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Geneva Sommers and the Quest for Truth

Page 27

by C J Benjamin

  “Oh my gods! I was right! We did it!” I gasped.

  I waded over to the case and climbed high enough to grab it. As I pulled it off the shelf I could feel the fissure slipping. The room rippled, cracks of light began to form again and everything in it began to slowly move. Papers rustled, Khan’s tail began to twitch, and it would only be a short time before it all receded. Perhaps this was what was slowing my inevitable death. This thought powered me into a frenzy. I ran with the book and grabbed hold of Nova and Remi, pushing and pulling them with me toward the door a few inches at a time before I went back for Journey and Sparrow. It was as if they were wading in tar with how little progress we were making. The closer to the door we got the easier things were. Soon they were fully animated and were able to drag themselves out. We were almost out when Remi paused, starting to turn back.

  “What are you doing?” I shouted as pieces of rock cascaded down around us.

  “Jemma’s still in there,” he said.

  “Leave her!” I shouted with such ferocity that he didn’t argue as he let me pull him back toward the exit.

  Once we were all panting safely in the hallway, I turned and pressed my hands to the door, watching with satisfaction as it turned to stone and molded with the thick stone walls that surrounded it.

  “I got it!” I said, breathlessly. “Let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?” Sparrow whispered looking so fragile she might break.

  “To the forest,” I said looking down at crimson stain that was spreading on my linen shoulder bag.


  No one argued, they just followed. We rushed down the hallways and out of the courtyard, not caring who took notice of us. It was liberating to take off on our own, away from the Center, not cloaked by darkness or magical powers. I’d made my decision as soon as I’d sealed the door to Greeley’s office. I wasn’t going back to the Troian Center. Unabashed by this new freedom, I found the strength to keep pushing forward, through the fields and brush, not stopping until being welcomed by the comforts of the forest. Here, with my lungs filling with the sweet nectar of forest air, I began to fully grasp our reality. I had nothing left to lose. I was supposed to be dead, but I wasn’t. I still wasn’t sure how these tethers worked. Maybe my death is coming, waiting slightly off in the distance, ready to strike. Either way, I had just revealed my powers to Greeley, who mind-blowingly enough had powers of her own! Even if I did survive the rest of this day, I could never go back to the Troian Center. It was never a home and now without Niv, I felt like I would never feel home again. I understood my own reckless abandon toward the future, but what about my friends? I’d dragged them into this, endangering their futures. They all seemed to be cautiously looking at me, waiting for me to have some sort of plan to make it all better. But the truth was, I didn’t.

  I slowly meandered through the forest on our usual path, feeling the heavy weight of our future upon my shoulders. Everyone was silent, leaving only the birds and insects to interrupt my dark thoughts. I couldn’t get the image of Niv’s final moments out of my head and I had to keep stopping to heave the empty contents of my stomach. Deep into the forest, I eventually came to the spot I was looking for and knelt down. Everyone gave me some space, realizing we were at the burial site of Niv’s mother. I began pulling my stained bag delicately over my head when Remi put his hand on mine to stop me.

  “Stop,” he spoke softly.

  “Remi, I have to…”

  “No, you need to listen to me. I did something. Something I’ve wanted to tell you about for a while now. I even tried to tell you a few times and… It doesn’t matter now, all that matters is that it’s working.”

  “What’s working?” Nova asked, stepping up behind us.

  “What are you talking about, Remi?” I asked.

  “Aren’t you wondering why you’re still alive right now?” he asked.

  “I think we all are,” Journey added.

  “What did you do?” Nova asked Remi apprehensively.

  “Just come with me. It’ll be easier to show you,” he replied.

  Remi pulled me to my feet and we set off again, heading deeper into the forest, this time with Remi in the lead. I had to admit, it felt nice to just be following obediently. It took less energy, which was a good thing because I could feel my adrenaline fading and the hysteria settling in. I glanced at Sparrow, who seemed to be in a constant state of shock. She hadn’t said anything since we left the Center. Her eyes were wide and glossy and she clung to Journey like he was an injured appendage. We had been walking for a while and I was losing steam. I stumbled on a root and thankfully Nova was there to steady me.

  “Remi, how much further?” Nova called, sounding aggravated.

  “We’re almost there,” he repeated for about the hundredth time.

  “That’s enough,” Nova said stopping the group. “I think you had better tell us what’s going on. Now!” he demanded.

  “Fine, see for yourself then,” Remi said pointing off the path just ahead.

  Nova propelled his fire light ahead to illuminate the area Remi pointed at and we all heard a little shriek, followed by angry squeaking. My ears pricked up and my spine straightened. I would know that sound anywhere.

  “Niv?” I questioned, tears already welling in my eyes, knowing I couldn’t possibly be hearing my sweet little marmouse because my hand went instinctively to his maimed body inside my shoulder bag when I heard the noise.

  “Remi, what’s going on?” Nova shouted after seeing the obvious pain on my face was about to push me over the edge.

  “It’s called a shadow. Eja taught me how to do it. I started it right after she tethered herself to him. I knew there had to be a way to protect her. Eja told me that I could cast a shadow of Niv as a decoy, keeping the real one here, locked away and safe.

  “So he’s not dead?” I gasped.

  “Not exactly. Since the shadow was killed, we just have to reunite his shadow body with the real Niv,” Remi replied. When no one responded he started rambling at me. “I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you but I wasn’t sure it was going to work and then I thought you would be angry with me for locking Niv out here all alone while you had an imposter, but I just couldn’t take the chance that something would happen to you.”

  I ran to Remi and threw my arms around his neck, making incoherent noise, bouncing from laughter to cries and back. I released him and started toward Niv, only to return and hug Remi even harder. My best friend came through for me in the most insurmountable way. “This is where you’ve been going isn’t it?” I whispered as I clung to him.

  “Yes,” he nodded sheepishly. “I had to feed him and check on him.”

  “Thank you,” I said looking him deep in his chocolate-brown eyes. Before I released him from my embrace, I gave him a sincere kiss on the cheek and then ran to the spot where Niv was waiting for me.

  “Niv! Niv! Oh my gods, Niv, you’re okay! It’s okay. We’re going to get you out. Everything is fine now, little guy,” I crooned as he stared eagerly up at me.

  He was scratching at an invisible force field before him. I cautiously reached toward him and felt the empty space before me resist my advance. It was strong and it pushed back against me. I turned to Remi, who was already at my side along with the others. He asked us to back away and had me hand over my shoulder bag with the remains of Niv’s shadow in it. I watched as he settled on his knees near Niv and repeated a line of foreign words. There was a tiny burst of red light, leaving a wake of smoke. I crept forward until I was even with Remi and as the smoke cleared, Niv came running toward me, leaping into my arms and showering me with sloppy kisses and coos! I felt a warmth and happiness radiating through me like never before. It felt amazing to be reunited with Niv after thinking I’d lost him forever. I felt like I could do anything! It was as if my soul had returned to my body, and perhaps it had. All I knew was that I would be forever grateful to Remi. Everyone crowded around me, laughing and taking turns loving on Niv. Sparrow sp
oke for the first time since we left Greeley’s office.

  “Oh thank the gods he’s all right! I would have never forgiven myself. This was all my fault.”

  “Sparrow, what are you talking about? This isn’t your fault at all.”

  “But it is. If I’d been able to stop Jemma none of this would have happened.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “While I was keeping watch for you, she came over to me and asked me where Niv was.”

  Sparrow recounted her encounter with Jemma for us.

  “Where’s your little pet?” Jemma asked.

  “Gone. I let him go.”

  “Really?” she laughed. “I highly doubt you would have parted with him so easily after giving up a solo for him. Anyway, he’s none of my concern. Your friends however are. Especially that little boyfriend of yours. I have a score to settle with him. Where are they?”

  “Who? #26? He’s not my boyfriend. Anyway, I don’t know where he is.”

  “Hmmm, I was hoping you’d choose the easy way, but I can find them without your help.”

  “What are you going to do?” Sparrow questioned.

  “I’m going to find Greeley and let her know what you’ve been hiding.”

  “You don’t have any proof.”

  “We’ll see about that. I found him once before, don’t doubt I can’t do it again,” Jemma threatened, turning on her heels, storming out of the dining hall.

  “I followed her and she went the same way you had gone. It was uncanny the way she was trailing you. It was like you left her a trail of breadcrumbs or something. Then when it was obvious she was going to Greeley’s I started to panic that she was going to find you there so I called out to her,”

  ‘Wait! I’ll tell you where he is. Just please don’t tell Greeley on us.’

  ‘Very well. As I said, I only need to get even with John #26.’

  “I tried to lead Jemma away from Greeley’s and bring her back to our room. I didn’t really have a plan but I was just trying to get her far away from you and Greeley’s, but she figured out I was misleading her because she got really angry and ran ahead of me. The next thing I knew she was back with a Grift, who took me to Greeley. Jemma told her all about Niv and how we were keeping him as a pet and that she thought we were pulling a prank with him and slipping him into your office. I don’t know how she figured out you were in her office with him, but she did.”

  “It sounds like she’s a tracer,” came a voice, startling us.

  “Eja!” I called to him, happy to see my Beto friend again.

  We all exchanged pleasantries with him and brought him up to speed with the unbelievable events of our day. I also delved into my theory about Greeley’s powers. She always prided herself on her citizen status, which is why her impressive display of powers shocked us all.

  “Eja, is it possible that our headmistress is a Truiet?” I asked.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Well, when she found us in her office, she wasn’t surprised to see us. She acted like she was expecting us. But the craziest part was she has powers, too. I think she was able to see through the invisibility charm I was using to hide Niv. And that’s not all, she knew where I was going when I was trying to escape her office and she somehow closed the door in front of me from across the room.”

  “That is curious…” Eja said while scratching his chin.

  “But the worst part was when she made Niv levitate and she unleashed her tarcats on him,” I said, swallowing hard as the all too fresh memory of Niv’s murder surfaced again. “She could read my thoughts, too,” I said as Eja pondered what I’d just told him. “But I don’t think she’s actually a Truiet because she doesn’t use any of these powers for good. You said that the Beto people didn’t use their powers for evil and Greeley is pure evil.”

  “Well, if she’s not a Truiet, what is she?” questioned Journey.

  “I don’t know, but I have a hunch on how she gets her powers,” I said cautiously.

  Everyone looked at me, so I reluctantly continued. “This is just an idea, but I think she gets her power from the gems that we mine from the rubble piles.” I was met with blank stares so I kept going. “They’re supposed to be very valuable to Lux, right? Maybe they use them to power the city or something, who knows, but maybe Greeley is always stealing them because she knows what powers they hold or at least how to control them. I think that’s why she has them on that necklace that she always wears. Think about it, she’s never without it and she has them on the collars of all of the tarcats at the Center. I bet that’s why I couldn’t stop Khan and Ria. They obey her every order and I can’t break through to them. I should have been able to stop Khan from attacking Niv in her office but he acted like he couldn’t even hear me. There has to be a connection to the gems and all of this.”

  “I think you’re very smart,” Eja said with a smirk.

  “So you think it’s possible?” Remi questioned.

  “Yes, I do. There are many legends about the powers of the precious gems on this island,” Eja said with his usual vagueness.

  “Well, how do you suppose we find out if it’s true?” Nova asked looking from me to Eja.

  “I might have an idea how to test that theory,” I murmured to myself with an eerie calm.

  As I was pondering what Eja said, Journey questioned him about what a tracer was.

  “It’s a power that some Truiets have. Sort of like the hunting skill you and 65 share, but more powerful because it isn’t reliant on your senses. It’s a kind of sense all on its own. If you can set your mind on what you’re seeking and connect to it, you can follow it anywhere.”

  “I think we know someone with this ability,” Sparrow alleged.

  “Jemma can’t be a Truiet!” I yelled in bewilderment. “She’s pure evil.”

  “Regardless, Jemma’s the least of our worries right now,” Nova interjected. “Greeley must be free by now and she’s not going to let this go. They’re going to come looking for us.”

  “He’s right,” seconded Eja. “We need to get you somewhere safe.”

  “Oh no! I mentioned the forest when I was talking about Niv. She’ll come here first!”

  Just as the words were leaving my mouth there was an explosion of fire high above us. The trees burst into flames, moaning as an eruption of ash showered down on us. Unsuspecting forest creatures were thrown into motion, fleeing the trees that had been transformed into a fireball.

  “Too late, they’re already here,” Journey yelled above the commotion.

  “What do we do?” cried Sparrow.

  “Run!” Nova barked.

  We all took off running, following Eja down seemingly endless trails, deeper and deeper into the forest, but no matter how far we went, the fire and fury seemed to follow closely behind. The terrain started to get steep and treacherous as we reached the heart of the island. We were at the base of the volcano now and we had nowhere else to go.

  “Eja, stop!” I called. “We can’t go up there. It’s too dangerous. And if we actually do make it, they’ll have us cornered. They’ve already destroyed half the forest.”

  “What do you suggest we do then,” Journey growled, wiping the soot and sweat from his forehead.

  I looked around at my friends. They looked battered and tired, and most of all frightened. They had done so much for me that I couldn’t put them in harm’s way anymore. This was my fight and I knew it. I was the one that revealed my powers to Greeley, not them. She was coming after me. I knew what I had to do. I gave Niv one last hug and handed him to Sparrow. I gave them my best smile and then pulled all the strength I could manage and vaulted into the cool night air. As fast as a lightning strike, it was done! I formed a bubble over them. A thick protective membrane encased them. Just like the one that had held Niv. Eja was probably the only one capable of getting out, but he seemed to understand what I had to do and he nodded to me. Nova went crazy, pounding on the invisible wall, throwing bursts of fire aga
inst its impenetrable force. I could hear him yelling but I couldn’t make out the words. I turned my back on them and headed out to face my fears.


  I bounded from tree to tree, staying high so I could get a better view, while avoiding the fires below. I could see the frontline at last. It was a small group of Grifts from the Center, with Jest leading the charge. There was no magic necessary for their kind of destruction. They held rifles and flame throwers and were blazing a wide path through the burning forest. Trees groaned and splintered as they fell into each other, overcome by viciously licking flames. I knew traveling the forest canopy would soon become impossible. I just needed to stay up here long enough to find Greeley. She had to be with them. Of course she would be sending the expendable before her, but I knew she wouldn’t trust this job to anyone else. She would want to see the end of me, see the life drain out of my defiant eyes. Her insidious glare made that perfectly clear to me when I created the fissure in her office. Yes, I was sure she was out here, and soon enough I was able to confirm it when I caught sight of two large black and white figures slinking along below me.

  Ah, where there’s Ria and Khan, there’s Greeley, I thought.

  I knew now was my chance to catch them off guard. I needed to act fast. I swung expertly from limb to limb until I was close enough to pounce. I wanted to land between Greeley, the tarcats and her first line of defense. Now! I swooped down landing steadily on my feet with a thump. The Grifts hadn’t seen or heard me, but Greeley did. She stopped abruptly and narrowed her eyes at me. Ria and Khan were startled and crouched in positions of attack, hairs raised and bristled.


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