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Always Yours

Page 5

by Kennedy Fox

  “That’s enough,” Victoria says, yanking the iPad from my hands and locking the screen. “You got what you wanted. She’s completely safe and more than preoccupied with Ty and Eric.”

  I look straight into her green eyes. She called him Ty, and I hold back a smirk. No one calls him that, which means he’s acting and playing a part. He told me he was planning something but wouldn’t tell me what it was. He said it was for my own good not to know until it was the right time. He infiltrated the O’Learys, and I wonder if Victoria has any idea there’s a chink in her armor. As long as Tyler’s around, he won’t allow anything bad to happen to Maddie, and that brings me a huge whoosh of relief.

  My girl is safe, for now. I just wonder how the fuck Tyler’s going to get them out of this situation or how I’m going to help without blowing his cover.

  Chapter Five


  I’m starting to understand why inmates go crazy in a cell.

  Day after day, the same routine, the same walls, same everything.

  At least the well-behaved ones get to go outside for some fresh air. I don’t even get that. I do yoga, practice my dance techniques and old routines, work out, take baths, and observe Ty cook while trying to get more personal details out of him. I’ve watched reruns of Glee, The Big Bang Theory, and started the first season of Game of Thrones.

  I’m bored as fuck.

  I’ve been here for ten days, and I miss Liam more than ever. Part of me hates that I do while the other just wants to make sure he’s okay. And to let him know I’m alive. I doubt Victoria told him much about what she’s doing with me and is probably using it to her advantage to get him to do her bidding.

  Unless we all play nicely, none of us will get out unscathed.

  “Where ya going, Beanstalk?” I ask Ty when I see him grab car keys and slip on his jacket. I also gave him an appropriate nickname on day five because he’s a freaking giant with long-ass arms and legs. He told me he wouldn’t respond to it if I called him that, but eventually, he caved, and now I think he likes it.

  Eric, on the other hand, doesn’t like his nickname—Captain Asshole. I even shortened it to Captain, but he still scowled at me.

  At least Ty is nice enough where I don’t think he’ll kill me in my sleep. However, Capt A-hole looks like he wants to smother me with a pillow dipped in chloroform. I can’t help it that I’m annoying and obnoxious after being stuck inside for a week and a half. I literally have cabin fever. If Liam were here, he could attest to my actions. Locking me up without letting me out of the house is a one-way street to hearing me talk nonstop.

  “I have to run into town and get some supplies and food,” he replies. It’s the first time he’s left since we’ve been here.

  “Do I get to go if I promise to behave?” I ask, hopeful though I know better.

  “No,” Eric responds for him. He’s always creeping up on us like a goddamn sniper. After the second day when Victoria called for Ty, he went back to being more reserved and distant. I have no doubt she saw us on her fucking cameras and didn’t like how he was getting comfortable with me. It took a few more days after that to soften Ty up again, and now our conversations are effortless until Eric ruins it, which happens often.

  “I need things,” I turn and tell Eric. “Womanly things.”

  He shoves a hand in his suit coat and then slaps a notepad down on the counter. Grabbing a pen, he places it next to it. “Write it down. He’ll get whatever you need.”

  I arch a brow at Ty who looks less than thrilled to shop for girly shit.

  “Okay, if you insist.” I smirk and start jotting down a list. Then I hand it to Ty.

  “Is this a joke?” he asks, cocking an eyebrow. “Tampons, pads, Midol, Dove dark chocolate, three bottles of red wine. Condoms.”

  I shrug, holding back a smile. “You never know when an opportunity will arise.”

  Eric’s eyes are ice cold, and it’s obvious he’s had enough of me, but it’s comical to see how far I can push him. He was clearly born without a sense of humor.

  “What size would you say, Captain? Magnum’s extra-large?”

  The douche doesn’t even flinch at my obvious compliment to his dick size. “Ty, go.”

  Ty gives me a slight nod, then turns toward the door. “And some red nail polish!” I call out. “If I’m getting laid, I need to give myself a pedi.”

  I hear Ty snort as he opens the door, then shuts it behind him. Eric glowers, crossing his arms over his broad chest as if he’s been waiting all day to scream at me.

  “You have quite the mouth on you. Victoria doesn’t like it,” he states. “If you don’t leave Ty alone, you’ll get both of you killed. Enough is enough.”

  Narrowing my gaze at him, I wonder how hard it’d be to grab one of his guns and shoot him before Ty returns.

  “Don’t even think about it, little girl,” he says as if he read my mind. “Victoria would have the perimeter swarming to find and drag you back by your hair.”

  It’s the most Eric has spoken to me at one time.

  “Yeah? Maybe you should ask her why she’s so threatened by me…” I keep my eyes on him, then stalk away. My heart thrashes hard against my chest as I walk to my room and lock the door behind me.

  I decide to change into different clothes and work out my frustrations while I wait for Ty to return with my goodies. There’s no doubt he’ll get everything on my list minus the Magnums.

  There’s a kickass stereo system in the gym, so I crank some Demi Lovato and stretch before I hop on the bike. After thirty minutes, I’m sweating and take a water break before I run on the treadmill. I haven’t worked out this much in weeks, but it feels amazing to blow off steam.

  “Maddie.” Eric’s booming voice scares the shit out of me, and I nearly trip over myself.

  “Jesus. You need a bell around your neck.” Turning off the treadmill, I step off and face him. “What?”

  “Boss has a message for you.” He holds out my phone, and I blink up at him, unsure if I want to read it. “Take it,” he orders.

  Swallowing hard, I step closer and grab it from his grip.

  Victoria: Liam can see you. I’d be careful if I were you.

  What the fuck does that mean? Is she trying to threaten me?

  Instinctively, I look up at the cameras and wonder if he’s watching right now. Either way, she most definitely is, though, and is hoping for a reaction. Instead, my lips form into a smug smirk as I type out a response.

  Maddie: Isn’t that what you want? For him to see me flirting with your guards so he’ll crawl to you?

  Victoria: You’re so naive, sweetheart. Liam’s in my bed every night. You’re no longer my problem, but if you don’t behave, Liam pays. Remember that.

  If Victoria wants Liam as a husband and a father to their children, she won’t hurt him. Keeping me away ensures she’ll get what she wants, but I don’t buy her empty threats. It’s a way for her to keep control and scare everyone in the process. However, she has the ability to destroy me and my family if I don’t cooperate, so I’ll do as she demands.

  Maddie: You got it, Boss lady.

  I hit send, then slap my cell back in Eric’s palm. With one more look at the camera, I scowl, then turn to Eric. “She’s a bitch, and you’re a bastard for working for her. When I get out of here—and I will—I’m reporting her for abduction and blackmail. She won’t think twice about throwing you under the bus, so I’d run after I’m gone.”

  I know my threat bounces off him like a rubber ball, but I’m so pissed and annoyed my words spew out before I think twice. He doesn’t even balk at me and is probably laughing at me in his head, but I don’t care. I hope her entire empire burns to the fucking ground.

  Eric walks out, and I’m more fired up than before, so I get back on the treadmill and run as fast as I can. With my heart beating out of my chest and sweat burning my eyes, I can no longer feel my legs. At the sound of a light knock, I hop off and nearly fall to the ground panting.
  “Hell, Maddie.” Ty walks over and stands above me.

  Blinking, I try catching my breath as my arms and legs spread out on the cool mat. “Hey.”

  “Uh…I got everything on your list except the condoms. They were out,” he teases, lifting the bag in one hand. “I’ll just put it on your bed.”

  He turns, and I quickly speak up. “Wait.” Ty spins around and cocks a brow. “Can you help me up? I think I overdid it. My body feels like jelly.”

  Ty smirks and nods. Leaning down, he grabs my hand and slowly pulls me up. Once I’m back on my feet, he releases me and grins. “Heard the Boss got a hold of you.”

  “Oh, you mean Crazy Bitch? Yeah, we had a good chat.” I exhale roughly and remember he’s on her payroll. He might be nice to me, but that doesn’t mean I can trust him. She probably planned for me to feel safe with him, so when I least expect it, he’ll whack me with a crowbar and bury my body in the middle of the woods.

  He holds out my items, and I take them. We stand awkwardly, both aware Victoria can see us.

  “I told Eric I’d cook dinner tonight. Any requests?” he asks, breaking the silence.

  “Well…I’d kill for some Chinese food. General Tso’s Chicken and an eggroll. Mmm,” I moan, then smile when he furrows his brows. “Okay, so not an option?”


  I inhale sharply and shift my neck from side to side to release some of the tension. “You should let me cook. I make some badass breakfast dishes.” The thought reminds me of Liam and when I lost our bet the very first weekend I came to live with him after my apartment caught on fire.

  “Not a good idea.” He shoves his hands in his pockets. “Think about it and let me know.”

  Ty leaves before I can say another word.

  The next morning, I can barely get out of bed. My entire body is stiff and sore, and I’m cursing myself for working out as hard as I did. Last night, Ty made Southern-style chili, and it was as delicious as everything else he’s prepared. The three of us eat at the kitchen table, and it’s more awkward than going to prom with your first cousin. At least during the day I can eat at the breakfast bar and chat with Ty while Eric does other shit.

  Instead of my typical routine of asking him a million questions he doesn’t always answer while he cooks, I start a hot bath. I twist my hair into a high bun and slip out of my clothes before I get into the massive tub. Victoria might be the biggest bitch of the century, but her taste is admirable. The jets soothe and release the tightness in my muscles.

  I add some bubble bath and actually relax, forgetting for a moment that I’m being held here against my will. Most days, it’s easy to push it to the back of my mind, but as time passes, I lose a sense of reality and the outside world.

  Once my body feels good and loose, I drain the water, and that’s when I realize I forgot to grab a stupid towel. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if the linen closet wasn’t on the other side of the gigantic bathroom. The chill of the air hits me the second I get out and tiptoe across the floor. As soon as I grab a towel, I immediately start drying off. Once I’m dry, I’ll wrap myself in one of Victoria’s plush robes.


  At the sound of my name, I quickly spin around and drop my towel in the process. When I see Ty in the doorway, I shriek.

  What the hell is he doing in here?

  “Fuck, sorry.” He turns around, but only after I catch his gaze on my nipple rings.

  Swiftly grabbing my towel off the floor, I wrap it tightly around my body. “What are you doing?” I ask nervously.

  “I knocked on the bedroom door and called your name, but you didn’t answer, so I let myself in,” he explains. “I’m really sorry. I thought something was wrong.”

  “Why would something be wrong?” Not like the windows aren’t locked and deadbolted. Or the two cameras in my room aren’t spying on my every move.

  “You didn’t show up for breakfast, so I came to check on you, and then you didn’t answer, so…”

  “You thought I escaped,” I finish for him.

  “It was one thing that crossed my mind,” he admits.

  “And there was another?” I prompt, walking toward him.

  Ty slowly glances over his shoulder as if to make sure I’m no longer naked. When he realizes I’m not, he fully turns and looks at me. “Honestly, I thought maybe you’d harmed yourself or something.”

  There are no cameras in here, but unless the door is shut, the ones from my room can see inside. I’ve never seen Ty this vulnerable before, and it makes my heart race at the thought of him being worried about me. At times, I get the feeling he’s putting on an act for his job’s sake. Still, I can’t be too careful because anyone in Victoria’s world is shady and deceptive, just like her.

  “No, I just worked myself too hard yesterday and needed to soak in hot water.”

  He blinks as if he’s fighting to keep his eyes on mine. “If you want some tips, I’m pretty knowledgeable about how to work out without hurting yourself. A close friend of mine owns a gym I used to work at, and I’ve been lifting and boxing for years. I know all about feeding and fueling your body properly.”

  “Really?” I ask with excitement, and he nods. “You sure you’re allowed to?”

  Ty tilts his head and flashes a small grin. “You let me worry about that.” He winks, then steps back. “I’ll let you get dressed now. Sorry again for barging in. Breakfast is ready whenever you are.”

  A genuine smile splits my face. “Okay, thank you.”

  That afternoon, I skip the gym and decide I’ll take Ty up on his offer tomorrow when I’m not so sore. Instead, I find a meditation class on TV and work on de-stressing before I have a panic attack from being locked in here. If I’m going to stay sane, I need to keep levelheaded. Stretching and breathing techniques help keep my core strong and ready to tackle whatever is thrown my way.

  “You ready?” Ty asks me the following morning. “Made you a pre-workout chocolate shake.”

  “Where’s breakfast?” I frown, looking around the empty counter. Though I typically eat light in the morning before classes, I’ve gotten used to Ty’s cooking.

  “In that cup.” He jerks his chin toward it.

  Grabbing it, I look at the thick liquid and glower. “It doesn’t look like eggs and hash browns.”

  Ty snorts and shakes his head. “No, but it’ll help give you energy so you don’t burn out after one rep.”

  “Oh, God,” I groan. “I’m gonna regret this, aren’t I?”

  “Nah.” He shakes his head. “You’re a dancer, so you should be drinking this anyway.”

  “Agree to disagree.” I sniff it first, then take a drink. “It’s no crispy bacon.” I gulp the rest of it down and make a sour face. “Chocolate takes offense to that being called chocolate. More like chalky vomit.”

  He scoffs, shaking his head at me. “It’s not that bad.”

  “Next time, just feed me a cup of dirt.” I snatch a bottle of water and take a long sip.

  He pops a brow, then leads me down the hall to the gym. “Anyone ever tell you how dramatic you are?”

  “Only since birth.” I chuckle, thinking of my sisters who’d wholeheartedly agree.

  After Ty spends twenty minutes explaining the proper way to lift weights without straining my muscles, I sit and take a break to rehydrate.

  “So, tell me about this boyfriend of yours,” he says after I catch my breath. “Or, ex—as you said.”

  I arch an eyebrow, curious if he really wants to know or if he’s just gathering information for Victoria. Though, she already knows Liam and I were together behind her back, which is why I’m here in the first place.

  “You want to know about Liam?” I ask, cautiously watching his expression.

  When he barely flinches and keeps his eyes on me, I decide he’s being genuine.

  “Whatever you want to share.” He shrugs, then continues, “How long were you together?”

  “Uh…well.” I chew on my
lip, thinking about how to answer that. “That’s a difficult question.”

  Ty chuckles. “That’s supposed to be an easy one.”

  “Technically, we first met my senior year of high school four years ago. I lied about my age, he scolded me for almost getting him into legal trouble, and then I moved to Sacramento a year later. We were reunited when my sister invited me to a party, and it was Liam’s house.”

  “I bet that was a shock.”

  “Oh, it was. Then he basically ignored me for three years. Well…he tried to anyway.” I swallow down another gulp of water. “We were around each other a lot because his best friends are dating my older sisters.”

  “Really? Mason’s dating your sister?”

  I narrow my eyes at him, studying his expression as he swallows hard. Almost as if he hadn’t meant to say that.

  “Yeah, but how’d you know his name was Mason?” I ask, tilting my head.

  “You told me the other day,” he quickly responds.

  I know for a fact I didn’t. There’d be no reason for me to mention anyone’s name until this conversation. However, I’m not about to challenge him or give him any reason to hurt, kill, or throw me out to the wolves.

  “Oh, uh, right.” I palm my forehead. “Liam’s roommate.”

  “So you started seeing Liam not long ago?”

  “Yeah, it’s recent. So recent, in fact, it’s like it never happened.” I pinch my lips together and stand. “Okay, break’s over. I need to hit something.”

  “That I can definitely help you with.” Ty smirks and nods his head toward the punching bag in the opposite corner.

  An hour flies by, and I’m drenched in sweat. I haven’t worked out this hard in months, but it felt great to relieve some stress.

  “Come, I’ll make you an after-workout drink. You need to stay hydrated,” Ty says as I follow him into the kitchen.


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