Gifted Connections 04

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Gifted Connections 04 Page 12

by S M Olivier

  “With all your…health issues lately, do you really think it’s a great idea?” Jaxson said hesitantly.

  I sighed. “I know, and you know I’d tell you if I wasn’t feeling great, but I am. Today’s the day we meet Otto, and I want to be there.”

  “I think that’s the pain pills talking,” Remy muttered as he picked up my prescription bottle.

  I slipped off my tank top, conscious of the dressing covering my wound. “This morning was the first time I popped one, and it really wasn’t necessary. I just took one as a preventative measure,” I said with a shrug.

  “This is pretty strong stuff,” Jace said as he took the pain pills from Remy.

  “On Remy and Jaxson’s insistence,” I barely refrained from rolling my eyes. “I told you guys I could bear through it. I’ve had worse in the past.”

  I saw Remy’s jaw clench and wished I could recall the words. He hated when he was reminded of my past. I had cracked ribs before, my wrist had been sprained, not to forget all the pain I received evidenced by my scars. Heidi never took me to the doctor, so I had to suffer in silence on numerous occasions.

  “Well, there’s no stopping her, but you are to be with one of us at all times today. Even if some batty, eccentric millionaire insists that you be her muse for the day,” Troy said gruffly.

  I laughed as I pointed at the numerous boxes and bags that now piled on my couch. “I think she showed her appreciation plenty, don’t you think?”

  I was woken up at ten o’clock this morning to the sight of several bellhops parading through the room with more clothing then I could wear in a year. I really hoped that Jemmy, Dawn, and Rachel could wear some of it. It seemed like a waste to have that much clothing. I could never—or would never—wear some of the pieces she had sent. Things that I would never be brave enough to wear in public. Clothing that the girls would love to have.

  A note of gratitude had been attached to the clothing, along with several text messages. She told me if the apparel didn’t fit to return it to her and she would alter them. I had a feeling I would be sending a few pieces back for Jemmy and Dawn’s tall frames.

  My phone rang, and I went over to see who was calling as I buttoned up my white top.

  “Hey, Anna,” I said with an amused laugh. It was the tenth time she had called, in addition to the twenty or so text messages.

  “I’m just calling to see if you’re okay,” she said for the fiftieth time.

  I laughed once more. “Nothing has changed in the last ten minutes.

  She sighed. “I still can’t believe you took a bullet for me. I hope you know that, as we speak, I’m getting a tattoo of Silvermist and Tinkerbell in remembrance of your heroic actions.”

  I laughed in shock. “You’re kidding me, right? Isn’t there a seventy-two hour wait time before you decide on a tattoo and then actually put it on your body?”

  I really didn’t think such a rule existed, but it sounded like a good one to me. Heck, I hadn’t even gotten one yet. Every time I thought I might like a certain one, I quickly changed my mind.

  She snorted. “For normal people. I don’t know if you realized it or not, but I buck the standard. It’s too boring to follow social norms. I’m too fabulous for that.”

  “Your nuts,” I snorted back, knowing she wouldn’t take offense.

  My phone began to beep with an incoming call as Remy’s phone started going off.

  “Silvermist and Tinkerbell, together forever!” Anna said in a sing-song voice.

  “Well, Tink, I have to go,” I looked down at my phone and barely repressed a sigh. “I have to get ready, and my sister is beeping in.”

  “Where are you going?” Anna asked, not caring that I told her I had to go.

  “I have work in an hour,” I said as I looked at the clock next to the bed.

  “Are you kidding me?!” She gasped in shock. “Give me the number to your boss. I’m calling him right now,”

  “It wasn’t his decision. It was mine. This detail is important,” I said, regretting telling her.

  “You better stay in bed. That’s ridiculous. If I were you, I would be laid up in bed all day with that hunky piece of meat you have. By the way, tell Leo if he’s free tonight, I’m requesting his presence later in bed. Let me tell you something girl, he’s ahhhmazing!”

  She bounced from subject to subject as if she suffered from ADHD.

  “Ugh,” I closed my eyes at the image she had given me. “I really didn’t need to know that, but I’ll let him know. Look, I’ll talk to you later,” I told her quickly before preparing to switch my phone call over.

  “Okay bye!” she said brightly.

  “Hello?” I answered Jemmy.

  “Blake!” Jemmy yelled in my ear.

  I grimaced and held the phone away from my ear, putting it on speaker so I could finish getting ready. We planned to stop to get something to eat before the party, and I was famished.

  “Yes, Jemmy,” I said drolly as I attempted to put on my pants. I winced at the tightness in my arm, reminding me of the pain.

  “You got to meet Lincoln Hudgens!” she squealed in indignation.

  “Umm, how did you know?” I asked in confusion as Drake came over to me. His brows were knit, and I blanched when I saw the picture on his cellphone. It was a picture of me getting taken out of on a stretcher with Lincoln Hudgens clutching my arm as my guys milled around me.

  Drake scrolled to the right, and I read the headline attached to the article. Mystery girl takes a bullet for Anna Black, Lincoln Hudgens staunches bleeding. He flipped to the next picture that must have been captured when Lincoln and I had just met. His hand is holding mine, and this was captioned. Could they be something more?

  I groaned, seeing enough.

  “Um, it’s all over Scooping Stars News,” she talked to me as if I should have known that already. “You met Lincoln freaking Hudgens and didn’t think to take a selfie and send it to me?” Jemmy continued to harp.

  “I’m feeling great, thanks, Jem,” I said dryly as Drake knelt in front of me and started to help me pull up my pants. I smiled down at him and his intuitiveness.

  “Oh yeah, how are you? Pops told us your brush with death this morning, but let’s be real, the universe hates you. I suspect you’ll be on death's door several more times before the year is even up. Happy New Year’s, by the way! So, did you get his digits?” Jemmy stated.

  “Um no,” I rolled my eyes as Drake helped me slide my blazer on. “I kind of have six men that I madly adore and another one floating in the wind that wants to crash the party and you, my dear, have a connection.”

  I had to laugh at her and Anna’s similarities. They both reminded me of the dog on the movie Up that Ella loved. The dog would be in mid-conversation and then be easily distracted by a squirrel.

  “He’s on my list,” Jemmy stated. “Don’t you have a Free Pass list? I do. And Gavin is well aware of it. Lincoln’s currently at the top.”

  I turned with an arched brow. Troy looked amused as he explained, “The Free Pass list allows you to sleep with anyone along as they are on the list.”

  “Oh, about that, no,” I stated emphatically. “Please see above. Again, the six men that I adore. I don’t need any cheap substitutes. By the way… Lincoln’s kind of a douche bag in real life.”

  “He was saving your life!” she exclaimed in outrage.

  I snorted. “Before that, though, total dick. I have some surprises, for you by the way. Anna Black sent me more clothes than I know what to do with.” I was hoping that would distract her.

  “No way! For real, though?! I want! I want!” Jemmy gushed. Apparently it worked.

  “Hopefully we’ll be home in a few days,” I stated. “I’ll let you have the first pick, but Dawn, Sierra, and Rachel are going to be invited, too.”

  “Aww, okay,” Jemmy whined.

  “Well Jem,” I stated, grabbing my hair brush. “I’m starving, and the guys are waiting for me. We need to grab a bite before we he
ad to our next assignment.” I ran a brush through my hair. Luckily, the care done to it yesterday had held up well today and I didn’t need to do much with it.

  Remy extracted the brush from my hand and started to brush my hair for me. I gave him a smile. It really wasn’t necessary since I had full use of my right arm.

  “You better take some good selfies for me today,” Jemmy said emphatically.

  “I’ll try,” I said in a placating tone, although I had no intention to.

  “Bye, love ya!” she shouted out.

  “Bye,” I said laughing.

  “Ready?” I asked the guys.

  “We’re waiting on you,” Jaxson stated from my bed. He was laying back with his hands behind his head.

  “So,” I looked at the guys as I slipped my gun in the shoulder holster I was provided with today. “How’d Pops take the news?”

  “I’m glad we told him before he found out about it from the news,” Jace said dryly as he shrugged his jacket on.

  “Do you guys have a Free Pass list?” I asked mischievously as we headed towards the elevators.

  I was surprised when Noah nearly tackled me from behind. “Not me, I have a girl I’m madly in love with.”

  I smiled up at him, warmed by his words.

  I slid my sunglasses on and peered out at the people bustling about on the sidewalk in front of us. We had found a cute little café that had outdoor seating and had a vast menu besides the standard coffee and pastries.

  “I could get used to this weather.” I sighed as I took a sip of my coffee.

  “Me too,” Jaxson removed his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves. “Too bad we can’t go sightseeing.”

  “Why can’t we?” Noah asked he flipped his menu page. “The party is over at four, and we don’t have plans for the evening.”

  “Not now. Maybe later,” Remy said cryptically.

  “How am I even supposed to approach Otto?” I asked dryly. “Hi, my name is Blake. You’re my connection. Can we figure this out so I can get my gifts back? Thanks.”

  Noah and Troy chuckled. The others didn’t seem to find it as amusing.

  “Come on guys.” Troy shook his head. “We already had time to process this. It sucks, but we can’t continue delaying the inevitable. We can go into this with humor, or we can continue lamenting our situation.”

  “I know.” Jaxson sighed. “It doesn’t mean we have to like sharing with this new guy,” he grumbled.

  Luckily the waitress came back at that moment. “Have we decided what we wanted?” she asked chipperly.

  I’d come to realize through our short stay here that California had a lot of beautiful people. I had a feeling a lot of them came here hoping to get their big breaks. Our waitress was a sexy brunette with flawless makeup and radiant skin. She had a killer body to go with her face.

  The guys looked at me expectantly. “I will take the Santa Fe Chicken sandwich with fries,” I said as I closed my menu and placed it on top of the other closed ones.

  “I’ll take the tuna salad with fries as well,” Jaxson stated.

  “Santa Fe Chicken sandwich and fries for me too.” Noah smiled charmingly.

  She seemed to preen under his look. I laughed inwardly. I wondered if he even realized he didn’t have an off switch when it came to beautiful women. I knew it was in his DNA, that he wasn’t flirting.

  “Club sandwich on an everything-bagel for me and fries,” Jace said.

  The guys continued to order as I started to people watch once more. Across the street were a lot of boutiques that apparently were frequented by celebrities. I saw a few photographers milling about, lying in wait.

  “I couldn’t imagine having people want to take pictures of my every move.” I shook my head as I leaned back in my chair.

  “Well, if Otto is famous you may not have a choice,” Noah teased.

  “Ugh,” I groaned. “Maybe he just knows famous people,” I said expectantly.

  “I think that’s just wishful thinking,” Jace said dryly as he linked his hands with mine and kissed the back of my hand.

  “If he has a career and a life here, what’s the likelihood of him wanting to leave his life here? We live on the opposite side of the US,” I said glumly.

  “One bridge at a time,” Remy reassured me.

  “Oh, my goodness, aren’t you the girl?” Jen, the woman who was throwing the engagement party asked. She was an actress from a ton of movies but never as the star. Her husband-to-be, Mark, was a director and at least twenty years her senior.

  Jen had met us at the door wearing a flimsy robe and large curlers. Her face was already heavily made up.

  I looked at her in bewilderment. “The girl?” I asked in confusion.

  “The girl who took the bullet for Anna,” she said slowly as if I were slow-witted.

  I nodded. “That’s me.”

  “What are you doing here?” she asked aghast.

  I looked over at Troy. “I was hired to do a job, and I want to fulfill my obligations.” I lied glibly.

  She looked at me with narrowed eyes for a few moments before she shrugged. “Well, you better not pass out or anything today. This is a big day for me.”

  I had to refrain from snorting. I could tell within five minutes of meeting her that she was a diva and believed she was more prominent than she really was.

  “Yes ma’am,” I said instead, solemnly.

  “I’m sure you saw your contracts, and I know you all read them,” she looked at me once more with harsh scrutiny. “But just in case you forgot the most important ones; No talking to my guests unless they talk to you. If you need to use the restroom, do not, and I repeat, do not use my bathrooms. I don’t care if you have the runs, you better utilize the restroom in the maid’s quarters. No eating our food. If you're hungry, there are sandwiches in the kitchen, but that doesn’t mean all of you can leave at once. Only two people are allowed to leave their post at a time. Two,” she emphasized. “Any questions?”

  We all shook our heads. I could already tell this was night and day compared to Anna’s party. We were just the hired help today.

  “Good.” She nodded. “I’m going to get ready. I expect you all to be at your post in ten minutes.”

  I refrained from rolling my eyes once more. The party wasn’t expected to start for another forty-five minutes.

  “Okay, everyone, earpieces in, let's get this party started,” Troy said sardonically as he slipped his own earpiece in. They were less like the ones we used on our missions and more like the ones the secret service used.

  Jace led me to the stairs. Troy had already given us our post locations and had me and Jace standing on the balcony above the party. Jen and Mark already had four bodyguards, so we were just supplemental back up. There wasn’t a crazy stalker after any one here, luckily. We were only there to make the ‘happy’ couple looked important.

  “Did Troy get the guest list?” I asked Jace as we walked up the concrete steps.

  “He’s trying to do that as we speak,” Jace answered.

  We leaned against the marble railing and watched the people buzz around down below. I thought Will’s mansion had been huge, but this mansion was a monstrosity. Anna’s estate had been large, too, but without the garishness and pretentiousness. Everything screamed of their need for attention.

  There were several tables connected to make one large u-shape table with a makeshift dance floor in the middle. A string quartet was setting up on a platform stage above where I assumed the newly engaged couple would sit. There were beautiful white chairs with pink bows surrounding the tables, and two thrones—yes, thrones!—in the center of the whole setup.

  Everything was in pristine whites and pastel pinks. I could see a bar on the opposite side of the lawns. The bartenders there were dressed in the most hideous pastel pink outfits I had ever seen.

  “I guess we should be thankful that we’re not bartenders,” I muttered to Jace.

  He softly chuckled at me. “I agree. J
ust wait until you see what the servers are wearing,” he murmured in my ear.

  “Nothing could be as hideous as those get-ups,” I gave him a look of disbelief.

  “Just wait and see,” he covered his grin with his hand. “Uh oh, the chihuahua is back on a mission.”

  “I’m so glad I met Anna last night,” I whispered to him as I reached down to wipe a white mark from my black shoes. “Otherwise I would think all celebrities are pretentious.”

  “Not all, honestly.” Jace shrugged.

  “That’s right,” I said with a teasing smile. “You dated a supermodel. This isn’t your first time rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.”

  He gave me a pointed look. “You know I broke up with her when she hit it big, but I have worked some of her shows and been to events such as last night and today. Troy turned to me for backup whenever he had particularly high-strung clients.”

  “I wish we had our gifts now,” I said wryly as Jen began screaming at a bartender for something. “I know I’m a little behind on current entertainment and on who’s at the top and who’s near the bottom, but who is she really?” I nudged my chin in Jen’s direction. “I know I watched a couple of movies she’s been in, and she said a few lines here and there, but she was never prevalent, was she?”

  Jace chuckled. “You’re asking the wrong person. I recognize her, but I couldn’t tell you what she played in or who she was before today.”

  “Hey, you. Girl!” Jen was now below and screaming up at us.

  I looked around, confused at first. I looked behind me and noticed she must be talking to me. I held a finger to my chest with a raised brow because there was no way I was going to stoop to her level and yell like a crazed banshee.

  “Yes, you! Girl, you are so dense! Did you even realize what you did last night, or was it a happy accident? Come down here, now,” she continued to yell, her voice efficiently carrying across the lawn.

  I stared at her in shock for a moment. I’ve been talked down to several times in my life, but this was a little excessive.


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