Book Read Free

Adult Supervision Required: A romantic comedy

Page 13

by Sarah Peis

  “I’m helping Grim, and there’s nothing you can do about it,” Talon said, then picked up Luca and flipped him upside down, holding on to his ankles.

  Luca shrieked in delight, and I was worried his breakfast would make a reappearance.

  “Let’s go. I’m teaching you how to ride a motorcycle,” Sebastian said, pulling me out of my chair.

  “Bye, babies,” I called out, waving at Luca and Lena, who couldn’t have cared less that I was leaving.

  Talon blew me exaggerated kisses. “Bye, Momma.”

  I took in the scene in front of me, my kids giggling, the guys laughing, before Sebastian dragged me out of the kitchen.


  “Ease off instead of just letting go,” Sebastian explained when I released the clutch too fast and stalled the bike again.

  Despite my apparent lack of skills, I had the time of my life. The kids were cheering me on from their position near the warehouse, and I grinned at them.

  I started the bike up again and released the clutch slower. It was picking up speed, and I cheered.

  “Look where you’re going,” Sebastian called out when I drove off the side of the driveway because I was too busy watching him.

  He was by my side as soon as the bike stalled again, holding me upright, placing one hand over mine on the handle, the other on my leg.

  “Sorry, but I’m thinking I’m not made to ride a bike,” I said, blowing out a big breath.

  This was harder than it looked. I had fun, but only because Sebastian was a handsy teacher who showed me how to ride a bike by directing me in the positions he wanted.

  My body felt like one raging inferno, ready to combust thanks to his frequent touches and lip brushes.

  “Slow and steady,” he rasped into my ear, and I swallowed hard. “Treat the bike like one of your kids—gentle and with patience.”

  “Okay, I can do that,” I said, my voice croaky.

  “You on my bike is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Sebastian said, his hands wandering up my thigh.

  “Nope, I can’t do it,” I squeaked and pointed to the side of the building where a vast forest started. “I’ll never learn how to ride a bike if you don’t move at least a mile that way.”

  His finger traced a path up my side, stopping at my cheek before he cupped it. I leaned into him, closing my eyes.

  “But if I’m that far away, I can’t watch you. Or touch you.”

  “Exactly the point,” I said, licking my lips.

  Sebastian’s eyes zeroed in on the movement and went molten.

  Uh-oh. I know that look.

  “The kids,” I said, hoping he’d understand.

  “Grim and Talon took them inside,” Sebastian said, leaning in and taking off my helmet.

  Our lips met in a soft caress, and I sank into him. He took my weight and held the bike steady, kissing me like we had all the time in the world.

  When I was a hot and wanting mess, he pulled back, resting his forehead on mine. “I don’t want to leave you, but I have to go.”

  That dumped a bucket of cold water over my head. “Of course.”

  “Nothing could have stopped me from being the one to teach you how to ride,” he said, placing a gentle kiss on my lips and pulled back. I got off the bike, and he pushed it back into the driveway.

  “I’ll be back tonight to take you to work. Don’t leave the compound,” he said.

  And there’s the bossy biker I’ve come to care so much about.

  “Okay, boss,” I said, turning to go back inside.

  A hand on my arm stopped me, pulling me back against a hard thigh. “I’ll see you tonight,” he growled and placed a whisper of a kiss on my neck.

  I shivered and my legs didn’t move right away after he released me.

  I turned around to wave at him, earning a wink in return.

  Once he was gone, I made my way back into the compound. Grim and Talon were easy to find since they were entertaining two giggling and shrieking children.

  “Okay, kidlets, time to go back to the room. I have to work,” I said.

  I hoped if I confined them to the room, I could bribe them with food and TV so I could do some actual work.

  “You go on up. I’ll hang out with them down here,” Grim said, waving me off.

  I turned, staring at Grim, wondering if he was serious and if I was ready to leave my kids with a stranger.

  “That’s okay. They can watch TV,” I said, deciding it was too soon to entrust my babies with a guy I barely knew.

  Grim studied me, coming to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to leave my kids with him for that long. The hour he’d watched them while Sebastian taught me how to ride made me feel guilty enough. I wasn’t reckless, especially not when it came to my kids.

  And he understood, nodding at me. “Then work down here. I’ll watch them while you do your thing.”

  That was an offer I’d gladly accept. “Are you sure? They can be a handful.”

  “Honey, as I mentioned before, I have eight grandkids,” he said, his eyes dancing with mirth. “I also have three kids. And so far, I haven’t killed any of them.”

  I bit my lip, thinking I should take this opportunity to concentrate on work for once and maybe get ahead a little instead of always playing catchup.

  “That would be amazing,” I said, meaning it.

  “I’ll help too. I have an hour before I have to take off for work,” Talon said, sitting down on the ground next to Lena. She was busy putting dresses on her dolls, and he dove right in and helped her.

  After one last glance at my kids, I got my laptop, headset, and notebook from the room and set up on the bar that was currently deserted. It was huge and gave me plenty of room to spread out. The day went by in a blur of phone calls, calendar appointments, and people coming in and out of the building.

  Talon came back from work after a few hours and sat with me for a bit while Lena was taking her nap and Luca was watching a movie.

  “Do you like your job?” he asked, pointing at my computer.

  “It pays the bills,” I said, not stopping my furious typing on the keyboard.

  “What would you do if you could choose anything?”

  I missed a few keys and had to start over. Nobody had ever asked me that question, and I’d never thought about it because it had never been an option.

  “I’d become a nurse,” I said. I’d always loved listening to my mom tell us stories from the hospital she worked at. She was an ER nurse and loved her job.

  “Huh,” Talon said, taking a sip of his coffee.

  “What does that mean? You don’t think I could be a nurse?”

  He leaned back, eyes wide. “That’s not what I meant at all. You would be a great nurse. I just didn’t think it would be what you would want to do.”

  Intrigued, I stopped typing and looked at him. “Why?”

  “Ace said you love cooking and your food is the best he’s ever eaten. And he said you’re into that baking show on TV. Just thought you’d be interested in becoming a chef or something like that.”

  His comment startled me. Not only did Sebastian talk about me, but he also seemed to know about my secret obsession. Guess he hadn’t been ignoring me as much as I thought.

  “I enjoy cooking but don’t want to do it for a living. It would suck the fun out of it. I’m not passionate enough,” I said, having found my voice.

  “Talon, what the fuck are you doing?” Blade called out from the hallway that led to his office.

  I narrowed my eyes at him and huffed out a breath. “Stop using the F-word.”

  “Sorry, Nora,” Blade called out and looked at Talon, jerking his head toward the hallway, the universal sign to get over there.

  Talon got up with a groan. “I better go. Nice chatting with you, Nora.”

  “Tell Blade I’m putting a swear jar on the bar,” I said.

  “Good luck with that,” Talon said, grinning. He walked to where Blade had disappeared into his office,
closing the door once he was inside.

  I finished work an hour later. Grim was in the kitchen feeding the kids. He was incredible with them, and for once I had time to get ready without rushing around. When Sebastian showed up just before we had to leave, I was waiting for him instead of trying to find my wayward possessions.

  The kids were in their pajamas, and Grim said he would hang out with them and then put them to bed. I hadn’t thought about what I would do when I was at the club. Neither Stella nor Malena could come to the compound to watch my kids, so Grim offering to watch them not only during the day but also at night was saving my bacon.

  And since they’d taken to him so well during the day, I felt somewhat confident leaving them with him. Besides, there were at least ten other people in the compound. And what it all came down to was that I didn’t really have a choice. Just like with everything else in my life lately.

  “You sure you’re okay to put them to bed? I can just call Smitty and ask to start later,” I said, eyeing the kids while they fought it out over what book they wanted to read.

  “They’ll be fine. I’ll stay with them until they’re asleep, and then I’ll hang out downstairs,” he said for the tenth time, his deep baritone calming me down. “And I have the baby monitor and know how to turn it on.”

  I went up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  It almost looked like he blushed under his beard. “It’s no problem. I’d be here anyway. Might as well do something useful.”

  I squeezed his arm and went to the kids to say goodnight. “Okay babies, I’m off to work.”

  Lena leaned up, and I peppered her cheek with little kisses, making her giggle. Luca was next, but as soon as I made contact with his cheek, he put his hands up to ward me off.

  “No, not there. Take the kiss off,” he wailed, pointing at the spot where I’d kissed him.

  This wasn’t the first time we’d been through this, so I pretended to take my kiss off his cheek and made a throwing motion to the other side of the room, getting rid of it.

  “Other cheek?” I asked.

  He nodded and leaned to the side, letting me press a quick kiss there.

  “Sleep tight,” I said and then walked up to Sebastian, who was standing in the door, watching us with a soft expression.

  We walked outside hand in hand, and for the first time I didn’t feel like throwing up at the thought of going to Pepper’s.


  “Why is your face so splotchy?” Elle asked, taking in my appearance when I came into the dressing room.

  I cringed when I looked in the mirror, the red spots looking worse in the bright light. “I forgot my lotion at home and used Lena’s diaper rash cream instead. Which somehow gave me a rash,” I replied and sat down at my change table.

  I was at the club earlier than I had ever been, and I only counted to one hundred before going inside, the usual anxiety at going to work almost nonexistent. Sebastian had stood outside with me, his steady presence and warm touches calming me more than anything else ever could.

  He didn’t ask questions, just waited with me until I was ready. After walking me to the door of the changing room, he kissed me and went off to do whatever it was he did at the club.

  I’d only noticed the rash a few minutes before I left the compound, when it was still only a slight red tinge. I didn’t think much of it since a diaper rash cream was supposed to help with rashes, wasn’t it? Turned out that wasn’t the case for faces. Who would have thought?

  “Whoa,” she said, stopping next to my chair. “You didn’t sleep at home?”

  “We stayed at the clubhouse,” I said, looking around my small dressing table in search of my foundation. I should be able to cover most of the red splotches, and the dim lighting in the club would hide the rest.

  Elle leaned forward, catching my eyes in the mirror. “You’re staying at the clubhouse?”

  “Wasn’t my choice. Sebastian insisted,” I said, slathering my face in foundation.

  “Sebastian insisted?” she asked and took the makeup sponge out of my hand, applying it more evenly.

  “Why are you repeating everything I’m saying?” I asked, following her practiced movements in the mirror.

  “Because I’m trying to understand what’s going on. Are you together?”


  She groaned, putting the foundation away and starting with the powder. “You keep telling yourself that.”

  “It’s the truth. We’re just staying there until he sorts out…”

  I trailed off when I realized what I was about to say.

  “Until he sorts out what?” Tia asked, appearing at my other side.

  “I kind of have a stalker,” I said, tired of keeping things from my friends.

  “A stalker?” Elle screeched.

  “How long has this been going on?” Tia chimed in.

  “Almost a year,” I said, going for full honesty tonight.

  Elle stopped fixing my face and stood up, wielding the brush in her hand like a sword. “And you never told us? What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I thought it wouldn’t escalate. It was only little things. Nothing too crazy.”

  The girls stared at me like I’d lost my mind. Which I guessed I had. But I was used to taking care of things myself. And it didn’t seem like a big deal at the time. Not until I got the note.

  “Who’s stalking you, girl?”

  I twisted my hands in my lap. “It’s Clive.”

  He wasn’t exactly subtle about it either, so at least I knew who was after me.

  “It’s your lucky day, because Clive is gone,” Elle said. “Didn’t anyone tell you about last night?”

  I hoped that meant he’d seen the light and moved on from his stalkerish ways. If he really was gone, I couldn’t say I was upset about it.

  “What happened? Did he quit?” I asked, turning in my seat.

  “He was arrested,” Tia said. “A dozen cops swarmed into Pepper’s and took him out. It was quite the spectacle. I can’t believe you haven’t heard about it yet. Sebastian was here when it happened.”

  I stilled. Why wouldn’t he tell me about that?

  “What did they arrest him for?” I asked. Does this mean I can go home again?

  “Assault,” Tia said, stepping out of her dress and pulling on tiny jean shorts and a red-checkered shirt.

  “Of who?” I asked, watching her tie the ends of her shirt together, leaving it unbuttoned.

  She walked to her table next to mine and rummaged through her makeup bag. “Police officer, I think.”

  Elle finished with my makeup. “This is the best I can do. Did you take an antihistamine so the swelling goes down?”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t think to bring any with me when I packed for our sleepover.”

  “I think I’ve got some,” Tia said, rummaging through her bag, coming out with a case full of pills.

  “That’s a lot of pills,” I said and pulled my clothes into place.

  But just like every other time I’d worn them, they didn’t magically lengthen or cover my butt just by tugging on them.

  “It’s just painkillers, antihistamines, and Viagra. Don’t worry, I’m well aware of Pepper’s policy on drugs. Besides, I’d never do them. I’ve seen too many of my friends get dragged into the dumpster.”

  I wasn’t even going to ask why she had Viagra in there.

  “I’ll start with one, and if it doesn’t make me too sleepy, I’ll take another one,” I said.

  Tia pulled out a packet and pushed a pill into my outstretched hand. I swallowed it and stood up.

  “I better go or Smitty is going to dock my pay.” I waved at the girls. “See you out there.”

  The night was slow. I searched the floor for Sebastian but couldn’t see him. He was usually near the stage, but he’d disappeared almost an hour ago, leaving Gears to stand in his spot.

��m done for the night. Can you cash me out?” I asked Stephen an hour later. I finished my shift early tonight because it was quiet, something that didn’t happen very often. But since I was tired, I didn’t even care about the hit to my paycheck.

  “Of course, doll, just give me a minute.”

  I leaned against the counter, easing the pressure on my feet.

  “There you go,” Stephen said, handing me my tips.

  I went back into the dressing room and slipped my comfortable jeans and sweater back on. There was still no sign of Sebastian when I came out, and I was starting to get worried. Should I call a taxi or wait? It was earlier than I was meant to finish, but he didn’t say he was going to leave the club. Maybe he was in the office.

  I went to the long hallway leading to the office, toilet, and staff room. Smitty’s door wasn’t closed all the way, and I could hear voices.

  When I recognized Sebastian’s growl, I stopped, curiosity getting the better of me. His back was blocking my view, and the opening was too small to make out who he was talking to.

  “It’s your call. If you want to bust them now, we’ll bust them now,” an unfamiliar voice said.

  “We have enough on them to put them away for a while,” Sebastian’s familiar timbre rang through the room. “But I want Jim Turner. We’re not making a move unless he’s there.”

  “You shouldn’t have put so much pressure on him. He ran like the spineless little weasel he is as soon as he knew we were on to him. He’s only a small cog in a big machine. And we finally have enough on his boss. I’m not going to hold off much longer.”

  Feet shuffled on the ground, and then the unfamiliar voice asked, “Did you get anything out of his woman?”

  There was a loud growl, then a crash. “She’s not his woman,” Sebastian said, his voice icy. “And she’s not involved.”

  “Then why are you still wasting your time with her?”

  I ground my teeth, hoping the man would trip and fall into a toilet.

  The blood in my veins turned to ice. Had Sebastian been playing me this whole time? It all made so much more sense now. That would explain why he’d suddenly shown so much interest in me after ignoring me for the past year. Nobody who looked like him and could have his pick of girls would choose someone like me.


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