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What Remains: Wasteland

Page 17

by Kris Norris

  Kace felt every pulse of the other man’s cock, somehow holding on as Em spasmed through another orgasm, her channel contracting in waves along his shaft. The constant ripples took their toll, unleashing the fire he’d been holding at bay.

  He growled in defeat, pumping into her ass, his control nothing more than a passing memory. Em screamed his name, moving with him, angling him deeper, taking all of him. Her breath hitched for a moment then she came again, body arched, her voice a raw groan of pleasure. He couldn’t hold off this time, the rhythmic pulses sending him over. He stiffened, jerking his hips against her ass, shouting her name as his cock flared and emptied, streaks of black clouding his vision.

  Em’s body relaxed, and she breathed a contented sigh as she collapsed on Rhys, his arms encircling her back. The smell of sex filled the room, the heady aroma a testament to all they’d shared. Kace listened to the steady rasp of breath as he slowed his breathing, finally having the strength to ease out of her. She moaned as his cock left her ass, another tremor washing over her.

  Kace fell to the mattress on the other side of Rhys, not sure he’d be able to move. His gaze met Emersyn’s, and he smiled at the way her eyes gleamed with love.

  He reached out one hand, brushing his fingertips along the soft skin of her shoulder. “You okay?”

  She snorted, kissing Rhys’ chest. “That was…I mean. Damn. You guys are amazing, I’ve never…” She sighed. “Though I know it’s secretly a plot to keep me bedridden. I don’t think I could move if you begged me to.”

  Kace grinned at her. “If making love to you nonstop will keep you voluntarily away from missions, I’ll definitely take one for the team, baby.”

  Rhys gave her butt a tap. “Me, too. Wish to hell I’d thought of that before. Maybe then I wouldn’t have had to endure that ass whooping.”

  “You more than deserved the ass whooping.” She gave him another kiss. “But then I’d like to think the makeup sex was worth it.”

  “Oh this was worth it, darling, but it wasn’t just sex. At least not for us.”

  Tears pooled but she blinked them back. “Were you guys always this easy to love?”

  Rhys laughed. “Hell no. Guess you just bring out the best in us.”

  She inhaled, looking as if she was on the verge of falling asleep. “Now that I’m not in the mood to kill you boys, care to tell me how the search went?”

  Hunter shook his head. “It was an epic failure. Nothing. No cars, gas…nothing out there but infected. If we want to get back to the compound, we’ll have to walk.”

  Kace rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. “I suppose that means this isn’t the best time to tell you that we’re good to go any time.”

  Rhys bolted up, taking Emersyn with him. Hunter instinctively moved in to cradle her in his lap as the other man turned to face Kace.

  “You’re done?” Rhys glanced at Hunter and Em. “You’ve got a working vaccine?”

  Kace waved one hand. “In a matter of speaking.” He blew out a loud breath. “What I have is a serum that prevents the parasite from binding with the neurons. Now whether it’s permanent or only good for one event, I don’t know, but it’s a start. There’s just one problem.”

  Hunter groaned. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “There’s really no way to test it without simply injecting someone.”

  Rhys shook his head, pushing to his feet and grabbing his pants. He shucked them on, facing Kace with his arms crossed on his chest. “No way, little brother. Not going to happen.”

  Kace stood. “Relax, Rhys. I wasn’t planning to inject myself, at least not yet. Maybe we’ll get lucky and stumble upon someone recently bitten but who isn’t showing any signs of the infection yet.”

  Hunter furrowed his brow. “If it was early on, the chances would be good but this long into it? I don’t know, Kace. Most of the new victims turn before we even realize they’ve been compromised.”

  Kace sighed. “Then we’ll have to come up with another option. All I know is that I’ve done all I can, and we’re getting really low on everything here.”

  Rhys nodded. “Agreed. There’s one other issue. They’ve found a way inside the fence. Hunter and I had to kill six of the fuckers after dodging back through the gate.”

  Em huffed. “Damn it. I knew I didn’t close that fence enough. This is my fault.”

  Hunter shook his head. “It’s not your fault. Hell, if it wasn’t for you, I’d be dead, and Rhys and Kace would most likely still be trapped here alone. You did a damn fine job. We all knew it was just a matter of time before they breached it.”

  “Still.” She rested her head against Hunter’s chest. “So when do we leave?”

  Rhys scrubbed a hand down his face. “I say we go through all the supplies, pack what we think we can carry and make a new message for the shortwave. We’ll plot out our route on the map, try to see if there’s anywhere remotely safe to spend the night. Then leave at sunrise. Sun’s already set tonight, and I’d rather not travel after dark if possible.” He looked them all in the eye. “That sound good?”

  Em smiled. “So I get to have another shower?”

  Kace leaned down, planting a chaste kiss on the tip of her nose. “We’ll take turns washing your back.”

  “Then it sounds good to me.” She accepted the hand Kace held out, moving easily into his arms. “You two didn’t lose my MK14, did you?”

  Rhys put his hand on his chest. “Do you honestly think I’d lose your favorite weapon? That hurts, darling. As I recall, I gave you that rifle.”

  “You didn’t give it to me, I stole it from you.”

  He shrugged. “Same thing.” He walked over, patting her ass. “Okay. Shower first then we pack up. Just promise me you won’t take any risks out there tomorrow.”

  Emersyn eased out of Kace’s arms, drawing her finger along Rhys’ chest as she sashayed past him on the way to the shower. “No more than usual.”

  Rhys growled and darted after her, their laughter ringing through the room. Hunter shook his head, jogging after them. Kace glanced around the room. He’d spent over a year in this facility and somehow leaving left an uneasy feeling in his gut.

  He shook it off, heading for the shower. Staying wasn’t an option, and the sooner they got to this compound the better. He just prayed it was worth the risk.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You ready?”

  Emersyn nodded at Rhys, checking her magazine one last time before clicking it into place and swinging the rifle across her back. She’d already patted down her vest twice and loaded the clips for her Glock, but she couldn’t stop herself from doing it one more time.

  Rhys raised a brow, placing his hand on the small of her back. God, how many times had he done that in the past and it’d been routine? Now, all she could think about was sinking into his arms and kissing him until his taste became hers.

  She sighed. Maybe the boys had been right? Maybe she couldn’t be both a lover and a soldier. She pushed the annoying thought away. Cold day in hell she admitted that, at least to herself. She smiled at him, loving the way his fingers lightly caressed her arm. “Good to go.”

  He frowned. “I realize Kace is the expert at reading people but…I know when you’re lying.”

  She swatted at him, huffing out a breath. “I’m not lying, it’s just…I guess I feel as if there’s so much more to lose this time around.”

  “You and me both. But if we’re being honest with ourselves, it was always there to lose. Hunter and I were just too blind to see what was right in front of us the entire time.”

  “Good thing you two came around because I’d still be kicking your ass if you hadn’t.”

  He chuckled, cupping her chin and drawing her lips to his. He tasted like coffee and man, and she drew him back for another kiss when he tried to pull away. Her lips tingled when they finally parted, as slickness grew between her legs. All it took was one kiss, and she was lost.

  Rhys growled, resting his fore
head on hers. “Damn, Em, I can smell your need from here. Maybe we could stick it out one more day…”

  “Jackass.” She pulled away, tugging on her vest. “And if we wait until I’m not wet from you three this infection will be long over.” She gave him a wink. “Where’re Hunter and Kace?”

  She gasped when a set of hands landed on her waist, picking her up and spinning her around. She nearly shot her elbow back when she realized it was Hunter.

  She blew out an exasperated breath. “I almost took a swing.”

  He pulled her close, kissing her until she thought her head would explode. “Some things are worth the risk.” He nodded at Rhys. “Had I known how hot a kisser she was, I’d have kissed her before that first mission four years ago.”

  “And she would have kicked you onto your ass.” Rhys motioned to the door. “Kace nearly ready?”

  “He’s just double checking that his vials are protected. I think it’s bittersweet for him to leave here.”

  “Can’t blame him. Hell, part of me thinks we should just grab supplies and come back. It’s pretty damn secure.” Rhys toed the floor. “But we both know we’re safer in numbers. And if this vaccine does work, it’s not something we can keep to ourselves.”

  Emersyn glanced at the two men, suddenly wondering why she’d waited so long to tell them how she felt, though she had to admit, it felt right. This time. This place.

  Rhys nudged her. “Care to share?”

  She shrugged. “I was just wondering why I wasted four years not telling you both how I felt.”

  “Not sure we would have been ready to hear it before.”

  “I know. And if I had, things would be different.”

  Rhys’ smile faded. “You still thinking about Billy?”

  She sighed. “Miss him every day but…is it wrong to say I think this is how it was supposed to be? Kace belongs with us, and if we’d tried this before…”

  Rhys stalked forward, pinning her to Hunter’s chest. “No, it’s not wrong. And for the record, you’re insatiable. Makes me want to strip you down and take you while Hunter holds you. And I bet Kace could find a way to fit in…the man’s resourceful that way.”

  “Yes, I am, but if we’re going to spend the day in bed, I’ll put these damn vials back in the lab.”

  Emersyn grinned at Kace, hitting the guys as she pulled free and walked over to give the man a kiss. He deepened it the moment their lips touched, and by the time she backed away, her chest heaved in anticipation. God help her, but these boys were surely going to be the death of her.

  She took a deep breath. “Guess we’re ready.”

  Hunter nodded and headed for the ladder, climbing it without a hint of hesitation. Kace went next, following the other man into the early morning light. Rhys nodded at her, motioning her up. She grabbed the rings, stopping when Rhys appeared in front of her, snagging her arm. He stared at her, and he looked as if he thought he might never see her again.

  She grazed his jaw. “We’ll be fine. And I’ll be careful. Promise.”

  His jaw tightened, but he released her. She climbed out, clearing the surrounding area before stepping out, glancing at the distant horizon. A stain of red bled across the sky, the first glimpse of the sun gleaming just above the hills. She gripped her rifle, continuously scanning the landscape as Rhys joined them, signaling to the fence where the deer had disappeared that fateful day.

  Emersyn nodded, flanking right while Hunter went left. Kace stayed in the center, following Rhys as the man tracked across the grass, rifle raised, boots moving quickly. Rhys had outfitted Kace with a number of weapons, and Emersyn noted how comfortable the man looked with them. She shook her head. Seems Kace had more secrets than he’d let on.

  Rhys reached the fence, signaling them to hold while he snipped through it, holding it open as he motioned to them. Hunter went through first then Kace. She ducked between the open sides, catching a glimpse of movement off to their right. She raised the scope to her eye, making out the silhouette of a group of Gray headed their way.

  She veered over to Rhys. “Large group, two o’clock. We need to disappear.”

  Rhys whistled, signaling Hunter. The man took a sharp left, heading for a dense section of the woods. The rest of the group trailed behind, Rhys staying at the back. Though it was a position he’d always taken, somehow it felt wrong today. Emersyn glanced back, ensuring he was following, hoping they could stay cloaked in the trees.

  Hunter led them through some winding paths, ducking beneath branches and dodging thick underbrush. Patches of sunlight filtered through the foliage, creating shadows of relief across the ground, making it hard to distinguish roots and divots hiding in the dirt. Emersyn stayed on Kace’s tail, gun at the ready, heart racing. She couldn’t remember being this anxious before, and again questioned if she still belonged. If her feelings for the men hadn’t clouded her instincts without her realizing it.

  They carried on, avoiding pockets of Gray, heading steadily toward the compound. Hours ticked by, marked only by the steady beat of their boots against the hard earth. They’d traveled half the distance for that day when Hunter jogged back, shaking his head as he slowed to a halt.

  “The route ahead is crawling with Gray. We’ll have to go around.” He pointed off to their left. “There’s a river about three hundred yards that way. We can follow it and pick up the path once we’re by.”

  Rhys speared his hand through his hair. “It’s getting late. Sun’s already setting. Staying in the woods is costing us time. We won’t get much more distance before we’ll need to find somewhere to stay. Think we can make it to that town?”

  Hunter pursed his lips. “Hard to say. If the road doesn’t clear, we might have to steer clear of it.”

  “Shit. The longer we’re out here the riskier this becomes. We need some kind of protection, or we won’t live through the night.”

  Hunter nodded, staying remarkably quiet. He didn’t need to answer. They all knew staying out in the open spelled certain death. He checked his supplies. “I’ll lead. Stay close.”

  The man took off, moving with the grace of a seasoned soldier. Emersyn stayed in her position, watching for stragglers when a series of growls echoed around them.

  They appeared out of nowhere, their pale skin bleeding out of the shadows cloaking the forest. Leaves crackled under their feet as they surged forward, crashing through the underbrush in their haste to reach the small group. Gunfire drowned out the guttural sounds, the closest infected dropping in bloody heaps on the dirt. Hunter cleared a path, motioning the rest through. Emersyn kept firing, keeping Kace at her back, knowing the noise would only draw more. She followed the route Hunter had mentioned, reaching the river a few minutes later. White water raged between the banks, the constant churning sound filling the air.

  “Shit! It looks pretty fast.” She turned to Rhys. “Do we chance it?”

  “It’s either that or face these mother fuckers. And I don’t think we have enough ammunition for that.”

  She nodded, taking a deep breath as she waded into the water, barely keeping her feet beneath her. The strong current tugged at her legs with every step, threatening to pull her downstream. She glanced back. Hunter and Kace were waist deep on either side, Rhys bringing up the rear. A few zombies tried to follow, only to be swept away, their mutated bodies sinking below the surface. Rhys motioned them to keep moving, stopping to kill more of the creatures lined up along the shoreline. Emersyn glanced upstream, wondering if the path was any easier above them, when one of the Gray stumbled into the water, disappearing beneath the dark waves.

  Her breath lodged in her chest as she yelled to Rhys. He turned just as the creature resurfaced, slamming into him and knocking him off his feet. He tumbled into the current, vanishing in the stream as it sped along, nothing but flashes of gray visible above the surface.

  Emersyn screamed and dove forward, allowing the river to pull her along. She clawed at the white water, fighting to keep her head above the rolling
swells as she searched for any sign of Rhys. The thundering waves blocked out any other sound, pulling her under at every turn. She gasped in air as she broke the surface again, finally spying the man at a bend farther downstream. He’d managed to wrap his arms around a tree branch, holding his body at bay from the deadly current. She swam toward him, crashing into a few rocks as the water bounced her around, sending her shooting past his position.

  A large rock loomed into view, and she stuck her feet out in front of her, wedging them against the stone, stopping her from traveling farther along the bank. Strong waves battered her back as she waded to shore, finally cresting the rocky edge. Her chest heaved from the exertion, but she ignored the burning sensation in her legs as she trudged up the shoreline, watching for more Gray before jumping back in when she reached Rhys. A large gash marred his forehead, blood trickling down his face. It looked as if he’d hit a rock during his trip down the rapids, and she prayed his injuries weren’t serious.

  Rhys moaned as she laid him on the ground, his limbs limp at his side. She fell to her knees beside him, fear knotting her stomach as she touched his face. He blinked several times before she finally coaxed him to open his eyes and focus on her. He stared up at her, fear and regret flashing in his expression.

  Dread hit her hard, and she glanced down his body, her gaze settling on the patch of blood on his side. She forced herself to swallow, reaching for his shirt when his hand covered hers. She looked at him, tears pooling in her eyes when he gave her a smile as he shook his head. Bile crested her throat, and she moved his hand aside, yanking his shirt up, exposing a set of teeth marks. She dropped her arm, staring at the wound, wondering what the ringing in her head was. Footsteps sounded behind her and she turned, gun drawn, hand shaking.

  Hunter reached her first, moving in beside her, cursing when his gaze landed on Rhys’ side. Emersyn watched him nod to Rhys, and she knew what they’d agreed on without him saying a word.


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