grounds of The Luxe. I cleared it with Clarisse seeing as Vass was being an arse to me and she is the office manager.


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