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Claiming Abby (The O'Connell Family Book 3)

Page 4

by C. M. Steele

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb him,” I apologized.

  “It’s all good. When he wakes up, I’ll tell him that you called.”

  “Thank you,” I said, ending the call and leaning back against my wall in my bedroom. So that’s why someone else answered his phone. He was sleeping in the living room. I took a deep breath and tried to work past my issues. There was no way that I could make this work if I couldn’t let what happened with George go. The one thing I needed to do was transfer to a school back here or something. The memory of his absolute betrayal pounded into my brain every time I even passed by the bookstore where he made a mockery of me.

  I closed my eyes and thought about what happened. It had been an hour before I had to go in and work at the bookstore. I was only doing it because George needed help at the store. It was the start of the new semester and well, I’d been in his room at his dorm earlier. We were getting closer and almost to the point where we were intimate. I wasn’t quite ready and he didn’t take too kindly to it. I didn’t know he had a camera in his room, but he did. We were kissing and he pinned me to the bed with my hands above my head. He wanted more, pulling up my blouse, but I told him to stop. I wasn’t ready. He lost it, telling me I was nothing but a stupid farm girl, who probably got felt up by all my cousins and my dad’s farm hands. He grabbed my breasts from under my shirt, but I pushed him off me. I started to cry and he told me to go unless I was going to suck him off. Then he’d forgive me.

  I felt a world of emotions at the time. Shame was the big one. But I didn’t know how terrible this one bad experience was going to get. He called me that morning and told me he was sorry that he was pressuring me and didn’t want to argue anymore. I forgave him because I didn’t want to start another fight. He said he wanted to work through our problems after work tomorrow. The next day at work when the store was swamped with everyone getting their supplies, the giant set of televisions that covered the wall came on with a video of what happened the night before. He turned to the camera and called me a fucking prude. Then the next video that played was of him and some girl with her face between his legs. They were on my bed, and then I knew it was my roommate. Everyone’s eyes turned to me. Some were laughing and some of them looked at me with pity. I couldn’t stop the tears that fell, and George looked at me with a smirk that needed to be corrected.

  I walked up to him, and nodded my head. “Congrats, George. I may be a prude, but you’re a fucking loser. By the way, I’d get checked if I was you. Leah has herpes.” I turned away ready to walk out, but the tingling in my fist was strong, so I spun around and coldcocked him in the face.

  “That’s what a farm girl does to players like you. Stay away from me.”

  I left the building and headed back to my dorm to ask for a transfer. When I got into my dorm, I didn’t speak to her. I packed up my things and walked away. I may be a farm girl, but I was a wealthy one. The campus police had come to talk to me at the hotel. I wasn’t in trouble, but they asked if I wanted to file charges against him. I didn’t. I wanted both of them out of my life. After that, I stayed at the hotel and cried my eyes out.

  Three days later, I learned that it was all over the internet. I ended up taking down my Facebook profile because people were posting about me. It had been the longest year and I should have transferred, but he took away my trust and embarrassed me to no end, and that was all he would take.

  “All he would take,” I said to myself. I was letting him take the joy out of loving someone. I was in love with Ethan, and I was shoving him away because of George.

  I took a deep breath, needing to focus on the future, not the past.

  Chapter 10


  It was the middle of the night when I woke up again. I missed the fuck out of her, but at least my fever was down. There was still a week before the wedding since Rick wanted to marry Sam at the same time, so it was going to be a brutal week. I’d given her the room she’d asked for, but I wanted to talk to her so bad. My mom came in the room to check on me. “Oh, you’re up.”

  “Yes, mom. I’m up. I’m going to be so turned around in the morning. Damn.”

  “It’s okay. Your father is doing all that he can to keep everything on schedule. You haven’t been this sick since you were ten. It scared me and your father half to death, but it seems you’re on the mend.”

  “Sorry about that, mom. I’ve got to check my emails and phone, but I plan to head into the office tomorrow.”

  “I don’t think so, you need to be ready for the wedding this week, so you’re going to take it easy. If you’re feeling better, you can go in the day after.”

  “Mom, I’m a grown man,” I complained. There was no reason I had to stay home because my mom said so.

  “Yes, you are, but your father is the head of the company still, so he said it’s up to me if you’re ready. And I’m sure as hell not going to frazzle my nerves with you boys. Just do as you’re told.” She shook her head at me like I was being difficult. “If you want some food, I made homemade chicken soup.”

  “Sure, Mom.”

  “Oh, and by the way, Abby called. She’s worried about you. I like her, but be careful. When the O’Connell men fall, it’s hard, fast, and forever.”

  I was way too late for that. My love for Abby was unshakeable and painful. She wasn’t sure I could love her and not leave her. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her, so I gave her the time she needed. Maybe she missed me and that was why she called. “Thank you, Mom. But the damage is done. Now I just need to convince her there’s no games with me.”

  “You will. You’ve got great negotiating skills.”

  “Apparently not when it comes to you,” I scoffed. She was the kind of mother that could stop you from doing anything with guilt or she’d put the fear of God into you. Either way, you caved.

  “Well, where do you think you get them from?” She stood up and walked out the door with a smile on her face.

  As soon as she walked out the door, I picked up my phone and sent her a text message.

  Abby, call me if you’re still awake. I miss you.

  Two minutes later, my mom brought up my soup and left me to my own devices.

  I stared at my phone for what seemed like forever. It took Abby another ten minutes later to call me back.

  “Hi, Ethan,” she said meekly. Hearing her voice came hit me like a jolt straight to the heart. I missed her more than I could ever express.

  “God, Abby, it’s so great to hear your voice.” My heart was racing at the sound of her voice.

  She sighed on the other line then replied softly, “Yours, too. How are you feeling? Your mom said you were sick.” I wanted to hold her so badly. The thought of touching her soft skin until we both got carried away. I craved to have her naked and filled up with my cock.

  “I’m feeling a lot better now that I get to hear from you. I just woke up and my mom told me you called.”

  “Yes, I called this afternoon and the night before.”

  “The night before? I didn’t know. I didn’t have any missed calls.” I was confused because I hit the light on my phone when I woke and there was nothing, but I didn’t bother looking at the call log.

  “Some woman answered it and said you were sleeping,” she said with a tone that said she didn’t think the woman was related or old.

  “Some woman? Not Claire or Sam?” I was confused because there was no way I was seeing anyone even though I know that was what she was thinking.

  “I know it wasn’t Claire, but I don’t remember Sam’s voice. I suppose it could have been her.”

  “Listen, Abby. I haven’t seen anyone in over a year. I get that you have trust issues and I’m willing to let you guide us along. I still say you’re mine. So you can have the time you need and I’ll see you at the wedding. Goodnight.” I hung up, a bit angrier than I should have been. I’d been waiting to talk to her for a week now and then she goes and thinks I’m seeing someone else. The feve
r wasn’t helping my temper. I hated that she loved this guy that much that she can’t let go of what happened between them. I’d been cheated on in the past and none of it mattered after I met another girl. Truthfully, I hadn’t had a girlfriend in almost two years, but I wasn’t ready to settle down at twenty-six, especially with a woman I didn’t love. Abby, I’ll always love.

  Chapter 11


  The fact that Ethan was mad at me brought me to tears. It had been a rough few days. I was back at school and missing him even more. What was worse is that for the first time in my life I missed my period. The nearest drug store was on campus, so after class I was going to run and pick a pregnancy test up. The wedding was in two days and I was feeling like I’d been hit by a bus, so I googled possibilities and I realized that being pregnant was a big possibility. I looked at my birth control case, and I was at least four days late.

  I couldn’t tell Ethan until I was sure. First, I needed to find out if I really was or maybe the stress messed up my schedule. Either way, I needed to find out before the wedding. I was flying there the day of because I had class tomorrow night.

  Once I got out of my last class, I stepped into the local CVS and went straight to that section. I picked up a box with two inside. If it did come out positive I was taking two tests to be sure. When I got to the register, I wanted to turn around. George was the cashier. There were no other lanes open, so I had no choice but to let him scan my purchase.

  “Wow, I can’t see you needing this. Unless the farm hands got a little busy with you.”

  “I can’t see how they allowed you to still go to school here after that bullshit. And he wasn’t a farm hand. So just ring it up or I’ll find your fucking manager.” He was shocked by my admission and threat. I didn’t hear another word out of his mouth except the total. I walked out of there with my tests and went back to my dorm, downing a bottle of water on the way.

  It seemed everyone I knew had to run into me today. Thankfully, I stuffed the tests in my bookbag. I was doing the pee-pee dance by the time I got to my dorm. I rushed straight to the bathroom and took the first test, shaking the whole time. The two minutes passed and I took a look at the results: two pink lines. I fell against the bathroom door as I thought about the ramifications. This was going to fuck up everything. I was having Ethan’s baby. I didn’t even know if he wanted to talk to me, much less want to be with me. Which meant that telling him was the last thing I was planning to do. I didn’t want him staying with me because of the baby. The baby. The sound of that ran through my ears, and I was going to have to call the damn manufacturer. My first time having sex on the freaking pill and I still got pregnant. I knew nothing but abstinence was a hundred percent, but did my life need to get more confusing?

  I laid in bed thinking about my plans. First thing first, I was going to have to leave school. There was no way I would be able to have a baby, work, and go to school. My parents I know would step up, but then they’d want Ethan to be involved. Would he even want to? He believed I was on birth control. He was going to be pissed. I remember him telling me that he trusted me, that he believed me when I said we were protected.

  Chapter 12


  It was the day of the wedding and I still hadn’t seen my woman. She wasn’t here yet. I wanted to pick her up from the airport, but her brothers didn’t trust me. I fucked her already. Not that I would tell them like that, but what was there to worry about now. I was committed to her and I hated that I couldn’t see her until the wedding. It wasn’t like it was our wedding.

  I got a message on my phone after making a shit ton of promises to her brother Braxton, he had the name of her ex-boyfriend. His name was George Wilson. That was a bland sounding name, and when I saw the pictures of him on his Facebook profile, I knew why she didn’t want to date me. Fuck, I might have some of the same clothes. Thank God we didn’t actually look alike or I’d have to kill him. I scrolled through his page, then got the bright idea to search for her name and his. And there it was.

  I stared at the screen before me. I couldn’t believe I was watching what I was watching. The fuck with his hands and mouth all over her was more than enough, but what happened next was the pinnacle. I’d gotten the footage from the internet. And now I wanted to kill him. Looking at what I saw, I was betting her brothers must not know about this. It was my problem to deal with now. I made a call to my lawyer and had him draw up several documents. All of which would be ready within twenty-four hours.

  Now it was time to get ready to see my future bride and get a bunch of shit straight. I shaved my scruff, making myself look more presentable. My brother was there looking nervous as fuck. He asked me to be his best man of course, which meant I probably wouldn’t get to see Abby until the ceremony was over.

  My cousin came up to me just as we were going to walk out to the service. “Hey, Ethan, are you still going to sit with me?”

  “As soon as I get Rick set up to meet his bride.”

  I promised Chloe that I would be her guard dog. She didn’t like people very much. She was a super introvert and it was my job to help her out of her shell. I didn’t want to do it because I had to talk to Abby, but I was sure I could ditch Chloe with my parents after the ceremony at least for a little bit.

  The ceremony started and I ushered Chloe to our seats, then I searched for Abby. At first, I didn’t see her. Then a crowd of people sat down and there she was. Abby was sitting next to her parents and some guy I didn’t know. He better be family because her ass was a little too close to him. And I was feeling real fucking jealous right now.

  Even though the ceremony went quick, it felt like an eternity for them to make it down the aisle. My brother was still a bit slow from being shot, but it was all the well-wishers holding up the line. Chloe held on close, a death grip on my arm. I wanted to scream out, but I bit it back because my mom didn’t raise no little bitch.

  I spotted Abby; she looked at me and rushed away. Damn it, I broke through the crowds but couldn’t find her anywhere. The wedding moved straight into the reception, but I still couldn’t find her. I was pulled in different directions by the guests and it was getting on my nerves.

  Chapter 13


  I couldn’t believe he brought a date to the wedding. That broad was clinging to him like she was afraid he’d run and cheat the first second he got. As soon as the service was over, I went to the bathroom to puke my brains out. How was I supposed to make it through the night? Through the rest of my life knowing that he used me and left me with a special parting gift? I didn’t understand how he could be so callous. I knew he was mad, but he said he’d wait for me.

  Ethan looked so damn good that I was ready to scream. His hair was combed perfectly, not his usual messy look, and he shaved his short scruff he had. I loved that look, and now he cleaned himself up for his bitch. He had on a grey suit that matched the color of his eyes and the tie was a deep, deep blue. I was turning into a puddle just as I was ready to strangle him and the tramp he was with.

  I had to make my escape back to my dorm and back to my own life without him. I pushed him into someone else’s arms. Damn it, I let George win again. The room was spinning on me, but I managed to calm myself and ate a package of crackers that I got at a diner. I needed something to soothe the nausea. This was like a nightmare. My heart was breaking. I had to go back home.

  I ran into Travis just as I was leaving. He grabbed my shoulders and asked, “What’s wrong, Scabby?” Because I was always playing with the boys and getting scuffed up my brother nicknamed me Scabby, but he only called me that when he saw that I was upset.

  “He brought a date to the wedding,” I muttered out, trying to avoid searching for Ethan. It was so hard to deal with, the truth hurting more than I ever could have imagined.

  “What? Who? Ethan?” he asked with a growl. His cocked his head and looked for him.

  “Yes,” I sobbed. “I’m sorry Travis, but I’ve got to go back to school
. I can’t do this.”

  He paused and stared at me for a moment before saying, “Hey, let me get you a cab.”

  “Okay,” I said, trying to duck away from the crowds. We got out to the front and there were several cabs pulling up with extra guests. Travis stopped one and helped me in. “Travis, please just enjoy your wedding. Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want a fight to open up for nothing.”

  “I’ll wait until later, then kick his ass,” he said with a smile. I knew that he was trying to soothe over my pain, but I don’t think anything could do that.

  “Please, just leave it alone,” I pleaded. This was supposed to be a magical day for him and I was ruining it for him.

  “I promise.”

  He tapped the cab and I told the driver where to go. “The airport, please.” I wiped the tears from my face, then I leaned back against the seat with my head tilted up and my eyes closed. I had to learn to breathe or I would be emptying my guts in the cab. It took twenty minutes to get there. I left my phone on silent because I knew that my parents would start looking for me soon.

  Once we got to the airport, I looked for the next flight out to Michigan. It was going to be another three hours. Purchasing my ticket, I walked over to the correct terminal for my flight. I dropped down onto a chair and waited for the flight to be called. I looked at my phone and there was a text from my parents telling me to call them when I landed. And then there was a call from Ethan. I didn’t answer it and I refused to listen to the message. Why would he even bother to call?

  I tried to close my eyes and sleep and I must have because the next thing I knew I was being carried out of the airport in Ethan’s arms.

  “Put me down,” I screeched, but the streets were bustling with cars and fire engines passing by.

  He looked down at me with an angry stare. “I’ll put you down once we’re in the limo.”

  “No, now. I’ll scream,” I threatened.


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