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Hearts of Grey

Page 8

by Earl E. Gobel

  “What are they doin’ here? And you, you tried to rape me. My daddy will see that you go to jail for a very long time,” she said as she pointed at Rick.

  Her dad and mom just stared at her in total disbelief. Nobody said a word.

  “Susie, shut up! Just shut up. It’s over. Your mom and I know everything,” her father told her.

  “Then you know that he tried to rape me, Daddy, don’t you?” she asked.

  Nobody said a word. They just waited.

  “What? You believe them over me? I’m your daughter. Mom, you believe me, don’t you?” Susie asked.

  But her mom didn’t answer. She just turned her head.

  “What did you tell my parents, you sons of bitches?” she yelled the three of them.

  “Susan Marie, you watch your language. You might act like a tramp outside of these walls, but in my house, you’ll conduct yourself like the lady. Is that clear?” her father stormed back at her. “What in this world have you become? You’re not the sweet little girl that we raised into a lady. Just look at this boy’s face. I said look at it! He’ll have scars for the rest of his life all because of you. And all of this over a boy that just wanted to be friends!” he yelled at her.

  “They’re lyin’, Daddy. Don’t yell at me. He did, Daddy. He tried to rape me. Mommie, Daddy?” Susie cried as she looked for someone that might be on her side. There wasn’t anybody.

  “It’s over right here, right now. Do you understand me, young lady. It’s over. Forever!” her dad yelled at her.

  “But, Daddy, I swear I didn’t do whatever they’re sayin’ that I did. Goddamn it, listen to me!” Susie yelled.

  Susie turned to look at her mother just as her mother’s hand came crashin’ along the side of her face. Susie wasn’t expecting it at all. The force knocked her off balance as she fought to stay on her feet. She just looked at her mom with a look of total disbelief as she held her hand over the side of her face.

  “You will not use the Lord’s name in vain, not in this house! And if you ever do it again, you’re going to remember what a good bar of soap tastes like,” her mother told her.

  “Well, if you’re not going to call the cops on Rick, then I will. I’m telling you the truth. I swear, Daddy,” Susie proclaimed.

  “Go ahead, call the cops. If you’re that stupid, then by all means, go right ahead. Because I’ll tell them the truth. And you’ll be the one going to jail, and not this fine young man. So go ahead, you know where it is,” her dad told her.

  “I hate all of you!” she screamed as she ran up the stairs to her room.

  “Good ’cause I’m not too fond of you right now either!” her dad yelled back.

  Mike started to stand up when Susie’s dad turned and looked at him.

  “I know that you know about what Mr. Petersen told you. I’m not proud of it, but it is what it is. So this will all remain here between us, right? I mean that is why you came here, isn’t it?” he asked.

  “I came to the one person that could handle all of this without the authorities being involved. Your little situation had very little to do with it. But I will say this, and I think that I’m speaking for all of us, thank you for doin’ what you knew had to be done as far as your daughter goes,” Mike told him.

  “Well, you’re all welcome, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to go pull a few switches off of the tree. Someone needs a whipping, real bad,” he told them as he walked out to the kitchen and went out the back door, leaving the three of them alone with Susie’s mom.

  “We’re so sorry that all of this had to happen this way,” Katie told her.

  “Please stop! What is a mother supposed to say when she finds out that her only daughter, or only child for that fact, is not only capable of such thoughts but being capable of acting those sick acts out against another human being or, worse, against a friend? Please leave us alone to deal with Susie on our own terms, okay?” she asked them.

  “Sure, we understand. We’ll being going but I’d like to know that you and your husband are going to be okay after we leave,” Mike told her.

  “Oh, you’re worried about the switches? Don’t worry yourself. He’s more than likely just outside on the porch, trying to figure out where we went wrong. Trust me, we’ll be fine. Susie might deserve a good switchin’, but I think she might be a little too old for it, you think?” she asked them.

  “Well, I think I’ll let you two figure out the best answers for yourself. Thank you again, and we’re really sorry it had to come to this. Mike told her as he walked outside with Katie and Rick right behind him. As they walked to the car, all of them felt a little relief and even more regrets that they had to confront her parents like that. And Katie was surprised to find out that she was really worried about Susie too, but she didn’t know why.

  About ten minutes after they had left, Susie’s dad came in the house with several heavy-duty switches from their tree.

  “These will do the job I bet ya,” he told his wife.

  “You’re really going to whip her with those nasty things?” she asked him.

  “Well, I figure if we had used them earlier, then we more than likely wouldn’t be where we are now, would we?” he told her as he headed up the stairs.

  And she knew that he was right as usual.

  Rick dropped Katie and Mike off at the entrance to Matterson House. They offered to go with him to the hospital, but he decided just to go home instead. As they walked up the walk, Katie asked, “So what did you know about Susie’s father that made him help us?” she asked.

  “Oh, nothing really, but it’s not important. What’s important is that you’re safe,” he told her.

  “Oh, Michael, you’re so sweet, always putting me first. You’re a true southern gentleman,” she said.

  “Yeah, well, I do have my moments, I guess. I’m only doing what’s right. But you know, that even with everything that Susie did, or was planning on doing, I kind of feel sorry for her. I mean to be in her shoes must be very painful indeed,” he told her.

  “I know what you mean. I felt sorry for her too, still do in fact. But she needs some serious help. I mean, she was talking about causin’ me to have an accident and all,” she answered.

  “Yeah, true, but look at it this way, right now she needs more than having some doctor asking her what makes her tick on the inside. What she truly needs right now are some good friends,” he told her.

  “If you’re hinting around about me being Susie’s friend, the answer is no. ‘Ain’t going there. You saw what she did to Rick’s face. ‘Ain’t giving her a chance at mine,” she replied.

  “Of course not, I was just saying what she needs,” he answered.

  “Well, I would hope not. You have to remember that both of her parents called it as they saw it. Her dad thought Rick had tangled with a bobcat, and her mom said a mountain lion, remember? They painted a very accurate picture of her stalking her prey and then pouncin’ on it for a kill,” she told him.

  “Well, you’re right, but her and I have been friends a long time, and I feel sorry that there’s nobody on her side, is all,” he added.

  “Well, feel sorry for her if you want to, but do it from a distance. Wild animals are just that—wild,” she pointed out.

  Grady was standing on the porch watching them as they stood there talking. “So are you going to stand there all night or just most of it?” he asked.

  “Oh, hi, Daddy! No we’re just talking about some personal stuff,” she told him.

  “Hi, Grady,” Mike added.

  “Hello there, son! So what are you two talking about that’s so gosh darn important?” Grady asked.

  Katie and Mike filled Grady in on everything that happened, excluding the part about Susie wanting to harm Katie. Daddies don’t need to know everything all the time. Grady took it better than Mike had expected, well, almost.

  “She did what to his face? Sounds doggone nasty if you ask me,” he told them.

  “Well, thanks to my knight in sh
ining armor our dealings with Ms. Susie Barnes is over and done forever,” she told him.

  “Did you say Barnes? Like B-A-R-N-E-S?” he asked.

  “Yeah, Barnes. Why do you ask?” Mike asked.

  “Oh, no reason, but her dad wouldn’t be a banker or associated with the banks, would he?” Grady asked.

  “Well, yeah, but how did you know that?” Mike asked.

  “Well, I’ll be darn, it’s a small world, ain’t it? He never said anything about Columbia, South Carolina, by chance did he?” Grady kept pushing for more information.

  “Well, now that you mentioned it, I do recall Susie saying something about Columbia, but I’m not sure. But where are you going with this, Grady?” Mike asked right back.

  “Well, let’s just say that if I’m right and this is the right Barnes, your little tiff with the Barnes ain’t over, not at all. In fact, it may very well be just getting started,” he told them.

  Katie knew what Grady was talking about, but Mike had no idea whatsoever.

  “Okay, you’ve got me. Just what are you talking about? I don’t like being left out,” he told Grady.

  “I can’t tell you anything just yet. Got some more figurin’ to do, but soon, I’ll be able to tell you everything, okay?” Grady told Mike.

  Mike started to ask him again, but Katie cut him short. “Mike, you’ll just have to put your faith in my daddy. Trust me. I know. When we’re ready, I’ll tell you everything. I promise. Please don’t ask, okay? My daddy knows what he’s doing, and for your sake, you have to be left out in the dark for a little while longer. Okay?” Katie told him.

  “So you know what he’s talking about?” Mike asked her.

  “Yes, I know almost as much as my daddy does, but I can’t tell you, not yet. I want to. I really do, but I just can’t,” she told him.

  “Michael, how would you like a chance at rewriting history, American history?” Grady asked him.

  “Rewriting American history? But how?” he asked.

  “Well, if what Katie and I know is true and we find what we’re looking for, the history of America, or at least the South, will be rewritten,” Grady told him.

  “Just what in the Sam Dickens are you two getting at? If you find what you’re looking for? What could you possibly be looking for that will somehow rewrite American history?” Mike asked again.

  “Okay, I’ve already told you way too much. But if you give me a few more days, I’ll explain everything to you, everything. Deal?” Grady asked.

  “You’re not going to tell me any more, are you? Even if I beg?” Mike asked.

  “Not even if you begged like an old coonhound, and Katie won’t either. So please just trust me, okay? All I’m asking for is a few more days. But you have to promise me that you’ll tell nobody, not even your parents,” Grady insisted.

  “It’s that big, huh? Rewrite American history? A few more days, what can I do but say okay I guess? But you know, my mind is wanderin’, don’t ya?” Mike asked.

  “Yeah, I’m sure it is, but not in the right direction I’ll bet ya. I promise you that if what my daddy has is true and we can put it all together, it will stir up some very dark secrets about a lot of people,” Katie told him.

  “Like the Barneses?” he asked.

  “Yeah, like the Barneses. You especially can’t tell them. They may very well be at the heart of all this, and they might even kill to keep it quiet. So like I said, if you think your little tiff with Susie is over, it may very well not be,” Grady told him.

  “Wow, now I’m really interested, but I really can’t tell anyone about anything that I know nothing about now, can I? Did that come out right? You two have my mind going ten different directions at one time. I’m totally confused,” Mike told them.

  “Good. Glad to hear it. However, I’m still not going to tell you anymore, but nice try,” Grady added. “So about your sister’s party, I’m planning on having it on Saturday ’cause most folks work and all. So how does that sound?”

  “Oh, that’s fine. Speakin’ of which, are you still going with me to the depot to meet her tomorrow?” Mike asked Katie.

  “You couldn’t keep me away even if you wanted to. Ya still want me to go, right?” she asked him.

  “Oh, yeah. I think Mom already filled her in about you and me. So I think she will be expectin’ ya,” he told her.

  “Really? Okay, now I’m nervous,” she said.

  “Don’t be. Just be you, and Melissa will love ya just like I do,” he told her.

  “Michael, you’re so sweet to say so, so I’ll try to look pretty,” she said.

  “Well, ya surely won’t have to try very hard. You’re pretty without any effort,” he told her.

  “Gee, and tell me again why I love you so much?” she asked.

  “Well, now that I think about it, it is getting late, so I’m going to call it a day and go home. And I’ll see you tomorrow morning about nine. The train arrives at ten. Okay?” Mike told her.

  “What? You’re leavin’? You weren’t done telling me how much you love me,” she said.

  “Well, if I were going to do that, I guess I would never be able to leave ya,” he replied.

  “Katie, let the young man go home for Pete’s sake. God, you’ll be seeing him soon enough. He ain’t going anywhere but home, so let him go already,” her daddy told her.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she answered, then she turned to face Mike. “My daddy told me to let you go, but I’ll be at your house at nine o’clock sharp. You’d better not be sleeping,” she told him.

  “I know, I heard him. He’s standing right there, and no, I won’t be sleepin’. Good night, Grady. You’ll have me thinking about American history all night, might not sleep a wink tonight,” he pointed out.

  “Well, if I’m right, a lot of people are going to go without sleep for a long time. Good night, son,” Grady told him.

  After Mike and Katie kissed each other good-bye, Grady and Katie watched him walk out of the gate.

  “Okay, Katie, we have some work to do. Come on,” he told her.

  “Did you find something else, Daddy?” she asked.

  “Oh, yeah, a lot of interesting stuff.”

  Melissa’s Homecoming

  The house was abuzz with activities as everyone fought to get ready. Nobody heard Katie as she knocked on the door. So she banged a little bit harder.

  “Hey, somebody get the door. I think it’s your girlfriend, Michael!” his mother yelled downstairs.

  Mike flew from the kitchen to the front door and found Katie standing on the front porch just staring at him with her arms crossed.

  “Michael, now you know that it’s not very polite to keep a lady waiting, don’t ya?” she asked him.

  “I’m sorry. Everyone is running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, and we’re trying to get ready and all,” Mike answered.

  “You did, didn’t ya? You overslept. I knew you would,” she said with a smile.

  “Yeah, well, if I did it, would be you and your daddy’s fault now, wouldn’t it? I was up all night thinking about what we talked about, you know rewriting American history and all,” he said in his defense.

  “Well, that may or may not be true, but don’t you think your sister deserves two socks that matched?” she asked him. He looked down to see a brown sock and a black one.

  “See what you did to me? Come on in while I finish getting dressed. Mom is in the kitchen, and there’s some fresh biscuits if you’re hungry, so help yourself. I’ll be just a moment,” he told her as he flew up the stairs.

  Katie walked into the kitchen where she found Annabelle sitting at the dining room table. She was the only one that was dressed and ready.

  “Well, good morning, Katie. My, don’t you look nice in the dress. Did you make it?” Annabelle asked her.

  “Oh, no, not me. I can’t hardly sew on a button, but my daddy ordered it through one of those catalogs, and just like that, six weeks later, it came in the mail,” Katie
told her.

  “Well, I only ask because it fits you so well. It’s very cute, and I just love the bow across the back,” she said.

  “Well, thank you very much. But I do wish to ask you a personal question if I may. I mean, woman to woman since it’s just the two of us, and the menfolk are busy getting ready and all,” she told her.

  Annabelle sat her coffee cup down and told Katie to have a seat. “So what’s the problem? Is everything all right?” she asked.

  “Well, it is right now, but I’m really worried. It’s Melissa. I’m afraid that she—well, what if she doesn’t like me or something?” Katie asked her.

  “Child, relax. She’ll love ya. And it would not surprise me one bit if you and her soon became the best of friends,” Annabelle told her.

  “Really, you think so? I really like your son, but I’m so nervous that . . . well . . . it just turns my stomach. I just don’t want to mess anything up,” Katie told her.

  “Well, first off, I’m not blind, Katie. I’m a mother. And as a mother, I can see things, and I know when something is happening to my children. And I can tell you right now that what you and Michael have goes a lot deeper than just liking each other. Ever since he met you, he’s been on cloud nine. But as far as his sister, Melissa, goes, you don’t have a single thing to worry about. Okay?” Annabelle told her.

  “Well, I’m sorry. I didn’t think my feelings for Michael was all that apparent, but I do love him. He makes me feel things that I’ve never felt before. Do ya know what I mean?” she asked.

  “Sure I do. And those feelings that you’re having, honey, that’s love. Kind of exciting, ain’t it?” Annabelle asked her.

  “Oh, yes, but do you really think he loves me too? I mean, this is all really new to me and all, but it’s scary too at the same time,” Katie explained.

  “Well, honey, you’ll just have to put your faith in God and follow your heart. You two will be fine. Trust me, okay?” she asked her.

  “I will, I promise. But I’m still really nervous about meeting Melissa for the first time and all,” Katie told her.

  “What are you nervous about?” Mike asked.


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