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Slam Dunk: A Second Chance Sports Romance

Page 11

by Sinclaire, Roxy

  I knew when we first got together that he was a slob. Why would he change now? When the maids hadn’t come to his apartment, it was always a mess. I thought that I could make him a new man. Maybe that was our problem all along. I was under the impression that I could change him. Was it even right for me to expect him to change? Deep in my heart, I knew that he wouldn’t ever cheat on me. There were just so many other issues that I’d latched onto the one tangible thing that popped out at me. The photo was staged and he was probably telling the truth.

  What had I done? What was Corey going to do, thinking that we were broken up? We were in his mind, but not in mine. In my mind, I wanted him to come back and crawl into bed with me. He would caress my body and no words would be needed as we came together and did what we did best. Making love to him was like breathing, it was so natural. He captivated my heart and soul. Now he was gone because I’d pushed him away. In my haste to let go of the anger I held against him for being a slob, I’d let things get way out of hand.

  Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I would fix everything. If I couldn’t change him, I still owed him a fighting chance. Corey vowed to me the first night we came together again that he would always be faithful. He promised never to do anything to come between us, and now distance was right there, trying to rip us apart. That always seemed to be the way it went. Besides his being a terrible slob, things were good when he was home. The second he left, I felt hostile toward him.

  My phone lit up with a message. It was Corey. My heart continued to ache as I read it. Short and to the point.

  Got ahold of my dad. No need to tell him what I did. I’ll tell him myself. I won’t bother you again. Will work out parenting times tomorrow.

  “What the hell?” I hissed, suddenly awake. “Where the heck do you get off acting like that?”

  He’d been so willing to fight for me, but now all that was gone? My rage perked up as my fingers furiously typed back a cold and equally sharp reply. I sat there for a few minutes reading back over it. It would enrage him. I called him everything under the sun a couple of different times. I couldn’t send it, though. The harsh words weren’t how I really felt. At least, not in my heart. I was upset and wounded, but I wasn’t going to let it cloud my judgement. Corey could be rash, but not me.

  I deleted the message and instead typed, Okay, if that’s what you want, then we will talk tomorrow. Please don’t do anything stupid. You have a daughter to think about now.

  Glancing at the clock, I let out a frustrated moan and turned my phone on silent. I had to sleep or else I would be useless in the morning. No one could call me, and for the next few hours, my only problem was sleeping and hoping Pen slept through the night too. Everything always looked better in the light of day. I had to keep the faith that tomorrow, Corey and I would be able to work through our problems for Pen’s sake. I knew he was the love of my life, but was he ready for the commitment that entailed?



  I slammed the locker closed, and the sound reverberated through the empty room and down the hall. Unsure of where to go and not wanting to call my father again, I’d headed for the stadium. I was surprised the janitor was there so early, cleaning the place. Grateful to be let in, I went right to the locker room and changed to get some early morning practice in. There was no way I could sleep, not with the pain inside of me.

  “You’re off to an early start this morning,” came the coach’s familiar voice.

  I jumped, not expecting anyone else to be there so early. “Shit, Coach, what are you doing here?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Well, this is my team, so . . .”

  “Right,” I muttered. “Sorry, you just surprised me. I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here so early.”

  He stretched and sat down on the bench, crossing his arms. “I don’t normally come in this early. I had to start the roster for next season. Plus,” he said with a shrug, “I like the quiet.”

  I chuckled as I tied my shoes. “Well, I won’t get in your way.”

  “So, I told you why I was here. What about you?”

  I shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep. Thought this would be better than hitting the club up, right?”

  “You’d better believe it,” he said in agreement. “Especially since you have a lot of ground to make up for after the lousy first half of the year you had. Still, I’m calling bullshit.”


  “You heard me. I think you’re full of shit. So, why don’t you tell me the real reason you’re here so early and we can both get on with our day?”

  “I just needed to clear my head,” I muttered begrudgingly.

  He chuckled. “Lady troubles, then?”

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “You know, Son, I’ve been married to the same infuriating woman for almost thirty years, and if I can offer you one piece of advice, it’s this.” He leaned forward. “Assume they’re always right.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. The coach grinned and shook his head. “I’m telling you the truth now, Corey. That woman of yours is a star on her own. She’s got a good career, a good future, and a good head. Now, if the two of you are fighting over something, who are you gonna believe here? Her? Or that head on your shoulders that told you to go out clubbing with the boys last night?”

  I took a deep breath. I hated to admit it to myself, but everything he was saying made sense. Brittany had always taken care of me. She pushed me to be a better person all the time. After everything that had happened, I knew she would still take me back if I changed my ways. It wasn’t just about the clubbing. That was easy to give up. I had to grow up and be a man or else I was going to lose her forever, if I hadn’t already.

  “Oh, man,” I groaned. “I really screwed this up. I’m gonna have to tell the boys that I won’t be going out to the clubs with them anymore.”

  The coach smiled. “Or maybe just find a sitter and bring the girlfriend out with you too. I have a feeling she’ll fit right in with the team.”

  “I think it’s too late. I really screwed things up this time.”

  “If she loves you, then it’s never too late. But I’ll tell you this. If you don’t change, then you don’t deserve a woman like that. She isn’t going to let you pull her down. You’re gonna have to stay on your toes.”

  “Thanks, Coach,” I told him as I started to take off my court shoes. “I know what I need to do now.”

  He laughed, groaning as he stood up. “Good, because I really want to get home and get some sleep.”

  I cocked my head. “I thought you said you had to work on the roster?”

  Coach grinned. “What can I say? I knew one of my players needed me. I will always be there for you, Corey. I hope you know that.”

  “Thanks, Coach,” I told him. “I really appreciate it.”

  “Don’t thank me just yet. If things don’t go as planned and your game slips again, I won’t be able to guarantee a spot on next season’s bracket for you,” he said solemnly.

  “Right,” I muttered.

  I could see the wheels turning in his head as he looked back to his office. “You know, I’m not totally cut off from the world you young kids live in. I think I might be able to help you out.”

  The coach jerked his head for me to follow him as he turned and headed for his office. “I saw what those trash websites are saying happened last night, and I don’t believe for one second that you did anything wrong. However, that woman has been giving me problems all season.”

  “Yeah, me too,” I muttered truthfully.

  “Well, I really think that you’re going to like this.” He flopped down in his chair and pulled open the top drawer of the desk.

  After a few minutes of shuffling through a stash of paperwork, a single piece of paper was pulled out. He handed it to me and I quickly looked it over. I didn’t understand most of the legalities of the document. However, I recognized my own name and that of Elisa’s.

  “What is this?” I asked him.
  “That is a restraining order of sorts. It’s not what you would see in the movies. The police won’t come bursting through the door if she looks at you, but it does mean she isn’t allowed to contact you or speak to you.”

  I was shocked. “When did you get this?”

  “When the season first started. I knew she was going to be trouble the first time I saw her. After the fiasco of a few months ago, I had to make a move. Thankfully, the judge is a friend of mine. She wasn’t allowed to be anywhere near you last night. I could have her thrown in jail for breaking the judge’s orders.”

  “I like that plan,” I told him as I handed it back. “Get her locked up for as long as possible. Hell, tell the judge to throw away the key.”

  The coach chuckled. “I wish it were that simple. I don’t think I can swing that, but I already made a few phone calls while I was heading over here. If that picture isn’t pulled and all copies removed before the news hits in the morning, she’s going to get the book tossed at her.”

  “You threatened her for me?” I asked, stunned.

  “It’s nothing that I wouldn’t do for any of my players. This one, though, was a pleasure. She’s a nasty piece of work, that one.”

  “Yeah, I just never knew you had a problem with her. The other players hang around her all the time.”

  “The other players aren’t fathers . . . that we know about.”

  “But I thought you said you got this months ago.”

  He shrugged. “Guess I was just a little bit more observant than you were, Son. I knew that girl loved you and that baby of hers was yours a long time ago. I just can’t believe it took you so long to connect the dots. Like I said, you’ve got yourself a keeper. Let her be the brains of the operation.”

  “Thanks, Coach!” I said in mock anger.

  “Don’t worry, kid. Everything is going to be okay. Why don’t you take this with you, though?” he said as he handed me the restraining order. “I’ve got another copy on file, and it might help to save your hide.”

  “Hide that has to be back here in ten hours for practice,” I said.

  He held out his hand and grinned. “Go on, then. Get yourself home.”

  With one final “Thank you,” I left his office to change. As I did so, I let his words sink in. There was more than just my personal life riding on this. The coach was a good man. That was the only reason I hadn’t been booted yet, but not even a man like him could keep me on if I couldn’t play next year. The college wouldn’t allow it and the entire team would suffer. I couldn’t let my game slip again. I had to find a way to keep my professional and personal lives separate.

  That knowledge didn’t change the fact that I wanted things to work out with Brittany. It was time to put my words into actions. Finally having a good plan, one that felt so right, made changing and driving back over to the apartment almost cheerful. I knew what Brittany needed. She had made that perfectly clear. She needed a partner, not another child. I moved quietly up the steps and back to our apartment.

  As soon as I shut the door and looked around me, I felt tired. This was my home. My body wanted to fall asleep knowing that I was in a safe place, but I had work to do. As silently as possible, I went to the kitchen and turned on the light. None of the apartment was incredibly messy, but I knew how quickly it all built up. If Brittany needed me to be a partner, I sure as hell was going to be one for her. Picking up a bottle from the table, I quietly set it in the sink and started on the dishes. I was going to change for the woman I loved.

  * * *

  I wrapped my body around Brittany and took in the sweet scent of her shampoo. I always missed that smell when I was on the road. It was warm and comforting as the sun peaked into the room through the pale green curtains. She stirred softly, moaning in her sleep. I thought she would go back to sleep, but her maternal instinct took over the second the bright rays hit her eyes.

  She woke in a panic and looked over at me. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you wake me up?”

  “Easy, Brittany,” I said in a normal tone.

  “Keep your voice down,” she hissed as she jumped out of bed. “Shit, I’m so late!”

  “Hey,” I said carefully, taking her hand before she could call the office. “Everything is taken care of, okay?”

  “I have an interview! I have to get the baby to the sitter.”

  Sitting up in bed, I took her hand and smiled. “Pen is already at the sitter, and your interview was moved to later this evening. I know the player well. He was the one who called in to change it, so no one is expecting you until after five. I’ve already arranged for the sitter to keep Pen late. I can pick her up on my way home from practice.”

  Her eyes grew wide and she flopped down onto the bed. “Seriously?” she whispered.

  I nodded. “I know that I’ve been acting like a child, and I want to change. I want us to be a real family.” Taking out the paper, I handed it to her. “Elisa will never come near either of us again. There won’t be any publicity about the picture either. It’s all taken care of.”

  “I–I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you’ll give me another chance. Just one more, and I promise you that I won’t screw up a thing. I’m so sorry I was a huge tool, Brittany. Can you ever forgive me?”

  She smiled as she threw her arms around my neck. Our lips came together in a crushing moment of pure passion. I had my answer.



  It was hard enough to face my pigheaded boss on a normal day. Today wasn't going to be like all the others, though. I was ready for him. The knowledge that I was making the network a better place for all women did little to calm the butterflies as they practiced acrobatics inside my stomach. I'd dressed only slightly more provocatively than normal. That part of the plan had been Corey's idea. Tugging down the short hemline of my skirt, I cleared my throat and carefully asked to see him via his young, naive, and slightly smug new secretary. If I had to venture a guess, the poor girl had no idea what kind of man she was working for. Hopefully, she wouldn't have him as a boss for much longer.

  The gum in her mouth popped as she glared at me. "Do you have an appointment?"

  "I work for him," You troll. I said with a passive smile. "I'm sure if you tell him it's one of his top-grossing employees, he'll find the time."

  She rolled her eyes and looked at the computer screen. "Name?"

  Before I could respond, the door to his office flew open, making us both jump in surprise.

  "Cathy," he hissed at her as his eyes traveled over my body, "if Brittany ever comes to the office, you are to show her in immediately!"

  The girl went pale. "I’m so sorry, sir. I just thought you said never to let a woman in without an appointment."

  He shot me a sadistic grin. “She’s special. It’s not often our star vlog reporter comes to visit her humble boss. Why don’t you come into my office? I’m dying to know what brings you here.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  If I had been nervous before, now I was on the verge of a panic attack. He waited as I walked past him, way too close for me to be comfortable with, but there was nothing I could do. I had to make it through this one last meeting with him. Then, maybe I could stop myself and the other women in the office from being harassed. Corey had shown me that if he could step up, I could too. I was a journalist. Going undercover and exposing a corrupt boss was just what I needed to be doing.

  He maneuvered around me closely and sat down behind the foreboding desk. I carefully sat down across from him, taking my time as I bent over. It was the first and last good view of my cleavage he would ever see.

  “It’s really wonderful to see you,” he said as he reached below his desk to tug on his groin.

  “Michael,” I said through gritted teeth. I had to get through this. “I heard that you’re looking for a reporter to travel with one team during the finals?”

  He grinned. “You would be the little scamp to want that big piece o
f meat.” Michael leaned back and looked me over once again. “I’ve got a dozen seasoned reporters trying to get on that job. Why should I give it to you? You still owe me for the last favor.”

  My heart skipped a beat. I had to remind myself that this was why I was here. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my crossed legs. With a firm jaw, I glared at him.

  “I told you the second you hired me that I was not interested in anything sexual with you. What makes you think that has changed? I got this job on merit and hard work,” I said coldly.

  “Have you lost your damn mind? Let me make this perfectly clear. You keep the boss happy, or you’re out on your pretty little ass. Now I’m tired of you leading me on. I want you, tonight.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  He sighed and leaned back. “You’ll make someone a nice housewife, but you’ll never work in this town again.”

  “Just what do you plan on doing to me, to make me pay for my position here?”

  “I’m going to ride you like a dirty street whore. I’ll make you my little slut, you highbrowed bitch.”

  I took a deep breath and leaned back in the chair. As I did so, I pulled my phone out of the thin lining of my skirt. Without hesitation, I put it up to my ear.

  With a grin, I looked Michael dead in the eye and spoke into the phone. “Did you get all that, baby?”

  “You’d better believe it.”

  Michael’s face started to pale, his mouth falling open as a bead of sweat formed on his head. Finally, the butterflies were at ease. That was the effect that Corey had on me. He could calm me no matter what. I had defeated the man who was standing in my way.

  “You okay over there?” he asked me.

  “Yeah, I’ll be done here soon. Love you,” I told him.


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