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Sugar & Spice

Page 2

by Lorelei Moone

  "Will I ever! It's like I've walked onto a photo shoot for Good Housekeeping."

  Clarice let out a chuckle and sat down on the bed. Lily joined her, suddenly finding herself lost for words.

  "This is going to sound weird..." Lily began. "But I had a hard time working out why you'd just drop everything to move here. I'm starting to figure it out now, though."

  "Ha, you thought I'd lost my mind, admit it!" Clarice teased, and then her tone turned more serious. "The thing is, when you just know that something feels right, why fight it?"

  Lily stared down at her feet. She had to admit she felt rather silly now. "Well, what would you have thought if you were in my shoes?"

  "The same as you, probably. That's why I was keen to have you over, even if it's just for a few days." Clarice squeezed Lily's arm. "How about we have a nice cup of tea? There's cake also."

  "Brilliant. I'll take a few minutes to get organized here and join you in... the living room?" Lily asked while getting up from the bouncy mattress.

  "Sure." Clarice smiled at her friend once more, and then she was out the door.

  Lily rubbed her eyes and let herself fall back against the pillows. She'd been so tense throughout the drive here, and for what? Clarice seemed genuinely happy with Derek. Lily had seen women who were trapped in relationships with controlling men, but Clarice didn't show any of the indicators that she didn't truly want to be where she was. But why had Clarice acted so weird when she was in London? Perhaps she'd just missed Derek. They were newly in love after all.

  The bed was so comfortable, Lily scarcely wanted to get up again. It was perfect actually, save for one detail – she’d be sleeping in it alone. Her mind wandered back to that single night of perfection and the stranger responsible for it. Stop it! Just because Clarice got a new man doesn't mean you need one, too!

  Lily was exhausted from the flight and then the long drive, but mostly from all the days spent worrying leading up to today, yet her thoughts wouldn't shut up. She still had a niggling suspicion that Clarice wasn't telling her everything there was to say about her relationship with Derek, but perhaps they'd have some time alone to have a proper heart-to-heart like they used to.

  Every muscle in Lily's body objected when she forced herself back upright. Tea would be just the thing to cure her current state. She quickly changed into something a little more comfortable and hid her still messy suitcase inside the huge wardrobe. Unpacking could wait.

  Luckily Aidan had had the foresight to rent a van rather than a car, so the five of them comfortably fit inside and still had room to spare for their luggage. Kyle sat all the way at the back on his own, ahead of him sat the two women: their colleague Heidi and Alison, whom Kyle didn't know very well. That left the passenger seat for Jamie Abbott, the man in charge of the Edinburgh Alliance task force, while Aidan sat behind the wheel.

  The drive was quiet for the most part and yet Kyle knew the others were probably chatting their way to glory, covertly. They were mated couples; that much was obvious. Even though everyone had been very discreet, Kyle wasn't stupid, he just didn't care much for gossip, so he hadn't made a big deal out of any of it.

  All mated couples could communicate telepathically and Kyle's parents certainly could and often used that skill to their advantage. There was no reason why the two couples he shared the car with wouldn't be doing the same thing right now.

  He didn't mind, just as he didn't mind sitting all the way at the back on his own. He kept himself entertained by watching the scenery whiz by, or keeping an eye on the Alliance security system using his smartphone.

  Kyle wasn't much of a conversationalist, at least not unless the topic was something he was really passionate about, like technology, or even science fiction. Considering most bears – both brown bears or black like himself - were way more outdoorsy than he was, he didn't often find a lot in common with his peers.

  But that didn't matter. Kyle hadn't joined the Alliance to make friends or socialize. He was there to work for the greater good, to apply his knowledge of computers and other tech to the struggle shifters faced nowadays.

  The silly thing was, the reason he was sitting in this van full of colleagues wasn't work-related at all. They were heading up north to celebrate Christmas with Aidan's brother, of all things. The longer he thought about it, the less he knew what he was doing here.

  He rested his head against the cold window and kept staring at the dreary views outside. The wind and rain-lashed pine forest made way for barren cliffs rising from the surrounding soggy grasslands. It looked cold and inhospitable. He was thankful to be in a warm car instead of out there, but it was still a very far cry from the cozy mess of wires and computer screens he'd left behind in Edinburgh.

  Hours later, and under cover of total darkness, the car finally pulled into a driveway leading up to an old farmhouse. The brightly lit windows greeting them looked a lot more inviting than the countryside they'd had to conquer on the way.

  While everyone else eagerly got out, Kyle took an extra moment to double check that his bag was securely packed, so he was the last to approach the house.

  That's when he saw her.

  Everything made sense all of a sudden. Why he hadn't unpacked his bag at the office, why Aidan had invited him at the last possible moment. Everything had lined up perfectly to get him to come here and meet her. Or rather, to meet her again.

  His inner bear kicked and screamed, desperate to take over - something that was very rare for him. Kyle took a deep breath and was pleased to note that she'd recognized him, too. A neon sign couldn't have been more obvious to him than the scent of her elevated hormone levels hanging in the air. Then, of course, there was the look of utter shock on her face...

  "Hi. My name is Kyle," he said, all too aware that their night together had ended without either of them formally introducing themselves.

  "Lily," she whispered.

  Even her name was pretty.

  The tea had gone down well, as had the girl talk Lily and Clarice's discussion had evolved into. Derek was taking care of whatever one does on a farm, allowing the two friends some much-needed privacy. Things were starting to feel more normal, right up to the point that a horn outside alerted them to the arrival of more guests.

  "That'll be Derek's brother, Aidan," Clarice explained while rushing towards the front door. "And a few of his friends from Edinburgh. I'd better welcome them."

  Lily got up and observed their arrival from the safety of the front steps. The freezing winds had gotten worse since Lily's arrival earlier that afternoon, so she was grateful to be able to wait where she was. No way was she going to venture all the way out behind Clarice.

  Her heart started to beat faster as a man as huge and built as Derek unfolded himself from the driver's seat of the van parked beside hers. That was Aidan, probably. Shortly after, a blond woman joined him from the back seat. Next came another couple featuring an equally big man and woman with fiery red hair.

  What were the odds that every guy to arrive here was that tall and broad? Lily had never been to Scotland before today. Was it all that Highland Warrior heritage? Or had she accidentally found herself at the annual Nightclub Bouncer Christmas mixer?

  "Welcome, Aidan, everyone!" Clarice marched ahead, shaking hands and introducing herself to her new guests as Lily continued to look on. "Why don't you come in and we'll sort out who is going to sleep where later?"

  It was unlike Clarice, to be hosting a bunch of guests like this, half of whom were strangers, but she seemed in her element. If all of this wasn't enough to process, the last person to exit the vehicle nearly caused Lily to faint.

  She couldn't be sure at first; it was dark outside, after all, but when he finally turned in her direction, overnight bag in hand, she was totally certain. The black-haired athletic man staring up at her was the guy. Her stranger, whom she'd spent only a single night with about a month ago.

  Lily couldn't breathe. He'd had a hint of an accent, but she hadn't thoug
ht about it too much at the time because their physical connection had been too distracting. It made sense that he was Scottish.

  Frozen in place, she couldn't get a word out when Clarice introduced her to all the others. Aidan, Heidi, Jamie and Alison.

  She only had eyes for one of the guests...

  "Hi. I'm Kyle," he introduced himself at last.

  She swallowed hard when he took her hand and shook it. The glimmer in his eyes suggested he'd recognized her, too, but he wasn't about to advertise their history to his companions. It was like his fingers were on fire, and she had to force herself not to snatch her hand away instantly.

  "Can I get anyone something? Tea? Something a bit stronger?" Clarice asked, then turned to stare at Lily suspiciously.

  "Tea would be great," the red-haired woman said.

  "Yeah, for me too, please," the other female guest agreed. "No sugar."

  All of them entered the house, leaving their luggage behind in the hall.

  "Okay, great. Lily, mind giving me a hand?" Clarice insisted.

  Although her feet seemed to want to grow roots, Lily reluctantly followed Clarice into the kitchen, while the guests' chatter moved into the lounge.

  "What the hell was that?" Clarice asked, squinting as she scrutinized Lily's face.

  "Uhh..." Lily knew the game was up. There was no way she could brush this aside and pretend it had never happened. Still, she turned to fill up the kettle.

  "Oh no, you can't hold out on me now!" Clarice grabbed Lily's arm, forcing her to turn around again.

  "Remember I mentioned going away for work some time back?"

  "Manchester. I remember."

  Lily took a deep breath. Whatever. Better out than in. "I met a guy at my hotel. Things happened. I never thought I'd see him again, so I left before he even woke up the next morning."

  Clarice let out a chuckle. "Oh my - and of all the people to tag along with Derek's brother today..."

  "Honestly, what are the bloody chances of that?" Lily complained.

  "Maybe it's fate, eh?" Clarice playfully prodded Lily in the arm with her elbow, then took the kettle from her and put on the tea.

  "Hmm, I'm not sure I believe in that kind of thing."

  "You'll be surprised what you start to believe when you find the right person," Clarice teased.

  "I don't even know if I like him like that!" Lily exclaimed, but caught herself and lowered her volume by the end of her outburst.

  "Jeez. You should have seen the way you looked at him. And he at you, I should add!"

  "Still, I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone!" Lily insisted.

  "Of course. My lips are sealed but if I were you, I wouldn't count on being able to keep this a secret if you can't force your eyes back into their sockets while he's around."

  "What should I do?" Lily wondered out loud. "If this were one of your novels, what would you have me do?"

  "Depends. What do you want?"

  "I don't know," Lily whispered.

  "Don't do anything until you figure that out."

  It was sensible advice, but it didn't help Lily with how to face Kyle, who was perhaps dealing with a similar dilemma while waiting in the living room. Still, she couldn't very well hide in the kitchen all night, so when the tea was made, and more cake was laid out on a platter, Lily had no choice but to follow Clarice inside.

  She avoided eye contact as much as she could with Kyle, who seemed to be playing it cool as well, at least at first. In fact, in front of everyone else, he was the quietest of the lot. He hadn't been much of a conversationalist during their short encounter either, although it had been far from quiet.

  Everyone had been sitting around, getting acquainted for the better part of an hour when Kyle's resolve seemed to wear thin. Lily tried not to look, but every time she did glance in his direction, she found his deep black eyes staring in her direction. It was unnerving.

  Stop staring! She thought.

  Why ? A strange voice seemed to answer.

  She looked up at him in surprise, but he didn't waver. Two black eyes continued to pierce through her defenses.

  I don't even know you, not really .

  Lily couldn't explain how she knew, but she was absolutely certain he could hear her. There was something in the way he looked at her, a familiarity that she couldn't explain. They'd met as complete strangers, didn't even learn each other's names until about an hour ago. But somehow, that didn't matter, at least to him. There was a reason they hadn't been able to resist temptation that night in Manchester.

  How about we remedy that tonight? A glimmer of a smile appeared on his lips as his suggestion entered her mind.

  Why not? Why not give in tonight as well and get the chance to see where this might lead?

  Lily took a deep breath and glanced around the room, only to find Clarice winking at her. It didn't matter that they'd grown apart a little bit ever since she'd moved away, her best friend could still tell when something was going on. Lily smiled back at her nervously, then looked back at Kyle again. Okay.

  Despite the loudest of company, Kyle stayed quiet all evening. As did Lily.

  They were surrounded by people, but they might as well have been alone. While everyone else discussed everything ranging from the weather to the traffic on the way, Kyle and Lily were in their own little bubble together. Sitting at opposite ends of the room, ten feet apart, and yet they were able to communicate with ease.

  The telepathic connection Kyle had only heard spoken of had felt odd at first, but they soon got comfortable. It was so easy! No wonder all the mated couples he knew used this trick all the time.

  He wasn't much of a talker, never had been, but he was a thinker. There was always something going on in his head. Lily seemed to have a similarly active imagination though one thought kept recurring: how come I can hear you?

  The answer was complicated, so Kyle decided to keep his thoughts simple. He wondered how Derek had overcome the gap between what humans accept to be true, and reality. Lily had no idea what Kyle and the others really were. Would she be able to deal with the truth?

  Kyle knew the others had kept a low profile because a mixed relationship was not generally accepted by the Alliance, or other shifter groups for that matter. His own parents probably wouldn't approve. But from the second he saw her again, he knew there was no way he could let her go. That had been a mistake, and he wouldn't make it twice.

  For better or for worse, they had to cross this bridge sooner rather than later.

  Tonight. Tonight you'll learn everything there is to learn about me. Kyle thought.

  Lily smiled at him.

  She looked so sweet, innocent almost. She had no idea what was in store for her. He only hoped she would be able to adjust.

  Once dinner was over, and everyone was getting ready to retreat to their various bedrooms, Lily and Kyle decided to play it cool and wait. Heidi and Aidan were the first to leave the group and head to the holiday cottage Derek had prepared for them. Alison and Jamie, who had the other cottage, followed soon after.

  Then Lily announced she was planning to sleep early and left.

  Derek took a quick moment to show Kyle to his room, which was just down the hall from Lily's, and returned to the kitchen almost straight away, leaving the two of them alone with just a wall in between.

  He could sense Lily's presence, despite being in different rooms. He felt irresistibly drawn to her. The feeling was mutual, because shortly after Derek had gone, there was a careful knock on his door.

  "Hello?" Lily entered.

  "You have questions," Kyle said.

  She nodded, then looked away, a smile playing on her lips. "I'm not sure I have the patience to ask them, though."

  Kyle wasn't sure he had the patience for more conversation either.

  "Say, how about we talk in my room?" Lily stole a glance at the single bed in the center of the room.

  Kyle didn't need the ability to read her mind to know what she was
thinking. He put down the bag in his hands and followed her.

  Indeed, her room was a lot more comfortable, featuring a large double bed as well. Just what they needed.

  "You're not like other guys," Lily observed.

  Kyle shook his head. She was sharp; he had to give her that. His movements largely on auto-pilot, he approached her and cupped her face in his hands.

  She was cute, even if he hated the term normally. Those large green eyes and dimples in her cheeks made her smile look all the more radiant. He couldn't hold back any longer and dove in for a taste of those plump lips of hers.

  Sweet. Just like last time.

  As lean and athletic as he was, she was luxuriously soft and feminine. There was nothing at all he would change about her. She was the yin to his yang. The human to his animal, even if that aspect of him was normally quite subdued.

  He could shift right this second, and it would be effortless. Normally it wasn't all that easy for Kyle. Unlike the others, he felt much more in tune with his human side most of the time. His current state of mind was refreshing, so full of energy and strength.

  His heart was pumping so hard he could feel the blood rush through his entire body. Right now, with her, he felt invincible.

  "Why didn't I feel this way the first time around?" Lily wondered aloud between kisses.

  Kyle had nothing to say. Perhaps because they'd been drinking? Perhaps the time hadn't been right. Her half-open hungry eyes suggested she wasn't too concerned about getting all the answers.

  "Why did you leave in the morning?" Kyle asked instead.

  "I don't know." Lily melted into his arms.

  "Please don't do that again." The thought of losing her after tonight hurt more intensely than any physical injury ever could. He wouldn't be able to accept it, or survive it.

  "I don't know how I know, but I won't. Ever." Lily blinked a few times as if she was confused at her own response. Then she focused on his eyes and her demeanor changed again. Her eyes, previously a bright green, had darkened with need.

  His own reflection betrayed a similar heightened state of arousal. They couldn't resist each other anymore. They couldn't hold back.


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