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Scent of Danger

Page 14

by Judith Rochelle

  “The next best thing to sharing this one with me,” Rick toldher.

  When she got ready for bed that night, she wasn’t sureexactly how to behave and the absurdity of the situation slammed her in theface. This was not at all what she’d had in mind. How was she supposed toreact? What was she supposed to do? She’d thought she’d most likely be stayingin a nearby motel so she’d only brought her sleepshirt with the dogs on thefront. Neither glamorous nor concealing.

  Her mind couldn’t handle the questions that kept racingthrough it. She barely knew the man, yet she felt as if she’d known himforever. This connection they had… On The Lotus Circle website she’d read ofpeople who’d connected like this, channeling through an animal in a consciousstate with living entities and formed strong, lasting relationships. Was thatwhat was happening here? Were Xena’s thoughts being relayed to Rick throughher? Was that why he was so amenable to everything?

  She had already told Faith’s Aunt Vivi she’d like to meetwith her when this whole mess was over. And maybe some other members of theCircle, to learn how to harness this power and direct it.

  She spent so much time in the bathroom brushing her teethand her hair and arguing with herself that Rick hollered, “Either you come outof there or I’m coming in to get you. You wouldn’t want to be responsible formy collapse, would you?”

  “Coming,” she called back. She spritzed a little cologne onher pulse points, as much for confidence as anything else and walked back intothe room.

  When she walked back into the bedroom Rick’s eyes widenedand the blue of his irises darkened to almost navy. She was immediatelyconscious of how thin the material of the sleepshirt actually was and of hernormally contained hair now floating in long waves almost to her waist.

  “Come here,” he commanded, his voice soft but firm and hereached out a hand to her.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. He has a major wound thatneeds to heal.

  “I want to touch your hair. I need to touch it. Bend yourhead down. Please, Red.”

  Red. How natural that sounded on his lips. Like a velvetcaress.

  When she leaned forward he ran the fingers of one handthrough her thick tresses.

  “Like fine red silk,” he whispered. “So soft. I could touchit forever.” When he draped it forward over her shoulder the tips of his fingerstouched her breasts, which were barely concealed beneath the fabric of hernightshirt. Instantly her nipples hardened.

  Rick sucked in a breath. “Let me touch you, Kelly. Please. Ihave to touch you.”

  She nodded, mesmerized by the look on his face. His handdrifted across the upper slope of her breasts, back and forth, learning hercontours, then down to her throbbing nipples.

  “God,” he breathed. “You don’t know how good you feel. I’dlove to strip you naked right now and touch every inch of your body. Do youhave any idea what you do to me?”

  Automatically her eyes dropped to the area of his groin andshe saw the tenting of the sheet. It amazed her that in his debilitatedcondition she could elicit this kind of reaction from him.

  He dropped his hand from her breasts, picked hers up andplaced it over his rigid shaft, thick and hard beneath her fingers.

  She felt her face flame and tried to draw her hand back buthe kept a gentle pressure on it.

  “Rick, I don’t know if this is… We hardly…”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” His voice was husky as she pulledher hand away. “I know I’m moving fast, Red but all I’ve done since they stuckme in this place is think of you and how it would feel if I touched you. If youtouched me.”

  Kelly felt as if she’d been tossed onto a train and it wasmoving way too fast for her. “It isn’t that I don’t… I mean…” She brushed astrand of hair out of her face. “We’re here so Xena can give you extraprotection. Sense if anyone coming to this place doesn’t have your bestinterests at heart. Aren’t we getting a little off track here?”

  He winked at her. “I hope so. And you can’t deny you likedit when I touched you, Or when I kiss you. Face it, Red. When we kiss it’s afour-alarm blaze.”

  “I know. And I do like it. I just…”

  “It’s okay.” He blew out a long breath. “I know this isn’tthe time or place to take this any further too. But Red, you’d better believe,as soon as they let me out of this bed, we will. Count on it.” He lifted hishand to her cheek and stroked it with the back of his fingers. “And you cancount on something else too. This is way more than just sex.” He gave her oneof his killer smiles. “But in the meantime, we can at least tease each other alittle. Now give me one of those great kisses and then we’ll both try tosleep.”

  “Oh, right,” she laughed, suddenly feeling lessself-conscious. “Sleep.”

  “We can meet in our dreams,” he whispered and tugged herhead down to his.

  She thought it a testament to the man’s natural vigor thateven in his debilitated state he was trying to put some moves on her. Hisfingers sifted through the flame of her hair again. They were still trailing inthe stands when his nighttime medication kicked in, his eyes closed and hedrifted off to sleep.

  She slipped beneath the six-hundred-thread-count cotton sheets,crisp and cool and lay her head on the thickest pillows she’d ever felt. Sheshould be drifting easily off to sleep in this luxurious nest but her bodythrummed with such intense sexual anticipation she wondered if she’d ever getto sleep.

  She wasn’t used to things happening this fast. What had theyshared? Two meetings with others around and two telephone calls? But theconnection was there. She knew it. She just hoped it was as important to RickLatrobe as it was to her. She’d have to guard her heart very carefully.

  * * * * *

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  The husky voice was like a verbal caress as Kelly opened hereyes. For a moment she couldn’t remember where she was or whose bed she hadslept in. Then she turned in the direction of the voice and saw Rick looking ather, his vivid blue eyes hot and devouring.


  What an awkward situation. What did she do now? Pop out ofbed as if she did this every morning? Act nonchalant? Leap over to his bed andplant a kiss on Rick’s mouth? She could seldom remember feeling so awkward in asituation but no less than she’d expected.

  “Um, Troy will be in here in a minute to help me with somestuff. I just thought you should know.”

  “Oh.” Then she realized what he was saying. “Oh! Okay. Ihave to take Xena out anyway.”

  “You’ve got time to shower if you want.” He gave her hisdevil’s grin. “I won’t let him peek.”

  She felt her face flush. “Thank you. I’ll be quick.”

  She slid out of bed as gracefully as she could, keeping hersleepshirt pulled down as far as possible and made a dash for the bathroom.

  How did I get into this? she asked herself over andover as she took a fast shower, brushed her teeth and braided her hair. Whatin hell did I let myself in for?

  Thanking all the gods and goddesses that she wasn’t a slaveto makeup, she brushed gloss onto her lips, then knocked on the door andcalled, “Safe to come out?”

  “Come ahead,” Rick yelled and she could hear the mischief inhis voice. “I’m properly indecent.”

  She cracked the door, peering around the edge. When she sawTroy standing beside the bed, the sheet pulled up to Rick’s waist, she hurriedinto the room. Pulling Xena’s leash out of her purse, she snapped it on thedog’s collar.

  “We’ll be back in a bit,” she told the men.

  “There’s a door at the far end of the hall on the firstfloor that leads into a green area,” Troy told her. “Probably the best placefor you to go. I already told security to be on the lookout for you.”


  “Wait!” Rick called.

  She turned, halfway toward the sitting room. “Did I forgetsomething?”

  “You sure did. My kiss.”

  Kelly wondered if she’d ever stop blushing.

  “I, uh, need to get another
pack of bandages,” Troy toldthem and loped out of the room.

  Kelly moved over to the bed, Xena woofing beside her. Rickreached out for her with his right hand and pulled her close.

  “Just one kiss. To hold me until later.”

  The kiss was just as steamy as the others had been and shewondered if she might incinerate right where she stood. Just a simple contactbetween them set every nerve in her body sparking and her blood pulsing. RickLatrobe was fast becoming essential to her breathing and she’d only justarrived here.

  “That’s enough.” She broke away. “Xena needs attention too.”

  “Hurry back,” he told her.

  She hadn’t had much time to look at Dogwood House when they’darrived the day before. Now, as she wandered through the wide area in back ofthe graceful building, was impressed by the carefully manicured lawns andlandscaping, the beautiful dogwood trees and the scent of freshly cut grass inthe air. Bearing no resemblance of any kind to a hospital or nursing home, thiswas definitely a place for the very rich and famous to hide from the pryingeyes of the media or anyone who might want to do them harm.

  Xena took her time, investigating every inch of space,lifting her nose now and then as if testing the wind for a scent of danger.

  There is nothing here to be afraid of.

  “Well, that’s good,” Kelly told the dog. “I think that’s whythey brought him to this expensive fortress.”

  But the danger is far from over. Be alert, Kelly.

  “I think that’s why they brought us here. So we cansense anything they might not be aware of.”

  Besides, this way you and Rick can spend time together.

  Kelly burst out laughing. “You wouldn’t be trying to playmatchmaker, would you?”

  Her laughter was interrupted by a sudden growl from Xena whoinstantly was back beside her.

  “Whoa. What’s going on?”

  “Excuse me. Miss Monroe?”

  Kelly whirled, heart tripping in an erratic beat. A man inthe Dogwood House security uniform of navy blazer and gray slacks had come upbehind her so silently only Xena had been aware of him.

  “You gave me a bit of a scare here. You know who I am?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Sorry if I frightened you. I just heard youtalking to someone but I don’t see anyone else here.”

  “Oh, that.” She let out a shaky laugh. “I was talking to mydog.”

  He lifted one eyebrow. “Your dog?”

  She waved a hand at the air. “Yes. Don’t most people?” Shelooked down at Xena. “Anyway, we’re done here. Come on, girl.”

  The guard nodded politely to her on her way back in but shecould feel eyes on her as she led Xena back to the elevator and rode up to thesecond floor.

  Rick was up and sitting in a chair when she came back intothe room. His hair, grown longer since he was in Maine, was wet andfinger-combed back from his face, he was freshly shaved and wearing a cleant-shirt and sweat pants. Her heart turned over at the effort he obviously madeto be presentable for her.

  In front of him was a table set for breakfast.

  “I didn’t know what you like,” he told her, “so I hope baconand eggs is okay.”

  “Fine. Anything is fine. Should you be up like this?”

  He nodded. “Troy’s been getting me out of bed every day so Ican exercise my muscles and build up my strength. I can’t lie around forever.”

  She eyed him critically, seeing the telltale outline of thebandages beneath his t-shirt. But if Troy said it was all right she had to goalong with it. The man knew what he was talking about.

  “Come on.” Rick gestured toward the table. “Don’t let thefood get cold. It’s our first breakfast together.” He lowered his voice. “Butnot the last, Red.”

  She was fascinated watching him eat, seeing the play ofmuscle in his arms as he lifted his fork or his cup. She couldn’t stop lookingat the strong planes of his face, the line of his jaw, the mane of sun-streakedhair.

  “Your breakfast is getting cold.”

  She looked up, startled. His eyes danced with amusement. Shelifted her coffee cup to distract herself. And him. “Sorry. I was just thinkingabout something.”

  “I hope it was the same thing I was thinking about.”

  She thought he might be teasing until she looked up and sawfire blazing in his eyes and nearly dropped her cup. How would she survivehowever long this took? Lordy, lordy. She was in big trouble.

  The electric awareness growing between them was hard to missand it became more evident as each day passed. Anyone coming into theroom—Troy, who spent more and more time in the sitting room with his laptop andcell phone, or Dan or Mike on their brief visits—did their best to ignore it.But Rick used every excuse to pull her close to him, to touch her, to steal akiss from her.

  Except for setting up Kelly’s bed, Janet had given ordersthat none of the staff was to enter the suite. Troy handled the medical sideand Janet had their meals left on a rolling table in the hallway, the aideknocking to let them know whenever it arrived. Kelly was with him every momentexcept when she showered and changed each day. Other then answering the call ofnature, Xena never moved from Rick’s side, not even to sleep next to Kelly.When any of the partners came into the room, the dog became instantly alert andwatchful. Although she knew them and Kelly had signaled them as friendly, itwas obvious she trusted no one where Rick’s safety was concerned.

  “Well, that’s what we wanted,” Dan commented the first timeXena sniffed him all over again. “We certainly got it.”

  On the fourth day after her arrival, Troy checked the scarsfrom the surgery and announced the healing process was moving along nicely.

  “Tomorrow we can start some real physical exercise,” he toldRick. “Besides the walks I’ll give you some simple exercises to keep the armand leg muscles from weakening. And we’ll up the length of the walks.”

  “You don’t think it’s too soon?” Kelly tried to keep theanxious note from her voice.

  “No. He’s healing very well. We won’t compromise the surgerybut we don’t want him as weak as a kitten, either.”

  They spent a lot more time outdoors that day. Back in theroom Troy showed Rick the first of the new exercises and watched him performthem, making sure he did them right. Kelly was amazed at the man’s recuperativepowers.

  That night, when all the lights were out except for a smalllamp on a low table, he coaxed Kelly to climb up on the bed with him.

  “I just want my arms around you,” he whispered, his breathwarm against her ear. “I can’t stand it anymore. Just let me hold you, okay?That’s about all I can do anyway.”

  “You’ll hurt yourself,” she protested.

  “You saw for yourself how well I’m doing. Please, Red. Don’tmake me beg.”

  How did all this happen so quickly? How did we get tothis point so fast?

  She eased herself up beside him with great care and verygingerly they figured out a comfortable position. His lightly calloused handsset off tingles as they moved over her, learning the curves of her body. Hesmelled like heaven. All male. Despite the inevitable hospital smell thatalways clung to patients, the scent of whatever cologne he used seeped throughand tantalized her senses, making her pulses thrum. She buried her nose in theside of his neck and inhaled, wondering if she’d ever get her fill of him.

  “You feel so good, Red,” he crooned, his hands touching herlightly everywhere. “I wish I could get you naked right now and do all thethings I keep dreaming about.”

  “And rip open your incision?” she teased. “Troy would chopmy head off.”

  Still, being next to him, his arms cradling her, washeavenly. She’d never felt this kind of closeness with a man. Ever. As ifalready she was part of him.

  * * * * *

  He couldn’t get enough of looking at her. Rick lay in hisbed and let his eyes travel over her lithe figure curled up in the big chair.With each passing day she became more and more a part of him.

  The scent of her perfume lingered in the
room, reminding himof vanilla and jasmine. Just a hint of it made his body sit up and demandattention. Everything she did tantalized him. The way she draped her braid overone shoulder when she was reading or working on her laptop. Just watching hereat was an exercise in sensuality, her small tongue licking her full lips tocatch every bite of food. The smooth play of muscles in her throat whenever shedrank.

  Today they’d taken a walk after lunch and when he lay downto nap she dug a book out of her seemingly bottomless duffel bag to pass thetime. Now she sat with those long legs curled up under her, the fat braiddraped over her shoulder and resting on the slope of one breast, hermagnificent hair glowing in the light from the reading lamp like a thick flame.

  The soft t-shirt she wore, a pale green that showed off thealabaster look of her skin, draped softly against breasts that filled his handjust right, their nipples poking into the center of his palms.

  He felt his groin tighten just thinking about it.

  God, he was going to kill himself with all the teasing theywere doing. His chest wasn’t the only thing that hurt. He couldn’t wait untilhe was healed enough to show her how he really felt about her.

  He closed his eyes. Yes, Latrobe, how do you really feelabout her?

  Like I’ve been run over by a truck and want to do itagain.

  In such a short time she’d filled all the empty spaces inhis heart. Maybe in his soul. Most women he could take or leave. He’d learnedlong ago that those who stuck, those who understood what drove a man like him,were very rare. Mark and Faith had grown up together yet it had taken a crisisto make them realize what they had. For Mia and Dan it had been instantaneousand binding. But for him, with Kelly, it seemed as if they’d known each otherforever and life had taken this long to put them together.

  Maybe it was the dog. More and more he was becomingconvinced of the value of psychic powers in everyday life. Certainly Xena hadhelped them leap over several circuits to make the connection.

  Kelly shifted in her chair and flipped a page, tugging onher bottom lip with her teeth as she concentrated on the book. Every movementof hers fascinated him.

  But he meant what he’d told her. This was far more than araging physical attraction. She was bright, clever, easy to be with, strong,independent. All the things he’d never expected to find in one woman.


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