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World Tree Online- the Endless Savanna- 3rd Dive

Page 9

by M. A. Carlson

  Level: 100

  Experience: N/A

  Spell Damage: 105-110

  Spell Cast Speed: 1.50 seconds Range: 20 yards

  Spell Mana Cost: 210

  Spell Effect (Active): Smite a single target with holy damage.

  Well, that wasn’t fair to say. It was on par with my other level 100 damage spells, or it was until they advanced to the next rank. That it wouldn’t grow any further while the others continued to level was a concern.

  Beginner Holy Fire

  Level: 4

  Experience: 7.14%

  Spell Damage: 112-113 per second

  Spell Cast Speed: Instant Cooldown: 10 seconds Range: 25 yards

  Spell Mana Cost: 248

  Spell Duration: 30 seconds

  Spell Effect (Active): Burn a single target with Holy fire. (Stackable x4)

  ‘Beginner Holy Fire’ was one of my favorite spells, instant cast, deals constant damage over time, and it stacks up to four times. It was also good to see it now also had a range listed. Seeing it had 5 yards more range than ‘Holy Smite’ made me wonder if the range increased by 5 yards with each rank. I would need to pay attention to other spells.

  Beginner Holy Shock

  Level: 3

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Damage: 106-111

  Spell Cast Speed: Instant Cooldown: 30 seconds Range: 25 yards

  Spell Mana Cost: 306

  Spell Effect (Active): A shock of holy energy attacks the nervous system of your target stunning it and increasing physical damage received by 116 for 5-seconds.

  ‘Beginner Holy Shock’ was probably my second favorite, and considering I only had three offensive spells, that wasn’t exactly a shining endorsement. The real benefit of this spell was the stun and the bonus to physical damage.

  “Hmm,” the Goddess Issara hummed for a moment. “There are a couple of options, but the three I think would serve you best are ‘Divine Smite’, ‘Holy Lightning’, or ‘Holy Blast’. ‘Divine Smite’ is a direct upgrade of ‘Holy Smite’, it has a slightly higher mana cost and does significantly more damage in addition to weakening your target to physical damage. ‘Holy Lightning’ also has a more expensive mana cost but will not do the same damage as ‘Divine Smite’, its benefit is in the ability for the lightning to fork, hitting multiple targets, two to start, with no reduction in damage while also weakening anyone struck by the lightning to physical damage. ‘Lesser Holy Blast’ is a short-range spell, it does slightly more damage than ‘Holy Smite’. The spell blasts a cone of holy damage and weakens anything hit to physical damage but at a higher mana cost. However, it is an instant cast spell.”

  I licked my lips and swallowed, feeling excited about the possibilities such spells offered. Plus, increasing physical damage. “How much?”

  “All three can be yours for the low, low price of 30-Sigils, or 60-Sigils if you want the charms, or 40-Sigils if you want one charm and two scrolls,” the Goddess Issara answered, using a very strange salesman voice that really didn’t fit with her image . . . well, it sort of fit with the sales clerk image but it was still strange.

  “Okay, I’ll be getting at least two of those, but I don’t know the format yet,” I said. Not only did they all sound great for me, but they were all recommended by my Goddess. I just needed to be careful about how much I spent.

  “Very good, sir,” the Goddess Issara said. “What else do you need?”

  I have ‘Lesser Heavenly Blade’ for crowd control, and what a crowd control it was. That meant that another crowd control ability would be redundant.

  Lesser Heavenly Blade

  Level: 1

  Experience: 75.00%

  Spell Damage: 4-5 per second

  Spell Cast Speed: Instant Cooldown: 60 seconds Range: 20 yards

  Spell Mana Cost: 100

  Spell Duration: 15 seconds

  Spell Effect (Active): Pierce a target with heavenly blades that burn with Holy Fire, pinning the target to the ground and adding a stack of ‘Holy Fire’. Each cast of 'Holy Fire' resets the duration of 'Heavenly Blade' and resets the Cooldown timer. Any damage to the target other than ‘Holy Fire’ damage will break the pinning effect.

  Charm Earned Bonus (Passive): Caller of the Burning Blade - +10-Intellect, +10-Wisdom

  Between ‘Boar Charge’ and the new ‘Holy Lightning’ spell, if that was what I chose, I would have plenty of multiple target spells to use. The question was, did I need another multiple target spell. ‘Boar Charge’ was fantastic . . . except for the very long cooldown. So maybe the ‘Holy Lightning’ would be the way to go.

  Boar Charge

  Level: 30

  Experience: 0.47%

  Spell Damage: 750-950 per second

  Spell Cast Speed: 5.00 seconds channeled Cooldown: 29 minutes Range: 35 yards

  Spell Mana Cost: 800

  Spell Effect (Active): Summon a stampede of spectral boars that will charge a targeted area dealing damage and knocking down anyone in the area of effect.

  Charm Earned Bonus (Passive): Blessing of the Boar Spirit - +10-Endurance, +10-Stamina.

  “What’s the cooldown on ‘Holy Lightning’?” I asked.

  “It has a no cooldown but does have a five-second cast time,” the Goddess Issara answered, giving me another thing to consider. Five-seconds to cast the spell was an eternity in combat. ‘Boar Charge’ took as long to cast and did damage throughout the cast.

  “What is the cooldown on the other two?” I asked.

  “The spell ‘Divine Smite’ does not have a cooldown, just a 1.50 second cast time. ‘Lesser Holy Blast’ has a 10-second cooldown and is instant cast,” the Goddess Issara answered.

  To be honest, ‘Lesser Holy Blast’ was sounding better and better. First, instant damage on par with my current ‘Holy Smite’ spell. But better because it was a ‘Lesser’ spell which meant it would continue to get stronger, continue to level up into ‘Beginner’ rank and above, not just cap at level 100 then be replaced by another spell. And while I was sure ‘Divine Smite’ would do excellent damage, it had a cast time, which meant it could be interrupted. I would need to think about it carefully once I saw what else was available to me.

  Moving on, the only place my magic was really lacking options was in the healing department. Don’t get me wrong, ‘Beginner Heal’ was great . . . as long as I had two full seconds to cast it.

  Beginner Heal

  Level: 2

  Experience: 71.96%

  Spell Heal: 421-530

  Spell Cast Speed: 2.00 seconds Range: 25 yards

  Spell Mana Cost: 214

  Spell Effect (Active): Heal a single target.

  “I need another healing spell. An instant cast if possible,” I said. Even with the penalty to my healing, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have an emergency healing spell or something that could buy the healer a few seconds.

  Tapping the swordpen on her chin in thought, the Goddess Issara finally asked, “Ranged or melee?”

  “I guess it would depend on cost,” I said. I had 24-Sigils left if I only bought two of the three scrolls my Goddess recommended, 14-Sigils if I bought all three.

  “Hmm, well. ‘Embrace of the Goddess’ is a powerful healing spell, it requires physical touch and has a five-minute cooldown, but for 4-Sigils it is a very good deal,” the Goddess Issara suggested. “There is also ‘Holy Breath’, a mid-range healing spell. It allows you to breathe out a cone of healing covering everyone and everything 10-yards in front of you, including enemies. I must warn you. It has a very high mana cost and it’s 15-Sigils. The others are beyond your current capability.”

  “Embrace of the Goddess’ sounds perfect,” I said. It wasn’t overly expensive at 4-Sigils and it gave me the emergency healing spell I was just thinking about.

  The Goddess Issara nodded, seeming to approve of my choice, then asked, “Okay, what else?”

  I didn’t need any more buff spells, what I had was more than enough. And, if I went with scrolls for
those four spells, that meant I had 10-Sigils left. With that, I was feeling very comfortable with my magic options.

  On the other side of the coin were my combat skills. As far as combat skills went, I had my ‘Two-Handed Polearm’ skill and subskills which were amazing.

  Two-Handed Polearms II

  Level: 22

  Experience: 99.17%

  Current Damage Modifiers

  Damage: +61.00

  Critical Strike Chance: +6.10%

  Subskill: Ligament Rip

  Reduce Enemy Movement and Attack Speed: 50% Target Receives Increased Damage: +30.50% Duration: 15 Seconds Bleed Effect: 7 Damage per Second

  Skill Stamina Cost: 152

  Subskill: Impale

  Damage: 58-60 Bleed Effect: 7 Damage per Second Duration: 15 Seconds

  Skill Stamina Cost: 138

  Subskill: Power Thrust

  Damage: +122.00 Chance to Stun: 10%

  Skill Stamina Cost: 170

  Subskill: Jab

  Damage: +56.50

  Skill Stamina Cost: 132

  Subskill: Rapid Striking

  Damage: -3 Strikes: 42 Cone: 30⁰

  Skill Stamina Cost: 230

  But when it came to special attacks, I really only had one skill that I could use regularly, ‘Justice Strike’, which was very nice and gave a nice bonus to spell damage, but with its cooldown of 30-seconds and low damage bonus, it was hard to justify using it regularly when my regular weapon skills did so much more damage.

  Justice Strike

  Level: 65

  Experience: 16.14%

  Current Damage Modifier

  Damage: +35.50 Cooldown: 30 seconds

  Skill Stamina Cost: 115

  Skill Effect: A righteous strike in the name of Justice. Increases damage or healing of next spell cast by 75.

  I had ‘Final Judgement’ and ‘Holy Meteor’ but those were both all or nothing attacks that drained me of everything. ‘Final Judgment’ was great for enclosed spaces.

  Final Judgment

  Level: 3

  Experience: 0.00%

  Skill Effect: Deliver the Final Judgment of Issara upon an enemy of the World Tree dealing -2-HP damage per point of MP and SP used, plus weapon damage. Ignores armor, cannot be blocked or dodged.

  Skill Stamina Cost: All Spell Mana Cost: All

  ‘Holy Meteor’ was the king of damage dealing abilities, but again, I get one shot with it and then I’m useless. And as I found out while fighting the Duke a week ago, it doesn’t always kill the enemy in one attack. The fact was, I couldn’t rely on the ability if it was going to leave me completely drained when it was done.

  Holy Meteor

  Level: 3

  Experience: 0.00%

  Skill Effect: Falling from the heavens, you pierce the World with your divine might multiplying your damage by an order of magnitude based on height dealing an additional -2-HP damage per point of MP and SP used per 15-feet. Ignores armor, cannot be blocked or dodged. Damage in excess of targets remaining health will explode, spreading any remaining damage equally to all targets within 100-feet.

  Skill Stamina Cost: All Spell Mana Cost: All

  No, I definitely needed more combat skills. Those were only to be used when there was no other choice, as an absolute last resort. What I needed were more combat skills that were similar to enough to ‘Justice Strike’ to increase magic damage. “I need a charm, preferably one with a physical skill that increases magical damage.”

  The Goddess Issara grinned. “Now, you are finally thinking like a Warrior Priest. Magical attacks to increase physical damage and physical attacks to increase magical damage. Good, good, this one, this charm,” she said, holding out a charm in her hand.

  I noticed all the shelves had vanished, leaving only the long marble counter with the four neatly stacked scrolls. I accepted the charm from the Goddess Issara and looked at it closely. It was a silver eight-pointed star, it was a very simple design but beautiful.

  Star of Ishtar Charm (Unique) - +20-Strength, +20-Dexterity, +40-Endurance, +20-Stamina – Equipping with teach spell ‘Blessing of Ishtar’ 0/100,000

  “100,000!” I shouted in outright shock. The charm had a 0/100,000, and it taught a spell, not an attack skill.

  “It is worth it,” the Goddess Issara said.

  “How much?” I asked, terrified of the answer.

  I actually saw my Goddess wince at the question making me even more terrified of the answer if that was possible. “1,000-Sigils,” she answered.

  I couldn’t afford that. There was no way I could afford that. I had nowhere near enough sigils for that. “I can’t afford that,” I said.

  “I know,” the Goddess Issara replied. “But . . . I can give you credit . . . just this once.”

  “But, won’t that weaken you? You can’t give up that much of your divinity to me,” I protested.

  “This spell, my mother’s Blessing. It is powerful, more than you can imagine. With this Blessing cast upon your spear, with every blow you strike, you weaken your opponent to magic and increase the power of your own magic until you cast an attack spell,” the Goddess Issara explained. “It will make you a force to be reckoned with. Even Chaos will balk when faced with such overwhelming power.”

  “Then it’s a goal for the future, don’t weaken yourself, not when Chaos is up to who knows what. I can’t let you get hurt if It goes after you while you’re weakened,” I said, pushing the charm back to my Goddess.

  “Silly boy,” the Goddess Issara said, putting her hand to my cheek. “You continue to surprise me. Very well, we will both save up for it.”

  “I’ll pay full price,” I insisted. I couldn’t let my Goddess weaken herself in any way shape or form, not while Chaos was after me. I had no idea what would happen to my class and me if she was hurt, or worse, killed by Chaos because she weakened herself. “For today, at least a few of those scrolls and a charm for an attack that weakens my opponent to magic.”

  The Goddess Issara sighed in defeat. “Silly stubborn boy,” she said. “This will do what you need.” She held out a different charm, this time it had a gold chain with a gold lion hanging from it.

  Thundering Lion Charm (Unique) - +20-Strength, +20-Stamina – Equipping will teach you the skill ‘Thundering Strike’ 0/250

  “And how much is this one?” I asked.

  “It will cost you 20-Sigils,” the Goddess Issara answered.

  “And the skill?” I asked.

  “A powerful strike that knocks your target to the ground, weakening them to magic, 30-second cooldown,” the Goddess Issara answered, even answering my next question without being asked.

  “Okay,” I said, setting the charm on the counter next to the four scrolls. I knew I was getting the charm no matter what. Same for the ‘Embrace of the Goddess’ and ‘Lesser Holy Blast’ spells. That was 34-Sigils gone. I had ten left which meant I could only afford one of the two remaining spells.

  “You will eventually want to purchase both spells,” the Goddess Issara said, interrupting my thoughts. “I suppose, the best choice would depend on where you and your companions intend to spend next month adventuring.”

  “We’ll be going to the ‘Endless Savanna’ tomorrow,” I answered.

  “The beasts of the ‘Endless Savanna’ often travel in packs. ‘Holy Lightning’ will suit you best,” the Goddess Issara said, pretty much deciding it for me.

  “Then ‘Holy Lightning’ it is,” I said, collecting and equipping the charm first. “What are the requirements for the charm?” I asked as an afterthought.

  “Solo killing 250 beasts of a higher level than you, using a powerful melee strike,” the Goddess Issara answered.

  That was good. I could use ‘Power Thrust’ to kill beasts. Killing beasts of a higher level . . . that was a little riskier but still doable. Killing them alone, that was considerably riskier. I had a feeling that particular charm would kill me a few times trying to unlock the skill it held.

  The Godd
ess Issara held one of the scrolls out for me. I picked it up.

  Scroll of Embrace of the Goddess – Teaches the spell ‘Embrace of the Goddess’

  Would you like to learn ‘Embrace of the Goddess’



  I mentally tagged the ‘Yes’ command.

  You’ve learned the Holy spell ‘Embrace of the Goddess’

  Embrace of the Goddess

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Heal: 2,000

  Spell Cast Speed: Instant Cooldown: 5 minutes Range: Touch

  Spell Mana Cost: 1,000

  That was interesting. It healed for a flat +2,000-HP at a cost of -1,000-MP. I wondered if that was because I’m level 20 and it healed +100-HP per level or if that was just the base of the spell, same for the MP cost, was it -50-MP per level, or was I overthinking it. I did note this was not a spell with a ‘Lesser’ qualifier I supposed I would know more once I leveled it up.

  Anyway, the Goddess Issara was holding out the next scroll.

  Scroll of Holy Lightning – Teaches the spell ‘Holy Lightning’

  Would you like to learn ‘Holy Lightning’



  Another mental ‘Yes’.

  You’ve learned the Holy spell ‘Holy Lightning’

  Holy Lightning

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Damage: 100-150 Targets: 1 + 1 random

  Spell Cast Speed: 5.00 seconds Range: 25 yards

  Spell Mana Cost: 400

  Spell Effect (Active): Call down Holy Lightning to strike a single target increasing physical damage received by 100 for 5-seconds, the spell will branch before impact to strike 1 additional random enemy within 10 yards increasing physical damage received by 100 for 5-seconds.


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