Gifted Connections 04

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Gifted Connections 04 Page 11

by S M Olivier

  “Wanna take me to my room?” she asked bluntly as she ran a hand down his chest. “Have a quick roll in the sack before my guest arrives?”

  I stiffened as someone wrapped their arms around me. I could smell him immediately and knew it was Troy.

  “She’s crazy as shit, Blake, but her taste is impeccable. Do you get to keep this little number?” he asked, eyeing my dress.

  There was no way I could tell him I believed it was all a defense mechanism for her, that her road hadn’t been an easy one.

  I nodded instead. “She gifted it to me and insisted I give her the address to our hotel. She’s sending over more clothing tomorrow morning.”

  Jace was smiling charmingly once more, bringing me back to their conversation. “As tempting as that sounds,” Jace said, and I could feel his eyes wander towards me, his eyes widening in approval. “I could never disrespect my fiancé like that.”

  My heart leaped at the thought. Children? They scared me. But a more permanent solution to our connection? I would love that. Unfortunately, no state would recognize our union.

  “Are any of you single?” Anna cried out in frustration.

  Leo and a few of the other guys raised their hands good-naturedly. She eyed them all. “I know I have you hired until two. At 2:01 I expect to see you in my room,” she pointed at Leo.

  Leo chuckled as he looked over at Troy.

  “When you’re off-duty, I have no say over what you do,” Troy said in an amused tone.

  “Did Jeeves show you the food tables and drink tables?” Anna asked as she looked at all of us with a satisfied smile. The guys nodded. “Make sure you blend in. If anyone asks, tell them we’re related or that your related to Mutt and Jeff, hell, my employees even, just don’t tell them you’re my security, please. Come on, Silvermist,” she called.

  Everyone stared in confusion at her.

  Troy chuckled in my ear. “I think she means you.”

  I groaned. Was I the only one who never watched the Tinker Bell movies?

  “Silvermist,” she looked at me pointedly. “If I’m Tinker Bell then you’re Silvermist. I need you by my side tonight. If the psycho makes an appearance, I’ll make sure I have a kick-ass girl next to my side. No one would expect you to be such a badass. We’re friends. We met in foster care. That’s our cover story.”

  I looked up at Troy, and he smiled. “She makes Jemmy look like a saint.”

  I had to agree.

  The party was in full swing less than thirty minutes later. I almost wished Jemmy could have been here. She would have been loving life. There were so many recognizable faces, and I found myself slightly starstruck. Anna continually dragged me from person to person and plied me with glasses of wine. After the third one, I was feeling buzzed somewhat, and I was thankful that one of the guys would swoop in and replace it with cranberry juice when Anna’s back was turned.

  “You’re a natural,” Anna said as she leaned into me. “That or you live under a rock and don’t know who half these people are.”

  I laughed. “I recognize them thanks to my…soon to be sister in law,” I stated as I looked over the crowded room. “I just thought she would love to be here.”

  “Call her!” Anna exclaimed. “Invite her over.”

  I frowned. “I wish I could, but we don’t live around here,” I said evasively.

  “Next time,” she insisted. “Give me your phone.”

  I looked at her in confusion. She looked at me like I was dense. “I’m going to give you my number. Text me. I’ll let you know the next time I have a party. Bring her along.”

  I laughed as I handed her the phone. “Thanks, but I don’t know when or if that would be possible. I volunteered to help out with this party and one more. I’m not sure when we can make our way back here.”

  “I’m sure they give you vacations. Plan one here. You girls can even stay here with me,” she insisted. “I’ll throw you both a party.”

  I laughed once more as I texted the number she gave me.

  Blake: Hey it’s, Blake :)

  She pulled a phone out of her little clutch and texted back.

  Anna: I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful relationship.

  I laughed. I was really starting to like her.

  “Oh, look its Linc!” she cried excitedly. “I want him to be my friend with benefits, but he’s too nice. He thinks our friendship means more than a fling,” she said with slight bitterness.

  I looked up and had to bite my lip. Jemmy, Rachel, and Dawn were going to officially hate me when they saw me with their onscreen boyfriend. Lincoln Hudgens was making his way towards us. I reluctantly had to admit he was more attractive in person than he was on the screen.

  I was first introduced to him on a girls’ day of movies and snacks. Since then, they’d presented me with a few other films he had been in. He’d done a few action flicks, but the main genre he seemed to specialize in was romantic comedies.

  He was tall and handsome, with short hair so black it was almost blue. His bronzed skin and cheekbones hinted at a Native American, maybe Asian heritage, but it was his eyes that I found the most startling; they were neither green nor blue. I would have thought they were cosmetic contact lenses if it wasn’t for the fact that Jemmy had googled it and came across pictures of him as a child with the same unique shade.

  “Linc!” she cried out excitedly as she jumped up at him. “I’m so happy to see you. You’ve been so busy with filming and all those extracurricular activities.” She looked behind him. “Please tell me you didn’t bring her.”

  He laughed sardonically as he embraced her. “I couldn’t miss the best party of the year, and no, I didn’t bring her.”

  He paused as he saw me standing slightly behind her. His eyes were piercing as his eyes slowly perused my body. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. He wasn’t creeping me out, he just made me feel…naked. I wished I still had my gift so I could call one of the guys to come to rescue me. I looked around for them and stiffened slightly when I saw Jace and Molly about twenty yards away.

  Molly was Jace’s ex-girlfriend, a lingerie slash swimwear model. They had a history together, but I also knew Jace had broken the news to her about us recently. She wasn’t the typical ex-girlfriend. Not like Tamara (Jaxson’s ex), Stacey (Noah’s ex), or Rose (Drake’s ex). Molly was a genuinely sweet girl, and I truly believed if I hadn’t shown up in Jace’s life, they’d be together now.

  “Earth to Silvermist,” Anna said persistently. “Silvermist, this is Linc. Linc, this is my new friend Silvermist. Can you believe she’s in security and has a gun attached to her thigh?” she whispered loudly as she looked around.

  She didn’t introduce me as security at all tonight except for right now. I was assuming they must be close if she was letting him in on her secret.

  I felt his piercing glance on me once again. He was currently scrutinizing my thighs. “You’re in security…Silvermist?” he asked skeptically as he held out his hand.

  I bristled slightly. “My name’s actually Blake,” I gave Anna a pointed look as she pretended not to hear me…again. “And yes, I’m in security.”

  As his large hands engulfed mine, he stiffened for a brief moment. I could have sworn his eyes narrowed. “You look like a baby, Blake.”

  I grinned even though it was completely fake. He really was more charming and smoother on the screen. I wasn’t going to pass judgment just yet, but I was starting to think he was a douchebag. I couldn’t wait to tell Jemmy and the girls about this. Even if I looked young, no one with any manners would say it aloud. “I don’t believe age should matter if you’re competent at what you do,” I said brusquely.

  I tried to ignore the fact that he still hadn’t let my hand go, and I felt a strange warmth spread through me. I really needed to go get some fresh air; the combination of the alcohol and warm bodies was getting to me.

  “How old are you? Sixteen? Seventeen? Eighteen? How much experience can you possibly have?” he
continued to study me.

  Anna started to laugh. “Stop intimidating her, Linc. She is going to be a new friend, and I know she’s good at what she does. The company she works for is one of the best.”

  “Which company?” Linc asked still refusing to release my hand as he turned to look at Anna.

  “Seven Security,” Anna rolled her eyes at him. “They’re used a lot around here and have built a great reputation. Even your girl has hired them.”

  Linc snorted. I couldn’t hear his response because Troy came over to us.

  “Excuse me, Anna,” Troy said with an amiable smile. “Do you mind if I borrow Blake for a quick dance?”

  I was finally able to pull my hand away from Lincoln Hudgens. Quickly, I slid next to Troy’s warm protective body.

  Anna laughed. “Silvermist,” she said.

  “Silvermist?” Troy asked in confusion, although he called me Misty all the time.

  “Her name is Silvermist. Why do guys insist on calling her Blake? She doesn’t even look like a Blake!” She looped her arm through Lincoln’s. “Linc, take me dancing while my bodyguard dances with her piece of meat.”

  “We’ll be right back,” Troy reassured her with a laugh as he swept me onto the dance floor.

  The song changed to a slow dance, and I was grateful to have Troy pull me in close. I didn’t understand my strange reaction to Lincoln Hudgens. He was such a douche, but I had felt warmth at his touch.

  I linked my hands over Troy’s shoulders and swayed with him. Soon it was hard to tell where he started and where I began.

  “Are you okay?” Troy asked worriedly.

  I buried my head into his chest. “I can’t wait to tell Jemmy, Dawn, and Rachel that their celebrity crush is a…dick,” I muttered.

  He chuckled as he lowered his head next to mine, his hands sliding to the smooth expanse of my back. “Why do you say that? You do realize that half of the celebrities in Hollywood are like that, right? When they get to a certain point in their career, they forget their beginnings. At least, that’s been my experience.”

  “He acted like, since I looked young, I’m not capable of being competent at my job,” I sniffed, still perturbed by Lincoln’s attitude.

  He nuzzled my neck. “Your age is not a factor on your abilities. If you had the use of your gift, you could really show him.”

  “Troy,” I sighed and moaned as he continued to stroke my back.

  “I want to slip away for a few moments, lift your skirt and lose myself in you. Just for a few minutes,” he whispered in my ear.

  I felt like a dam was flooding as I imagined him putting his words in actions. “Then take me,” I whispered back.

  “Blake!” I heard a warm female voice break into my addled sex brain. I looked up in confusion before I saw Molly a few feet away from me. “How are you?!” she cried out in genuine delight.

  I pulled away from Troy, confused by her greeting me. The last time I saw her, she looked possibly heartbroken.

  “I’m good, how are you?” I asked as she approached me and air-kissed both of my cheeks.

  “Good, good. Jace said you were here, and I had to see you.” She smiled enthusiastically.

  “Okay,” I said a bit hesitantly.

  “You must think I’m crazy, right?” She laughed. “I wanted to thank you. Troy, can I have a few moments?” she murmured, not waiting for a response as she led away to double French doors that went out to a balcony out back. A few couples were out there, so she guided me to an empty bench. I looked back at Troy and noticed the same mystified expression on his face.

  “Okay, so I have never seen Remy or Jace so happy. I know Remy has visited his sister, too, and I know he’s finally on the path he should’ve been on long ago.” She was speaking quietly as if she was afraid that she would be overheard. “I wanted to hate you at first, but Jemmy had so many good things to say about you, and I thought you had taken Jace from me, but I know now, I would never had made him as happy as you’ve made him. If he hadn’t found you, I would’ve never given Ivan a chance.”

  She held her left hand out, where a large engagement ring was now adorning her fingers. “Jace always had a way to help me with my anxiety and depression, but he always had to use his gift. With Ivan, he is so much like Jace, but he doesn’t have to use his gift to calm me. He’s not even gifted. He just knows all the right things to say and do. So, thank you!”

  “um… you’re welcome,” I said, not knowing exactly the proper response to give her.

  I mean, I was happy she found happiness and glad she had moved on from Jace, but I didn’t know why she was telling me this.

  She laughed as if she could read my thoughts. “I know you must think I’m crazy, but I vowed if I ever saw you again I would let you know. And seeing how happy Jace is only solidifies how wrong we really were for each other.”

  “You made a cute couple,” I smiled as I looked towards the ballroom. I was glad that someone from the outside could see that. Sometimes I had to wonder, honestly. I knew I couldn’t be happy sharing them…

  “It takes more than looks,” she laughed once more, hugging before she stiffened.

  “Something bad is going to happen,” she said urgently. “Someone with ill intentions is going to do something.”

  I stood up, ice flooding my veins. Anna!

  I ran as fast as my heels would allow me to. I saw Anna next to the French doors I had just exited. She was still with Lincoln, talking. I looked around frantically. I didn’t see any of the guys. I pulled my gun out and placed it in my open clutch.

  As I made my way towards Anna with calm even steps, I looked to my right. There, a flash of a muzzle sticking out of one of the alcoves about thirty yards away. I didn’t have a clear shot with everyone milling about. I had only one other choice.

  I ran and dove towards Anna just as I heard the distinctive sound of a gun going off. I felt a burning sensation in my left arm and heard screams all around me. Anna made a loud noise of surprise as I pushed her to the ground.

  Answering shots rang out, and I continued to cover Anna as Lincoln covered us both. “What the hell?!” Anna asked frantically.

  “Your stalker must have gotten tired of waiting,” Lincoln said grimly.

  I didn’t know if I could get a clear shot of the shooter or not and tried to get up.

  “Stay down,” he bit out.

  As fast as the shooting started, it had stopped. The screaming wasn’t over yet, though. I winced at the pain in my arm and the sounds of panic.

  “Please, everyone calm down,” I heard Troy yell over the screams. “The assailant has been neutralized. We don’t need any more injuries. If you are well, please file outside in front in an orderly fashion, the police are on their way.”

  The screams ceased, but I could hear a cacophony of crying and talking. In the silence of the music being shut off, it was deafening loud.

  “Lincoln, shit, you’re bleeding,” I heard a man state grimly as he yanked Linc off of us.

  Two men that looked suspiciously like bodyguards pulled Linc to his feet and began unbuttoning his top.

  “I’m not shot,” Lincoln bit out as he looked down. Surprise entered his features as he looked down at me. “Shit, Blake,” he muttered as ripped off his jacket.

  I looked down in shock at my arm. A small section of my bicep was bleeding. It seemed like the top layer of my arm had been burned off. I hissed in pain as Lincoln placed his coat on my arm, applying pressure.

  “Silvermist,” Anna sat up in panic. “I knew there was a reason I liked you. How stupid are you to take a bullet for me?”

  “Blake!” Noah cried out in worry as he ran over to our side, followed closely by Jaxson and Remy.

  “Did he get you?” Noah dropped down beside me.

  “I think he just grazed me,” I closed my eyes willing the nausea away. I didn’t think it was a result of the blood loss, just me coming down from an adrenaline rush and the shock of seeing the wound.

“We need another paramedic,” I heard Remy bark into the phone.

  “Let me in there,” Noah stated grimly to Lincoln.

  “The bleeding hasn’t stopped yet,” Lincoln bit out.

  “I’m a med student,” Noah snapped back.

  I looked up at Noah and tried to give him a reassuring look. I could see his hands clench and unclench. It was killing him that he was powerless. It was killing him that he couldn’t heal me at will anymore.

  I could hear the distant sounds of sirens.

  “Good for you, but I’m not releasing the pressure,” Lincoln said coolly.

  “I guess Pretty Boy here has more skills than just acting,” Jaxson said, clearly agitated that Lincoln was pushing back on Noah.

  I felt the absurd need to giggle and couldn’t stop it from escaping. They all looked at me like I was nuts. “Jemmy’s going to be so mad that her crush is somewhat of a dick and she never got to meet him. Where’s my cell phone when I need it? I need a selfie as proof.”

  “You’re becoming loopy, baby girl,” Remy said unamused.

  “Did you know that alcohol thins your blood and causes you to lose more in a normal situation?” I asked as I closed my eyes. “Noah,” I murmured. He leaned in close to me.

  “Stay right there,” I insisted as I felt his chest on the other side of me. I leaned into him, seeking his warmth. I was trying to stop my body from shaking but I couldn’t.

  “She’s going into shock, we need to lift her feet up,” Noah barked out.

  I closed my eyes, knowing I was in good hands.

  Chapter 8

  “I’m okay,” I insisted. “You heard the doctors, it was just a graze.”

  I popped my pain medication and walked to my closet. Today we were wearing specific uniforms that the newly engaged couple wanted us to wear. Troy had told me some of the crazy outfits they had to wear in the past, so I guessed the black pants, white collared shirt, and black blazer wasn’t too bad. A little too Men in Black, but it was fashionable.

  It was a day engagement party held outdoors, and the guys were already dressed for it. Who decided to have an engagement party at noon the day after New Year's Eve? Kind of irrational, if you asked me. Most of their party goers were going to be hung over. It was inevitable.


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