Heart of Sin

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Heart of Sin Page 13

by Nicola Jane

  “You’ve met Vass,” I say sarcastically moving around him and taking a seat.

  “We sure have, he brought me flowers,” says my mum wistfully pointing to a ridiculously large bouquet by the sink.

  “Wow, you haven’t even brought me flowers yet,” I say with another sarcastic glare his way.

  “I was just telling your parents how seeing you with that man last night woke me up. You were right to give me the ultimatum. It wasn’t desperate or needy like I said, I didn’t mean any of that,” he says turning to face me and grabbing my hand. I scowl at him, “I want to try, for you, I know you’re in love with me and I…” he pauses dramatically and I glance at my mum who is literally swooning. “think I can learn to love you one day. I accept your jealous ways and if you need to constantly check up on me to quench that jealous beast inside you then I’m willing to let you.”

  I pull my hand away, “What the hell are you talking about,” I growl.

  He smiles wide and gives a wink, “Sorry, I should say all of this in private.”

  “You should stop talking before I stuff my fist in your face,” I mutter.

  “Alivia don’t be so aggressive,” snaps my mum and Vass smiles at her gratefully.

  “Don’t believe him he’s winding you up. There is no way I’m desperate enough to beg him to give us a try and I definitely am not jealous.”

  Vass gives me a condescending smile and pats my hand, “It’s okay Alivia, no one’s judging you.”

  I let out a frustrated scream and stomp from the room. I can’t believe him and how quick my parents have let him in without even knowing him. They took ages to warm to Daniel. I sit outside on the front steps. The fresh air helping my hangover.

  The door opens and Vass lowers, smiling at me. “You’re not funny. I asked you not to come here because my parents need time to get to know about us before you bombard them,” I huff.

  “They love me. I brought your dad a signed England Football shirt and your mum a bunch of flowers and an expensive bottle of wine.”

  “You can’t just buy my parents Vass. We aren’t like you, we don’t need material things.”

  “Ouch, bitch mode on,” he mutters, “It was pay back for you breaking the rules. Don’t set them if you can’t stick to them it brings me out in hives.”

  “I didn’t know the press would follow me around, I didn’t even realise they thought we were together. The last I read was that we were in a love triangle.”

  “I’m going to kiss you now. Look happy we are being watched,” he whispers and then before I can respond he leans in and plants the most gentle kiss against my mouth. “Smile,” he urges against my lips. Then he wraps me in his arms and holds me tight. It’s a nice hug, one that screams security and safe.

  “We are taking your parents to lunch today. I’m going to tip the press. We need to smile and act loved up, the show begins now,” he says. What have I let myself in for?


  I knock gently on Alivia’s bedroom door and wait for her to tell me to come in. Pushing the door open I find myself transported back into the late nineties. This is Alivia’s childhood bedroom, posters are stuck to the wall of boy bands, there are photographs on a pin board of a younger Alivia posing with friends. “Don’t judge me, I was a typical teenager, boy bands and friends were my life,” says Alivia smiling. She looks amazing, her golden tan stands out against the white of the swing dress she’s wearing.

  “You look beautiful,” I say. She does a spin and takes a bow.

  “I was going for virginal, innocent and nice, will I be judged?” she asks.

  “Only by the haters and it doesn’t matter what you wear for them, they’ll still come for you. You look amazing. Let’s give them a show that leaves no doubt that we are together,” I remind her.

  I drive us to the restaurant. I found it by searching online, it has top ratings so I’m hoping it’s impressive enough although I don’t get the impression that Alivia’s parents are those kind of people. I could’ve quite easily have taken them to a local bar and they’d have been grateful. As soon as I step from the car I am bombarded with questions from the small group of reporters that I had tipped off. I smile and round the car to open the door for Alivia and then her parents. I grab Alivia’s hand and we head inside, ignoring the questions and the flashing lights.

  “How exciting,” says Alivia’s mum with a smile.

  “Really mum?” asks Alivia, “You don’t find them intimidating?”

  “No, I can’t wait to see what they say in the papers,” she says excitedly, “I hope it was a good picture,” she adds straightening her hair. Alivia shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

  We are quickly shown to a table by the window, also requested by me especially so the press can get some good shots of us looking happy. “Caroline, Mark, after you,” I say, letting Alivia’s parents take their seats. We are handed menu’s and I take Alivia’s from her hand and place my arm around her shoulder, sharing my menu with her. I kiss her head just in time for a photo. “This is embarrassing,” she mutters.

  “It’s necessary,” I say.

  We order our food and drinks and fall in to a comfortable chat about the Caldwell family. I discover Mark has his own small business of cab drivers and Caroline is a shop assistant for a clothes retailer. We talk about Alivia, much to her annoyance but I love hearing stories of her childhood and find myself laughing at their tales.

  “Vass doesn’t want to hear about me and my unfortunate teenage years,” sighs Alivia.

  “Oh I really do,” I reassure her, “I find it fascinating that you weren’t always this nerdy.”

  “If that was an insult then it didn’t work, I am a proud nerd,” she says indignantly. I watch her swallow some of her wine, the way her throat moves, the way her lips press together before she runs her tongue over them. “What?” she asks eyeing me suspiciously.

  I place a finger under her chin gently and place a kiss on her lips, “I like watching you,” I whisper.

  “Oh Mark, isn’t he just the cutest,” sighs Caroline, placing her hand over her chest and tilting her head to the side. It’s something I’ve never been called before but I’ll take it.

  We finish lunch and after a short battle with Mark, which I win, I pay the bill and we head back out to the car. A photographer stands in front of us, “Can we have a picture Mr Fraser?” he asks politely. I give a nod and he smiles in delight.

  I straighten my jacket and then I pull Alivia into my side. I place her hand against my chest and stare at the camera. He takes a couple of shots. “What about one with your future in-laws?” asks the photographer. Instead of protesting that they are simply Alivia’s parents I smile at them and invite them to join us. “How do you feel about your daughter dating Mr. Fletcher?” asks the photographer as he snaps away.

  “I’m delighted,” shrills Caroline, “He’s a real gentleman and I’ve not seen Alivia look so happy.” I inwardly grin, my plan is working.

  “Any future plans?” he then asks me.

  I smile down at Alivia and he captures the shot, “We are taking things one day at a time but I am very happy at this moment in time,” I confirm.

  “And you Ms. Caldwell?” he asks.

  “I’m waiting to wake up from this dream,” she says wistfully before smirking up at me, “It just seems too good to be true.”

  We get in to the car and head back to the Caldwell’s home. “I need to find a hotel,” I say, staying in the car.

  “Okay, I’ll call you later,” says Alivia. Caroline sticks her head back in to the car.

  “You will not stay in a hotel, You are our guest and you’ll stay with us,” she insists. Alivia shakes her head at me, prompting me to refuse but instead I smile wide and Alivia groans dramatically.

  “That is so kind of you Caroline, I’d love to stay with you.”

  “That’s settled then. Alivia show Vass to the spare room,” says Caroline before heading off in to the house.

Haven’t you got to work tomorrow?” asks Alivia, “I booked a days holiday to relax with my parents and now you’re crashing my day off.”

  “I need a day off anyway. We can read the papers together over breakfast, it’ll be fabulous,” I say stepping out of the car and taking my bag.

  The spare room is directly across from Alivia’s room. It’s comfortable and homely. Once I’m showered I go back across the landing and tap on Alivia’s door. “Yes?” she shouts and I enter. She’s sitting cross legged on her bed. When she see’s me wet and wrapped in just a towel her eyes bug out of her head, “What are you doing? My parents might see you dressed like that, they’ll think we’ve been up to no good,” she hisses.

  I grin, “You wish,” I say, “What’re you doing?”

  “I’m checking my social media. Why aren’t you on here?” she asks.

  “Have you been trying to stalk me?” I ask and she rolls her eyes at me. “I don’t have time to keep on top of social media. The Luxe page is run by Clarisse. If I go on there I’d be inundated with messages, it gets ridiculous. Have you changed your relationship status?” I take a seat next to her on the double bed.

  “No, don’t be weird,” she says.

  “You have to, the press will check that kind of stuff,” I say. I take her mobile and change her status to in a relationship. I then take the opportunity to go through her friends list. “You have a lot of guys on here,” I mutter, laying back until I’m resting against the head of the bed.

  “Vass give it back, that’s my privacy you’re going through.” She makes a snatch for the phone but I move it and she falls against my chest, I wrap my arm around her and pin her there so she’s laying against me. After a few struggles she accepts her fait and watches as I flick through her friends list.

  “How do you know this guy?” I ask. His profile picture is of him and her together. It stirs that jealous beast inside me once again.

  “He’s a friend from school. We met up a few times after Daniel,” she shrugs.

  “Do you talk to him?” I ask and she nods, “About?” I probe.

  “You remember this isn’t a real boyfriend and girlfriend situation here Vass, it’s none of your business.”

  I open up her messages and she tries to take the phone again but misses a second time. I roll her so that she is under me and then I sit up over her so she can’t escape. She hits out at me playfully and I catch her hands in mine and hold them above her head, looking around I spot the cord to her dressing gown. I reach for it and then bind it around her hands so they are above her head. I tie them to her metal headrest and smile down at her, satisfied that she is secure and I can now look through her messages in peace. I remain over her whilst I proceed to be nosey. Alivia wiggles beneath me, it’s no good, she’ll never get her hands free, I’m an expert in the art of securing body parts. “It was great to see you. You looked so amazing and I regret not going in for the kiss,” I read the message aloud and Alivia blushes. “Maybe next time we can have dinner at my place,” I continue to read. “Wow he’s keen,” I add cocking an eyebrow.

  “You’re being a total ass right now and I’m going to write a new rule about respecting boundaries and privacy,” huffs Alivia wriggling against me.

  “Rules are already written you can’t add, change or amend and sweetheart if you keep moving like that I’m not going to be responsible for my actions,” I growl and she stills, noticing the rise underneath my towel. “Who’s Carl?”

  “Oh my god, Vass, stop now. I can’t help having a past or chatting to other guys. We aren’t really together, this isn’t cool.”

  I lean down so my mouth is inches from hers, “Do you like being tied up Alivia, all helpless and at my mercy?” Her face flushes and her lips open slightly. “If I was to check your panties now, would they be as wet as I think?”

  “Vass I said no Sex,” she pants. She likes my dirty mouth and this just makes me harder for her.

  “But you didn’t say no sexual contact, it’s different. Your rules really needed to be more clear,” I say, running my finger down the middle of her chest and down towards her stomach. She sucks in a breath and I move my finger away before it reaches the waist band of her shorts. I adjust my towel to make sure I’m still covered up and her eyes are drawn there again. She licks her lips subconsciously and it takes everything I have to stand and begin to untie her arms. “I’m going to sort…” I look down at my obvious erection, “This.” I say. “You’d better get some clothes on, I’m taking you out this evening for a few drinks.”

  She sits up and rubs her wrists, the slight red mark turning me on even more. As I walk away she gasps and I close my eyes momentarily, I know what’s coming next, why the fuck didn’t I put a top on.

  “What have you done to your back?” she asks.

  “It’s nothing, get dressed,” I say firmly, leaving the room.



  Those marks on Vass’s back were not nothing, the angry red lines looked painful and there were so many. It’s all I can think about and even now, sitting across from the gorgeousness that is Vass I can’t stop the questions that fill my mind.

  “You’re very quiet tonight, are you okay?” asks Vass. I nod and give him a weak smile. If he doesn’t open up to me how are we going to fake a marriage. The wounds looked fresh and new, not old and not scar tissue. “You may as well talk about whatever is bothering you Alivia, I can’t do moods or sulking,” he adds.

  “I’m not in a mood or sulking. I can’t stop thinking…” I trail off, he doesn’t want to talk about it, it was obvious from his very first response. “What the papers will print tomorrow,” I lie.

  “Don’t worry about it. They print what they want and nothing we do or say will change that. It gets easier to ignore after time.”

  “We really can’t let it leak out about us getting married Vass. When we go our separate ways they’ll have a field day and I can’t handle that without you.”

  “Why would you have to, I’ll be here to support you through it,” he says frowning.

  “Afterwards, when we split you won’t,” I say.

  “Of course I will, won’t we still have a friendship?” he asks and my heart squeezes with hope. Maybe Vass is becoming a real friend, I like that idea. “So tell me, do you like being tied up?”

  “I’m not discussing my sex life with you Vass,” I mutter with a slight smirk. The endless sex talk is getting old.

  “It’s a genuine question. Someone might ask me this information to verify that I really do know you,” he smiles.

  “Let’s talk about your sex life,” I say, drinking down my vodka.

  “Let’s play a game, I answer a question and then you answer one,” he says. I consider it and then nod.

  “Me first,” he says, “Do you like being tied up?”

  “I’ve never been tied up before today but I guess I’d be open to try it. It wasn’t terrible and I liked the idea of not being able to control what was going on.”

  He raises his brow and then smirks, “The things I could show you,” he utters with a gleam in his eye. It makes me shudder at the suggestiveness in his voice.

  “Okay, are you a dominant?” I ask. I’m pretty sure I know the answer to this. Bianca told me a lot of stuff that they did together before she left.

  “Yes,” he confirms and we stare at each other.

  “Continue,” I push.

  “You asked a question and I answered.”

  “I want to know more,” I argue.

  He ignores me and thinks for a second. “How many sexual partners have you had?”

  “Three,” I say confidently. Most girls my age have at least doubled that figure, I’m glad I didn’t. Now Vass looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue. When I don’t, he sighs.

  “Fine, yes I like to dominate. I realised when I was a teenager that it turned me on to be in charge. Now I get paid a lot of money to train girls that want to be submissive for members of
The Luxe. I am very experienced and it’s something I’m good at.” I have no doubt about it, I sometimes get a slight glimpse of that side of him.

  “Three guys, Dan, my childhood sweetheart and the person I gave up my virginity for. We got reacquainted at a school reunion. I gave him four years of my life and he repaid that by cheating with my friend. Jake, he was after teenage Dan, it was a short relationship and I used him mainly to piss Dan off and make him jealous. Finally, Jacob, he was someone I dated for a while before I met back up with Dan. I ended it,” I say, “What about you?”

  Vass laughs, “A lot more than three.”

  “Do you know how many?” I ask and he looks embarrassed before shaking his head. “Wow, so there’s been a hell of a lot?”

  “I own a sex club Alivia, it comes with the territory. Why do you think I haven’t settled down or had a steady girlfriend? Are you good at sex?”

  “What kind of question is that?” I ask, “I don’t know. I haven’t had any complaints but I’ve not had anyone tell me I’m amazing in the sack either.”

  “Has a man ever made you orgasm?” he goes on.

  “Hold on, it’s my turn, and that question is way too personal. Why do you like to dominate women, what do you get out of it?”

  He thinks for a minute, “Honestly, I don’t really know. I like to be in control of everything. When I lose control I’m not a good person. Sex is like an addiction for me and it has to be controlled or I’m not sure how that would end.”

  “No, a man hasn’t made me orgasm,” I answer truthfully, “I’ve faked it every time.”

  Vass laughs at my brutal honesty, “Baby you don’t know how much I want to take that on as a challenge,” he groans and I laugh.

  “Why don’t you drink alcohol?” I ask and Vass’s face changes.

  “That’s not about sex,” he mutters and I can see him closing off.

  “You didn’t say it had to be, I could go and look online I guess, I’m sure somewhere there will be a story of what made you give up the drink,” I say. It’s a low blow but I feel like this is something I should know about.


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