Book Read Free

Always Yours

Page 20

by Kennedy Fox

  “I sure hope so.” He laughs. “Then I might actually break a sweat.”

  Once I’m able to get off the couch, I go upstairs for a hot shower and take it easy for the rest of the day. I still have to work, but the most I can do right now is research or pick up some local jobs. I need to make money, but this fight is my top priority at the moment.

  When Maddie walks through the door, I’m on the couch with my laptop. I close it, then set it on the coffee table. Immediately, she drops her backpack and walks toward me. Seconds later, she’s straddling me with her lips pressed against mine.

  “Mads,” I whisper, placing my hands under her ass. My self-control is already waning. I need to tell her about Tyler’s no-sex rule even though I already know she’s not going to be happy about it. “I’m really sore, baby.”

  She leans back and lifts off me. “Oh shit, sorry.”

  “Tyler kicked my ass training me today,” I tell her. “It’s gonna be a rough few weeks.”

  Maddie sits next to me and turns. “I know, but you’ll get through it. I know you will.”

  “Well…” I pause briefly. “That’s not the only reason it’s going to be rough.”

  “What is it?” She looks at me cautiously, and I know she’s worried. I need to just spit it out.

  “Tyler suggested no sex until after the fight.”

  Her head falls back on her shoulders, and she laughs hard. “What? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. This is a joke, right?”

  “I thought it sounded stupid at first too, but I think he’s right. I looked it up, and it’s a real thing. Plus, Tyler’s been training people for a long-ass time. I trust his judgment, and if it will make me a stronger fighter, that’s what I have to do…for us.”

  She searches my face. “So, no sex. Does that mean everything else is off-limits too? Like you can’t touch me at all?”

  I suck in a deep breath and nod. “It might be for the best. Otherwise, the temptation will be too hard to resist.”

  She sticks out her lower lip and adorably pouts. “Okay, I understand, even if I’m going to have sex withdrawals,” she playfully whines.

  “Me too, baby,” I admit, already hating that I can’t lay her down and kiss her the way I want to, but when I win this fight, we’ll finally have it all.

  It’s been a week since I started training with Tyler, and while I’d like to think it’s getting easier, it’s not. Tyler has pushed me to the limit every single day and continues to do so. Practices are unpredictable, and I’m beat down until my muscles are weak and tired, but today I wake up ready to fight. I can already feel how much stronger I am and even started lifting weights a few times this week to break down the muscle further.

  Yesterday, Tyler told me we were meeting at a gym known for boxing. Apparently, it has fighting mats and a ring, and it’s better suited than my gym. When I show up at our regular time, I immediately notice Tyler chatting with someone.

  As soon as I walk up, Tyler introduces us. “This is Rampage.”

  I shake his hand. “I’m Liam, nice to meet you.”

  The guy has tattoos trailing up his arms and legs. It’s mid-December, and the gym doesn’t have heat, but he’s wearing shorts and a T-shirt with the arms cut out.

  “Thought I’d give you a challenge today,” Tyler says, grinning wide. “Rampage is one of the best in the area and has won a few underground fights. He’ll be your opponent.”

  I feel a tad blindsided and intimidated, but I’m okay with it. Actually, going up against someone who I’m unfamiliar with will probably be more helpful and feel like the real thing. Considering the no-sex rule still stands, it might be nice to kick someone else’s ass. I go to pick up the knuckle tape, and Tyler shakes his head.

  “We’ll use gloves today. Don’t want you getting the shit kicked out of you yet. We’ll save that for when you’re training in Vegas.”

  Rampage laughs. “I dunno, Tyler. Liam’s a big dude.”

  Tyler glances at him. “I know how you are. How about you not Tyson him like you did that other guy?”

  Laugher escapes Rampage, and he looks pleased with himself. “Got it. No biting off ears.”

  “You did that to someone?” I try to keep my reaction flat as I tighten my laces.

  He grins before stepping into the ring. “I’d do it again, too. The bastard deserved it, and there was a lot of money riding on that fight.”

  What the fuck did Tyler get me into? Or rather, who?

  I follow him and stand on the opposite side of the ring. Tyler tells me he booked the space for an hour and will probably use up the entire time. After he sets the clock and talks about the rules—three to four rounds, three minutes each—we begin. The time counts down, and I size Rampage up, noticing how he doesn’t take his eyes off me. It’s as if someone flips a switch because, in a flash, he rushes toward me. His hands cover his face before laying into me with so much fucking power, I almost lose my breath. After a few seconds of taking a beating, I snap.

  The maneuvers Tyler and I have been practicing every day come to me in full force, and a second later, I kick my leg out and take Rampage down, but he’s relentless and snaps his fist behind my knee, and soon, I’m falling too. This happens over and over again through every round, and soon, I catch on to his moves and reactions, then allow my adrenaline to lead me. During the final round, we’re both tired as hell but continue kicking each other’s asses. About a minute in, he swings, and I duck, giving me the opportunity to put power into an uppercut using all the strength I have in my legs. As soon as my fist connects with his jaw, Rampage takes two steps back, then falls down.

  Tyler jumps over the ring and goes to him, waiting for him to come to. My lip is busted, and my body hurts from being beat the fuck up, but I feel good. Tired, but good and confident. Rampage spits out blood, then Tyler helps him stand. He takes off his gloves and gives me a handshake.

  “Great fuckin’ job, man. You’re a natural.”

  I almost laugh, considering what the past week has been like for me. “Nah.”

  “I’d bet on you,” he says.

  Tyler beams proudly. “That’s just one week of intense training. Sending him to Dice in Vegas next week,” he explains. “He’ll be sweating his body weight by the time he returns.”

  That statement has my stomach roiling. I’ve been working out nonstop for seven days, and though I need a day off, there isn’t time to rest or get lazy. Whoever this Dice guy is will make sure I’m prepared as much as possible.

  I untie my gloves and get out of the space. There’s a group of guys waiting to get in, and I can see how excited they are for their turn. For the first time, I understand why Mason used boxing to get out his frustrations. It really is a great outlet, and if I didn't have to do this because of a stupid situation I got myself in, I’d actually enjoy it. After we hydrate, the three of us stand to the side for a little while longer. Tyler goes over my strengths and weaknesses he observed, and Rampage gives me a few more pointers as well. I have a little over two weeks to make sure I’m prepared, and after today, I feel better.

  As we’re heading out, Tyler walks with me to my truck. “He didn’t go easy on you today.”

  “I didn’t expect him to. My muscles are sore as fuck.” I rub a hand over my shoulder and squeeze.

  Tyler grins. “It’s progress, Liam. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks to you, man. Now I just need to win this fight and forget any of this ever happened.” I sigh, feeling anxious as hell as the closer New Year's Eve comes.

  We go our separate ways, and I text Maddie to meet her for lunch. She typically has a break between classes, and I miss her like crazy. By the time she gets home from school and her extra rehearsals for her upcoming senior recital, we’re both exhausted. Things have been tense between us. The no-sex rule is driving us both insane, but we’re making the best of it. As I’m arriving at the house, I get a text from her and smile because she’s agreed to lunch.

die: It better be something good. I need carbs before I kill someone.

  She has a way of making me laugh.

  Liam: Carbs are guaranteed. I’ll pick you up at 11.

  I shower and do some work on my laptop, then head across town to pick up Maddie. She’s waiting for me in our old spot, and it brings back memories of when she first moved into the house. So much has changed since then, but she’s been one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Maddie keeps me grounded when I feel as if my world is crumbling around me.

  She climbs inside the truck and leans over, giving me a sweet peck on the lips. “Hey, handsome.”

  “Hello, beautiful. Missed you,” I tell her, wishing we could spend the day together like we did during summer, and she was home a lot more.

  “I’ve missed you, too. Have fun today so far?” she asks as I pull out and drive.

  Just being around her calms me and is just a reminder of why I’m doing all this in the first place. “Fun?” I half-chuckle. “I fought some guy this morning with a lot more experience than me, but I managed to take him down. Tyler was proud.”

  “You kicked the guy’s ass?” Maddie’s grinning, looking so damn pretty in her sweater.

  “I sure did, but I’m gonna be feeling it later.”

  She holds out her hand for a high five. While keeping my eyes on the road, I snicker and slap her hand.

  “Good to know the no-sex thing is working.” She laughs, and I roll my eyes. “Though I’ve had to bring BOB back into the shower with me.”

  Glancing over, I glare at her. “You didn’t?”

  “A girl has needs.” She smirks, but I’m ninety percent positive she’s joking. Well, maybe eighty.

  “Yeah, well blue balls are a bitch.” I pull into a small Italian restaurant and take Maddie’s hand, then kiss her knuckles. “But they’re worth it to know I’ll be able to do whatever I want to you after the fight.”

  “I expect A-plus treatment,” she teases. “Kinky, rough, hours long sex.”

  Groaning, I feel myself getting hard at her words. I adjust my crotch and clear my throat. “Alright, time to get out of here before I change my mind and jump you.”

  Maddie laughs, grabbing the door handle. “Good idea. Also, I was so going to suggest this place. I’m starving.”

  We get out of the truck and go inside. The place is crowded because it’s not very big, but we’re seated fairly quickly. As soon as the waitress greets us, we order our food and drinks since Maddie only has an hour before she has to be back at school.

  “How are classes going?” I ask, genuinely wanting to know.

  “Imagine choreographing a dance recital while studying for finals and not having an outlet.” She flashes a snarky grin at me because I know exactly what she’s referring to.

  “Sounds like you have some pent-up frustration.” I chuckle.

  Maddie scowls. “It’s been hell and exhausting. I can’t wait until Friday when all this shit is over, and I can just lounge around in my undies until January.” She pops an eyebrow, and I smirk.

  “So, only a few more days until I lose my mind and have to start sleeping on the couch.”

  She giggles, then moves to sit next to me in the booth. “I mean, I won’t tell if you won’t.”

  “You actually are the devil, aren’t you? Temptation and all.” I wrap my arm around her, and she looks up at me with pleading eyes. I plant a soft kiss on her lips, and she moans into my mouth. I’m pretty sure after the fight, we’re going to lock ourselves in her room for a month.

  “I might be.” She waggles her brows, and before I can say anything, our spaghetti and meatballs are being placed in front of us. Maddie stays next to me, and I place my palm on her leg, needing to touch her. I’ve been eating healthy all week, and after the fight this morning, I knew I needed to replenish my body. The two of us eat like we’ve haven’t had a bite in a week, and there’s not a morsel left on either of our plates by the time we’re done.

  Maddie leans back and places a hand on her stomach. “I don’t know how I’m going to walk with this spaghetti baby.”

  Her words cause me to nearly spit out my water. That’s one thing about her; she always keeps me laughing.

  After I pay the bill and drive her toward campus, we chat about the weather and Christmas and everything in between.

  “Hallmark movie marathon this weekend,” she demands. “You kinda owe me.”

  Scrunching up my nose, I try to get out of it, but I know it’s a losing battle. “Fine. But you’re baking those amazing cookies you made last year.”

  “If we’re giving demands…” She waggles her brows and bites her lip.

  I park in front of the dance hall and lean over, then take her cheeks in my palms. She leans forward, our lips brushing together, and I don’t want her to go. I want to be stingy and take her home. Before I leave for Vegas, I’ve been trying to spend as much time with her as I can. The clock’s ticking. We both know the fight is coming, but for the most part, we don’t talk about the what-ifs. There are too many.

  What if I lose? What if I die? What if I’m badly hurt? What if JJ doesn’t keep his word?

  It’s made things tense and awkward, so we try not to bring it up, and we’ve been overly careful in public, watching our backs at all times. I know she’s worried, and I am too, but we’re making the best out of it.

  “I love you so fucking much,” I tell her as we break apart, my heart racing as I want more of her.

  “I love you, too.” She throws me a wink before climbing out. “Thanks for lunch, Hulk. It was delicious.” Before shutting the door, she adds, “The food wasn’t bad either.”

  Shaking my head, I laugh. “Anytime, baby. See you in a few hours.” I watch Maddie until she’s completely out of sight. It almost feels like we’re back to that point in time when she was a virgin, and I was denying her at every corner, but now I’m fully denying myself too.

  When I walk inside the house, Tyler is laid out on the couch watching TV. He sits up and grins as if he knows how much pain I’m in. I plop down on the opposite end and see he’s watching some movie with mobsters, and I nearly groan. The ones I’ve met really do act like these idiots.

  “How are you feeling about this morning?” he finally asks, sitting up.

  “Good, actually. My body is sore, but I think it’s been in a perpetual state of that for the past week. It was different actually fighting someone I didn’t know. There was a point where I was uber focused and had so much adrenaline rushing through me that I was worried I’d lose control on him.”

  “That’s great. Just think about where you’ll be in two weeks. I think you have a really good chance, Liam. If you didn’t, I’d tell you so we could find an alternative.”

  Too bad there isn’t an alternative. Not when JJ’s put my girlfriend as his personal target if I don’t cooperate.

  “Did you ever find out anything about who I was fighting?” I ask.

  “I’ve heard a few things but haven’t gotten a name yet to research him. The guy is known for breaking necks, and has gone undefeated the last three fights he’s been in. Killed two guys and one was put in the hospital. Lived but barely. He fights dirty, but apparently his goal is to get you on the ground. As long as you can stay standing and try to knock him out, you’ll be okay.”

  I stare at Tyler. Blinking, I clear my throat, wondering how he can talk so casually about this. “He’s killed two people?”

  He nods, and I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. The reality of all of this suddenly hits me hard. Whoever this guy is has tons of experience, and I’m coming in as a rookie. What the fuck am I gonna do?

  “Listen.” Tyler speaks up when I’m unable to say anything. “I’ve heard you’re the same size as this guy. You have the same strength, and you’re levelheaded other than the anger you harbor. You’ll be more than ready, and you know what to avoid, giving you the upper hand. They know nothing about you, or the way you fight, or anything. This is a good thing.”
  Unless that means he’ll just be prepared for anything…

  “You’re right,” I tell him, yawning, though I’m not sure I believe my own words. “Think I’m gonna take a nap till Maddie gets home.”

  “Good idea because tomorrow morning is going to be intense,” he says with a chuckle. “Even more than today.”

  “Of course it is,” I deadpan, shaking my head.

  Once I’m in Maddie’s bed, I seem to instantly fall asleep. Hours later, I’m being woken to the sound of Maddie laughing in the living room. I get up and walk in to hear her giving Tyler shit.

  “Speaking of the devil,” she teases. “Sleep well?”

  I stretch and suck in a deep breath. “Yep, but would’ve slept better with you beside me.”

  Tyler stands, goes to the kitchen, then returns with a beer before settling down on the couch.

  “I’m gonna make some tea. Want some?” she asks me, dropping her backpack on the ground.

  “Nah,” I tell her and take a seat in the recliner. “But I’ll take a water, please.”

  “What time do you fly out again?” Tyler asks.

  “Sunday at ten a.m. Dice wants me to meet him as soon as I land. So that’s gonna be fun,” I say dryly. “Hey, when I’m gone, you’re gonna stay here and keep an eye on Maddie, right? I don’t trust JJ not to pull some shit before the fight.”

  As if she was summoned, she returns with my bottle of water. “I didn’t need a bodyguard before, and I won’t need one again.” She crosses her arms.

  “But you have to admit, Mads, I’m pretty damn good at it.” Tyler smirks, gloating.

  Maddie narrows her eyes. “Honestly, I barely noticed you were there.”

  “Damn! I’m pretty sure you just got burned,” I tease, and Tyler scoffs.

  “I would’ve killed for you, Maddie. Just know that,” he tells her seriously.

  I don’t doubt him for a second, especially after everything he’s risked. Tyler would do anything for us.

  Maddie shrugs, but there’s a smile playing on her lips. “Meh. I think I’ve had better.”


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