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Acquiesce Page 5


Seriously, that was excessively too much information, even for me. Somehow, Dee had gotten all that from me being a freelancer and confessing I was writing a book.

  “I'm writing a book on romance, love, and sexual situations,” I replied, literally trying to keep the bile from coming up. I may have a new profession: master fabricator. For some reason that sounded filthy, and I chuckled internally. Telling these white lies to Dee was my in for getting information about Nicola. I thirsted for knowledge about her and her marriage.

  “Did someone break your heart, Cass? You know I could help you with that.” There she went again getting all touchy-feely with me. I suppose that's what happens when you look like I do and have decided to do your research at a male brothel.

  I cackled. “Me, broken heart? Hardly. It's just a very nondescript fiction about the romantic workings of the older woman.”

  “Really, Cass, don't knock us until you've tried us. Some older women are extremely flexible in the bedroom. I look at my age as being experienced, not detrimental.”

  “I meant no disrespect. You are a beautiful woman, Dee.” And quite hands-on. “Am I allowed to ask you questions? I mean for my book. I won't use any names, of course. It is a work of fiction.”

  “Ask away. I'm an open book—well, not too open. Maybe just for you,” she said as she licked her lips.

  Was this woman ever going to stop hitting on me? She may be older, but she seemed to have the demeanor of the girls I bedded in college.

  “I'm curious about the other two women you arrived with.”

  Her eyes opened wide and her tone came across as clipped. “You mean Pru and Nic?”

  So Nicola goes by Nic. Good to know.

  “Less Pru and more… Nic, is it?” I leaned back in my chair, trying to look stoic and uninterested.

  “Honestly, Pru is probably a more interesting story. If your interest lies in lost love, self-pity, and living a sexless, fun-less life, then Nic is your gal.”

  Wow, I didn't see that coming. This friend—and I use the term very loosely—either had too much to drink or had some axe to grind with Nic.

  “Actually, Nic sounds more riveting. I think I'd like to start with her. I know she didn't realize you’d brought her to a brothel and that she's married.”

  Dee looked at me, her posture stiffening at the mention of marriage. “You've talked to Nic… She actually spoke to you, as in a real conversation?”

  “Briefly, when she arrived, out at the pool,” I replied, taking a sip from my glass.

  “I'm just a little taken aback. Nic normally doesn't just opt for conversation with anyone, let alone a man.”

  “Well, as I stated, it was rather brief, but I managed to sense she was uncomfortable being here, not very happy with you and the other friend, and she specified her marital status.”

  “Well, two out of three are currently true. As far as her husband…” Dee paused mid-sentence. “Jesus, Nic,” she said, looking up at the sky. “The truth is, Cass, that Nic is a widow. She has been for a very long time.”

  Her words twisted a knot in my stomach. Nic was too young to be a widow, even at her age. She had spoken of her marriage as though it still existed. Possibly, it was a tactic to suppress any advances she perceived by me, or maybe she’d never accepted it. I never imagined this scenario.

  “Chris—that was her husband's name—he passed away eleven years ago. The second he died, she shut herself off—life, people, and the outside world. The truth is until now, Nic has been a recluse for the last eleven years. We’ve spent many years and quite a bit of energy trying to get her to start over, begin a new chapter, fall in love again… hell, just to get laid. We had to bribe her with a damn purse to get her here.”

  “Ah, yeah, she mentioned something about Chanel,” I said quietly.

  “Yup, a hundred twenty thousand for that thing. That's what it took to get her here. I don't expect her to fall in love here, although the men are tempting. I realize it's a brothel and it's their job to have sex with us. Pru and I were hoping that just maybe Nic might be inspired to sleep with someone, anyone. I mean seriously, it has to have been over eleven years for her.”

  I started coughing; my beverage had gone down my throat wrong after I heard that bit of salacious news. Eleven years and no sexual activity? Surely she had masturbated. I couldn't ask Dee about that, though. That question would definitely wave a red flag.

  “I'm sure after what, eleven years, this place might encourage her to seek out a companion or two,” I said, taking another drink, hoping to stifle any further coughing.

  “I doubt it. Nic would never have sex without love. I mean, she was a virgin when she married Chris.”

  Currently my pants were getting uncomfortably tight. Just the thought of cute little Nicola Barrington being basically as close to virginity as possible, considering her age, was several chapters all by itself. What a fucking great subject for my book.

  “I'm not sure I understand. A woman has needs, does she not?” I asked Dee.

  “That may be true for all other women, but for Nic, Chris was it. Their marriage was perfect. Hell, he was perfect—rich, older, and sweet. I knew Chris before I met Nic. She was a naive girl of nineteen when they got married. I think Chris was almost thirty-five, but what they had worked. I mean it really worked. They loved each other and everyone knew it. No one ever doubted their commitment to each other.”

  “Ah, love. That always appears to complicate the mix, that pesky emotion.”

  “Cass, I think I may just love you—you're a cynic after my own heart. Anyway, Nic truly believes once you've found true love, it can only happen once. You only are allowed one soul mate in a lifetime.”

  “Who in the hell told her that?” I asked. This entire conversation bordered on nonsensical, yet I found myself compelled to listen.

  She waved her hand in front of her face and said in a hushed tone, “Who knows? She has spent the last eleven years in front of the television or on the internet. Probably some talk show or book she read. I quit hoping for her to fall in love again. I would be quite joyful if she just got thoroughly fucked.”

  I almost snickered. “Well, you brought her to the right place. The odds are with you, and you have three weeks to accomplish it.”

  “Are you sure you don't work here? I mean, she’s talked to you and that's step one. She is attractive, and I can almost guess you've never had a virgin. Well, I don't know for sure. Have you?”

  Now I was positive Miss Dee had more than water in her glass. I loathed non-experience and sleeping with an older woman. Although the thought appealed to my scientific research, and evidently my dick, it wasn't enough to motivate me into having a tryst with Nic.

  “I find virgins tedious. My interests lie more toward a seasoned woman that is sexually wise.” I had hoped she understood the difference between being seasonally experienced sexually and being of an older age.

  “Too bad. We could have had quite a bit of fun.” Her grin curved into a smile.

  “No doubt, but I'm really just here to relax and place some final touches on a manuscript I'm writing.”

  I did believe I was getting the hang of the art of fabrication. Dee undoubtedly seemed easy enough to fool, but I would have to consider how to handle tomorrow with Nic. With everything she’d gone through, managing her would require finesse as well as charm.

  Good thing I had both.


  I woke up early. Even a Caribbean holiday couldn't break my body's routine of rising by sunrise. I decided to go for a swim; surely after the evening's sexual activities, no one would be awake this early. I quickly put on my one-piece swimsuit and grabbed one of the fluffy bath towels. The resort was quiet, though I noticed a few women running about, all dressed in housekeeping uniforms. I snuck into the kitchen and found several pitchers of orange juice in the refrigerator. After pouring a generous serving into a glass, I made my way out to the pool.

  The pool area was silent and serene. I could smell the
scent of chlorine as if the pool had been cleaned recently. The ocean breeze brought needed relief to what felt like the beginning of a hot day. I tossed my towel into a chair and took a sip of my orange juice. I began to stretch and bend, doing several yoga positions to get my blood circulating. Five minutes later, I clipped my braid to the top of my head and stepped toward the edge of the pool. Movement out of the corner of my eye startled me to the point that I lost my balance and ended up belly flopping into the water. As my head pushed through the surface, the only word I could come up with was motherfucker because that just hurt like hell. I was pleased no one was present to witness my faux pas. Just then, hope flew out the window as a hand reached down.

  “I’m so sorry I alarmed you. I thought you saw me,” Cass said, holding a towel.

  “You appear to have a habit of, well, just appearing. Jesus, next time clear your throat, or better yet, how about a good morning?” I said as I made my way toward the steps of the pool. I heard him clear his throat as he bent down by the steps, ready with the towel.

  “Good morning.”

  “Very funny. I think it's a little too late, don't you?” I asked as I snatched the towel from him and made my way out of the pool. I was sure I looked like an ungraceful drowned rat. I decided to wrap the towel around my waist; it was unnerving having Cass see me in a bathing suit. It been a long time since anyone but the female members of my household staff had seen me so scantily clad. As I strolled over to my seat, I tightened the towel around my hips. Once I reached the table, I continued drinking my orange juice.

  “I didn't expect to see anyone out here so early. Are you an early riser?” I asked, looking over at him. He momentarily stood there, then retrieved what looked to be a newspaper and a cup of coffee.

  “I actually am an early riser, regardless of my late nights. I find I get my best thinking done in the early morning. What about you, Nic? Is it appropriate for me to call you that? It's what your friends call you, right?”

  For a brief moment, I was taken aback. Had he been with Dee or Pru last night? I had briefly wondered about it but hadn't given it another thought until now.

  “You spoke to my friends? Which one?”

  “Dee and I had a conversation during dinner last evening. By the way, I hope I chose for you correctly. I felt chicken was probably an acceptable option.”

  “Yes, it was very good. Thank you for doing that. I didn’t expect it. So you saw Dee last night?”

  I saw his bow-shaped lips curve into a small smile.

  “I most certainly did, and I must say it was enlightening. She's an extremely fascinating woman.”

  I had no idea why I felt suddenly possessive. I met him first, and I spoke to him first. There was a chance we might be friends. “You did say you were just visiting. You're not one of those men?” I whispered.

  Cass started chuckling.

  “Your memory is correct. I am just a guest—and no, not that kind of guest,” he replied, still chuckling. I blushed as he put his paper on his lap and drank some of his coffee.

  “And no, I didn't fuck your friend, Nic… You never did answer if I could call you that.”

  I had no idea why that revelation made me feel giddy. Why should I care whom he was with and if they had sex? Well, good for Dee. Cass was young and I suppose you could say hot. I gazed at him, trying to be inconspicuous. Even with just shorts and a T-shirt, yeah, he was definitely one sexy-looking man. He took notice of the fact that I was examining him and he stared at me with a slanted smile.

  “So, Nic, are you going to have breakfast with me this fine morning?” he asked.

  I'd almost forgotten about the note he'd left last night. Truthfully, I wasn't hungry. For whatever reason, being around him was a natural appetite suppressant. I instantly came to the conclusion that Cass made you ravenousness, but not for food. Oh my God, did I just think that? What was wrong with me? I hadn't had any thoughts of that nature since Chris. I not only felt embarrassed, but appalled at having thoughts about a virtual stranger. It's this damn place, Acquiesce. Everywhere I looked, it bombarded my chi with sexual imagery. The resort itself, my bedroom, the men—everything was enhanced to be sexually stimulating.

  “I'm not really up for food. The juice is plenty,” I replied, attempting to think of anything other than him.

  “All right, how about I show you the island later? Or we can just sit here in silence if you want, but, Nic, you can talk to me. I'm a good listener, and I'd like us to be friends.”

  I looked over at him, wondering how we could have a friendship when he oozed sexuality from every part. Even his teeth were pearly white and framed by absolutely spellbinding lips. Ugh.

  Never mind that he was probably ten, maybe even fifteen, years younger. What would Pru and Dee think, or worse yet, what would Chris think? I couldn't even consider this, could I? Maybe if I had ventured out of my safe haven in the last eleven years, I wouldn't be so emotionally overwhelmed right now. The only experience I had was with one man, Chris. I never believed in sex without love. That's why I held on to my virginity so long. I’d always known when I fell in love, I would want something special to give to that person.

  There was a possibility Cass wasn’t interested in me that way. Maybe all he really wanted was friendship. I could be reading more into what he was saying. Just because he wanted to show me the island did not equal sex and interest. He probably showed the island to all the new arrivals. After all, I really didn’t have past experiences to go on. Pru and Dee were most likely having their own adventures, and I was sure they didn't bring me along with plans to entertain me personally.

  I had planned to visit the resort's library and stay in my room today, so maybe I would take Cass up on his offer. It was a beautiful morning, and sightseeing the island sounded like a better plan. I looked over at Cass, who was busy perusing his newspaper; he didn't look dangerous, at least not now. Who was I kidding? There was something definitely alluring about him, not just his looks, but in the manner he spoke. I would have to be on guard with him. Even though I’d just met him, I knew he was quite smooth and persuasive.

  “Let me go change. Then if you want, you can give me the grand tour of the island,” I said, standing up and grabbing my empty glass.

  Cass also stood and folded his newspaper. He snatched his coffee cup off the table and put the newspaper under his arm. “Meet me here in forty-five minutes?”

  “Sounds okay. See you then.” I deeply exhaled as I walked away. This was a major life event for me. I was going to spend time with a man—well, a friend.


  I whistled as I strolled back to my room. Today, if nothing else, was going to be interesting. Yes, Nic appeared quite hesitant, but the friendship comment was like icing on the cake. True, we could probably be friends, although I'd never had female friends. I mean, I assumed we were friends while we were fucking, but afterward, probably not. Most of the women I’d bedded were angry about their dismissal—they expected something more, a relationship.

  Nic was going to be different for several reasons. One, I had no intentions of fucking her. She was too old for me. Plus, the inexperience turned me off regardless of the way my cock was protesting, and it would alter any findings I might have after I convinced her to open herself up… sexually. I planned to help her find herself with someone else. I had the entire chain of events calculated in my head. I believed once I implanted the thoughts into her mind, she'd be open to new experiences. There could be no sex without love; that's what she believed. I planned to prove her wrong. At some point, she'd beg to be fucked, regardless of the concept of love.


  I met her out by the pool as we’d planned. I was dressed in black kakis and a light-blue shirt, something non-threatening I hoped. “I'm glad to see you wore deck shoes. Some of the terrain on the beach is too steep for open-toed sandals.”

  “I wasn't sure what I should wear, but when I take walks around my property in Sedona, I always wear these or sneakers.
We have some rocky, steep inclines there also.”

  She looked attractive, wearing navy shorts with a sheer crème-colored blouse, and her hair was in the usual braid. Her legs were long, smooth, and tan, and I could see the faint outline of the bra she wore beneath her blouse, which showed just the smallest amount of cleavage. For a moment, and I'm saying just one moment, I looked at her as prey, not as research. My cock also had the exact same thought.

  “Shall we go?”

  “You’re the guide. Show me the sites.”

  Nic looked at me with that eager smile and those freckles dancing across her nose. She pulled her sunglasses off her head and adjusted them to her face. I, in turn, put mine on and reached out to take her hand. She looked at me with hesitancy, then seemed to relax as she placed her petite hand into mine. By the end of today, I would know so much more about Nic Barrington.

  We strolled down the stairs of Acquiesce toward the dock that had welcomed the guests.

  “Anytime you're up for it, we can take out a jet ski or a sailboat, if you decide you want to be adventurous. The bottom of the cove here is filled with bright-colored coral and unique fish. It's a snorkelers dream,” I told her, still holding on to her hand.

  “I've never been. I'm kind of claustrophobic. I'm afraid I'd panic underwater.”

  “Well, as our friendship develops, maybe you'll trust me enough, Nic, to protect you and keep you safe, even underwater.”

  I steered her over past the dock and we began walking through the palms. Fifteen minutes into the walk, we came upon waterfalls.

  “Wow, this is amazing. I mean, just… wow. I had no idea.”

  She let go of my hand and walked to edge of the falls.

  “We could go swimming if you want. The water is quite warm.” I was aware she had no bathing suit on, and as much as I wanted to see that toned, athletic body under those clothes, I knew without a doubt she would say no.

  “I didn't bring a suit, and frankly, I'm a little too old for skinny dipping.” Even though I could hear the nervousness in her voice, I also sensed her tone of longing. I thought Nic wanted to be wild and free, but she'd already chosen the path of prim and proper a long time ago.


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