Heart of Sin

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Heart of Sin Page 12

by Nicola Jane

  I nod, she makes sense and I feel calmer now I’ve got it out of my system. “Thanks Riss,” I say giving her a hug.

  Vass arrives an hour later with a takeout Chinese and a bottle of wine. Once we are all settled at the table I pull out my list of rules. Vass raises his eye brow and laughs, “You’re taking this really serious Liv.”

  “Aren’t you?” I ask.

  “Well yeah of course but I’m not great with rules, ask my mother.”

  “If this is going to work Vass you need to respect Alivia’s terms,” snaps Clarisse and I smile knowing that she is on my side.

  “Fine,” sighs Vass, “Hit me with it.”

  “Sex,” I say and his eyes widen, “There will be none between us.” He rolls his eyes.

  “Way to get my hopes up Liv,” he mutters.

  “We have to keep the wedding a secret. I don’t want my parents to know.” He nods, I’ve already explained this to him and how my parents are old fashioned in their beliefs.

  “Once your Grandmother has…” I trail off, “Well yah know. You file for the divorce and pay the costs.”

  Vass nods again, “And what do you want to walk away with?” he asks.

  “Me?” I ask, “Nothing.”

  Vass frowns, “So you are going to marry me, stay married until my Grandmother passes away, let me divorce you and you want nothing, not a house, not a car, just nothing?”

  I nod and shrug, “Yeah, I’m doing this for your Grandmother and so that you get your club. There’s nothing I need.”

  “But at least take something. Maybe we can get you a house or a lump sum of cash?” he suggests.

  “No,” I say with a shudder, “It makes it feel seedy when you offer things like you’re my sugar Daddy.”

  Vass laughs, “We’ll talk about this further, you have to walk away with something, have a think.”

  “Lastly, other women,” I say, knowing that this could be the deal breaker for Vass. “I don’t mind what you do but don’t do it around me, mainly because if anyone else see’s you behaving like that it looks disrespectful to me, I don’t want to be seen as some little wifey that gets cheated on and turns a blind eye,” I state and Vass nods, “And don’t get caught out, not by the press, not by employees which means you taking part in sex at The Luxe could be an issue.”

  “I haven’t joined in for a while now. But you’re right I can do that stuff privately.”


  Alivia stares at me for a moment and then shrugs her shoulders, “Any rules from your end?” she asks.

  I’m still in shock that this beautiful woman has chosen to do this for me. She will never understand how grateful I am. “What about your dating life? It will have to be put on hold for a while.” I can’t deny that this pleases me because thinking about another man touching Alivia in the way I crave, makes me want to rip shit apart.

  “What dating life?” she scoffs, “I can wait until we divorce,” she adds. That one word, Divorce, angers me. Of course, that’s the natural end to a fake marriage and she isn’t going to want to stick around after, I don’t expect her to, it was me that told her I didn’t want to be tied down, but it still causes an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “What about the important stuff?” asks Clarisse.

  “Like?” I ask.

  “Well, what’s acceptable and what’s not. Who is making the announcement, how are you going to convince your Grandmother that Alivia is the one, will you move in together, will you share a bed?”

  “NO,” screeches Alivia and when we both look to her in shock she lowers her voice, “I mean, no we won’t be sharing a bed.”

  “But you’ll have to move in together, your grandmother will not accept you living separately,” says Clarisse. She’s right, my grandmother will push for this especially if she smells a rat.

  “I’ll tell my grandmother in a couple of weeks. Until then maybe we need to be seen together so it looks like a natural progression. Once we have announced the engagement then you can move in to The Luxe. I’ll come with you to see your parents at the weekend so they can get used to seeing us together, it won’t be a shock if the papers then get pictures of us,” I say.

  “No, no way are you coming to my parents. Let me talk to them, ease them in to the idea of us being a couple,” says Alivia. I nod, letting her believe I won’t turn up. I finish my glass of water and stand. “Where are you going?” asks Alivia.

  “Jesus woman are you getting in to role already?” I ask and she blushes. If I didn’t know better I’d think she was sad to see me leave. “I have a private room with my name on it,” I wink. Clarisse roles her eyes and scowls at me but Alivia nods. I wish I could explain why I need what I need. I promised I wouldn’t get caught having sex and I won’t because honestly, since meeting her I haven’t wanted anyone else, but this, this I can’t give up.

  Once I arrive back at The Luxe I go straight to the bar where I spot Ava. She feels the moment I am approaching her because she turns to face me, a smile on her plump red lips. When I scowl at her bright smile she lowers her head, realising that we have already begun. She rises to her feet, keeping her head lowered. I pull the silk collar from my pocket and place it around her neck. I put out my hand, waiting, I see the hesitation in her actions but she reaches under her skirt and then shimmies from her underwear. No one batters an eye, it’s not uncommon in here. I take the scrap of black lace from her and place it in my pocket.

  “Take it off,” I growl in her ear. I don’t miss the shudder that races through her, she enjoys this. She wipes at her lips. The red staining her hands. She wore red on purpose to defy my instructions, she wants to be punished.

  I take her by the hand and lead her through the bar towards the main room. I make her stand to my side whilst I take a seat near the back of the room, I like to keep in the shadows. “Watch,” I order her and she looks up to the stage. Two women are taking centre stage. One sat on a high stool with her legs open and wrapped around the head of the other. She screams in pleasure as the girl on her knees eats at her pussy. I run my hand up the inner thigh of Ava, stroking her leg and tracing small circles along her soft skin.

  A man comes on to the stage and the girl on her knees turns her attention to him whilst he kisses the girl on the stool. Ava fidgets, she wants my hand to move higher but I ignore her and continue my slow torturous circles. I let Ava watch for another five minutes, the man takes turns to fuck each girl, Ava likes to watch. I stand and take her hand again, leading her to the doors where we can watch private shows. I pop my head in to the closest room, it’s perfect because there’s a threesome behind the glass. I pull Ava inside and stand her near the glass, her hands pressed against it. I kick her legs apart and leave her to stand like that for a few minutes. When I finally run my hand back up her inner thigh she is damp there. “Did you like the show Ava?” I ask.

  “Yes sir,” she whimpers.

  “You wore red lipstick,” I say and she nods, my hand slaps hard against her ass and she lurches forwards.

  “Sorry sir,” she gasps.

  I run my finger over her opening and she moans quietly, I place my wet finger in to her mouth. “Why did you wear the lipstick Ava?” I ask.

  “Because I wanted you to punish me sir,” she says.

  “How?” I ask.

  “I wanted you to spank me sir,” she whispers.

  Too bad. I won’t give her what she wants, it’s not how this works. I push a finger into her pussy and she cries out. I try another, stretching her and causing her to move back and forth against my hand. I use my other hand to free her breasts, pulling her dress down at the front. I gently massage them, occasionally squeezing her erect nipple. I feel her inner walls squeeze my fingers, she needs to climax. I pull my hand away and she cries out in protest. I slap my hand against her ass again. I push my fingers in to her mouth, she licks them clean before I push them back inside. I continue the slow torture, not quite letting her climax. After the forth time she is beggi
ng for a release. I turn her to face me, placing her hands on my shoulders and then I let her climax, rubbing her clit until she screams and her legs almost give way. My cock aches to be inside her but I know once I get to it a certain brunette will pop in to my mind and that’ll distract me. I pop my fingers into my mouth tasting Ava’s release. She reaches up and pulls me in to a deep kiss, tasting herself on my tongue. I reach around her neck whilst she’s busy tasting my mouth and I unclip the collar. She pulls back to look at me, “Are we done?” she asks and I nod.

  “I have stuff to do, sorry,” I say, “Go and play in the main room, enjoy the rest of the night.” I kiss her on the head and leave the room. I need to have a cold shower.

  Once I’m dried off slip on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I head to the second floor and knock on the door. “Come in,” comes Ella’s voice. I open the door and she smiles, “Vass, I didn’t expect you. It’s been a while.”

  “I’m desperate,” I mutter and she nods.

  “I’m free,” she says and I go inside, closing the door and dropping the lock.



  “Mum where are you?” I shout as I enter my childhood home.

  “In the kitchen,” she shouts back. I head through and find her with her hands in a bowl of dough. “Bread,” she says as a way of explanation.

  I go behind her and wrap my arms around her, pressing my cheek against her back. “I missed you,” I smile.

  “I missed you too sweetheart,” she smiles, “Your Dad’s gone to the shop to get us a bottle of wine in for tonight, I’m doing Salmon for tea, your favourite.” It always feels good to come home and have home cooked food not something that goes in the micro-wave or comes from a takeout carton. I sit at the breakfast bar and watch her knead the bread. “So, tell me what the hell’s been going on?”

  I fill her in about Daniel and what he did to me. How he then begged me back and Vass hit him on the nose. Mum presses her lips together to keep her smile in. I tell her all about my new job, missing out that The Luxe is a private sex club and opting for an elite hotel. She has no clue how to use the internet so I’m not worried. I tell her how Vass has helped me so much and how great he is.

  “He has a terrible reputation for being a womaniser,” she says.

  “I know, I haven’t seen that side of him Mum and I’m not willing to judge a person on what the newspapers print.”

  “They have been printing rubbish all week,” she says nodding to a pile of papers on the worktop. I reach for one and open it to the celebrity gossip section. I scan the text, I’ve been avoiding looking at them all week, Vass said they were only printing rubbish and so to ignore them. This one goes on about Vass and a love triangle between me, Annalise and him. Thankfully there are no more pictures. I drop it back on to the pile, “Just ignore them all mum, none of it’s true.”

  “I know that, one said you were a money grabber trying to take Vass for everything he has. I told your father that I have a good mind to go and speak to them. How dare they paint that picture of you.”

  I smile at her protective mum mode, “I haven’t read them because they annoy me, I suggest you do the same.”

  “Are you dating him?” she asks.

  The big question, and now I feel bad because I have to lie to my mum. I shrug my shoulders, “I wouldn’t say dating. We see each other a lot and I would be open to getting to know him more but I don’t want to rush anything.”

  “I rang Daniel’s mum,” she suddenly blurts out.

  “Oh mum, why?” I gasp.

  “Because of what he did, she knew all about your split but he blamed you. She was so upset when I told her what he’d done. Anyway, she told me something,” she says and my ears prick up, “Daniel cheated on her too, on that Becca girl.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me mum,” I sigh.

  “With her sister,” hisses my mum like she’s sharing top secret government news.

  “Wow, low even for him,” I say.

  “That’s not all. She got pregnant, so he’s having a baby with his girlfriends sister,” she almost shouts.

  “Jesus Christ, what a dick.”

  “Alivia,” gasps my mum, “Do not take the lords name in vain and then say dick in the same sentence.”

  “Sorry,” I apologise even though my mum is not religious but insists that we don’t use bad language or speak badly of Jesus.

  We have dinner and it feels good to catch up with my parents. My mum monopolises the conversation with gossip about the neighbours and every so often my dad chips in with a snippet of information. After dinner I go and change, I’ve arranged to meet Alison, my childhood friend. Things were awkward for a while when I first got with Daniel because she didn’t like him and predicted he would break my heart. We kept in contact by text but I haven’t seen her in over a year. I’m excited about catching up.

  I kiss my parents goodbye with the promise of coming in quietly and not waking them. I take a walk in to the city centre. Our house is literally a five minute walk which was always handy when I first started partying.

  Alison is already waiting in the swanky bar, Capers. I get my drink and join her at a small table by the window. “It’s so good to see you, you look amazing,” she smiles hugging me tight.

  “So do you, thanks for meeting me at such short notice,” I say, taking a seat opposite her.

  We spend time catching up on gossip. The alcohol sneaks in our system because we are so busy chatting that by the time we stand to move on we are both swaying. We find a night club so that we can dance off the vodka. My phone flashes with a text, it’s from Vass. I open it smiling, I like hearing from him. ‘Be good tonight,’ it reads. I frown, how does he even know I’m out, I only arranged to meet her yesterday. ‘I’m always good. No orgies your end.’ I reply and smile as I tuck my phone away.

  We soon get chatting to a couple of guys that insist on buying us drinks. They seem nice and I have my eye on the tallest of the two. He’s nice looking, not on the scale of Vass but still someone I’d usually go for. At the end of the night they walk us to the taxi rank. Even though I only live close by I never walk alone at night and Alison has to pass my house to get home so we always share a cab. As I’m about to get in, the guy I was talking to spins me to face him and places a hard, deep kiss against my mouth, I’m shocked but it’s not a bad kiss and so I don’t pull away immediately. When we finally part lips I smile up at him before diving in the cab, giggling with Alison like school girls.

  I crawl into my old bed, comforted by the fact I am home and I fall in to a deep sleep.

  Something whacks gently against my head, it blows my hair across my face and I groan loud. It happens again and I swat whatever it is with my hand. “Morning Ms Caldwell, care to explain this?” I dive up to the sound of Vass’s amused voice. He stares down at me looking fresh and just showered. I’m aware I still have last nights dress on which is currently wrapped around my waist as well as the makeup that I couldn’t be bothered to wipe off. I straighten my hair in a failed attempt to look half human. “The hair is the least of your problems,” smirks Vass. I wipe under my eyes trying to clear any black that will have smudged down my face.

  Vass thrusts his phone into my face and I move back slightly so my eyes can adjust. It’s a picture of me and the guy last night. “Oh my god,” I wail, “How did you get that?”

  Vass pulls his phone back and smiles whilst reading from it, “Vass Frasers latest love breaks his heart on a drunken night out,” he says dramatically, “Alivia Caldwell was spotted out in Brighton last night miles apart from her new beau Vass Fraser. It raised questions that the pair are already in difficulty after reports that Caldwell ran off to her family home in Brighton earlier today. Mr Vass declined to comment on his current relationship status although he did confirm that Ms Caldwell had gone home to visit her parents adding that she would be back to work as normal on Monday. Ms Caldwell finished off her night out with a lip locking kiss from an unknown str
anger fuelling rumours that the pair have in fact split after only a few days together. Ms Collinsworth, the recent ex-partner of Fraser was too upset to comment but confirms that her and Fraser are no longer together.”

  Vass pulls my hands away from my face, “Oh god, why were they following me. And why are you here?” I groan.

  “I told you I was coming to meet your parents. How’s the head?” he asks handing me a bottle of water and a couple of painkillers. I take them.

  “I told you I didn’t want you to come yet,” I say.

  “You’ll soon realise that I never listen, I always do what I want and I am one bossy mother fucker. Anyway, your mum has breakfast on so get up.”

  “Jesus Christ, you’ve already spoken to them,” I moan.

  “Yes, how do you think I got in?”

  “I wouldn’t put it past you to let yourself in Vass. Have they seen that?” I ask pointing to the phone.

  “I can’t even discuss that with you right now, I’m crazy mad that you broke one of your own rules already and I can’t punish you for it.” I watch in astonishment as he leaves the room. What is he so mad about, I didn’t know the press would follow me here to my home. I sigh and throw the covers back taking in the state of my rolled up dress and smeared fake tan.

  After a long shower I head downstairs to find my parents in deep conversation with Vass. I watch from the kitchen doorway, confused that they have seemed to welcome him with no problem.

  “Here she is,” smiles my dad. I give a small wave as my mum and Vass turn to me. Vass stands and strides towards me, placing a kiss on my head. I frown and wipe it away to which he raises his brow in a warning manner.


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