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Twinsequences Willow

Page 10

by Jennifer Foor


  “Because, I’m coming there. I’m tired of this bullshit. She wants to play games, I’ll play my own. If she wants everyone believing we’re together, I say we give them a show.”

  “Stosh, you can’t!”

  “I’ll see you soon, Will. I love you so much. I want you to believe it. You’re mine. You’re never alone.”

  I didn’t get a chance to say it back, and I wasn’t sure I was even ready to. He knew how I felt and now I just had to figure out what that meant for us.

  Several hours later, a knock on my door sent me running toward it. Stosh stood there with a suitcase in one hand and a smile on his face.

  Chapter 13

  Don’t stop, won’t stop, can’t stop.

  I don’t know how fast it takes hormones to start working in over-drive, but I found myself running into his arms, an emotional wreck. All I wanted to feel was support and understanding. I needed to know someone still loved me – was there to support me.

  I needed him.

  “I didn’t expect that.” He smiled and pulled away far enough to look at me. “I missed you.”

  I smiled, but remembered this was a test. “Prove it. It’s going to take a lot more than a leap of faith to trust you again.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “Willow, I’ve spent the last two months kicking myself for what I did to you. I’ll prove it to you, I promise.”

  I took his hand and pulled him into my new apartment. It wasn’t extravagant, but I could afford it on my salary. It had two bedrooms and one bathroom. Since I lived by myself, I didn’t need a master bathroom to make me happy. The kitchen was open style with bars on the opposite side, which happened to be in the same space as the living room.

  Stosh looked around the place. He led me back to my bedroom and sat me down on my bed, and then he picked up my hands and brought them to his lips. I watched him close his eyes and ran one of my hands over his cheek, like we were savoring the moment. “I think about the way your skin feels.”

  I couldn’t admit to Stosh that I’d practically memorized everything about him. Instead, I closed my eyes and imagined the way it felt when he kissed me. I felt something touching my mouth and realized it was his fingers.

  We were alone, the door locked behind us. Stosh had come this far to be with me. I know I was supposed to be testing him, but I couldn’t hold back my need to touch him. I ran my hands over his shirt, across his chest. Our eyes were on each other and I don’t even know if I was blinking. Everything in the room began to spin when his hands traveled from my hips to my waist. I felt his long fingers sliding under my bra. Right away, I lifted my arms, giving him permission to remove it.

  Every inch gave me chills, knowing what it was leading to. A moan escaped from his body and it intensified the situation.

  Our mouths met for the first time. Each stroke of his tongue was like I was waking up. I could feel it down to my bones and the magnificent sensations overwhelmed me, just like our first encounter. We both had pent up animosity, making it difficult to breathe. Our kisses were ravenous as the room filled with our pure lust for one another. It was impossible to think about anything else except for what was happening between us. I was under his tantric spell and it was intensifying by the second.

  His lips were wet as he drug them against mine. Our teeth collided as he climbed on the bed on top of me. I loved feeling his strong body. I reached my hands up his shirt, tugging it off the same way he’d done mine. I wasted no time finding his belt and unhooking it, so I could reach my hand down his pants and touch what I craved to have inside of me again. While I explored, he lifted my legs up, positioning me like he was ready to enter me.

  I cried out into the room, feeling his desire matching mine. My mission was to feel his love, but his need was enough to appease me for the moment. The rest of our clothes came off and were thrown all over the room. I didn’t care about the mess or finding them later. All I wanted to do was be naked with this man.

  I was trembling when I felt him teasing my entrance with his hard shaft. The more he rubbed it over my throbbing clit, the more I cried out in pleasure. As much as I wanted him to penetrate me, I was getting off by his touch.

  He was so hard, rubbing against my soft pussy. My body arched as the jolt of sensations took effect.

  I dug my fingers into his shoulders, using my own strength to grind my body against his. He knew I wanted him and I didn’t want to wait much longer to have it all. I moved my hips, hard, causing him to groan loudly. Hearing his hoarse voice making those sounds was erotic. He kissed me, teasing me with his tongue. “I want you so bad. Tell me I can.”

  “Please! I need you.”

  His hard shaft entered me, stretching my tight walls and making me struggle to catch my breath. I cried out, feeling it rip me open, like it had the first time we were together. My legs wrapped around his ass as we got into a steady groove.

  He used his strong arms to pull us up to a sitting position. I began to bounce my body up and down overtop him. The friction caused intense sensations and soon enough, I could feel my body giving out. I let myself lose control, knowing the euphoria I was experiencing was only going to be a temporary high.

  Stosh must have gotten off on watching me. He pushed me back down and put my legs over each of his shoulders. His thrusts were powerful, moving my body across the whole bed each time we smacked together.

  It didn’t take Stosh long to start convulsing. He held his body still and filled me with his own orgasm. My legs fell down his sides, and we held each other on top of the covers.

  I felt him playing with the long strands of my hair. “I hate that I hurt you.”

  “Me too.”

  He pulled me close so he could kiss the side of my head. “There’s never going to be enough time to make up for what’s been taken from you. I hate myself for being a part of your pain.”

  I reached my arm across his chest and sat up to look directly in his eyes. I could see the pain reflecting back at me. I wish I could snap my fingers and forget about all of it, but we both knew that isn’t how things work. “I need time, Stosh. It’s all just too recent for me to be able to fully recover. The pain is still new and I need to heal inside before I can begin to forgive. I hope you understand.”

  He looked even sadder. “I get it. I mean, I don’t like it, but I get it.”

  He just held me for the longest time, there in my bed, without saying another word. Being in his arms made me feel like I wasn’t alone anymore. Part of me didn’t want him to ever let go.

  I wasn’t a fool. I knew he’d betrayed me, but the extent of his deception wasn’t unforgivable. If Stosh was telling me the truth, and he did do all that for a chance to be with me, I couldn’t exactly hate him. It was almost like a desperate plea.

  I got how he plotted with my sister, but he was there with me, just me.

  Further into the night, we climbed under the covers and slept. As much as I wanted to have hot magical sex with the man, we still needed rest to be able to perform.

  I had a ton weighing on me, especially the fact that I hadn’t gone through with the abortion. Now, I was the one keeping the secrets.

  The decision I’d made was life changing, but the most important part of it was keeping my secret safe until I knew Stosh could be trusted. I wasn’t going to be naïve and let my guard down when it came to that.

  The next morning, I woke to the smell of coffee. I stretched, went in the bathroom to freshen up, and even made sure my hair was decent, before going out to look for Stosh. I found him watching the sports channel. He had a cup of coffee in one hand and an apple fritter in the other.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  I put my hands on my hips. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Only the ones who put out.” He winked and took another bite of his fritter. “This tastes so good.” He was making these faces like it was the best thing he’d ever eaten. “Oh, sorry. Did you want one?”

walked into the kitchen and found a box from a local bakery. Inside were three more fritters. I peeked out past the breakfast bar and saw him smiling. “Are you trying to earn brownie points?”

  “Is it working?”

  I grabbed one and took a bite, savoring the taste for a second. “Maybe.”

  “Your coffee is in the microwave. I wasn’t sure how much beauty rest was required to keep up that model like appearance.”

  I lifted a roll of paper towels and tossed them at him. “I’ll have you know I look like this every day even without sleep!”

  He just shook his head and laughed at me. “I bet you do!”

  Once I had my coffee heated, I went and cuddled up next to Stosh. I wrapped my arms around his upper body. “This is nice.”

  “This is how it’s supposed to be.”

  He took one of my hands and intertwined our fingers.

  I liked seeing them bound together, like we were one, and nothing was ever going to tear us apart.

  At around ten in the morning, his phone started blowing up. He finally had to put the thing on silent because we were tired of hearing it ring. “I’m sorry.”

  I tried to smile. “It’s fine. I know this is part of the process.”

  He kissed me again. “You’re worth it!”

  I sat up. “Maybe you should answer it. They obviously aren’t going to stop. It could be something important.” He gave me a dirty look and picked up his phone.

  “Hi, Mom... No! I’m not discussing that with you... I don’t care what she’s says...It doesn’t matter where I am...Yes, I understand... I know what’s at stake and I don’t care. I will explain later. Just know I’m fine and I have my reasons... Okay, goodbye!”

  I didn’t want to ask what it was about. It was obvious. My sister had called his parents.

  He grabbed my hand and wrapped it around his own body. “Apparently, she’s keeping tabs on me. I haven’t even heard from her and the day I leave town she’s calling my parents. She’s like a fucking stalker.”

  “I assume they’re mad?”

  “They don’t understand. They think I’ve been unfaithful to a perfect wife. They have no clue she’s a monster, nobody does.” He shrugged a let out a sigh.

  “I do! That monster is doing her best to ruin my life.”

  He rubbed my cheek. “Good thing your knight in shining armor is here to save the day.”

  “You’re not wearing any metal,” I teased.

  “Keep joking and I won’t be wearing anything.” It was a promise.

  “I won’t fight you on that decision, you know.”

  We both began to laugh.

  Things got quiet for a little while, but the longer it was like that, the longer I wondered what exactly his mother had said. I wanted to know if I was the whore Ivy had made me out to be. It crushed me thinking about those people hating me for something that wasn’t even true.

  “Stosh, do your parents blame me for this?” I lifted my head off of his chest and looked right at him.

  “They don’t know the truth, Will. It doesn’t matter what they think. When all the truth comes out, they’ll love you as much as I do.”

  His words were reassuring, but they didn’t make me feel any better. It was hard to be hated by someone. It was harder to consider one day they could possibly be my in-laws. I didn’t want that kind of animosity between us from the start.

  There wasn’t time to wait for Ivy to screw up. It was up to me to take her down.

  Chapter 14

  Twin Envy.

  It hadn’t taken Ivy long to locate her estranged husband. She knew she could find him in my bed, where he belonged. I hadn’t pitched my newest plan to Stosh, but after just one night with him, I knew his intentions were real. His allegiance was with me.

  It wasn’t until later that afternoon when I started getting the hateful messages.

  He’s with you isn’t he? – I

  Answer me, bitch! – I

  He’s mine! Just remember that! He always comes running to me. – I

  Each message made me angrier. I think Stosh knew it because he continued reassuring me she was just blowing smoke. I wanted nothing more than to believe him, but this was still a test. A part of me still feared the worst. I had to be certain before I could tell him about my pregnancy.

  The threats continued late into the night. The more my phone rang, the more we ignored it. However, she did manage to kill the mood for me. Poor Stosh begged me to go out for a movie, but all I wanted to do was sulk and stay held up in my apartment. I felt like if we stepped out of the building, we weren’t going to be safe.

  We ordered from a local Chinese delivery and watched movies in the living room while we ate out of the little white containers. Stosh tried to make me laugh, by attempting to eat using chopsticks. He’d dropped most of his food back into the boxes, before it would make it in his mouth.

  After dinner, his phone began ringing again. Like the first time, he ignored the calls, but after a while, it just got annoying. He took the battery out and tossed the two pieces on the table. “Where were we?”

  Our lips met and soon our one kiss became many.

  Just like every time something was going good, we were distracted once more. This time, it was my cell phone that was ringing. After three times, I ran into my room, where I’d had it charging, to see what could possibly be so urgent. The number was one I recognized. I remembered the day I’d given Stosh that number when we first planned to study together.

  It was my parent’s house number.


  “Willow, this is your father. I need you to tell me the truth, right now. Do you know where Stoshua is?”

  I looked toward the doorway and didn’t see him anywhere near my bedroom.


  “Please don’t lie to me about this. There’s been an accident, and he needs to get home. Do you know any other way of getting in touch with him?”

  “Dad, I know you don’t believe me, but I didn’t have an affair with him.”

  “I saw the pictures. I think I know my own daughter when I see her. This isn’t even about that right now. Your sister has just been taken by ambulance. She tried to kill herself, Willow. Don’t you see what you’ve done? Do you see what you’ve caused?”

  “I didn’t do anything. This was all her doing.”

  “Nonsense. If you care about this family at all, you’ll find that man and have him come to the hospital.”

  He hung up on me before I could plead my case.

  Maybe, for a split second, I felt concerned about Ivy. She was my blood, and unlike her, I had a conscience and a heart.

  Still, whether this was her plan, or her really being that depressed, it was all her own fault. She’d done it to herself. Ivy had made her choices.

  I sat my phone down and considered not telling Stosh, but when he came into the doorway, I knew I couldn’t hide it from him. “That was my father.”


  “Ivy’s in the hospital.” I looked down, afraid of what his face would look like when he heard the news. “She tried to kill herself.”

  The room was quiet, and it forced me to look up at him. He had his arms crossed over his chest. “I take it she’s still alive?”


  He sat down and put his arm around me. “Do you think she’s faking it?”

  I shrugged. “Who knows. I’m the last one to ask about her actions. She was someone else around me our whole lives.”

  “Well, your parents are doctors. I would assume they would be able to tell, don’t you?”

  “One would think!” I yanked my body away from him.

  “Do you have to leave?” I asked.

  Of course I didn’t want him going without me. Hadn’t we been trying to figure out a way to be together?

  While he spoke, I adjusted the hair that had fallen near my eyes. “I won’t go anywhere without you by my side. If we go back to town, you’re coming with me.”

  My heart could have beat out of my chest like one would see on cartoons- I was elated. “You would show everyone we’re together?”

  “You’re damn right I would.” He stood still, waiting for me to respond, while getting the biggest grin across his face. “Wait! Did you just say we were together, like officially?”

  “I suppose I did.” I felt a little weary about saying it out loud. This was a sign I’d forgiven him, and I wasn’t quite sure I was ready to do that.

  “Hold on a minute. Did you tell them I was here?” I wasn’t surprised he was asking.

  I shook my head and shrugged. “They just assumed. When my dad asked if you were, I told him I didn’t know where you were at the moment. I wasn’t sure if you wanted everyone to know.”

  He kissed me slowly, letting his lips linger over mine before pulling away to address my statement. “The next time they call, I’ll answer. It’s time everyone knows I’m here with you, and I’m not going anywhere. I have money saved up Ivy doesn’t know about, but I’ve got to be careful. She’s smart, and she knows her way around a computer. I caught her snooping one night a few months ago. I think it hit her hard when she figured out my password.”

  I was a little confused. “Why?”

  He spelled out the words. “It was W-I-L-L-O-W.”

  I was taken back; at first, realizing even when they were supposed to be at their happiest, I was the one who still held his heart. He smiled, knowing his confession had earned him more of those brownie points.

  For a few seconds we stood there in the quiet room staring at one another. Then, after little consideration, I literally pounced on him. While pinning him on my bed, I looked down at my abiding prisoner. “I want you to fuck me like you’ve never been with anyone else in your life, and then take me in the shower and wash me, so we can’t go at it again later.”

  His eyes widened as a result of my request. I felt his strong arms pulling me down against his body. “I don’t think it will be a problem.”

  He flipped us over, wasting no time removing my t-shirt and shorts. I didn’t feel modest being around him. It was very obvious I wanted this to happen. He was my choice, and for that reason, it was easy to be completely myself with him. After finagling his own clothes off, he brought me back into his arms. I climbed on top of him, straddling him like I was in position to getty-up. I reached down and began stroking him, making his cock stiff. He ran his hands up to my breasts and pushed them together, licking them at the same time, while watching the expression on my face as he did so. Each time his tongue crossed over the nipples, I bit down on my lip, and had to close my eyes to keep them from rolling in the back of my head. He circled his own saliva around each tip and blew cool air on them. My body tingled and my hand continued to stroke him. I began to tease my own pussy with his shaft, rubbing my body over it. I watched what I was doing, taking pleasure in the motions. He moaned and looked down as well. I jerked it faster, getting a groove going with my hand, and my body movements. He took a chuck of my hair to maneuver my face close enough for him to lick my lips with his tongue. I tried to bite him, but he controlled my actions. I liked it when he pulled my hair. The pain ripping through my scalp turning me on more. Soon, I was rocking faster, becoming overwhelmed with pleasure.


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