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Club Destiny 1 Conviction

Page 29

by Nicole Edwards

  “I took the job with CISS.” She offered, hoping that would suffice.

  “I heard. Congratulations. I think it was a smart move.”

  Of course he did. Now he wouldn’t have to worry about what others thought about their relationship. If they still had one.

  More than a little doubt had crept into her thoughts in the last few days, when she realized she couldn’t be the woman he wanted her to be. He’d probably walk away as soon as he realized she was much better suited to the plain vanilla sex than the carnal debauchery that they had engaged in recently.

  “What else did you think about, Sam?” Logan took a step forward, crowding her, making the room seem unusually small all of a sudden.

  “Plenty.” She told him, taking a step back.

  “I’m waiting.”

  He was playing hardball, and Sam had the sudden urge to wither, to give in and just give up. But, she couldn’t. She didn’t want to be owned, to be dominated.

  Was it getting hot?

  “I need to go change, then I’ll make dinner, and we can talk some more.” She told him, needing a minute. Or ten.

  “Go change, but we won’t be eating here. We’ve got to get to happy hour, at least make an appearance.”

  Happy hour? Right. She’d heard about Larry’s successful project launch, but she hadn’t intended to go to happy hour.

  “Go change, Sam. I’ll wait here.”

  Not sure what else to say, she turned and fled to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Since there wasn’t a lock on it, she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep Logan out if he wanted to come in, but she hoped he’d take the hint.

  Sam changed, pulling on her most comfortable jeans, the pair that rode low on her hips and made her ass look exceptional, if she did say so herself. Since it wasn’t quite cool, but not warm either, she grabbed a short sleeve chocolate brown t-shirt that molded to her body.

  Normally when she attended business functions, she would have donned a skirt, but tonight she needed some fortification. Having Logan to contend with, Sam couldn’t afford to feel intimidated.

  Grabbing her Dr. Marten’s from her closet, she pulled on the heavy boots, giving her an inch in height and a hefty dose of confidence. She needed every ounce she could get when it came to dealing with Logan.

  Taking an extra ten minutes, Sam brushed her teeth, freshened up her makeup, and pulled her hair back in a ponytail. This way, Logan wouldn’t be able to plunge his fingers into the strands, an action that always made her knees weak. Feeling a little stronger, she came out of her room to find Logan once again sitting on her couch, but he wasn’t alone.

  “Sam.” Luke acknowledged her, his tone gentle, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

  “Luke.” She replied, then looked at Logan. It was a wonder she could tell them apart, but something in the way Logan looked at her told her exactly who was who. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” Logan assured her, standing. “You ready?”

  Hoping he was referring to the happy hour, she nodded her head, grabbing her purse from the bar. Based on the intensity in his gaze, there was no way he would let her back out now, regardless of whether his brother was there or not. Logan waited for the two of them to precede him out the door, allowing him to lock up behind them. She seriously should ask for her key back.

  Sam glanced to Logan’s car, wondering if she should just follow them in her own car. At least then she’d be able to sneak out if things got too hot.

  “We’re taking Luke’s truck tonight.” Logan said, apparently reading her mind.


  Logan opened the passenger door for her, the front passenger door, not the back. Sam glanced inside realizing there wasn’t a console separating the driver’s seat from the passenger. Instead, there was one long bench seat and a sense of doom came over her.

  “I’ll just ride in the back.” She offered.


  “Get in.” Logan instructed, putting his hand on the small of her back. She wasn’t going to get away so easily. And if the little wildcat thought her outfit would deter him from what he had in mind, she was ill advised. Giving her a little encouragement, he urged her inside the truck, her delectable ass hovering right in front of him, tempting him. He restrained from touching her. At least for now.

  The questions in her eyes told him Sam had made some decisions while she was away. Some decisions that she shouldn’t have made. Some decisions he would soon be overriding. But not just yet. He’d let her think she had it all figured out for now.

  Once inside the truck, Sam busied herself with her seatbelt, doing her best to keep equal distance between herself and both him and Luke. Logan smiled to himself.

  He knew what she was up to. She’d run off to San Antonio, an unlimited amount of time to think about what had happened between them over the last few months and decided she was the good girl she pretended to be.

  It was her M.O. Sam tried to convince herself she cared what other people thought of her. She portrayed a strong, independent, by the book woman who controlled every aspect of her life. In many instances, she was.

  However, she was also tempted by the idea of not being in control. Since Logan tempted her self-control, made her forget who she was trying to be, she was attempting to put some distance between them.

  Well, he wouldn’t have any of that shit. Not now. Not ever.

  The dark, libidinous side of Sam was something Logan was drawn to, just as much as the strong, controlled, professional side. From what he’d learned, she wasn’t one without the other. She seemed to have forgotten that. Or she had purposely decided that wasn’t the case. Tonight he’d show her differently.

  Luke punched the gas, peeling out of the parking lot, and Sam gripped the dashboard, her eyes wide with shock. She hadn’t seen this side of the brothers yet. Sure, she’d been privy to the dark hunger they both nurtured down deep, but she hadn’t yet seen the possessive, no holds barred side. When Logan called Luke, filling him in on what he suspected, his brother had been more than happy to help teach her a lesson.

  Tonight she’d get a taste of how Logan genuinely felt. If she thought he gave a shit what other people thought about him, she was dead wrong. Sure, he was a private man, keeping the details of his personal life to himself and the mere few who penetrated his inner circle.

  Today, when he’d heard Abigail’s little pep talk, he’d decided it was time to show her, and anyone else who wanted to threaten what he considered his, exactly how he felt about their failed attempts to interfere.

  He hadn’t thought he’d have to involve Sam in his plan, but when he’d tried to call her earlier in the day, only to get her voicemail when he knew damn well she was sitting in her office, not doing a damn thing that couldn’t be interrupted, he realized she needed a small reminder of how he made her feel.

  If there was an ounce of doubt in his mind that what Sam was contemplating was truly what she wanted, Logan would have backed off, willing to give her anything; including a toned down version of their recent sexual activities. Bringing Luke over had been a test, and just as he suspected, when she’d set her sights on him, The longing in the chartreuse depths of her beautiful eyes had flashed like a beacon.

  A few minutes later, Luke pulled the monster of a truck into an empty space in front of the small bar. It was a second later that Sam was fidgeting with her seatbelt, anxious to get out of the truck. He waited patiently until she turned toward him, apparently expecting that he would be climbing out already. When she looked up into his eyes, he grinned, unable to hide the hunger he felt for this woman.

  Reaching around, he looped her ponytail around his hand, tilting her head back before claiming her lips. Her sharp intake of breath was quickly silenced when he slammed his mouth down on hers, his tongue seeking what she’d knowingly deprived him of for the last two weeks. Her body tensed, but only for a second, then her hands slid up the front of his shirt, her fingers grabbing onto the cotton, pulling him closer

  He smiled into their kiss. That’s what he thought.

  When Luke leaned closer, one hand snaking around to cup her breast, Sam broke the kiss, the incredulous look in her eye making Logan smile more.

  “We can’t…” She choked out, her face flush, lips swollen from his kiss.

  Logan waited for her to complete the sentence.

  “Logan,” her voice lowered to a whisper, “what will people think?”

  “I don’t give a fuck what they think. The only person I care about is you. And that means that we’re going to go inside, act like the regular couple we are and spend a few minutes with the people we work with every day.”

  “But –”

  “But nothing. Let’s go.” Logan wasn’t going to give her a chance to argue with him. Heaven knew Sam could come up with all sorts of excuses.

  Logan climbed out of the truck, helping Sam out behind him. As they walked toward the bar, he took her hand in his, linking their fingers. Luke had already gone inside. After all, they weren’t here to put on a public display or to air their personal preferences. That was no one’s business but their own. Sam just didn’t have to know that.


  Sam didn’t know what to think, but she was nervous as hell as they walked inside the dimly lit bar.

  She immediately located a group of people she recognized, some calling out their hello’s to Logan as they entered. A few even offered her a greeting, which she returned in kind. Logan left her momentarily to get drinks from the bar, while Sam tried to locate a table. By the time he made his way back to her, Sam was sitting at a small table with Deanna and Alex.

  Strangely enough, being outside of the office with Logan just seemed… normal. Not anything like she expected. Though she wasn’t sure when she started believing that she was walking around with a sign that announced to the world her sexual preferences, or those of her two lovers. Glancing over at Luke, she realized that’s exactly what he was.

  Her lover.

  “How’s it going?” Logan asked when he approached, talking to Alex and Deanna.

  “Good, man.” Alex stated. “Did Sam tell you the good news?” Alex asked, glancing between the two of them.

  Sam hadn’t mentioned anything to anyone other than Logan, unsure how Alex planned to make his announcement. She’d tied off with Xavier, but she hadn’t had a chance to catch up with Alex afterward.

  “She did. Congrats, man. You’ve got yourself one hell of a V.P. She’s going to take you far.”

  Sam was humbled by the compliment, feeling her face heat from his kind words.

  “Don’t I know it? I’m looking forward to all she has to offer.” Alex responded, giving Sam a sexy grin.

  Her imagination must be running away with her because she was conjuring up sexual innuendos where she knew there weren’t any.


  Surely not.

  Sam knew from some of the stories told around the office that Logan and Alex were friends; they’d been known to go out and party from time to time. But he wouldn’t… Sam shook off the image, turning her attention to her friend.

  “I’m guessing you know what’s going on?” Sam asked Deanna.

  “I heard. Congratulations. I’m just happy you won’t be leaving us.”

  “We’re all happy about that.” Logan agreed. Tipping his bottle back, he took a long pull on his beer, never taking his eyes off of Sam. She couldn’t resist smiling at him, probably her first of the evening.

  His answering grin sent tingles down her spine. For two weeks, she attempted to convince herself that her feelings for this man bordered on the normal. As she looked at him now, she knew they were anything but normal.

  Just a look from him made her heart beat harder in her chest, her blood run hot, her palms itch to touch him. It had been two long weeks since he’d done anything more than the soul scorching kiss he’d planted on her in the truck. From the look in his eyes, he was planning to do so much more than that.

  God, she was a mess. An emotional roller coaster barreling off of the tracks.

  “When are you going to make the announcement?” Logan interrupted her thoughts, his question directed at Alex. “I think there are a few people who might be really interested to hear what’s going on.”

  Deanna sent him a questioning look, but Logan only smiled. That’s when Sam noticed Abigail and Tricia walk into the bar, followed closely by Larry. Sam couldn’t hold back the chuckle. She knew exactly who Logan was referring to and a part of her was anxious to see the look on their faces. Not that she was ever one to want to rub something in, but the rumors those three were spreading had turned vicious quickly.

  She’d heard so many different variations in the short time she’d been back today.

  I heard Sam tried to go back to the San Antonio office, but they didn’t want her.

  I heard Logan finally got tired of her, and she’s been off licking her wounds for the last two weeks, only to come back to find out she’d been fired. Poor woman.

  I heard Xavier threatened to fire them both, but since Sam had been the one to pursue Logan, he agreed to let Logan stay.

  It was an endless murmur of “I heard this” and “She did that”. One of the biggest instigators had been Tricia Shoenrock, who had been attacking Sam personally since the day she arrived in the Dallas office. From the other rumors going around, Abigail had all but promised her the job once Xavier fired Sam.

  So, that was the only reason Sam looked forward to the announcement. She looked up at Alex, wondering what his answer would be, but she didn’t have to wonder when he grabbed his beer bottle and a spare fork sitting on the table. With a round of clangs against the bottle, he announced that he wanted everyone’s attention.

  Sam’s heart started pounding in her chest. So maybe she wasn’t as ready for him to share the news as she thought she was.

  Logan took two steps closer, his body pressed up against her side as he stood beside her counter height chair. She welcomed his warmth, the feel of him grounding her; the support she needed to get through the next few minutes.

  As others approached the table, Alex downed the rest of his beer, and Logan addressed the crowd.

  Oh hell.

  “As many of you know, Samantha Kielty recently joined us in the Dallas office. During the short time she’s been in our office, we’ve seen tremendous improvements. She’s managed to do what no one has been able to do so far. Of the twenty or so projects she’s been managing, one hundred percent of them are back on schedule. We’ve seen significant improvement in engagement from our internal partners, and the response time from our software vendors has drastically improved.”

  There was a round of clapping from several people, mostly from her project managers.

  “With that said, I’m sorry to say, but Samantha has chosen to take an opportunity outside of XTX.”

  Sam heard the audible gasps from those closest to her, and a round of whispers from a few in the back.

  “However,” Alex chimed in, attracting everyone’s attention, “I have some fabulous news. Many of you are familiar with me and my security firm, and I’m happy to say that, in recent days, I’ve actually acquired a business partner, who, unfortunately, couldn’t be here today to join in our celebration, but you’ll see him around XTX in the next couple of months. And with that acquisition, CISS has decided to take our company to the next level. In order to do that, we felt it was necessary to hire the talent who could take us there.” Alex paused momentarily, probably for effect.

  Sam kept her eyes trained on Alex, taking comfort in Logan’s hand resting on her shoulder. Having him by her side was a powerful feeling, knowing he supported her and stood by her. A feeling she hadn’t known from anyone other than her parents. A feeling she hoped never ended.

  “I’m proud to announce that Sam has accepted an offer with CISS, giving us the much needed experience and driving force necessary to achieve our strategic initiatives.”

  “Who’s going to
replace Sam?” The question came from the back, and although he tried to disguise it, Sam knew Larry’s voice when she heard it.

  Logan once again spoke, personally addressing Larry and the group standing closest to him. “Due to the significant improvements we’ve seen recently, XTX has taken this as an opportunity to seek the help of an outside contractor. What that means for most of you is that you won’t see a change in your daily activity. We’ve been fortunate enough to sign a contract with CISS which will guarantee for the next twenty four months, the help from their top Project Consultant.”

  Sam knew he was dragging it out, and she couldn’t seem to turn her head and look at him, fearful of what she would see in his eyes. The way he spoke of her, the confidence he seemed to have, made her heart swell and tears form behind her eyelids.

  “Sam will continue on in the same capacity as she has for the last few months, fulfilling the contractual obligation between CISS and XTX.”

  Sam did turn her head then, and what she saw nearly choked her. Logan, along with his no nonsense tone, offered the crowd a piercing stare that dared any one of them to make a comment.

  “Congratulations, Sam.” Jim called from behind Alex. “That’s great news for us.”

  Abigail shot her a death glare, but Sam forced a smile back at her. “Thank you, Jim.” She said, directing her attention over to her project manager.

  “And just so we are very clear,” Logan continued, his voice now reflecting the professional tone he used in the office, “when I say that we will continue with business as usual, that’s exactly what I mean. Sam will report directly to Xavier Thomas, offering our organization more visibility to the President and CEO. That means we need to continue to work with the upmost professionalism and cooperation as we have always been known for.”

  Sam watched the faces around her, seeing some smiles, some grim looks, but all in all, she was up for the challenge. It wasn’t every day that you were offered a second chance. Somehow, she’d been offered a second chance at so many things, and she knew when not to look a gift horse in the mouth so to speak.

  Apparently finished with his speech, Logan signaled for the bartender to bring another round of drinks and then he turned his attention to Sam, making her blood pressure spike and her hands sweat.


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