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Acquiesce Page 4


  The young men that frequently cleaned my pool during the years had also been attractive, but not like this. This man seemed to boast a different kind of masculinity. He didn't have to flaunt it, there was no pretense, and he oozed male sexuality naturally. I found myself chastising myself for even looking at him—like that. He was seriously stunning, no doubt about that, but in a way I couldn't describe. His shoulder-length dark hair had sun streaks throughout and accented a strong jawline covered with just enough scruff to look appealing and a dimple in the center, thick perfectly bowed lips, and his eyes were the lightest shade of green I'd ever seen, with thick, ebony lashes and perfectly arched brows. He was simply exquisite in every sense.

  “Umm… no pool for me right now. I'm curious. Do you work here?” I asked. I just had to know. I wasn't sure why it mattered.

  He stopped at the edge of the pool and strolled back to me.

  “I suppose I could work here. I mean, I have the looks and I'm definitely proficient sexually. Do I look like I work here?” He bent close enough to my face that I could feel his breath across my skin. I became suddenly flustered as I felt a blush creep over my cheeks.

  “Arrogant, are we?” I asked as I leaned my chair away from him.

  “It's not arrogance if it's true.” He laughed. “And to answer your question, no, I'm not employed here. My cousin runs the place.”

  Oh Jesus, he was related to that French bitch. He didn’t look French. Maybe it was by marriage, once removed and all that nonsense.

  “My name's Cass by the way, and you are?” he asked, staring down at me, still too close for comfort.

  “Nic—Nicola—Barrington. I'm married,” I blurted out.

  “Oh, married, are you? Trouble in paradise?” he asked, eyeing me carefully.

  “I'd rather not talk about it.”

  “Whatever you say, Nic—Nicola Barrington. If you want to talk again, come find me. I'll be the only man around… not fucking.” He chuckled as he moved back to the edge of the pool and dove in.


  I noticed immediately as I broke through the surface of the water that she had left. Nicola Barrington was, to say the least, intriguing. I had been a witness to her meltdown about giving up her electronics. Even though she hadn't seen me, I watched her. She was a cute little thing, quite deliciously packaged and audacious for being older. Lorraina had told me these ten guests might interest me, and she was correct in her assumption.

  Most of the women getting off the yacht this time were weathered, except for the last three. Seemingly, in their forties, they’d maintained their looks and bodies, probably with the guidance of a skilled plastic surgeon, a generous gene pool, and lots of money. All except the last one, the one who didn't want to be here, the one who almost had a breakdown giving up her electronics. She was different and definitely piqued my interest.

  She appeared to stray from the norm when it came to wealthy older women. While all the others had their hair styled in the latest fashion, she chose to wear hers in a long braid. The other women were either rail thin or had several layers of extra padding. It had been a long time since I'd seen a woman with an athletic shape and natural breasts. Of course I was well aware her breasts were natural. There’s no way you could have fucked as many women as I had and not be able to see the difference.

  She wore hardly any cosmetics but seemed to be overly generous with the sunscreen, which I could smell as I sat next to her. Freckles enhanced the bridge of her nose as well as her shoulders and chest. Yes, I paid careful attention to the details regarding this woman, just as I noticed she appeared to pay close attention to me. There was something about her. I'm not sure what it was, but I wanted to know her. I decided my best course of action was to talk to her friends—well her ex-friends, according to her. She had an aura of mystery to her, and I wondered what secrets she was keeping.

  For the first time in many months, my dick actually noticed someone. I didn't intend to fuck her, considering the age difference, which had to be significant no matter how well preserved she looked. Acquiesce seemed only to draw the over-forty crowd and lately more over fifty than anything. After watching many overweight, wrinkled, and not at all sexually appealing women, I was looking forward to viewing Nicola Barrington via a two-way mirror. I could almost visualize that hard little athletic body twisting and bending in ecstasy as she plummeted toward climax. My dick was now at full mast and hard as a rock. I almost amused myself, getting a hard-on because of an older woman I’d just met. I needed to stay in the pool until I got my dick under control.

  “So what did you think?” Lorraina's voice lured me out of my daydream.

  “About?” I replied, knowing she was asking me about the ten women who had just arrived.

  “Anyone look promising, Cass—I mean for research.” Lorraina bent down, handing me a towel.

  “Possibly. We'll see.” I took the towel and waded to the steps. My erection had finally decided to dissipate, so I wrapped the towel around my waist as I made my way out of the water. Lorraina stared at me with hungry eyes lingering on my chest.

  “Still only one tattoo? I'm surprised. I would have thought you'd have gotten more since then. You know what they say about your first.” She sauntered over to me, tugging down the towel so it showed my tattoo.

  “I'm quite content with one. If you recall, it took me almost a year to finally settle on this one.”

  She laughed. “Yes, I remember that day you finally decided. You were so happy with your choice, even though I honestly thought you'd choose something more daring, something more you.”

  “The Chinese symbol for knowledge is me. Knowledge to me is the most pivotal thing in my life. I found that symbol to be the most accurate representation of who I am.”

  “Come on, Cass. It's not the only thing that's important to you,” Lorraina said as she licked her lips.

  I rolled my eyes as I continued drying myself. “I'm not sure a ‘fucking’ tattoo would have been appropriate. I need to get showered before tonight's sessions.” I began walking away. “I'll see you at dinner?” I asked.

  “Rest assured, I am always at the first dinner to greet our guests.”

  I moved away and headed toward the sliding doors that led to the house. Coolness was beginning to filter into the building, and in a few hours, it would be dark. It was hard to believe my “vacation” was ending. I had to make these last few weeks count. I needed as much material as I could get so I could spend the final month of my sabbatical writing up my research notes. I would miss the leisure and the solitude. Though Acquiesce was seemingly a busy place, quiet escapes were possible on a daily basis. I enjoyed not having a defined scheduled. True, I did miss Brit, and it would be exciting to hear what he’d been doing for the last four months, but I took pleasure in having tranquility and singular moments.

  I had a good feeling about my last few weeks here. Hell, my cock felt it too. Just maybe Nicola Barrington was going to be cerise sur le gâteau.


  I had to admit this place was fancy, and I didn’t mean just high end. I meant crazy opulent. My bedroom looked like something out of Arabian Nights. Just the room alone was half the size of my Sedona living room, and that was large. The ceiling was vaulted with high beams in light oak to match the floors. The king-sized bed sat on a pedestal made out of oak also. It was adorned with white sheets, a coverlet, and at least a dozen matching throw pillows. Sheer white draping hung from the ceiling like a canopy. The ends were tied off with white satin that could be undone to promote total privacy. Definitely a brothel bed.

  The rest of the room was rather scarce. It had two large windows; both had heart-stopping views and a sliding glass door that led out to a balcony where you were not only able to breathe the ocean air, but view the private beach. The room had small dresser, a nightstand, and a closet. I supposed if you were having sex all the time, you really didn't need much space for clothing.

  If I thought the bedroom was spectacular, nothing
had prepared me for the bathroom. The room itself was open and airy with a gigantic skylight covering the entire ceiling. It gave you the sense of being outdoors. And it wasn't just the size, but the fixtures. It held a small sink and a toilet. But the tub. I’d never seen a bathtub like this before, ever. More a Jacuzzi, it wasn’t only sexy and beautiful, but it looked romantic. Chris would have loved this. I could imagine us making love in this tub for hours. It was white marble and completely circular. It had no traditional faucets; the water spouted from the ceiling into the tub and was turned off and on by a light switch. Candles had been placed around the entire tub as well as large pillar candles on ornamental stands in each corner.

  The window in the front had drapes you could open and close. They had been opened, and I was able to see the beginnings of the different colors of the sky propel themselves across early evening. As I looked around, I sat on the toilet lid and began to cry.

  I shouldn't be here. My heart hurt thinking about Chris, because even though I was stuck at a brothel, this room was much too beautiful and sensual to be alone in—it was meant to be shared. It didn't seem fair that I was trapped here. Why would Pru and Dee want me to wallow in old memories? I felt like he died all over again.

  I sat in the bathroom for a few more minutes, then dragged myself to the bed. I just wanted to close my eyes, just for a few moments.

  When I did, it wasn't Chris I dreamt about; it was that man I’d just met, Cass. I'd been with Chris for almost ten years, and only fifteen minutes after meeting Cass, he was invading my dreams. He was handsome and very well proportioned, but he was also young and extremely conceited. But there had been something about him besides his good looks and smooth talk. He made me feel at ease. I’d barely spoken to any people in the last eleven years save a select few, yet it had come freely with him.

  I was lonely. I'd never realized how much until my friends forced me here. Now I was dreaming about a man I'd just met, pushing out the loving dreams of my husband. What kind of a person was I that Chris was so easily replaced in my mind? I didn't even know Cass.

  I tossed and turned, finally tearing myself from the dream plaguing me. I felt guilty for even thinking about another man. I hadn't done that since Chris had passed. I'd kept myself locked away, trying to figure out how to go on, maybe even wondering if I really wanted to.

  I yawned as I rolled out of the bed, stretching and bending. What I needed was my yoga workout DVDs, and I doubted the movie theatre housed here in the brothel had anything other than porn playing. I went into the bathroom and washed my face, deciding on whether or not I was hungry. It was only eight o'clock. Oh God, I was officially forty—another reason to be depressed. I didn't want to go down to the dining area. I had no intention of seeing the inner workings of a brothel, but damn, I was starved.

  I looked at the brochure on the dresser, which not only showed a map of the island, but the different amenities Acquiesce had to offer. According to this, you could get any kind of cuisine; even vegan options were available. On the very back was the location of the "toy store" with every kind of sexual pleasure device available. No electronics, but I assumed batteries were permissible. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Really, I was surprised the food menu didn't include a sex menu with the different costs. However, there was a secondary brochure that had no prices but listed exactly what each escort was skilled in. I literally choked trying to scrub my thoughts of what my ex-friends were doing.

  Here I was, forty years old and my life experience had been only with one man. Chris had always been enough. We’d explored several sexual positions as well as oral. I suppose we would have been considered lackluster compared to Dee's standards and downright pure compared to a brothel. I had never wanted or needed more than what I had with Chris. Even when he died, I was sure my sexuality died with him.

  The doctors told me it had been a side effect of the anxiety medication, but I'd been off those for quite a few years. My libido had never returned. I just wasn't interested. Did Pru and Dee honestly think bringing me to a male brothel would change things? If I'd wanted sex, I'm sure I could have seduced one of my pool boys or even had sexual opportunities with a few of Chris's business partners.

  I was single and non-sexual by choice. I'd been asked to dinners, charity events, and even a few meetings, but having another man's attention just wasn't on my agenda. Seeking the company of a man had never even been on my radar. Then the girls had brought me here where I was surrounded by good-looking gigolos and sexual perversion for the next twenty-one days.

  I heard a knock on my door and cautiously went to answer it. No one was there. As I looked down the hall, my eyes went to the target in front of my door. I noticed a covered plate on a tray with a beverage and a single hibiscus in a vase on the floor. I peeked under the cover and found a chicken breast with a baked potato and broccoli spears. It smelled heavenly and my mouth began to water. I snatched up the tray carefully, not wanting to spill the drink, the lemonade I'd had earlier. There was a small handwritten note lying under the glass.

  Didn't want you to go to bed hungry. Maybe breakfast? ~ Cass

  I paused as I viewed the note, too famished to contemplate a possibly deeper meaning.

  Okay, so I did wonder if he was actually asking me to breakfast and whether I should go. I didn't want anyone here, including Pru and Dee, to think I was interested in Cass. Did they know he didn't work here? What if Pru or Dee were sleeping with him right now? Where in the hell did that thought come from? I was too hungry to dissect my mental workings now. I wanted to inhale my food, take a bath in that exquisite bathtub, and fall back into those Egyptian cotton and silk sheets.

  Maybe tomorrow I would have breakfast with Cass, possibly watch a movie, and do some laps in the pool. I had three weeks to entertain myself without any electronics, something I’d never done before. If it weren’t for the high thread count sheets, delicious food, and hot, half-naked men running around, this would seem like a rural camping trip—because of the lack of conveniences, aka my electronics. I couldn't recall the last time I'd gone to bed without my game box. Oh, now that was a pitiful thought, in the middle of a male brothel.


  Once I’d dropped off Nicola's food, I went back to the dining room. The room was packed to capacity, as it always was on the first evening of new arrivals. I would have enjoyed a quiet dinner and some conversation with Nicola, but I knew from our first meeting that she would never attend this function. In truth, I loathed this first evening dinner. Truly a pack of highly sexually charged older women gobbling down their food so they could get busy. Even the men appeared to be delighted sharing this meal with their future patrons. Of course, that's what they were being paid for.

  This seemed like the perfect opportunity to find out a little more about Nicola. I'd rather find out from her, but I knew of her reluctance to be here and the possibility she'd never open up to me. I grabbed a plate from the dining room table and began filling it with various food choices. Lorraina liked having a buffet the first night so the new guests could sample a variety of cuisine.

  Once I got my food, I went to sit on the patio, letting the night air cool my body and relax my thoughts. Tonight was going to be interesting. The first night of sex here at the brothel was always enlightening. Just as I knew and had no doubt, one of Nicola's friends followed me out to the patio.

  “Anyone sitting here?” she asked as she sat in a chair next to me. The woman had bright-red hair and intense blue eyes. The way she dressed accented her finely proportioned body, and even though she was definitely the eldest of the three, she was quite striking. I looked forward to watching her get her brains fucked out and viewing those tight-pressed lips wrapped around the cock of one of the brothel escorts. I digressed from my prime target, information and knowledge about the ever-alluring Nicola.

  “I'm Cass. Please join me.” My offer had been moot considering she’d already sat down and I was obviously her conquest for the evening.

��Hello, Cass, I'm Dee. Can I choose you for tonight or is your dance card already filled?” she asked, laughing as she pulled her chair closer to mine.

  Somehow, her one hand had found its way to the top of my left thigh. I gently removed her hand since it was far too close to my cock and this older woman held no appeal for me regardless of how put together she appeared. Dee looked at me with a slight frown.

  “I think you've mistaken me for an employee here at Acquiesce. I'm actually a guest.” I chucked as if I were amused. Poor woman looked like she just choked on her canapé.

  “Don't these men just… just service women?” she stammered.

  “I think you misunderstood me, Dee. I'm a guest of my cousin Lorraina,” I mused. I almost felt like letting her stew in the possibility of having me fucked by another man instead of her. “I've been here for quite a while. These are my last few weeks before I leave.”

  She leaned very close to me. “And what do you do besides look gorgeous and wanton?”

  I leaned back into her. “I'm a freelance writer.” For the life of me, I had no idea why I chose that profession—because it held some truth. She was the only one who’d asked. Yes, I'd been approached by other guests, but they had been far more interested in sexual advances than my occupation. I knew I couldn't tell her the truth, but honestly, a freelancer, me? That was laughable.

  “I see a writer. You must be very talented to make the kind of money this place costs,” she cooed.

  “Family discount. Creativity counts, I guess.” I had to figure out a way to establish a rapport with Dee so I could get information regarding Nicola.

  “Oh, and what are you writing, some adult Dom book? I've read a few of them. You know, they are all the rage now… You rather fit that prototype. I mean, you're young, extremely enthralling, great body from what I can see, and I'll bet you've got a delicious cock and you're domineering in bed.”


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