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Personal Best 3

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  “I know.” He slid his own fingers over Mike’s. Such a hedonist, his baby.

  Mike gave him a long, sweet kiss, tongue sliding in his lips.

  He turned Mike to the wardrobe. “Choose a plug, baby. Something to keep you filled while we get everything else set up.”

  Mike whimpered, moaned low, opening the wardrobe doors and finding a wide, supple plug.

  “Mmm… one of the big ones.” His hedonist size queen.

  He got a look, a dark blush, but Mike didn’t put it away, just handed it over.

  Jessy chuckled and kissed Mike’s nose. “Bed, baby. Let’s get you stuffed and trussed.”

  “I’m not a turkey, Jess.”

  He felt up Mike’s ass. “Nope, not a turkey. I’m still stuffing and trussing you.” Jessy winked. He was still in love with that laugh, sweet and low and happy and all his. Only his.

  They got Mike settled on the bed, sliding his hands over all that skin. He encouraged Mike to spread his legs and lubed his fingers before teasing Mike’s hot little hole. Mike moved under his hands like an angel or a demon, or something. Just gave it all up for him.

  He slicked the plug up and replaced his fingers with it, sliding just the tip of it into Mike, in and out, playing.

  “Oh. Oh, Jess. So good.” Mike moved, pushing toward the plug.

  “Yeah, there’s nothing like watching you take a plug. Well.” He chuckled. “I can actually think of quite a few things. Like you taking my cock, but you get the idea.” He kept the plug moving, never sliding that deep.

  Mike chuckled, hips moving, rocking. “I do. Feels so good, Jessy.”

  “That’s the idea.” He let the plug slide a little farther each time it went in, and it wasn’t long at all before he was having to really tug to get it to come out again, Mike’s body just swallowing it up and holding it tight.

  Mike’s cock was leaking, throbbing, balls drawn up tight. Mike was completely into it.

  “Good thing I got the cock ring out; you’re going to need it.” He slid the fingers of his free hand across the tip of Mike’s cock, collecting the hot liquid that gathered there, then brought them to his mouth, moaning at the taste.

  “Jess.” Mike arched, hips fucking the air.

  “Christ, you’re sexy.” He let Mike’s body take the whole plug and settled it, tapping the bottom.

  “Oh. Oh, Jess. Gonna. Don’t. Fuck.”

  He could take care of that, so he did, wrapping the ring around Mike’s cock, making sure it was pretty tight before lifting and separating Mike’s balls, snapping everything closed. “Better?”

  Mike was panting, eyes rolling. “Better. I. Oh.”

  He bent and sucked at the tip of Mike’s cock, loving the flavor. Reaching up, he teased Mike’s nipples, getting them ready.

  “Jess. Oh. Love. Please. I need it. Need you.” Impatient. Beautiful impatient boy.

  He chuckled around Mike’s cock and then reluctantly let it go. Picking up the clamps, he then shifted his focus to those sweet little nipples, pinching them to make sure they were hard enough to get the clamps on. Mike shifted away, gasped, groaned. He got one clamp on, then dipped his fingers down into Mike’s navel before bringing his hand back up to pinch the other nipple. Little cries were filling the air, Mike’s muscles rippling, pushing. Sexiest thing ever, his Mike. He rubbed his aching cock against Mike’s hip as he put on the other clamp.

  “Oh.” He could see the aborted orgasm, the flush pouring under Mike’s skin.

  He shuddered, rubbing harder. Christ, he was horny, needing. He’d bet he could get it up again if he came now.

  “So fucking fine, Jessy. Love you.”

  “I know. Me too.”

  He reached for the collar and slid it across Mike’s neck, the black leather dark against Mike’s skin. Mike swallowed, eyes wide, arching like he had that very first time. He hummed, helping Mike to raise his head, and closed the straps around Mike’s neck, leaving it snug but not constricting Mike’s breathing. For now.

  “Oh. Jess. Love.” Mike traced the collar, fingers trembling.

  “You’re so sexy, baby. Such a sensualist. Make me want, so badly.” He started rubbing against Mike again, the thick collar around Mike’s neck ratcheting up the stakes, making him hungrier.

  “Oh, my Jess.” Mike reached for him, drew him close, sliding over his skin, his cock.

  “Yeah, baby. Yours.” He pumped his hips, pushing into Mike’s hand.

  “Mmm.” Mike nodded, pulling, tugging, driving him higher.

  He nuzzled Mike’s neck, licking at Mike’s skin where it met the collar.

  “Oh, fuck, you make me need it.”

  “That’s the idea,” he murmured, pushing hard into Mike’s hand.

  Mike laughed, licking and nuzzling his neck, teeth threatening.

  He purred, head tilting back to let Mike have more room. “Feels good.” Shivers went up his spine, and his balls ached.

  Mike groaned, biting deep, marking him. “Mine.” He shuddered, coming just like that. Mike rolled, snuggling into him, rubbing. “Yeah. Yeah, Jessy.”

  “Fuck, you’re something else, baby.”

  He bent and kissed Mike, hands wandering, working Mike up. Mike plastered them together, fingers slipping over his head, his shoulders. He moaned and hummed happily, reaching down to tease the thick plug inside Mike. At this rate they were never going to get to the sling, his lover clinging to him.

  “You want to try out your birthday toy?” he asked, sliding his hands, loving Mike’s smooth, warm skin.

  “Uh-huh.” Mike slid his mouth over Jessy’s shoulder.

  He purred and then pushed Mike away, standing and holding a hand out for his lover. “All right then, let’s see if we can figure this contraption out.”

  “You’re sure it’ll hold me?”

  “You think I’d let anything happen to my star? Not to mention my number one lay.”

  Mike laughed, nodded. “Okay. Looks like we hang it first and I climb up?”

  “Hang it, tilt it up, and strap you in standing, and then ease you back from what I can see.” He grinned and grabbed the sling, started attaching it to the hooks in the ceiling.

  Mike’s fingers slid over his ass, tickled the small of his back. “You’re distracting me,” Jessy noted, giving Mike a heated look.

  “Am I?” Mike leaned down, licked the small of his back.

  He shivered, cock jerking, taking a definite interest in getting hard sooner over later. “Oh yeah. You are.”

  “Good.” Mike nuzzled. “Love you.”

  “Yeah, baby. I love you too.” He put in the last clip and tugged, making sure it was holding firm.

  Mike moved into place, reaching up toward the cuffs. He purred; his baby was so eager for the full package. He kissed Mike’s wrist and put it into its cuff, then the other.

  Mike tested the bonds, pulling carefully. “Strong.”

  He nodded, bending to one knee and attaching the ankle cuffs. He looked up Mike’s body, leaned forward to nuzzle the soft sac.

  “Mmm.” Mike’s dark eyes were huge. “So soft.”

  “You ready to fly, baby?” he asked, licking at one ball and then the other, growing more eager by the moment.

  “Yeah. Yeah, Jess. Please.”

  He attached the thigh cuffs, made sure the body of the sling was behind Mike’s shoulders and ass. “Trust me,” he murmured, going behind Mike and tugging him to lean back.

  It was a testament to Mike’s faith in him that Mike’s long, lean muscles never even tensed. He adjusted this rope and that one, settled one of Mike’s legs a little differently in the sling, and then stood back and just moaned.

  Christ, Mike looked amazing. Mike was spread-eagled in the sling, just at the perfect angle for him to fuck. The sling was black, matching the cock ring and collar.

  “Oh, wow. Wow, Jess. This is… comfy.”

  He chuckled, set the sling swinging gently. “Not what you were expecting?”

  “No.” M
ike purred, body rippling. “Sweet.”

  He walked around Mike, touching here and there as the sling continued to rock. “You look amazing. Spread out, tied up, just glowing.”

  “It’s like floating, Jess. Oh. I love you.” If he didn’t know better, he’d say his baby was drunk.

  He chuckled, more pleased than he could say. He reached over and tugged on the strap on Mike’s collar, tightening it just a bit, just enough to start constricting Mike’s airway. Mike blinked over, swallowing, breathing deep. He went to stand between Mike’s legs, his cock eager, sliding against Mike’s balls, nudging the plug.

  “Mmm… gonna fuck me, Jess? You remember the first time?”

  “This is the first time I’ve fucked you in a sling, baby.” He winked, teasing around the edges of the plug.

  “Tur-turkey.” Mike’s toes curled. “It won’t be the last.”

  “No,” he murmured, grabbing the end of the plug, and tugged it out in one smooth motion. “I’m sure it won’t be.”

  “Uhn….” Mike arched, muscles straining, hole open, slick.

  Growling out his need, he pushed right in, that slick hole just waiting for him.

  “Yes!” Mike’s body held him tight, pulled him in, hot and his.

  “Christ, you’re hot. Tight. Mine.” He grabbed Mike’s waist and started moving the sling.

  “Yes. Yours. Oh, love.”

  Groaning, he kept moving into Mike’s body, the swing doing all the work. He reached up and tightened the collar just a touch, just enough for Mike to begin feeling out of breath.

  “Oh. Jess.” Mike gasped, body squeezing him so tight.

  “Is it good, baby?” He could tell it was from the way Mike’s eyes shone, the glow on Mike’s skin, the way his cock was being gripped, but he wanted to hear it.

  “Uh-huh. Yeah. D-don’t stop. Please.”

  “Stopping’s not in the plans.”

  He could definitely see the advantages of this swing. He was really pounding into Mike now, but the swing was doing all the work; all he had to do was focus on Mike and the pleasure.

  Jessy slid his fingers along Mike’s bound cock, played with the clamps, opening and closing them, flicking them. He tightened the collar another notch, keeping an eye on Mike’s color, Mike’s breathing. Mike whimpered, squeezed, wrapped his hands around the straps. Need was just pouring off his lover, hot and addictive and necessary.

  Even though it felt like he could do this forever, like it wasn’t any effort at all, Jessy could feel the sweat building up on his skin, breath coming in gasps the longer they went. Finally, he couldn’t wait any longer, and he undid the clips holding Mike’s balls and cock, tightened the collar again, all but cutting off Mike’s air.

  He wrapped his hand around Mike’s prick and went wild, fucking Mike with everything he had. Mike went stiff, eyes huge, muscles tense and drawn. Fuck. Fuck, yes. He squeezed Mike’s cock hard as the sight made him lose it, his hips jerking as he shot deep inside his lover’s body. Mike shot, heat spraying over his hand, Mike’s belly. His lover went limp, dangling in the bonds.

  Jessy hit the quick release on the collar, making sure it was loose and Mike was breathing before grabbing on to the wires to keep himself up. He panted, shivering as the sling moved a little, making him shift inside Mike. Mike’s body squeezed him, rippled around him.

  He groaned, shuddering. “Oh, baby. You’re something else.”

  Mike moaned, head rolling. “Love.”

  “Right here, baby.” He slid out of Mike and rested one hand on the smooth belly, taking the clamps off Mike’s nipples with the other, shivering at Mike’s hiss.

  Mike’s eyes were closed, breath slowing, half-hard cock resting on those black curls. Bending, he kissed each nipple, Mike’s throat, and then his mouth, licking at the soft, swollen lips.

  “You want to just swing awhile, baby? Or come out?”

  “I… I want to be with you.”

  He nodded. It was what he wanted too. “That’s the one drawback to the sling. I’ve got to get you out of it before we can cuddle.” He set Mike onto his feet and started undoing the cuffs.

  Mike swayed, leaning toward him. “Yeah. Love cuddling.”

  “Yeah, baby, I’ve noticed.” He grinned, rubbing Mike’s wrists. “Okay, steady on your feet for a minute while I get your ankles.”

  “’Kay.” Mike’s hands landed on his shoulders.

  He bent slowly, making sure not to go to fast and unbalance Mike. The cuffs came off easily, well-designed, everything fitting everything else smoothly. Then he was taking Mike into his arms, shuffling them toward the bed, his mouth covering Mike’s, the kiss soft and lazy and heartfelt. Mike purred, melting into him, eyes closing.

  They hit the bed, and he got them tucked in after throwing the lube that was digging into his ass off the bed. “Happy birthday, baby.”

  “Mmm.” Mike was already almost asleep, purring. “Happy birthday, love.”

  He chuckled. “Your birthday, Mike. Yours.” He stroked Mike’s skin, staring into the night for a long time before falling asleep himself.

  Chapter Seven

  MIKE DIDN’T get up and swim in the middle of the night anymore.

  He got up and ran.

  It wasn’t as good, nowhere near. But it was something. It was moving. It was exhausting. It was also fucking cold. He headed up the hill, fighting the wind, cursing low as the rain started. A car came up from behind him, slowing down to pace him. It was Jessy’s car.

  The window opened. “It’s starting to rain, Mike. Let me drive you home.”

  Mike looked over, nodded. “’Kay.” He jogged over, slid into the passenger’s seat.

  Jessy had the heat on, the hot air blasting Mike as he sat. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Miss my pool.”

  “I know, baby. Too cold, yeah? By the time it isn’t, we’ll have found a place in Padre or somewhere along the coast. Let you play in the ocean in between laps.”

  Jessy’s hand was warm on his leg as they pulled into the garage. Once the car was parked, Jessy’s blue eyes turned to him. “We’ve got a meet in two weeks, Mike. And the Nationals a couple weeks after that. Tell me what you need to keep you focused on that wall.”

  “Can we go now? Today? Go and swim there and not be here?”

  Jessy nodded. “Yeah. We sure as hell can. And we can go straight to Seattle from there if you want. That’ll give you a chance to learn the pools you’ll be swimming your heats in anyway.”

  “Oh. Yeah?” He reached out, held on. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to be here right now.”

  “Yeah, I can’t say it’s feeling a lot like home right now myself.” Jessy kept him close, arms strong and sure, solid around him. “I’ll check out flights while you pack.”

  He leaned up, took a kiss. “Thank you, Jess.”

  “Anything, baby.”

  He cupped Jess’s jaw and shifted, not looking for sex or anything, just wanting to be close. Jess gave him a soft kiss, stroking his back and through his spiky hair. “You’re going to show them, Mike. Gonna show them that you were born to be in the water, to swim.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, Jess. I will. I promise.”

  “Do it for yourself first, baby. That it’ll make me happy, too, is just gravy, yeah?”

  “I do it because it’s what I do, Coach. I swim.”

  Jessy nodded. “Yeah. Something those assholes don’t understand. They never have gotten it. I don’t suppose they ever will as long as swimming is something they have to work at.”

  He nodded. “It’s my heart. Swimming and you.”

  Jessy cupped his face. “I love you, too, baby.”

  Nuzzling in, he nodded. “I know. I’ll pack our bags.”

  “Good. We can sightsee after we settle in and you’ve done your laps.” Jessy seemed content for now to just hold him, though, despite the awkwardness of being in the car.

  “Yeah. Sightsee. Eat. Maybe watch a movie.” He nodded, hand on Jessy’s thigh.

  “We’ll turn the next few weeks into a busman’s holiday, yeah? Follow the meets, swim, visit the cities, relax.”

  “Oh. Oh, that sounds perfect.” He hadn’t known how tense being here had made him, not until the offer of not being here was made.

  “Of course it sounds perfect—it was my suggestion.” Jess gave him a wink and chuckled, hands warm and good on him.

  “Yeah. You take such good care of me.”

  “It’s my job. And my pleasure.” He got a kiss to the top of his head. “All right. Inside. You need to shower first, get warmed up, and then you can pack. We’ll be out of here in a couple hours.”

  “Cool. I….” He looked at the front porch, frowning. “Jess? Why’s there a box by the door?”

  Jess growled. “I don’t know.” He picked up his phone. “Yeah, it’s Jess Turner. There’s a box on my doorstep. Thanks.”

  His lover turned to him. “One of the guys in the car’s going to check it out for us.” Jess nodded toward the front walk where a big guy was coming up to the door.

  “The guys….” He frowned, shook his head. “Who the hell is that, Coach?”

  “I hired a protection service. Just a couple of guys who sit out in their car up the road. I’d like to know why they didn’t already know about the package.”

  “Oh.” He just sat there, watching, blinking. “I want to go, Coach.”

  Jess nodded and pushed him back into his seat, did up his seat belt, and started the car up again. “We don’t need to see whatever it is. We can go to the airport, make our ticket arrangements, and I’ll get you settled there, hop back, and get our stuff.”

  “Okay.” He nodded, feeling fragile as fuck. “Okay.”

  Jess drove them away from the house without looking back.

  Chapter Eight

  JESSY STORED their carry-on luggage in the overhead and sat next to Mike.

  He’d gotten them on the next flight to Boston and then gone back and picked up their gear. A few toys, clothes for the next few weeks. He figured anything they didn’t have they could just buy.

  The box had turned out to contain a pig’s head, freshly slaughtered and pretty fucking bloody. The security team was dealing with the police and cleanup, and he and Mike weren’t going back until the cops had arrested whoever the fuck was doing this.


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