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IJUH complete

Page 12

by Sullivan, Christopher X

  I was relieved. I would have agreed to anything just to get off the floor. Mark pushed me to the open doorway beside the bar. I turned around to make sure he was shadowing me. He was in the process of taking off his shirt completely. I stopped him and told him to keep it buttoned.

  “You look hot like that,” I said. It was true—he was sweating profusely. But he also got a lot of looks from the other guys on the floor, so he took my compliment to heart and the shirt stayed on.

  We took our bathroom break. I knew from the other club I had been in that bathrooms were danger zones. This bathroom also had a wide entrance so people could pass each other without touching.

  Mark was very nonchalant. I felt extra tension between my shoulder blades.

  Mark walked up to the basin and whipped out his cock. He waved at me to join him. I hesitated and eventually decided against it. Instead, I headed for the stalls. Mark grabbed me, dick swinging for all to see and positioned me next to him so I was shielded from anyone else who might show up at the basin. There was one guy at the sink giving us the eye in the mirror, but otherwise the room was ours.

  I pulled out my cock, but it wouldn’t work. “Close your eyes and relax,” Mark said.

  “How can I relax when anyone can see my cock?”

  “Only I can see it.” He touched my hand (that was holding my cock), which made me jump because I had closed my eyes as he requested.

  The sudden disorienting rush caused me to leak on my shoes, but then the pee was coming out and it didn’t stop. Mark had stopped peeing a long time ago, but he stood there with his cock hanging out until I finished.

  “We’ve got to do something about that bush,” he said as we zipped up.

  “Mark! Not here. Sweet Cheesus.”

  “Now you’re saying it?”

  “I know if I say ‘Jeez’ that you’re going to say it back.” I stopped in front of the mirror. “My hair looks fine,” I said like a grump.

  “It does look fine. I thought we needed a break. Your head was spinning.”

  “Was not.”

  “You were looking from side to side. You should just focus on me and my hands and my body. Don’t worry so much what other people think.”

  “You were the one talking about other people looking at us.” We left the bathroom and Mark directed me back to our table.

  “You’re the exhibitionist. I thought you got off on other people seeing you.”

  Not quite accurate.

  We sat at the table with Marty and Claude. The four of us chatted, but I was so far out of my element and I couldn’t screw my head back on. Mark appeared at our table with drinks, which was unnerving because I hadn’t even realized he left. I grabbed his hand when he sat next to me and he scooted close.

  “You don’t have to drink that,” he said calmly. “I know you have your rules.”

  “You’re right. I’m overthinking things. I wish we could do this as different people. I don’t like being me.”

  “Hey,” he growled in my ear. “What did I say about talking like that? Let’s get a cab and go home.”

  “No.” I clutched his hand pathetically. “Let’s have a couple more drinks. I just need to get acclimated. There’s too much to look at here. And these blinking lights aren’t helping things.”

  “They aren’t ‘blinking’,” Mark scoffed. “The one is a strobe and the others are mirror balls.”

  “Whatever.” I dismissed his correction and leaned against his sweaty chest. From our perch on the second floor I could look through the railing at the grinding and the flirting and the touching. It was overwhelming. I retreated as close to Mark as I could. He kept contact with me for the rest of the night.

  We ordered our third round of drinks. Marty and Claude were ready to call it a night. Mark said we should dance one last time. I didn’t object. This time his shirt came off the moment he stood up. Marty drooled all over him; Claude had to snap his partner out of it.

  We walked out to the small throng. Mark tried to slip his hands under my shirt, but I dissuaded him. “Come on, babe. Let’s dance.” He spun me like we were salsa dancing. I laughed and felt butterflies.

  We were in public. He was touching me, dancing with me, laughing with me.

  I felt giddy and happy. We attracted attention with our flailing moves so I went back into my shell. Mark spun me again and grabbed me so my back was again to his chest and his arms were all the way around me.

  “Come on, babe. Just listen to the music. Feel the beat.” I bounced on his thigh as it pressed between my legs. His hand pulled at my shirt. I let it go over my shoulders. “That’s it, bro.” He tucked my shirt in the back of my shorts. Then he tapped my stomach. “Show off those abs. You worked hard for those.”

  “I have skinny-person abs,” I said.

  “Don’t be so critical.” He laid my head back so it rested on him. We barely moved. “Just focus on the beat. And my body.” His voice surrounded me—oozed. His hands caressed my stomach. He moved one of my arms so that my hand caressed where his shoulder met mine, exposing my vulnerable torso.

  He took advantage. Mark’s hand rubbed gently in my soft spot—right over the belly. I moaned.

  “That’s it,” he grunted. “Let go, babe. I got you.” He kissed me on the neck. My hand fell and played with his roaming fingers. My hips were more lively and loose than they had been earlier. We swayed and he occasionally pumped with his leg so that my body jolted. He held me firmly.

  I opened my eyes, not realizing that they had been shut. Claude and Marty were leaving the floor.

  “Don’t worry about anyone else,” Mark whispered. “Just let go. Let me catch you.”

  I listened to the beat and let it soak into my skin. I twisted, but he held firm. I shuddered. I felt so open and vulnerable. I knew the guys on the floor could see me, but I didn’t care anymore—let them look.

  “Let them see a sexy stud,” Mark murmured against my cheek. “That’s what you are. You’re my fine-ass man. So handsome. So funny. So sweet.” He kissed me on the side of the face.

  “I’m ready. Take me home,” I whispered.

  “One more song, babe. I love dancing with you.”

  Bumping and grinding on me, you mean.

  I slid my legs out from his. Mark grabbed at me, but I didn’t fight to leave. Instead, I moved my hips so my butt was directly in line with his crotch. Then I raised my hand up to his head and dragged his face close so he could hear me. By lifting my arm like that I also showed off my newly made biceps. Mark kissed them. I shrugged until his mouth worked its way back to my face.

  I pushed my ass into his crotch and ground into him suggestively. He groaned in my ear. “Babe,” I whispered huskily. “Take me home.” I pounded into his hard crotch. “I’m ready.” I’m ready to explore with you.

  “Fuck yes,” Mark grunted. Then he grabbed the side of my head and forced me into a French kiss. Our bodies turned until we were both groping each other and I was searching for oxygen. We broke free and he had a crazed look in his eyes. I must have had a similar expression because his hands were all over me and he couldn’t move me off the floor. After we broke apart for the second time, I firmly commanded him to take me home.

  Mark tugged me off the dance floor. We made it under the overhang beside the dance floor, but Mark couldn’t control himself. He pushed me against the wall, smothered me and kissed me as passionately as I had ever been kissed.

  Looking back on that kiss makes me want to gag. My naked back was on that greasy wall. Yuck! I’ve been in that club numerous times and I still cannot believe that I didn’t throw up after touching that disgusting wall. But that night I didn’t even think about the germs. All I thought about was his mouth and his hands and the need to tell Mark that I loved him.

  We broke apart again.

  “Uber,” Mark said. His hands formed a cage around my body. He turned away from me and scanned the room. “Let’s get out of here.”

  We headed towards the exit. I looked up
at where our table had been and saw Marty watching us from our spot, so I headed up the stairs. I proudly bounced in front of Marty and Claude, showing off my half-naked body. Devon had found a guy and was making out with him by the wall. I didn’t see Shane and wondered how the two playboys could function like... well, I guess they were in an open relationship. Isn’t that what I had hoped for Mark and myself? That he would get his sex elsewhere and come home to me?

  I shook hands with Claude. “It was very nice to meet you.” I may have flexed like how Mark would have wanted. We chatted and made promises to get together in the future.

  A claw-like hand grabbed my arm and forced me around in a quick half-twirl. “What the fuck are you doing,” huffed a deranged Mark. I motioned that I was saying goodbye. “Bye!” Mark shouted, half in my face and half at them. He pulled me roughly until he was sure I was following him. “I honestly can’t let you out of my sight for one minute,” he muttered. “Where the fuck did you go? Shit.”

  We walked into the vestibule, which was empty. I stumbled beside him and tugged my shirt out of my pants. He tossed me against the wall again, unexpectedly. “What you do to me, Chris. Fuck. You little shit, playing games with me. Running upstairs.” He kissed my neck and bit into my skin.

  I yelped.

  “Shut your mouth, boy,” he said roughly. Then he spanked my butt. I was not amused. “Yeah, there’s more where that came from. You need to be disciplined. Fuck. If you say ‘Take me home, I’m ready’, you don’t go prancing off out of my sight.”


  “Let’s go—”

  He muffled my protests with a rough kiss.

  “Got it?” he snarled. He slapped my butt again.

  “Yes. I got it. Shit.” We kissed again. I was completely at his mercy.

  He pulled me to the waiting car. We made out in the back seat, but not as much as Mark wanted. There was a woman driving and I couldn’t stop imagining her glare on my head. I kept pulling away from Mark, but he wouldn’t get out of my space.

  We got into his apartment. He jumped at me and I leaned back against the kitchen cabinets. He kissed me and his hands undid my belt. Then my pants were gone. His shirt had never gotten buttoned completely so it was off in a flash. Then his pants were gone.

  We broke from our kissing as my shirt popped over my shoulders. He kissed down my chest and used his teeth to bite into my underwear. He snorted as he sniffed my junk. I ran my fingers through his hair and leaned back.

  This was how it had happened that day he sucked me off after our week apart. I just went with it. It all worked out. Everyone was happy.

  Just got to make him happy.

  “Bedroom, babe.” Mark was panting. He tapped my butt as I passed him. I felt his looming presence behind me.

  I got on the bed, laying on my back. He had lost his underwear in transit to the bedroom. With one quick lunge, Mark removed mine as well.

  “You are so damn sexy,” he said. He gently lay on the bed and caressed my legs, thighs and hips. That was as far as we had previously gotten in our love making. Mark had done this to me a couple times since our first week as a couple, so I wasn’t as jumpy when his hand cradled my butt cheek. “I love your brain,” he said. “Such a juicy, perky brain. A real bubble brain.”

  I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t squash my smile. I kissed him. “I’m ready,” I said. “I want to try more.” I wasn’t really ready. How can you ever be ready to have something squashed up your butthole? I didn’t want it... but Mark needed this.

  I needed to make him happy.

  His fingers slid down my crack and I jumped.

  “Use a condom,” I whimpered.

  “Of course.” He kissed me. “I got tested the week we got together. Nothing to worry about.”

  “Use a condom,” I said again. “On your fingers...”

  “Oh.” He looked at me and paused as he processed my request. “Yeah. Yeah.” He tried to brush it off. “I’ll do that. Sure. I can do that.” Mark pulled open the drawer beside his bed and pulled out the condoms and the lube. I watched him roll the rubber down his index finger. He smeared it with lube. “Okay. Here we go.” He kissed me. His clean hand massaged my chest.

  He was in front of me so his invading hand had to wrap around my body awkwardly.

  Mark stuck a finger through my hole. “So tight,” he whispered huskily. I tried not to vomit. His finger went deeper and he touched my prostate. I didn’t feel this magical pleasure that I’ve read about in other gay romance stories. It tingled. It wasn’t necessarily unpleasant, but it wasn’t like... the best feeling in the world. I could easily think of thirty things off the top of my head that felt better than that finger up my ass.

  “I’m going to do a second finger, babe. You’re going to be nice and loose. It might hurt right at the beginning, but then it’s going to feel so good.”

  Whatever you say... He kissed me quickly. I hardly responded.

  “How are you doing? How does it feel?”

  “It feels...” weird, wrong, invasive. “Unnatural.”

  He giggled lightly and kissed me on the cheek. “I love you. It’ll feel better.” He pulled his finger out of my butt. He was right... that did feel better. Then he adjusted the condom so there were two fingers in it. He smeared more lube. He stuck both digits up my butt.

  I winced. He told me to relax. He cooed and he encouraged and told me to squeeze a little like I was taking a shit. He said I was doing so good. After a minute, the shock went away and it didn’t feel any different than the first finger.

  He pulled out again and adjusted the condom for three fingers.

  “Is that necessary?” I asked.

  “Yes. I’ve got a big head. You’ve seen it. It’s better to be real loose on your first time.”

  Oh God, whatever! Why did I ask? Just get this over with! He rained kisses on my body. He caressed my chest and my torso and my sides. I tried to keep my breathing even as his fingers gently went in and out of my hole.

  Finally he said, “You’re ready.”

  I’m so far from ready this isn’t even funny.

  He prodded me to roll on my stomach. I flopped on my back. “It’ll feel better the first time to have you on your stomach,” he suggested.

  “I need to see you.”

  “Okay. But it won’t hurt as much if we do it doggie style first.”

  Oh yuck. Why use a name for it!

  “I don’t care. I need to see you.”

  He propped my legs up onto his shoulders and eased his way between my legs. “You look so fucking hot, Chris.”

  “Don’t... no names.”

  “Oh yeah. I forgot. Sexy stud. That’s what you are.” He lined up his cock with my hole. “I have plenty of lube in you and lube on the condom. If you feel too much dryness, let me know and I’ll put on more.”

  How the fuck would I know normal pain from pain because there isn’t enough lube! Ah!

  I felt his penis at the opening of my hole. I wanted to weep. When Andrew did it the first time, all those years ago... he went in fast. He didn’t take the time to explain what was happening, but I kind of liked that better. The way Mark did it... I had all the time in the world to think about what was about to happen.

  He pressed against me and I felt resistance as his head pressed through my sphincter. I winced. Then he was through.

  “That’s it,” he cooed. He stroked my chest and touched my face with his hands. I turned away from his touch.

  Some of those fingers had been up my butt!

  “Doing so good, babe. So good. So...” he grunted. “Fucking tight.” I saw him close his eyes. “So nice,” he muttered. “Push out, babe. Like you’re taking a dump.”


  “Push against me.” He thrust into me slowly. I grunted and he stopped.

  It felt like the moment right before you sit on the toilet for an emergency poop where the turd was poking out your butt while you frantically searched for a clean toilet in the public r

  Yeah, that’s what it felt like.

  “Oh God.” I grunted. “It’s like reverse pooping.”

  Mark tried to hold in his laughter, but it ended up making him sound constipated. “No more talking for you,” he said, chuckling. “You can’t say stuff like that.” He slid into me deeper with each laugh—it jiggled further and further into me. “You can’t let other people hear you say stuff like that. They wouldn’t understand.”

  “I don’t care,” I said quickly. “Go faster.” Get it over with.

  He plunged. We paused many times until he was all the way in and his face was almost directly over mine, waiting for me to open my eyes. “I’m in balls deep,” he said proudly. I felt heavy. He kissed me on the lips. “I love you.”

  “Love you,” I gasped. He touched my hair and face and told me to calm down and that the pain would go away. “Which of those fingers were in my butt?” I asked warily.

  He placed all ten of his fingers on my face with the thumbs on my chin and the pinkies near my ears. Then he flared his eyes dramatically. “All of them!” He laughed.

  I squirmed, bucked, yelled. I felt so claustrophobic and needed to escape.

  By the time I realized what a scene I had made, Mark was behind me and holding me in a spooning position. How he had gotten out of me and around my body so fast... I couldn’t say.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered to me. “Don’t cry.”

  I realized I was crying. “I wanted to do it. But I couldn't take having it on my face. It was too much.”

  “That was a stupid thing I did. I’m sorry. You know my fingers were in a condom.”

  “I know,” I moaned. “But when you said that, I had this vision that all your fingers were covered in poop... and touching my face...”

  “I would never do that to you.” He kissed my hairline. “I never want to hurt you. Does everything... down below feel okay?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, somewhat confused. “I wasn’t thinking about that. It didn’t hurt, I guess. I was thinking about your hands. And the fact that you were in my poophole.”

  “I’m wearing a condom,” Mark pointed out.


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