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Sins at St Joseph's Academy: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (The Fallen Book 1)

Page 19

by MV Ellis

  “Anyway, how did you work it out? About Zeph and me, I mean?”

  “Honestly, I didn’t for sure, but I did guess that something serious went down on the night of Zeph’s party. You came out of there looking kind of shell-shocked, but also kind of... blissed out, like you’d just had the O of your life. I figured that was about the right mix of emotion for a guilt-ridden hate-fuck with the school’s number one alpha dog. Am I right, or am I right?”

  I cringe at her choice of words. It’s not that they’re not accurate; in fact, they’re scarily true. It’s just that hearing someone else say it seems to make it feel all the more real. Before now, unless I was actually in the same room as Zeph, I could almost pretend the whole thing was just a terrible bad dream. “You’re right.” She has no fucking idea.

  “I figured. Then there’s Zeph. His behavior is a dead giveaway.”

  “How do you mean?” Sometimes I think she has an overactive imagination—an uncanny ability to see shit that really isn’t there.

  “It’s like I said before…When he’s around you, he acts like a lion guarding its prey. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see him maul someone over you.” That’s Geneva, always one to bring the drama. It’s a massive exaggeration, but I guess I take her point a little. “It doesn’t take a genius to put the rest together. Which is good, because none were available. Only me.” She again laughs at her own silly joke.

  “Hahahaha. Very funny. But if you knew, why didn’t you say something before?”

  “I thought about asking you about it, but then I figured that you know where I am, when and if you ever want to talk, so I’d leave you to come to me. Then when I saw how close you were to breaking down in the bathroom, I knew I needed to stage an intervention, so here we are.” She shrugs as though the whole thing makes perfect sense, which it obviously does, by her logic.

  “So with Zeph, the signs were there, but Tyce, I did not see coming.” I did. I flush and squirm a little at the memory of him coming in my hand, while I did the same on his. I laugh mildly to myself about my lame double entendre.

  “What’s so funny?” Geneva looks at me as though I’m out of my mind, and maybe she’s right. It certainly seems that way lately.

  “Nothing. There’s literally nothing funny about this whole situation, but maybe it’s a case of if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry, and if I start crying there’s a very good chance I’ll never stop.” It made more sense when I said it to myself.

  “I get that. Been there done, done that, bought the souvenir mug and matching pen.” It occurs to me that I have no idea what she’s talking about, and I make a mental note to be a better friend to her in the future, starting with making sure that once she’s finished prying my secrets from me, I need to try to part her from some of her own.

  In the meantime, I fill her in on my “little” situation with Tyce.

  “The bottom line is that I like him. He’s nice. Or he can be. Sometimes. In a weird ‘The Fallen’ kind of way.”

  “Nice? Now I know you’re stressed out of your mind, and you’re definitely not thinking straight. Of all the things that any of those guys can be described as, nice is pretty much the last thing. Domineering? Yes. Alpha males to the max? Hell. To. The. Yes. Assholes? Goes without saying. Nice? Not so much.”

  To her credit, she does pretty well at hiding her shock, but not quite well enough. She has one of those faces that gives away a lot of what she’s thinking, so I hope poker’s not her thing.

  “Well, okay, so that’s Mr. Cross, and Mr. Le Claire, but what about the others?”

  “What about them?”

  “Well, they’re a pack, just like wolves, so what’s your relationship to the rest of them?”

  “I’ve never had any contact with the others.” She looks at me pointedly, arching an eyebrow, and seeming super serious all of a sudden. What the hell is going on? I sigh loudly. “Just Thunder,” I elaborate, reluctantly.

  I don’t think she’s going to stop laughing. “Girl, that’s thirty percent of the others, and seriously, three guys isn’t ‘just’ anything. Especially not those three guys. They’re—”

  “A lot?”

  “Mmm hmmm.” She nods, taking another pull on her drink.

  “You don’t need to tell me that, but honestly, with Tyce and Thunder, it could be something, could be nothing. Thunder and I haven’t even kissed…yet. Well, not for real, anyway.”

  “But you want to?”

  “ I don’t know. I mean, yeah... I guess? I really don’t know where or how he fits into the mix, I just know that there’s a spark there.“Wait. What do you mean you haven’t kissed for real?”

  “Well, kinda exactly how it sounds. It’s a long story, but the short version is that we kissed, but we were kind of faking it.”

  “Yeah, see, that makes no more sense than when you said it the first time, but the other way around, so I guess imma need the long version.”

  I relay the incident, omitting the part about what I was going in the library in the first place, but fearing she’d ask. Luckily, she’s too distracted by the rest of the story to get too hung up on that particular detail.

  “Okay, but tell me this.” She shifts her position a little, and fixes me with a steely glare. “Were there tongues?”

  “What? What kind of question is that?” I stare back at her, equally hard.

  “It’s my kind of question. Just humor me for a minute, and go with it. Tongues. Yay, or nay?”

  I sigh resignedly, and drop my head a little. “Yay.”

  “Right. Okay. And what about wood. Was there any of that?”

  “I assume you’re not talking about the library desks?”

  “Don’t be facetious, young lady, you know exactly what I mean. Was. He. Hard?”

  I do know. I’m just stalling for time, again. I nod slowly. “Affirmative. As rock.”

  “Hmm…and your panty situation…” What? “Are we talking Gobi Desert, or Niagara Falls?”

  “Huh? I don’t…I mean—”

  “Girl, where you wet?”

  “Jesus. This is…ugh, you’re as bad as he is…okay…yes, I was wet.”

  “So, circling back to your original assertion that the two of you were faking this kiss, I’m going to need you to point out the part that wasn’t real. Like…was it the intertwined tongues? Or maybe it was the way he was pitching a tent for you. Or how about the way you needed a change of underwear after the encounter, and have added images of naked Thunder to your bean bank.”

  Well, shit.

  “You know what you need?” Geneva asks, seeming to change the subject out of the blue. Not that I’m complaining; I really need the respite from her intense questioning. I swear to God, she’ll make a shit-hot detective one day, but right now, I’m glad to scuttle out from under her probing microscope and have her off my back for a while.

  I lift my head and gaze at her curiously. “A do-over on life? To reconsider my decision to ever come here? To leave?”

  “No! None of the above. Not even close.” She looks at me as though I’m demented. She’s not too far wrong.

  “What, then?”

  Her mouth stretches into a grin a mile wide. “A vibrator.”

  I laugh. What the fuck? “Why?”

  Geneva rolls her eyes. “What kind of question is that? You do know what a vibrator is, don’t you?”

  I roll my eyes right back. “Don’t be stupid. Of course I do.”

  “Then you know why you need one. Haven’t you ever used one before?” Her voice is low and she leans in, eyeing me with interest.

  I feel my cheeks burn. I don’t want to admit that I haven’t, but if I say yes, I’m sure she’ll know I’m lying.


  “Girl, what? You should. It feels so good. It helps relieve stress, too, as well as getting you off, of course.”


  “Yes! You need this in your life. Stat. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about,” she proclaims insistently,
nodding her approval of her own advice.

  I’m quiet for a few moments. “Do you have one?”

  Her smile makes an encore appearance. “No!” She straightens her posture proudly. She’s insane. I don’t understand her at all. Why would she recommend something so forcefully, if she doesn’t even use one herself? “I don’t have one. I have three.”

  “You have three vibrators?” Shocked doesn’t even begin to cover it.

  “Why not? I’m a woman with needs.” She shrugs. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  I shift my weight on the log awkwardly. “I know. It just seems... I don’t know. Forward or something. I didn’t even really know that girls our age used them.”

  “Sure we do, but I think more should. Like, as well as giving out free condoms, they should be handing out keyring dildos at Planned Parenthood. Maybe that way, some girls wouldn’t even need condoms, if they upped their self-love game, you know?” I wasn’t sure I did know, but I nodded anyway. “Anyway, once you get in on the act, you’ll seriously wonder why the hell they don’t issue them to girls on the onset of puberty, along with pads, tampons, and the ‘birds and the bees’ talk.”

  It was my mom who’d handled all of that for me back in the day, of course—my dad wasn’t about to get up and do anything useful, especially when Mom was around to do it and free him up to stick his head further into his bottle. The idea of Mom sitting me down and issuing me my coming-of-age vibrator would have been funny ordinarily, but under the circumstances, it just makes me feel like crying.

  I enjoy the comfortable silence that stretches out between us, and the lulling sound of the river running in the near-darkness.

  Before enrolling at St. J’s, I had no idea how relaxing it can be to be surrounded by nature. It’s not something I’ve done much before, but I’m thinking that maybe I should try to get out here more often. There’s something soothing about the fresh air and peaceful environment that helps me keep my emotions in check. For the time being, anyway .

  “Where did you get them?” I ask.

  “Randy, Roger, and Butch?” Geneva looks at me and takes a sip of her drink.


  “The dildos. They all have names,” she states, as though it’s the most obvious and usual thing in the world. She really is crazy. “I got them all online.”

  “Like where?”

  “Are you asking me for a specific recommendation for yourself?” She clanks her bottle against mine, grinning.

  I groan and take an enormous gulp of my own sickly sweet confection. I’m embarrassed as all hell, even if I know I should feel comfortable talking about anything with Nevie.

  “I’ll point you in the right direction. You definitely need something to distract you…” she trails off and clears her throat.

  “You’re right.” Not that three guys aren’t distracting enough—they totally are—but it would be good to find a way to get them off of my mind, for sure.

  I don’t let on that I strongly suspect that as soon as I get a vibrator in my hand, I’m going to press it to my pussy and imagine its Zeph’s, or Tyce’s, or Thunder’s dick slowly entering me, instead of just a toy.

  I can’t deny that, though they may be assholes, they’re ridiculously pretty to look at. In fact, they’re by far the hottest group of guys I’ve ever encountered, and even though I try to fight it, when I close my eyes at night I can’t help but vividly picture Zeph’s strong jawline, his unnervingly piercing eyes, and his sly smirk right after he made me come that night at the party.

  I want to tell her that, even as she’s trying to cure me of my problem, I’m still fantasizing about the guy who’s making my life a living hell getting me off, but something makes me hold back.

  Geneva bumps my shoulder. “Give me your phone.” She yanks it from my hand without waiting for me to hand it over.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Staging an intervention. I’m going to find you the perfect battery-operated boyfriend, stat. This is urgent.” I swear to God she can read my mind. “Then you’ll never be too far away from the perfect dick.”

  I laugh. According to Zeph, the perfect dick is between his legs, but since I’m doing my best to stay away from that, and all other dicks in his friendship circle, a quick fix with a B.O.B will have to do.

  Chapter 26


  * * *

  “Boo!” I say the word right into Blake’s ear as I step in close behind her and clamp my hand hard over her mouth, dragging her backward into the shadows outside the school’s chapel.

  The hand is well timed to mask what was probably going to be an almighty scream. As it is, said scream ends up as a muffled groan, delivered into my palm.

  Blake bucks and kicks, thrashing around like a wild animal caught in a trap. Not too far from the truth, I guess in some ways.

  A few of her kicks and stomps manage to connect. She’s stronger than I gave her credit for, and I’m going to have to have a bruise or two tomorrow. Not that I give a fuck. I’ve dealt with worse from drinking injuries, and DDSWH—doing dumb shit while high. Not to mention football injuries. At this point I have almost zero feeling in the nerve-endings in my shins, anyway.

  “Jesus, calm down; it’s just me. I’m going to take my hand away from your mouth, and you’re not going to scream. Nod if you agree.” She nods. I let go, and she turns on me, fire blazing in her eyes.

  “What the fuck? You nearly scared me to death, you fucking asshole.” She begins swatting at me, slapping my chest and shoving my shoulders. I do nothing to stop her; in fact, every time her palm makes contact with my body, it fires up my dick a little more. If she punches me, I’ll be in danger of shooting my load right into my underwear.

  When she reaches out to strike my face, I grab her wrist before it connects, and squeeze it hard. I predict her next move, and grab the other hand before she even has a chance to raise it properly.

  “Cool it, Bambi. If you carry on like that, I can’t be held responsible for the things my dick compels me to do while horny.”

  “What? You’re a pig! Let me go.” She struggles against me, twisting and turning, and it’s like the best kind of foreplay, I only shut it down when I notice her raising her knee toward my junk. I move forward quickly, pressing my whole body into hers, and pushing her against the wall.

  “Now, now, that’s no way to treat someone who, yet again, is just trying to help you, is it?”

  “Are you out of your tiny little mind? Actually, don’t answer that. All of you guys are. You must also have a very different definition of the word help than I do, because I really fail to see how jumping me, and making me feel like I’m about to be murdered, helps me in any way.”

  “A little dramatic there, Bambs, but you’re right on some level. That’s not how I’m helping you. Talking to my fancy pants lawyer dad about your legal situation, however, is.

  “What? Why the hell didn’t you say something?” Her whole physical stance shifts from angry to anxious as she speaks.

  “I just did.”

  “You know what I mean, you dick. You jumped me, and had me believing I was in danger for no fucking reason.”

  “And like I said, you’re overreacting.”

  “Am I? Where did you even appear from? You always seem to just ‘coincidentally’ be there whenever nobody else is. Are you fucking stalking me?”

  “I wouldn’t call it stalking, but I wouldn’t say it’s a coincidence, either. Let’s just say we like to keep tabs on our interests.”

  “Interests. What the fuck? Maybe your nickname should be Danger, not Thunder.”

  “I’m not a danger to you, Bambi. Never have been. Quite the opposite, actually.

  “Then why the fuck are you leaning on me like this?” Her irritation is increasingly evident in her voice.

  “Oh, that’s absolutely because I’m so fucking horny right now, it’s either this or fuck you into next week right here outside the chapel. This old font is the perfect h
eight to bend you over.”

  “Jesus. You’re an animal. You all are.”

  “You won’t hear any arguments about that from me, Bambi. And as an animal, I have needs and urges I can’t always control.”

  “What the hell? What about me?”

  “You’re an animal too. Everyone is. We all have urges, and I know I can satisfy yours.”

  I push my hips upward, shoving my stone-hard dick against her.

  “Ugh. You pig. Get off me. I meant, do I get a say in this at all?”

  “Sure you do, but are you going to stand there and tell me you don’t want me?”

  “I don’t.” She shoves at my chest, and I thrust into her again.

  “That’s not what your body says. In fact, your dilated pupils are telling a totally different story. Haven’t you been paying attention in Human Bio classes? The body never lies.” I lower my mouth to her neck and hover my lips against it so they are close, but not quite touching. “It’s okay to want something you think you shouldn’t, including me.”

  With my body pressed flush to hers, I can read her reactions like a book, and as I say the words, the tension radiating through her seems to fade away, and, rather than pushing me away like before, she melts against me, like ice-cream on a July day.

  “What do you want, Thunder?”

  “Apart from you, you mean?”

  “Yeah, apart from that.” She leans further into me and squirms a little.

  I shift my knee between her legs, then nudge them wider apart before lifting it to rest against her panty-clad pussy. I wait a few beats, then lift it higher, pushing harder against her clit, then pause again, waiting for her reaction. To my dick’s delight, she begins rotating her hips slowly, grinding against my knee.

  “I talked to my dad. He said you should go to the police, but be strategic about it.”

  She stops moving, and I fear that the spell has been broken.

  “Strategic. What does that even mean, in this context?”

  “He says your concerns for your mother’s safety aren’t completely outlandish, and that if your father is in some way connected to her disappearance, then there’s a chance he may try to disguise that fact, if he thinks the police are getting involved.”


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