by Ami Pedahzur
Sa’adah, Umar
Saadon, Ilan
Sabena Airlines hijacking of 1972
Sagi, Yehoshua
Sahar, Yehezkel
Said, Hussein
Said, Jamal
Saida, Shadi
Al Saiqa
Salafi jihad
Salameh, Ali Hassan
Saleh, Ali Hussein
Samueli, Mustafa
Sanchez, Ilich Ramirez
Sasportas, Avi
Savoy Hotel hostage incident of 1975
Sayaret Yael
Sayeret Givati
Sayeret Golani
Sayeret Maglan
Sayeret Matkal (“The Unit”); abduction of senior Hezbollah members; and Bus 300 affair; and competition among elite units; creation of; and Entebbe Airport hostage situation; expansion of duties; and Gurel abduction; and Jihad assassination; lack of training for hostage rescue; and Ma’alot school hostage crisis; and Misgav Am kibbutz hostage situation; and organizational culture; and policy recommendations, and Sabena Airlines hijacking of 1972; Sayeret Matkal and Shaldag operation of September 2007; and second intifada; and Second Lebanon War; training and original mandate; and Wachsman abduction
Sayeret Nahal
Sayeret Shakad
Sayeret Shaldag
Schneorson, Levi Yitzhak
Second Lebanon War
Separation Fence
September II, 2001
Shacham, Mishal
Shahar Unit
Shakher, Nasser Issa
Shaldag. See Sayeret Shaldag
Shalit, Gilad
Shalom, Avraham
Shamir, Yitzhak
Shani, Esti
Shani, Sami
Sharif, Omar Khan
Sharon, Ariel: and first Lebanon war; and Qibya village raid; and raid on fedayeen Samueli’s house; and Rimon Unit; and second intifada; and shaping of Israeli war model counterterrorism doctrine
Shavit Shabtai
Shehadah, Salah Mustafa
Shigenobu, Fusako
Shiite Muslims. See also Amal; Hezbollah
Shikaki, Fathi
Shiloah, Reuven
Shimshon special forces
Shin Bet
Shomron, Dan
Shukeiri, Ahmad
a-Shuli, Mahmud
signal intelligence (SIGINT)
Simpson, Colin
Sinai War (1956)
Six Day War of 1967
“Skyjack Sunday,”
Slotzker, Pavel
South Africa, and financing of terrorism
South Lebanon Army (SLA)
suicide attacks; assassinations in response to; Buenos Aires bombing of 1994; and election pressure on Peres; by non-Palestinians; origins of tactic; and public transit security; and Rabin’s return to war model; and security guards at entrances to businesses; Separation Fence as defense against
Sunni Muslims. See also Hamas
Supreme Arab Committee
Switzerland, and financing of terrorism
Syria: and Black September; and financing of terrorism; Grapes of Wrath understandings; and Lebanon; and Palestinian Liberation Front; Sayeret Matkal and Shaldag operation of September 2007
Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Talaldin, Carlos Alberto
Talalka, Suleiman al-
Tannenbaum, Elchanan
Tatarka, Rafi
Tel, Wasfi
television as “theater of terror,” See also media
“terror monkeys,”
Terrorism and the Liberal State (Wilkinson)
terrorist acts: 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s,2000s, attacks on Jewish targets outside of Israel; financing of; first wave of global terrorism in the 1970s, and Great Arab Revolt of 1936, percentage of different types; as psychological threat more than major threat to national security; state support for; threats from non-Palestinian terrorists; and UN Partition Resolution. See also abductions, as terrorist act; artillery strikes on Israel; assassinations, as terrorist act; bus attacks; counterterrorism; embassy attacks; hijackings; hostage rescue operations; intifada, first; intifada, second; suicide attacks
terrorist groups, non-Palestinian; Amal; global jihadist movement; and hijackings; international terrorist network; al-Muhajiron group. See also Hezbollah
terrorist groups, Palestinian: evolution of tactics; fedayeen; and first intifada; foreign sponsors; improved capabilities in the 2000s; international nature of terrorist organizations; Jordan as base for (1960s); limitations of; overview; PLO as umbrella organization for; use of media. See also Arab Liberation Front; Black September organization; Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Fatah; Hamas; Palestine Liberation Organization; Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Palestinian Liberation Front; Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Thabit, Thabit Ahmad
Tiomkin, Moshe
Toma, Miguel Angel
torture. See interrogation of suspects
Touma, Maher
Tzafrir, Eldad
Uganda. See Entebbe Airport hostage situation
UN Partition Resolution
The Unit. See Sayeret Matkal
Unit for the Protection of Public Transport
United Kingdom
United States; CIA
Vaknin, Yitzhak
Varash (Committee of the Heads of Services)
Vardi, Rehaviah
Velayati, Ali Akbar
visual intelligence (VISINT)
Wachsman, Nachshon
war model; defined/described; and Din Veheshbon operation in Lebanon; high cost of; ineffectiveness of abductions; ineffectiveness of artillery strikes on southern Lebanon; ineffectiveness of retaliatory assassinations /raids; intelligence capabilities undermined by retaliatory assassinations; as Israel’s most common approach to terrorism; lives of soldiers endangered for questionable operations; and Rabin’s frustration with suicide attacks; reasons for lack of success; as response to election pressure; as response to public pressure; and Sharon. See also abductions, as counterterrorist tactic; assassinations, as counterterrorist tactic; retaliatory raids
Wazir, Khalil al-
Weizman, Ezer
Weizmann, Chaim
West Bank; Ayash “The Engineer” as father of suicide attacks in; buffer zone between West Bank and Israeli territory (Separation Fence); control of Palestinian population in the occupied territories following 1967 war; and Duvdevan; and Egoz Unit; Fatah recruitment following 1967 war; and financing of terrorism; and first intifada; Operation Defensive Shield; and Oslo Accords; reprisal actions against Palestinian police; and second intifada; terrorist acts in
Wilkinson, Paul
Winograd Commission
World and Islam Studies Enterprise (WISE)
X Commission
Yaari, Yedidya
Yadin, Yigael
Yaghmour, Jihad
Ya’iri, Uzi
Yamam; and Bus 300 affair; capabilities passed over by policymakers; and competition among elite units; establishment of; left out of hostage rescues; and “Mothers Bus” affair; and policy recommendations; and second intifada; training; and Wachsman abduction
Yamas special forces
Yaron, Amos
Yassin, Adnan
Yassin, Sheikh Ahmed
Yasuda, Yasuyuki
Yatom, Dani
Yatom, Ehud
Zahar, Mahmoud A-
Zamir, Zvi
Zblodovsky, Yisrael
Zegart, Amy
Zeituni, Etgar
Zerah, Silvan
Zibri, Abu-Ali Mustafa a-
Zorea, Giora
Zuckerman, Erez
Zwaiter, Abdel
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Pedahzur, Ami.
The Israeli secret services and the struggle against terrorism / Ami Pedahzur.
p. cm.—(Columbia studies in terrorism and irregular warfare)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-0-231-51161-2
1. Terrorism—Israel—Prevention. 2. Intelligence service—Israel. 3. Secret service—Israel. I. Title.
HV6433.I75P47 2009
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