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In Another World With My Smartphone_Volume 6

Page 12

by Patora Fuyuhara

  “[Gravity].” The Battlehammer had its weight mostly reduced, allowing me to dexterously shoulder it. I saw my chance and made a running jump towards the Behemoth. As I fell towards it, I inverted my magic, amplifying the default weight of the Battlehammer several times over.

  With a boom and a sickening crunch, the earth rumbled. Scorpinas was no more. Its body convulsed as its internal organs furiously burst out from its carapace. It was goddamn hideous to watch.

  “...Outstanding. You’ve done it, master.” Monica spoke quiet, amazed words. It ended up being way tougher than I expected. Still, not a bad result at all against a foe that was meant to be challenged by far more people. My shield was also completely busted. Rosetta was definitely gonna yell at me. Whatever the result, I had won. That was all that mattered.

  ...Might’ve overdone it a little bit, though... is anyone even gonna want to buy this gross stuff? I heaved a defeated sigh as I looked out over the mangled, misshapen remains of what was once Scorpinas.

  “What... I... I simply can’t believe you’ve defeated it already.” I’d used [Gate] to bring Relisha over to Scorpinas’ corpse. Mostly because she had difficulty understanding that it was dead.

  It seemed that there were no firm rules on what part to bring the Guild in the event of destroying a Behemoth, because the very idea of it being a solo job was something unthinkable. It was originally a scorpion, though... so I figured pincers would probably be enough.

  With the guildmaster as my witness, there wasn’t likely to be much in the way of trouble. Relisha called out some guild staff from Tem using her Tracebook, and they began to appraise and purchase the raw materials left behind by the carcass. Thankfully, they were handling the harvesting part as well. Honestly it was damn disgusting, I didn’t wanna touch that gooey stuff.

  “Well... It is done.”

  “Hm?” Relisha handed my guild card back to me. It was pure gold. It looked pretty, but maybe a little unnecessarily gaudy.

  “You’ve attained the highest rank possible. Gold-rank. The only people in the world who hold this title are you, Grand Duke, and the former King of Lestia, the Knight Kingdom.”

  “Lestia? There’s a Knight Kingdom?”

  “Indeed, it’s a military kingdom of knights. Just to the east of Ryle.” Hoho, that sounds interesting... The other gold-rank holder must be extremely strong. He must be a Warrior King or something. But she did just say he’s the former king, so maybe he’s retired.

  I was reminded that my Guild Card also had three titles tied to it. Dragon Slayer, Golem Buster, and Demon Killer... But nothing got added this time around.

  Well, it’s not like this is a quest people would ever reasonably be expected to do solo, so they don’t have a title for it. Plus, Relisha definitely wouldn’t have asked me if she didn’t know about the Frame Gear. Well, I guess something like Behemoth Hunter wouldn’t sound that cool anyway.

  “By the way... your warrior. What a frightening Artifact it is. With power like that, invading a foreign nation would prove little concern.” Relisha muttered as she looked over at the Knight Baron. As I’d expected, the people of this world wouldn’t consider it too lightly.

  “It’s called a Frame Gear. It’s the creation of a genius (pervert) doctor from an ancient civilization. It was created to save the world.”

  “To save the world...?”

  “You’re the guildmaster, so you should know about them... the strange crystal creatures that have been popping up all over the world lately, as if from nowhere.”

  “Kh...!” Relisha’s expression grew darker. As I’d thought, she knew about them. The adventurer’s guild was an organization that spanned the world, so if anyone knew it’d be her. Plus, with the Tracebook keeping her updated about all the happenings, there’s no way she wouldn’t know.

  “...You are correct, yes. We’ve had reports of them from pretty much every branch. Swords cannot slice them, magic does nothing... they regenerate, with bodies of pure crystal. They destroy bands of mercenaries and villages with ease, and they’ve been growing stronger with each appearance.”

  “Those creatures are the Phrase, Relisha. They’re beings that appeared once before, and destroyed the ancient world.”

  “What?!” Relisha’s entire body stiffened, and her eyes surveyed me with cold surprise. I wanted to avoid widespread panic by revealing the Phrase to the world, but Relisha and her guild would be a powerful asset. If I had her cooperation, it would become easier to coordinate, so I decided to let her in on it.

  With a calm tone, I slowly disclosed carefully-chosen bits of information to the guildmaster.

  “The world’s boundaries... invaders from another world... S-Surely if I didn’t know about those crystal creatures, I’d treat this as a bad joke, but...” Relisha gulped and muttered to herself after hearing my words. Naturally I neglected to mention Babylon and the Sovereign Core, such matters were unnecessary for securing her aid.

  Still, she seemed to believe me. Rather, it was better for her that she believed me, since the Phrase were causing considerable trouble all over for the guild.

  “I don’t know if the Phrase will begin a large-scale invasion, nor do I know when it would happen. What I do know is that if it does happen, we will be annihilated. For that reason, I’m reviving the Frame Gears in the current age.” ...Also robots are cool, and I wanted to ride one.

  I didn’t think it was possible to take out intermediate or advanced Phrase without a Frame Gear. Plus, in the case of the advanced ones, I wasn’t even sure a whole squad of Frame Gears could stand against them and win. That’s why I had to start preparing things faster. We didn’t know how much time we had left to do any preparing, after all.

  After a while spent staring at my black knight, Relisha turned to me and spoke up.

  “Very well. I will report this information to the central guild headquarters. I will obtain as much information about these creatures as I can, and I will report them to you, Your Highness.”

  “Thank you so much. But please, keep the information about the impending invasion to yourself. It’s not certain yet, after all.”

  “Yes, of course. There’s no reason to begin an unnecessary large-scale panic. All this information will stay with me.” Now that I’d secured the guild’s cooperation, I’d be able to know about incidents as they happened. Not that I wanted to hear incidents were actually happening, I’d prefer the Phrase to stay home.

  Due to the massive amount of material processed, the guild worked out a deal with me to pay me the cash a bit later on.

  Relisha decided to remain at the guild hall to handle the paper pushing side of things, so I returned the Knight Baron to the hangar using [Gate].

  After that, I used [Fly] to head to the excavation sites and dig out the spellstones one by one. There were three spellstones. One blue, one green, and one yellow. With those spellstones secured, I’d be able to create more Ether Liquid, and create more Frame Gears.

  I placed all three of them into [Storage], and opened up a [Gate] back to Babylon.

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  While the Frame Gear and Ether Liquid continued their production, my daily life didn’t change at all. That was normal, of course.

  After a few days had passed, the guild paid out the reward money and the money I gained from selling off the raw materials. Honestly, the amount was frankly obscene. I decided to keep it as an emergency reserve, in case there was an issue with the Frame Gears or something.

  I used my [Gate] to head right for the hangar. Once I got there, I peeked my head into the Knight Baron’s hangar, only to find Rosetta and Monica grumbling as they removed its armor plating.

  “What’s up?”

  “We’re working uhm, pretty hard, master! The Knight Baron’s arms are damaged, so we’re repairing them.” Huh? But it’s only deployed once. I didn’t even notice the arms take damage.

  “Sir, this Frame Gear is not damaged due to damage sustained from the enemy during battle, sir! This
Frame Gear was strained and warped due to the burden of your magic, sir!”


  “Uhm, like... your magical output is way too overpowering and stuff. Your magic is tremendously pure, so when the Frame Gear amplifies it... Well, the parts affixed to the Knight Baron simply can’t endure it.” Huh, so that’s how it works? Does this mean I can’t go all-out? “The Chevalier and the Knight Baron are both old model Frame Gears, sir! We would be able to improve that on newer models, sir!”

  “Newer models?”

  “The uhm... models that were left behind by the professor as planning documents, and stuff. We have basic models that serve as the foundation for other planned units, the Skeleton Frames. There were plans for a close-combat Gear, a ranged Gear, a reflexive Gear, and various other different types using the Skeleton Frame as the base. And, uhm... it would be totally customizable and stuff! That way you could make it super-duper unique and specialized for individual pilots! These things hypothetically wouldn’t even need Ether Liquid to function. But not a single one of these reached fruition. They’re mere designs, after all.” Well, that sounds awesome. Having a Frame Gear specifically attuned to my style would be cool. So would the ability to swap out parts... It’d be cool to make at least one.

  “So, where’s the blueprint for this one?”

  “Like, totally in the Storehouse...” Yup. Sounds about right. If I recall correctly, the Storehouse gynoid is some kind of a klutz, too... Makes me wonder if such blueprints even lasted this long...

  Considering so many artifacts are scattered across the surface world already... It’d be a wonder if the thing wasn’t burned to hell.

  “Well, my master... I think it prudent for the time being that you refrain from using magic inside a Frame Gear.”


  “Totally seriously! I don’t wanna, like, have to repair or toss out a Frame Gear every single time! There are only the two of us here as maintenance staff, after all.” Hmph... I guess I can’t say anything when she puts it like that. Even though Frame Gears are being produced constantly at the workshop, I still need to count on these two to maintain the stuff at the hangar... Wait, hold on. “Couldn’t we just use the workshop to make a new Frame Gear from the busted remains of the black knight one?”

  “You’re like, suggesting we use production materials for, uhm... other Frame Gears and use them to beef up the Knight Baron? That’s somewhat of an unorthodox treatment...”

  “Oh, no... I mean just toss this broken one into the workshop and break it down for parts, then...”

  “Sir! With all due respect, sir! If we dismantled this Frame Gear in the workshop all of its battle memory and tuning data would be completely lost, sir! Do you really want to fight over and over with a low-tier level 1 Frame Gear for the rest of your miserable days, sir?!” The two of them looked at me with scorn. Seems I’d said something I definitely should not have. “Th-Then... what if we just extract that battle data and transfer it over to a new frame...”

  “And like, just who would be handling that job, y’know? I don’t believe you’re quite aware of the painstaking process, nor how long it would take to transfer the data from a mere level two frame.”

  “Excuse me, sir! And with all due respect again, sir! It must be mighty fine to drill sergeant yell at us about something you’re completely ignorant about, sir! When we replace even one part, we have to restore all the mana circuits and fine-tune all the settings... and now you’re asking us to completely do everything from the ground up every time your sorry ass goes out and wrecks our creations... sir?!” Warning sirens were blaring in my head. The two of them stared at me with cold, dead eyes. In the end, they quietly pressured me into shutting up. Their eyes were pleading with me not to break the machine. Battle damage was fine, but what I was doing was the same as trashing my own toys.

  I quickly ran away before they beat me up or something.

  I guess even they had their limits. Naturally they’d be mad, it was like telling your PC repairman what was wrong with your computer while insisting you needed all those freeware toolbars on your internet explorer browser. It was true, all I had was knowledge of modern-era Japan. I was speaking out of my ass, and really should’ve held my tongue.

  I decided to leave the hangar alone for a little while. Didn’t want those two blowing up at me again...

  After fleeing Rosetta and Monica’s ire, I decided to have a little walk about. There were many rice paddies and patches of cultivated agricultural land in the eastern part of Brunhild at this point, so I paid them a visit.

  “Oho, your Highness?” I turned towards the voice, and found myself face-to-face with a young woman.

  She was a woman, but not a conventional one by any means. She stood with ivy twined around her body, flowers adorning her green-colored hair, a petal-like skirt adorned her waist, and leaves flowed down her back like wings. This was a woman, but not a human one. She was an Alraune.

  She was one of the five demi-humans I had recruited to my Knight Order.

  “Oh hey. Your name was... Lakshy, right?”

  “It was! A member of the Knight Order, Lakshy the Alraune.” She flashed an innocent little smile, and then saluted at me. ...You aren’t a policewoman, you know.

  “Why are you here, my liege?”

  “Oh well... I was just here for an inspection of the place. What about you?”

  “Well, today’s my day off so... I was helping out around the field!” Wow, that’s impressive. Alraune are Demonkin... but they’re also plants. I guess farming is a good vocation for them.

  “How have you adapted to living here, Lakshy?”

  “Very well, thank you. Everyone is very kind towards me. I’m doing very well, and trying my best. Now and then I get travelers who are frightened to see me, but it’s not so bad!” Demonkin and their ilk were the subject of extreme prejudice. In some countries, they’re even segregated and ostracized. Though, they’re rarely the subject of physical abuse. Demonkin are far stronger than the average human for the most part.

  People tend to avoid them, just because of how they were born. In some especially cruel places, there are even rumors that touching someone of Demonkin ancestry will kill or curse you. It was pretty messed up.

  “If I recall... you come from the demon country, right?”

  “That’s correct. I hail from a place far across the sea to the north-east. The country is called Xenoahs. The environment is harsh, but my kind aren’t too bothered by things like that.” The Demon Kingdom, Xenoahs... From the name alone, it projected the image of a wicked nation that sought to dominate the world, but apparently it just functioned like a regular nation.

  The citizens there were Demonkin, and they largely didn’t interact with human nations. It wasn’t that they were naturally isolated or anything, they just didn’t seem all that interested in opening dialogue with the other nations. Due to this, not a lot is known about the country itself.

  The leader of the country is known as the Demon King, and his closest aides are known as the Four Elite Demons... That doesn’t really help their image, at least in my mind. Lakshy told me that it was quite a pleasant place, though.

  To be honest, I didn’t really think humans and Demonkin needed to be so worried about each other. The biggest issue was just that a good chunk of humanity was fearful of the Demonkin for no good reason. I was pretty sure if they interacted normally, there’d be nothing stopping members of the two species becoming friends.

  Well, you could also say the problem was on the Demonkin’s part, for not trying to be more open with humanity... They were probably more cautious and shy, rather than actively disliking mankind.

  “This country is quite pleasant, as well. I’m happy I took the plunge and applied for the order.”

  “I’m happy to hear that, Lakshy. I’ll be counting on you.”

  “Yes, my lord!” I didn’t want to interfere too much in the fieldwork, so I left Lakshy to her duties and went back to the t
own. There I saw another Demonkin. He was standing where the guild was being constructed.

  He was about three meters tall and had a red-brown body. His arms were like tree trunks and two horns protruded from his white hair. He was an Ogre.

  He was lumbering around, completely bare-chested. It seems he was hauling lumber for the construction team. His power was that of five well-trained men. A frightful fellow indeed.

  “Och, boss-man. Good ta see ya.”

  “Hey there, Samsa. You off-duty as well?”

  “Sure am. I eat about as much as three fellers, though... so my wages from work ain’t much ta go on, aye? I spoke ta Naito aboot it, an’ he fixed me up with this job. Now me belly’s fuller’n ever!” Samsa the ogre smiled as broadly as he could, which... was quite broad. He certainly was the right man for the job. His strength wasn’t something to scoff at. I had no doubt that he’d be able to eat plentifully at the guild bar too, since he’s clearly gonna be the one building most of it.

  Apparently Samsa wasn’t much of a combat-oriented person, which surprised me a bit. It wasn’t that he didn’t have the body for it, he most definitely did... it was that his character wasn’t well-suited for it. To put it bluntly, there was a part of him afraid of fighting.

  Still, I didn’t see that as a fatal flaw for a knight like Samsa. The Knight Order wasn’t solely a force for war, they were also meant to be there to help the people, and that’s something the friendly ogre was more than willing to go above and beyond to do.

  His strength right now was benefiting the entire nation, and there was not an injured enemy in sight.

  “Keep up the good work. Here, take this... Make sure to enjoy it with everyone when today’s work is over, okay?” I pulled out two enormous chunks of cloth-wrapped boar meat from [Storage], then set them on the ground.

  “Astoundin’... Thank ye kindly, boss. I’ll give it me all, aye?” Samsa lugged his timber and flashed me a sincere smile. He certainly was industrious. I pondered a little about him, figuring his large frame must cause trouble now and then. I doubted he’d be able to enter most buildings, given he was wider than a door... But he seemed happy, so I didn’t dwell on it too much.


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