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Slayers Inc.

Page 4

by Brit Blaise

  I let my hips sway from side to side in an invitation to distract anyone watching too closely. With the extra hip motion, my hair swished back and forth caressing my bottom, first one cheek, then the other to add another little twist of torment. I was the one being tormented.

  "Unbelievable," I heard Coop say. "What just happened?

  Hell if I knew!

  "She lifts a man out of the ordinary and takes him to the secret place of golden dreams--and then leaves him wanting more." The bitterness in Joe's voice made me question my tactics earlier with him.

  "She can hear every word you're saying. Let's keep our eyes on the prize," I said.

  "I don't forget for a second why I'm here, and it has nothing to do with fucking golden dreams." Coop was angry, probably with me.

  "Welcome to my hotel. I trust you are enjoying your visit?" A surge of adrenaline coursed through my body and shoved everything else aside. Sandoval! It had to be Sandoval's voice since this was his hotel. Was he speaking to Joe or Coop?

  "Your hotel?" Joe's voice.

  "I am Carlos Sandoval, and you..."

  "I'm Luis Garcia," Joe said, giving his alias.

  "What brings you to Bogotá?"

  "I'm here on business and relaxation. I'm Ms. Bradshaw's personal assistant." Joe used my alias. Not that the name Jenna Bradley meant anything to Sandoval, but Joe wanted to take precautions.

  "I see," Sandoval said. His tone said he understood Joe's place in life and wasn't interested in any further conversation with him. "Enjoy your stay."

  "Well?" Joe said after a while. "You got want you wanted."

  "Exactly what we'd hoped for," Coop said. "Sandoval noticed Jenna and isn't worried about Joe."

  After a brief visit to the ladies room I walked back, but this time I stopped when I came to Coop. "I'm ready for that drink," I said, moving close enough that he should feel the sexual energy pouring off of me. "Maybe we could make it a private one?" I ran my hand down his chest over his silk shirt, stopping just shy of his Johnson or so I thought. However, it grew. Like magic, I had a hand full.

  It was all I could do to keep from grabbing for more. What do you do when you're suddenly faced with holding a man's cock in public? I let go and slowly moved my hand up to hook my fingers into his waistband.

  "What's your boyfriend going to say about this?" Coop said, loudly enough for people to hear if they were so inclined.

  "Why don't I tell him and see?" I leaned into him, letting him feel the rub of my breasts, before I tilted my head to kiss the hollow at the front of his throat. In that moment I torched myself like a stick of dynamite and then walked away, wondering what it had done to him.

  "Be strong," Joe whispered. I didn't know if he meant Coop or me. "This is only the beginning."

  Chapter 4

  * * *

  As I neared Sandoval's table on my way back to Joe, a suffocating aura came over me like a fishing net. My arms dropped stiffly to my sides and my feet didn't want to move. Sandoval stood and approached me, tightening the invisible hold on me with each step. The vampire was as handsome as a movie star, although on the prissy side for my taste.

  ::Prissy side? Ms. Bradshaw? I don't know the name, but I recognize the smell of your blood.::

  Like I'd had ice water thrown on me, Carlos Sandoval's voice inside my head chilled me to the marrow. "One and the same," I said. "And you are?"

  He laughed, coming close enough to touch me. ::You know me. I smell my mark on you.::

  "Jenna, what's going on?" Coop demanded.

  Sandoval reached for my hand, and I couldn't stop it rising from my side to meet his. Suddenly a puppet with Sandoval pulling the strings, I had a newfound fear for my maker. His touch hurt and his control made me quake in my fancy sandals. A suffocating sweet taste filled my mouth.

  "So enchanting." Sandoval reached up to touch the side of my neck in the place he'd sunk his teeth nearly a year earlier. ::Yes, you wear my mark.:: "That necklace is becoming. If you don't mind my asking, how did you come by it?" He took a step closer to examine it.

  "Let's say it's a gift from a special friend and leave it at that. One who is exceedingly generous to me."

  Coop huffed in my receiver. Jealously?

  ::Don't resist me, weak one. You're mine to do with as I will.:: "Give me the necklace." Sandoval spoke aloud and adopted a sterner tone. Clearly, he believed I'd obey. The hair on the back of my neck bristled because I wanted to give him the necklace.

  My fingers were inching up, but I resisted. "It's mine for now. Who's to say what'll transpire in the future, but tonight it belongs to me."

  Sandoval looked peeved and more than a little perplexed his power over me didn't immediately give him what he wanted. "Perhaps we could talk in private. Come with me."

  I began to burn. My skin was on fire. A tightness surrounded me so suffocating I couldn't move if I wanted to. Did I dare resist? Hell, yes. "I don't think so. I'm not here alone."

  His rage became visible. His eyes began to glow. He bared his teeth and started for my throat. I tried with everything I had and couldn't move anything but my mouth. "Back off, cocksucker."

  "How about that drink you promised me?" Coop's arm looped around my waist and drew me away from Sandoval.

  ::I'll rip his heart out. Come with me.::

  Sandoval's hold over me lessened with Coop's arm around me. "That's impossible. My evening is planned. I've arranged a sightseeing trek from Santa Marta to El Pajáro the day after tomorrow so I need to be on a plane in the morning. I'll be there for several days, enjoying the beautiful beaches. Shall I send you a message when I return?"

  "My country estate is near Villanueva. Perhaps we could visit at my estate?" Sandoval reached out to touch my arm, but Coop pulled me tighter against him. My heartbeat became normal and strong. Sandoval's control eased. So much so, I reached up to caress Coop's arm.

  No way did I want Sandoval to touch me if he had such power over me with just his mind. "Perhaps. I'll leave the address where I can be reached at the front desk for you. Will your lady friend be coming also?" I stared pointedly at his angry mistress, now headed in our direction with teeth visible.

  When the mistress stared back at me, her eyes glowed with undisguised hate. Her red lips pulled into a thin smile to reveal the tips of her sharp teeth. How many other vampires surrounded us? There was so much I didn't know.

  "Everything alright, guys?" Joe asked in my receiver.

  Sandoval stepped in front of his woman, turning his back on me. With his attention drawn away and Coop's arm about me, the invisible hold he had on me lifted completely. I fell back against Coop, suddenly weak as a kitten, and thankful he'd caught me and held me tight to his body.

  He had to wonder why I'd been so affected by Sandoval. Or would he think I'd been overcome by his charms. I couldn't take a chance he would guess my secret. "I may've had a little too much to drink."

  "Is that true?"

  Coop wasn't talking to me.

  "Maybe," Joe responded.

  "Stay close to me," Coop said.

  I glanced back to Sandoval's table. He was arguing with his woman in loud Spanish. I guess even vampires can be pussy whipped, too.

  I pulled out of Coop's embrace and headed back toward Joe, away from Coop before I humiliated myself. My need for him was almost as suffocating as the spell Sandoval held over me.

  The sensuous music Sandoval's mistress would dance to began to play and other dancers left the floor. This gave me no time to get control. Show time. I got there before she did and began slow circles around the edge of the dance floor until I came to Coop and stopped in front of him.

  I could see Sandoval's mistress coming toward me, but Sandoval restrained her. I turned a slow circle with my hips, revolving to the ancient beat. They call this the dance of enticement for good reason. I looked straight at Coop while I danced. He moved onto the floor where it would visible to all I performed only for him.

  I'd put the same dedication into learn
ing this one belly dance that I'd put into everything else over the past year. Each move hit the mark. Each thrust I made showed in his face. Each slow, sensual gyration awakened us both and methodically incinerated us.

  And it scared the shit out of me!

  I passed both hands in front of my eyes and spread my index and middle fingers apart to form a V-mask. My palms were forward and my eyes bored into him, searching, probing, and penetrating into him, going deeper with each rotation of my hips. The bells on my belt kept time to the music with each swirling, jerking thrust of the dance.

  Everyone else in the room began to fade. Sandoval--gone. Nothing mattered but Coop. It was as if I physically touched him each undulation of my belly.

  The air vibrated with my undulating movements and, like a sorcerer's enchantment, everyone in the room did disappear. Only Coop and I remained.

  I moved closer, my hips spoke an ancient language of desire and passion.

  Each step brought me nearer to my own deliverance from torture and ensnared my prey. No more loneliness if he reached out to me. No more living a half existence. He only had to meet me halfway.

  I entered an alternative realm when I looked into Coop's eyes. The music and the dance all fused together in my mind. Each step pealed back a layer of my psyche, bringing me down to the most basic state of instinct and need.

  Nothing mattered at that moment but pleasing him, touching him, caressing his soul the way he stroked mine. The entire earth on its axis came to a careening stop--turned and switched directions. Nobody knew except me. Not even Coop.

  Not yet.

  He would.

  Finally, I drew near enough to touch him. The tempo of the music built. I came as near as I could without initiating physical contact. I breathed the faint spice and musky scent that I recognized uniquely as his from when we'd danced in the seedy bar in Arizona. The crescendo built while I undulated within inches of him.



  Very soon the music would end, and my life would be changed. Nothing would be the same. I danced around him, fueled by the heat radiating from him, my undead blood boiling in my veins like it hadn't since Sandoval first bit me.

  When I came back around to face him, I stared into his deep blue eyes and found need so intense it almost made me hesitate. He had secrets, things I didn't want any part of. I didn't have a future with him, but my body told me I'd captured the here and now with him.

  I turned my back to him, raising my arms above my head, and slowly undulated in a circle around him and then again. Turning to face him, I unhurriedly brought my fingers down to touch his cheek as my hips rushed to completion. At his sharp intake of breath, I moved both hands to his chest and cupped them over his heart. My hips circled metrically in the ancient method of enticement. I came closer, until the movement of my hips gyrated against him. He trembled beneath my hands still lying over his heart.

  His hard cock welcomed me.

  Again I raised my arms in the air, pivoted to turn my back to him and rotate my backside against the bold evidence of his arousal. The crowd started to cheer. As if we'd rehearsed the move, Coop caught both of my still-raised hands in his and held them tightly. I could feel him moving against me, anticipating the thrusts of my hips. If we were naked and alone, he'd be in my ass.

  He freed one of his hands and moved it languidly down, along the inside of my arm and over the peak of my breast until it rested on my waist, his fingers splayed across my undulating belly. The contractions of my muscles became so intense that my release began in tweaking spurts, growing stronger with the music. My breath came in pants.

  The dance.


  The receiver in my ear magnified the effect of my own labored breath and his. At the final beat of the music, he jerked me around and captured my lips. The crowd roared, but I couldn't think.

  I could only feel.

  The contractions burst as his kiss deepened.

  He crushed me against him and I exploded. Tiny squeaks came out of my throat as wave after wave hit me. I wanted to crawl inside him.

  I wanted him over me, in me, surrounding me. He kissed me for as long as it took for the throbbing quake of pleasure to subside. It seemed like an eternity.

  All the while, the patrons cheered and jeered at our public performance. I was doing publicly what I'd never done privately. Even in my wild youth, I'd never had a spontaneous orgasm.

  In public?

  In the middle of a dangerous mission?

  What next?

  Chapter 5

  * * *

  My past was a hazy memory, my future uncertain, but tonight I intended to live.

  I intended to capture an entire lifetime in this single night.

  Some men called for me not to leave, while others cheered me on. None of them mattered.

  Only Coop.

  I sped for the elevator, but it was Coop's hand that hit the button, repeatedly, as if he could make it come faster that way. After the fourth time, he pounded on it, he pulled me into his arms and crushed my lips with his. I lost myself in his kiss and didn't hear the doors open. Coop wrapped his arms more tightly around me and lifted until my feet no longer touched the ground before he walked us both inside. I didn't open my eyes.

  I didn't think.

  If there was anyone in the elevator, they didn't say anything. I didn't care. I only wanted to keep kissing Coop. Forever.

  "Hurry," I whispered into his mouth. He gathered me in his arms again and walked us. Joe's voice brought me back to reality. "Jenna?"

  Coop spoke for me. "Jenna's fine. Is everything all right on your end?"

  "Sandoval is heading this..." Joe stopped talking. We kept moving down the hallway toward the door to Coop's room. I needed him inside me so badly I wanted to scream.

  "It would seem you've lost your employer. Perhaps you need some assistance?" Sandoval's voice was faint above the din of the crowded lounge.

  "She's done this before. I'll catch up with her in Santa Marta after she has a couple of days to tire of her new toy." Joe sounded convincing, if not a little jaded.

  "I live near Santa Marta. Perhaps I shall see the two of you there. Where did you say that you'll be staying?"

  "We rented a villa on the beach in El Pajáro. It belongs to Francesca Rodriguez Vasquez. I haven't seen it, but I'm told it's nice."

  "I know the place," Sandoval said. "As I said, perhaps we will see each other there."

  There was a long pause before anything else could be heard besides the clamor of the crowd and the pop of a champagne cork. "Let's toast to success," Joe said.

  "Success," Coop repeated. "See you in El Pajáro tomorrow night." With that, Coop eased me down to my feet, reached up and then removed the silver skull that held his receiver in his ear. I leaned into him all the while with my hands on his broad chest, afraid my legs wouldn't hold me.

  Coop smiled. "I think we've heard enough of Joe for one night." He pulled the transmitter from his collar and rammed it, along with his earring, into his pants pocket.

  "She's fine," Coop said again as he whispered into my ear and then tugged at the earring. I understood and pulled back to remove both. Coop put them in his pocket with his before he opened the door to my room and ushered me inside, locking it behind us.

  "Dance for me," he whispered.

  Instantly, the urgent beat returned to me, the cadence of the music rang in my ears. I began to move to a primitive sound only lovers can hear. I took a couple of steps away, loosened my belt and freed my dress to fall to the floor at my sandaled feet. I pulled my hair upwards and raised it with my hands above my head and swayed to the rhythm I wanted to perform on Coop's cock.

  I wanted to abandoned myself to Coop and revel in feeling normal for the first time in over a year, but a curious thing happened. I heard Carlos Sandoval moan in my head. I could've sworn Carlos was in pain. I didn't mind his suffering, but I didn't want him invading my thoughts right then.

  Coop didn'
t wait for an invitation as he shed his clothes. He kicked off his loafers, shrugged out of the black silk Armani suit jacket and then it tossed onto a nearby chair. When he unzipped his pants and let them drop to his ankles, I lost it. Commando!

  I couldn't wait. I didn't want slow. I threw myself against him. He lifted me, pressed my back tight against the wall and ripped off the thong. I wrapped my legs around his waist. His large cock pushed against me. Probing.

  I ached for him to enter me. Anticipation had me ready to shatter from pleasure so sweet it almost hurt. Carlos groaned inside my head for a second time.

  Damn! I was having an unwelcome threesome.

  Coop powered into me. Exquisite torture rocked me while my body adjusted and accepted him deeper until he filled me.

  "Oh, yes! Yes!"

  I held on by thread. He buried his head into my shoulder and groaned. He trembled so intensely I began to shake, too. He didn't move as he impaled me against the wall. The pressure built and still he hadn't moved. Like a swollen dike I burst open. He groaned and began to swivel his hips into me. Thrusting into me.

  Hard, deep thrusts sent me soaring into the bliss. Unfurling waves of pleasure took me where I'd never been and couldn't have imagined. Unrestrained spasms peaked and subsided, only to peak again as he walked me across the floor and laid me on the bed, never leaving my cunt empty.

  For the first time in my life, I understood the true meaning of multi-orgasmic. The ecstasy never left. With the slap of his balls against my skin while he pumped in and out with boundless energy, I climbed toward another orgasm.

  And still he fucked me.

  One orgasm built on the previous one, taking me just a little bit higher each time. By the time he roared with his release, I'd experienced several orgasms that were in actuality one long, continuous one that never stopped.

  Coop looked down at me with a mixture of rapture and wide-eyed curiosity written on his face. "Was that my imagination?"


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