Cowboy 12 Pack
Page 150
“Oh, no,” Jessie yelped. “I can see where this is going.”
“Yes.” Libby leaned over and held her head in her hands. “When the doctor got me all spread out like a filleted pork chop, he cracked up and said ‘Well, hello there. This is the first time anyone’s ever decorated it for me.’ I had glitter everywhere.”
“You were Vajazzeled!” Avery laughed. “When I was out at the Vegas cathouse, I heard all about it.” Now all eyes had turned on Avery.
“What were you doing in a cathouse, pray tell?” Jessie was having the time of her life. She loved being in this family. There was never a dull moment. The giggles and the titters grew to mammoth proportions as Avery explained what she had been up to and Libby continued describing the doctor’s red face and Aron’s shock that she had presented her lady parts in full glitter glory.
“You people are crazy.” Granny Fontenot passed a smiling judgment. “Cady is going to be in good hands.”
“And look at this.” Libby pulled out a package from her purse. “This is going to be his wedding present.” They all crowded around to look. “The sonogram today didn’t show this miracle clear enough for Aron to pick up on it. But the doctor slipped these to me as I was leaving.”
“Twins,” Avery breathed, reverently. “Libby, you’re having twins!”
“That’s wonderful, Libs.” Jessie hugged her first, before she was passed around. “But, we need to talk. It’s important.” As Jessie sat Libby down to tell her that their wedding plans would have to be changed, Avery slipped out to find Isaac. They had some things to work out. Besides, she missed him.
ISAAC HELPED ARON load his pickup with the gifts that had been delivered for Joseph and Cady. “I like your gift, and they’re going to love it.” It was a sculpture, one that would have special meaning for the couple. Aron was a western artist of some renown and had pieces in galleries and museums around the country.
“I hope so. So, what’s up with you and Avery?”
As they stood there, Nathan’s dog ran up to greet Isaac and he knelt to scratch the eager pup he had rescued and brought home. “We’re getting married, if I have any say in the matter.”
This information stunned his big brother. “Aren’t you rushing things a mite?”
Immediately, Isaac got his back up. The days of Aron’s questioning everything he did were too fresh in his mind. “Maybe, but that’s my business. I’m man enough to stand by my decisions and try to make the best of my mistakes.” He wasn’t talking about Avery. He was talking about the bar, his reputation, and the tendency his brothers had of thinking they knew how to handle his life better than he did.
All Avery heard was ‘mistake’. And she knew what mistake he was talking about. Her. She stopped dead in her tracks. He had fooled her. Almost, he had convinced her that he wanted her. Almost. She turned and walked away, but not before Aron saw her go. “Your little mistake just heard what you said and high-tailed it toward the front yard.”
Chapter Six
“DAMMIT, ARON! I wasn’t talking about Avery! Hell!” She couldn’t leave. She didn’t have a vehicle. Unless. Sure enough, he heard his Harley start up with a growl. That bike was way too big for her. Plus, she was upset. By the time he rounded the corner of the main house and hurdled over Libby’s rose bushes, Avery was headed down the driveway at too fast of a speed, with no helmet. “If she hurts herself, I’m gonna kill her.” He went right to his pick-up, switched it on and gunned it after her.
Why? Why go through this charade? She could handle her dad. What she couldn’t handle was Isaac toying with her like this. The bike was big, but once she got it started, her determination kept it between the ditches. Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she couldn’t take the chance to wipe them off. Isaac was going to be pissed that she took his hog, but there was no way she could stay at the ranch another moment. She hadn’t gotten her purse! Crap! She considered turning around, but she couldn’t face him. Maybe Libby or Jessie would meet her somewhere with her stuff. The motorcycle was loud, but it couldn’t drown out the sound of 350 horsepower staying right with her. Glancing over and up, she saw Isaac looking at her with a thundercloud expression. God, he was probably going to have her arrested for grand theft Harley. “Pull over, now!” He mouthed at her and pointed to the side of the road.
She considered her options, and decided to do what he asked. He would follow her all the way and probably make her so nervous that she would wreck. So, she eased off the gas, downshifted and pulled on the handbrakes until she brought the monster bike to a standstill. Isaac whipped open the door, stalked over to her and for a moment, she thought he might hit her. Instead, he caught her by the shoulders, lifted her off the Harley and into his arms. Without a word, he covered his mouth with hers and kissed the breath out of her. It wasn’t a gentle kiss, and as mad and hurt as she was, it didn’t go a long way in helping her feelings. So, she pushed against his chest, to no avail. It was like pushing against a brick wall. His mouth ate at hers like he was starving to death. And a girl can only resist so much, but by God, she tried. When he pulled back for a breath, she tore away. “Stop it!”
“Don’t you ever, ever dare put yourself in danger like that again. That bike is too big for you, and you know better than to go off without a helmet. Why, I ought to turn you over my lap and paddle your behind!” He took the keys from the ignition, and before she could protest, he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.
“Put me down! I want to go home. I heard what you said. You said I was a mistake. You don’t want me, Isaac. Let me go.” Spank! He didn’t hit her behind hard, but a sob escaped just the same. Her pride was stung and her heart was aching. “Isaac, I swear to God. If you don’t put me down, I’m going to scream.” He flung open his truck door and sat her down.
“There, you’re down.” He was breathing hard, and she noticed a pulse point by his sexy mouth that was throbbing with every beat of his heart. “I know what you heard and I’m here to tell you that you misunderstood. There was no way in hell that I was talking about you. I want to be with you, I’ve wanted to be with you for years.” He was sincere. It was as if Avery could see into his very heart. With a small cry, she launched herself into his arms, and he wrapped himself around her and held her tight. “I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world.”
She shut her eyes, and surrendered. “I want you, Isaac. I love you. I’m sorry.”
Isaac whooped, he actually whooped. He picked her up and swung her in a circle. “Thank God! So, you’ll marry me? When?”
Avery wasn’t a gambler, usually. But, this was important. Avery wanted Isaac’s heart and she was willing to risk everything in order to have a chance at the big prize. She’d said she loved him, but there had been no return of the sentiment. That’s what she wanted. Avery wanted Isaac’s love. “Listen to me. I have a proposition for you.” He stilled and let her slide down his body. She didn’t miss the bulge of his erection, and it made her second guess herself, almost.
“Proposition? What are you saying, Avery? I offer you a proposal and you offer me a proposition? Who’s the badass in this relationship?” He was teasing, a little. There was a hint of vulnerability in his voice. Steeling herself against it, she sought to be strong. This was too important.
“Yes.” She placed both palms on his chest. It was wide, strong—a place of comfort, protection and strength. “I’ll marry you.” His muscles tightened. “Wait.” He relaxed and listened. “I’ll think about marrying you, if I can learn to please you.” He started to speak and she put her fingers over his lips. “No. This is non-negotiable. I’ll consider marrying you if I can become the type of submissive you’ve always dreamed about.”
Isaac wanted to curse. Didn’t she understand? “You Please Me Now.” He ground out the words one at a time.
She refused to give in. “I want you to train me. I want you to show me the ropes—literally,” she said with a wink. “If you have a playroom
like in the articles, I want you to take me there. Anything that you’ve ever wanted, desired or longed for, that’s what I want to be for you. And if I can’t, I’ll walk away.”
Isaac was amazed. He was simply amazed. Someone had given him the world on a silver platter, yet he wanted more. “There will be no walking away. Like I said, you please me now. You don’t have to be a perfect sub. Do you know why?” She shook her head. “Because, you’re my perfect Avery.” He laid his forehead against hers. “We’ll play it by your rules, for now. But the end game belongs to me, love. You don’t have to fit in some mold to make me happy. All you have to do is breathe, Sugar.” How could he make her understand? One more shot. “The only thing that ever held me back, Avery, was because I thought I wasn’t good enough for you.”
At that admission, Avery tightened her arms around him, buried her face in his neck and vowed, “Give me a chance. I know I can make you happy. I just know it.”
“Ah, Darling, that’s a done deal.”
“SO, YOU CAN give me what I need?” Harper looked the big man up and down. Tremors of anticipation made her whole body quake. God, she needed a fix. Her drug of choice wasn’t synthetic, nor was it a pill or drink. Harper craved pain. It was the only way she could get off, and she needed some relief more than anything.
“I guarantee it. Put yourself in my capable hands and you won’t ever want another man. I’m the best. I can bring you to your knees and you’ll beg to stay there.”
Ajax sounded confident. But the stakes were higher this time. It wasn’t just a hook-up or a scene. No, this was revenge and it was gonna taste sweet.
“I agree, Master. Take me. I’m yours.”
Ajax licked his lips as the too-skinny blonde bowed her head and gave complete control over to him. He started to say, ‘You won’t be sorry’, but that’s wasn’t necessarily true.
“Somebody hand me my bullwhip.”
“I’M NOT A very good dancer,” Avery apologized as Isaac pulled her close.
“What?” He laughed out loud. “You put Gypsy Rose Lee to shame, Sugar. That pole dance was the hottest I’ve ever witnessed.”
“Destiny and Desiree spent hours going over that routine with me. But they didn’t spend much time on two-stepping.” She let out a contented sigh as she nestled close to his big body. Little quivers of excitement radiated through her as he rubbed soft circles on her back.
“We’re not two-stepping. This is a waltz.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m just floating.” Truthfully, she hadn’t been to very many parties like this. As the sun had set, the tiny white lights and the lanterns which hung from the big spreading oaks had entranced her. No short cuts had been taken. The McCoys definitely knew how to throw a party. “Will you teach me how to ride?”
Horse. She was talking about riding a horse. Isaac’s brain comprehended that fact, but his cock had other ideas. “Sure, I’d love to. Have you ever ridden before?” He cleared his throat, trying to get a grip.
Not even an inch separated them, so Avery felt his excitement growing. “Only the one time with you today, but I enjoyed myself immensely.” When he nipped her earlobe, she giggled. “Perhaps, you can teach me some trick riding.”
A muted groan made his breath ruffle the hair on her neck. “Let’s see, Reverse Cowgirl comes to mind.”
“What’s that?” She had some idea, but she wanted to hear his husky voice whisper it in her ear. Already, her body was responding to his arousal.
“You sit on my lap, with your back to my front and my hands can play with your bottom or rub your little pleasure button. Does that sound like something you’d like to try?” Thank goodness it was dark. Isaac was setting himself up. He could feel Avery trembling in his arms. She was turned on, but he was as hard as a rock. And there was no way they could leave the party, not yet.
“Yeah, I want to try that.” Her breath hitched with erotic anticipation. “I want to try everything with you. Sex standing up, against the wall, from behind, 69, all of it. I want you to tie me up and spank me and—”
“Hush!” Isaac hugged her harder than ever. “You’re killing me.” He humped up against her, rubbing his erection against her softness. “I promise you, we’ll do it all. Just as soon as we can, we’re outta here. I’ll take you back to the bar and show you my playroom.”
“When can we leave?” she whispered.
Was she real? “Soon, after we eat and after Joseph and Cady make their talks. Don’t worry. We won’t stay one moment longer than necessary. I set all this up. Jacob or Noah can help take it down.”
The music came to a stop and Aron called for everybody to take their seats. Avery admired how beautiful everything looked and couldn’t help but be pleased that the centerpieces of mums and other fresh flowers made everything perfect. “If everyone will make themselves comfortable and begin to help themselves to the food¸ we’ve got four buffet tables to serve you. You’ll find roast pork, brisket, chickens, potato salad, baked beans and all the trimmings. And the best banana puddin’ you’ve ever wrapped your lips around. We’ve got a lot to celebrate tonight, so have a good time.”
The crowd began to file to the four corners of the pavilion where the food was spread out. “Would you like me to fix your plate?” Avery asked as Isaac escorted her to a spot at the head table.
“No, you aren’t my slave. I want you to be my partner, my friend, my lover…only in the bedroom do I want control.” He was whispering, but he did look around to see if anyone could hear them. It hadn’t escaped his notice that several people had been surprised to see them together. There had been whispers and sly glances.
“Mom always filled Dad’s plate for him and I don’t think they were into BDSM.”
“Thank you, Love. But we’ll go together, how’s that?” She followed him through the food line, filling their plates with fragrant BBQ and sides. Isaac stopped by the bar and Doris handed him a longneck with a knowing smile. “What would you like, Avery?” “A diet Coke, please.” Beer didn’t appeal to her and she wanted to keep a clear head to enjoy every moment of the night with Isaac. He escorted her back to the table and they sat between Cady and Noah. It was a bit nerve wracking to look out in the crowd and see so many curious eyes watching her. She didn’t know what they were thinking about, the photo in the paper or how unsuited she was for him. Isaac dwelled on his supposed faults, but she couldn’t forget how awkward and unsophisticated she was. Her hair was plain, no designer cuts, and her clothes didn’t bear a fancy brand. Face it, she was rubbing shoulders with society and her background would be woefully lacking in their eyes.
“Stop it.” Cady nudged her. “I can hear your thoughts as plain as day. Look at me. Do I look like I fit in with these people? I’m an ugly duckling in the midst of a bunch of swans. Yet, I belong. Do you know why? Because Joseph loves me. I’m not blind, I can see with two sets of eyes, physical and spiritual. And I can tell you…you have nothing to worry about. Isaac is totally into you, and from what I have heard, he has been for a long time.”
Pushing her food from one side of the plate to another, Avery listened and marveled at what Joseph’s fiancé said to her. “What are you talking about? You’re gorgeous. And as for me and Isaac, I pray to God that your insight is correct.”
“What are you two talking about?”
“Girl-talk,” she informed Isaac with a smile.
“Did you hear about Ronny Joe McGraw’s girlfriend? What’s her name?” Noah asked between bites.
“Tammy?” Isaac licked sauce from his fingers. “Damn, you smoke the best meat in the state.”
“All I did was season it up and give the boys the directions.”
“Yea, but it’s your recipe. What about Tammy?”
Noah lowered his voice and looked around. “I heard that she was over there at the Longbranch and after Ronny Joe and his men had finished branding they all got drunk. The story is that she pulled down her jeans and demanded he put his brand
on her, and he did. They say she won’t be able to sit down for a month. Can you believe that?”
Isaac chuckled. “So, that’s why she’s standing up to eat.”
“They’re here?” Noah craned his neck. “Hell, I didn’t know Joseph invited him. What do they have in common, or do I want to know?”
“Quit being so damn judgmental,” Isaac gently chided his brother. “You need to learn how to enjoy life. Not everybody is as straight-laced as you are.”
“I’m not straight-laced.”
“You’re tied up in a knot half the time. Enjoy life, man. It’s too short not to.” Noah stiffened. “If there’s something on your mind, just say it,” Isaac challenged him.
“Nothing, it’s just your reference to being tied up. Harper’s into that kinky stuff and I hate it. We could have had a relationship, but she wallows in that sick, twisted lifestyle and I can’t understand it.”
Isaac didn’t know what to say. But, he had to say something. “Don’t judge her too harshly. Food is good, but gluttony is bad. Beer is good, but an alcoholic’s life is miserable. The relationship between two people who enjoy a power exchange may be more beautiful than you realize, but even that can have its dark side. Any form of addiction or extreme overuse can be dangerous. Harper may not be able to control her craving for domination, but that doesn’t mean she’s beyond help.” Noah was looking at him so closely, that he wondered if he’d said too much. Keeping his involvement in the BDSM world from his brothers hadn’t been easy. Often he’d wondered if it wouldn’t have all been easier if he had just been honest. Hiding the truth from them had taken a heck of a lot of energy and needless subterfuge.
“Know a lot about this, do you?”
Alarm bells went off in Isaac’s head. Time to back off. “Hey, I read.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen…” Aron’s voice was a welcome intrusion in a conversation which had gotten a tad out of hand.