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Page 10

by Annalise Alexis

  Cool fresh air greets me beyond the sound barrier, and I make my way to the small area Sol mapped out for us to gather. Although my mate wishes to be involved, the other females outside of our sect still remain in their traditional role. They are to be protected, and as such, select Keepers will be summoned after the females have risen to allow them the chance to voice any concerns, then advocate on their behalf.

  “Greetings, Acia,” I hear in unison as I enter. It appears not all of the males slept. Many have been waiting in anticipation of my call. Impressive. Such discipline is rewarded.

  I press a fist to my chest. “Elias, Yun. Which of your males are on scout duty?”

  Yun is eager to answer. “Worg and Drix have searched the area, Acia. Outside of the wildlife, there are no other energy signatures or scents.”

  “And what of the two males punished?”

  Elias clears his throat. “We removed them from the wall. The scent of their blood was drawing the beasts to our location. They have been dealt with,” Elias spits, “accordingly.”

  I grunt in approval as the majority of the Illusian males enter the room. They do not sit, do not make themselves comfortable until I have given the word. It seems those I have placed in charge have trained them well.

  “Very well. Let us begin.”


  The thick hide of the blanket isn’t enough, so I pile on a second one and rub my hands together. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to stop shivering.

  “Where the hell are they anyway? It’s well past lunch and we haven’t seen them all day,” Leandra whines, snubbing her nose at the plate of food Naya sets in front of her.

  I narrow my eyes. “You need to eat.”

  “Nah, I’ll pass. I’m not hungry. Plus, the last thing I want to do is start barfing again.”

  Leandra pales slightly, then plops down beside me. She grimaces at the crumbs tumbling down my chin as I shovel the food into my mouth.

  “Back to your question, I’m not sure. They’re hunkered down somewhere in one of the tunnels. Unless they brought food, they should be back up here soon. You know how Ren gets when he doesn’t eat.”

  Leandra snorts. “Have you met Ragar? He’s unbearable.”

  “Yeah, I have. And thanks, by the way, for finally getting your shit together. Another week with you two at each other’s throats, and I would have jumped off the ship.”

  Amina giggles from behind me, and I gesture for her to join us. “Why are you all the way over there? Come sit with us.”

  Her cheeks blaze scarlet, and I lean in close. “What did I miss? Why are you blushing?”

  “Do you not see it, Ajayla? How they separate themselves from you?” She nods briefly toward the crowd of strange females and then drops her eyes. I risk a glance over my shoulder, trying to figure out what she means, when it dawns on me.

  “Is it special or something? That you’re sitting with me?” I ask, still a bit confused. It only takes one look at Linara to realize why. She has herself propped up on an elevated pallet, and won’t so much as look at anyone not directly in her sect. She acts like human royalty.

  How fucking ridiculous.

  “Are you telling me all these females want to come talk to me, but won’t? How are they supposed to throw me a party, or whatever, if they’re all so shy?”

  Amina smiles fondly. “Not shy. Our people are very far from that. But it is out of respect that they do not approach you. It is customary for you to approach them. Really, the Asha should have led with a formal introduction,” she lowers her voice, “but since that did not happen, none of them have given you a customary first greeting. It would be seen as too forward for them to speak to you openly.”

  My mouth goes dry. I feel terrible. I figured there must have been a reason that none of them spoke to me, but I never imagined it was because they likened me to Ren’s mom.

  “Okay, new plan.” I set my spoon down and jump to my feet, then yank Amina and Leandra to theirs. “We’re going to go meet people. Each and every one of them. Plus, we still haven’t met Dreya’s other kids.”

  “But should we wait for the Acia?” Amina squeaks out.

  Come to think of it…why are the males discussing the future of this group by themselves? And why aren’t the females included? Naya is here, along with the rest of the Keepers. Didn’t Ren say they were the “voice of the females”? How are they adequately representing the females if they aren’t even included?

  “You know what? Let’s go get him. Fantastic idea, Amina.”

  She flinches slightly at the irritation in my voice. “With all due respect, Aciana. I did not mean—”

  “Of course you didn’t. This is all me. Come on. I need your nose to show me where the males are. With my luck, if I went alone, I’d get eaten.”

  We don’t make it ten steps before Naya is at my side. Right on time. “Ajayla, where are you going? I am under strict orders from the Acia not to let you out of my sight.”

  “Awesome. You can come along, too. We were just on our way to ask Ren and the other males for an update.”

  The chatter in the room quiets, and I suddenly realize we’re being watched. Oh hell, I guess there’s no going back now.

  Naya stands a little taller as she guides us outside the barrier, her weapons drawn.

  She takes a generous lead, scouting quickly, before returning to my side. “You know this is not our way, Ajayla? Interrupting the males while they discuss the future of our clan.”

  I smile and look over my shoulder at Amina, Dreya, and Xandria, who have refused to leave my side. Leandra, of course, pushed on ahead, but not far enough to make Naya uncomfortable. “Yes. But wasn’t it you who said mandates and rules can be changed?”

  She nods, her crimson gaze still scanning for threats. “Indeed, I did.” She looks to Leandra who’s gone a little too far, and commands her to stop. Only after one hell of an eye roll does my best friend slow down and wait for us to catch up.

  She gets so moody when she doesn’t see Ragar for a while.

  Fifteen minutes and enough turns later to convince me I’d have never seen the light of day again if I had gone without Naya, we arrive where the males are meeting. Ren and Ragar are halfway out the opening by the time it comes into view.

  “I did not feel your distress, Skara. Is something wrong?”

  Butterflies tumble around in my belly at the look of concern in his eyes. I love it when he fawns over me. I give his hand a little squeeze and keep walking past him into the meeting space. Like I could turn them to stone, the males all drop their gazes, some even closing their eyes.

  “What is the meaning of this, Acia?” the Illusian male with half a lip asks.

  Ren stirs in my mind. And along with the steady stream of disapproval I feel thrumming down our bond, I also feel…amusement. I’m finally wearing him down.

  “It appears my mate has come to get a formal update on our findings.”

  Ren’s words are met with silence. “Does no one see fit to satisfy their Aciana’s curiosity?”

  “May I have permission to address her, Acia?” an unfamiliar voice asks. Ren’s nostrils flare slightly, almost as if he is scenting the male’s intentions.

  “You may. You all may look upon her when speaking. Touch her and die.”

  The male swallows hard and pounds his fist against his chest. “Of course, Acia. On my honor.” His chin rises a fraction before his gaze meets mine. “We have decided, Aciana. The Acia will risk the beasts outside and return to the ship to interrogate the male called Xen. Sol has also found record of the name mentioned in the video you uncovered.”

  Ren grunts, satisfied with the summary, then looks to me.

  “I have an idea. Let’s move this party to the big room so everyone can hear.” Ren clenches his jaw, and I continue on before he can tell me no. “Look, I know that it isn’t customary. But we met together to change things, right? To make them different. To finally give the Inokine—”

  “And the
humans—” a deep voice in the back says, right before a snarl rips from Ren’s throat.

  “Step forward, dissenter,” Ren grinds out between clenched teeth. The male is shoved forward by those around him until he stands in the middle of the room. The air heats with Ren’s fury, and Naya steps in front of us, herding us back several steps. Unease settles heavy in my chest, and my heart beats wildly. I know this situation calls for punishment and Ren to show his brute strength, but what about mine? Women—females in general, really—are respected for their bodies, but what about their minds?

  I hold my breath and shove past Naya, immediately putting Ren on high alert. He wedges his body in front of me to shield me from the group, but I’m not having it. These males need to know I have something to say, and no matter how many snotty remarks or growls I get, I’m going to freaking say it.

  Ren’s gaze bores into mine, and although I know he wants to stop me, he doesn’t.

  The entire room of males risk Ren’s wrath to look at me as I duck under his arm and come to stand face to face with the unfamiliar Illusian male. “You have something to say to me? Say it.”

  He puffs out his chest and spreads his feet wide, almost as if to brace himself against Ren’s wrath. “Humans—your kind— are just as responsible for the filth that plagues my people as the Inokine themselves. Yet, you stand here, alongside us, and expect that we share our plans with you.”

  “Skara…” White hot rage explodes down our bond, but still Ren doesn’t intervene. He’s letting me prove my strength. And damn if I don’t love him more for it.

  “Yes.” I jut out my chin and meet his steely gaze. “Humans are responsible for much of what’s happened to our people. And I, too, am determined to make them suffer for what they’ve done. But don’t be stupid. I’m no weak wallflower and neither are your females. They deserve to know what’s going on.”

  They all look to Ren, and I clap my hands over my head, pissed they still aren’t listening to me. “I’m your Aciana, right? So, I don’t need his approval. We’re moving this discussion in there with the females whether you like it or not.”

  The air is thick with tension. Ren and the other warriors did exactly as I asked. They all came back into the main gathering room and have been huddled together for the last hour and a half. While the Keepers stand guard, the females within earshot are listening, some bored and disinterested, others hanging on every word.

  Linara remains in the corner, openly staring at me. And she keeps whispering back and forth with a tall, leggy, brunette I’ve never seen. Both females glare at me, and the urge to give them the finger is strong.

  Keep your cool, Jayla. Don’t let them get to you.

  Finally done discussing matters amongst themselves, Ren and the other males stride forward to address the group.

  “It was brought to my attention that there were benefits to sharing the strategy we discuss, so from now on, any significant decisions will be completed in the presence of those females who choose to attend. Despite the beasts that roam outside and the risk of exposure, I will venture back to my ship to interrogate the traitor, Xen. You all will stay, as previously commanded, in this cave until such time as we are ready to leave. Sol is currently following up on a lead discovered by my mate. The rumors of breeding experiments sanctioned by the Universal Community appear to be true. It also seems the humans themselves were responsible for altering the Inokine females’ ability to breed. For this reason, it has been decided that when we locate the male responsible for the horrendous crimes that have been done to our people, I myself will bleed him until he begs for mercy.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  The torch light flickers over Jayla’s face, making her appear ethereal, and I cannot look away. Braids hang heavy down her back, and her face is painted the color of fresh snow. She looks happy, at ease, as she dances beside the human mechanic.

  Our mating customs, staunch as they may be, allow for a certain level of frivolity. The ceremony is one that only mated pairs can attend, and it is with deep respect that each couple participates. It exists solely for an Illusian male to celebrate his mate and Illusian females to enjoy the camaraderie. With each ceremony, all mated couples are honored.

  Because of my position, our union is celebrated more than a normal pairing, but the sentiment still exists.

  The females dance, and each male keeps his eyes on his mate. They do not stray to another or risk getting them plucked out by the female herself.

  The unknown of Xen’s mind calls to me. And almost as if she hears it herself, my mate saunters over and collapses against my lap.

  She pouts, sticking out her bottom lip, and the urge to suck it into my mouth is nearly unbearable. “Is it time already?”

  The paint on her face has started to peel around the edges, flaking into her midnight hair. I brush the bits away and claim her lips. “Yes. I must interrogate him.”

  “You’re coming back, right? Seriously, you deserve to have a little fun. I haven’t seen you this relaxed, well… ever.”

  “I will. This celebration will continue into the night, and when it is over, I will carry you away from prying eyes and ears and lose myself inside of you until my ache for you is sated.”

  My cock stiffens as Jayla presses the seam of her ass along its length.

  “Promise?” she asks, grinding against me. I fist my hands, knowing that if I allow myself to feel her curves, I will lose my desire to leave. She is everything, and when she is near, no other thought takes precedence in my mind.

  “I swear it. Now go dance alongside your friend and enjoy yourself.”


  The heat of the torches has killed the nagging chill in the air, but after being stuck next to them for the last thirty minutes, I swear my skin’s going to melt off. The ceremony is almost over, and the final ritual calls for me to kneel while all the females dance around me. It’s really sweet, and I love that they’re honoring me, but holy shit, it’s hot.

  Trying to catch a glimpse of Leandra, I peer through the jovial mass of females, but can’t find her. She tuckered out about an hour ago and went to lie down with Ragar on their pallet. She still isn’t feeling well, and since Amina didn’t bring the ingredients for her tea, she has nothing to stop her from throwing up if she starts again.

  My muscles are aching, telling me it’s time to go to bed, but Ren hasn’t returned, so no one has had the final meal of the night yet. I just want to eat and pass out.

  I nearly groan in relief as Naya enters the circle and pulls me to my feet. My legs are shaky at first, cramping from the strain of sitting in one place too long. Naya cups her hands over her mouth. “With the ceremony coming to an end, it is time to collect the unmated and serve the final meal. The Acia will be longer than expected and has instructed me not to wait.” A chorus of pouty whines ring out as the females go to their respective mates. “Ajayla, do you wish to come with me, or do you wish to stay while I retrieve the others?”

  “Definitely stay here. Why?” I’m completely spent. There’s no way I’m taking another step before I get some food in my belly.

  “The Acia instructed me to keep watch, but Ragar and the human mechanic have agreed to keep you in their sights while I retrieve Amina and the others.”

  I look around at the room full of Illusians and am again drawn to the scowl on Linara’s face. The female from earlier is still beside her, both giving me equal helpings of side-eye.

  “Hey, Naya? Before you go. Who’s that?”

  She answers without bothering to look. “She is called Atiri, one of Elias’s unmated.”

  “What? Why does she get to be in here, but Amina and the others weren’t allowed?” I know I sound like a total snot, but Amina and Xandria were really bummed about not being able to come. I don’t get why someone who obviously doesn’t like me gets to enjoy my celebration and my friends don’t.

  “It is my understanding she has spoken with the Asha and stated she wishes to announc
e her interest in a male. It is uncommon for a female to do the choosing, but not unheard of. Most Illusian females are far too shy to risk the chance of being refused, but from what I have seen, Atiri seems to be more dominant than most.”

  A snort escapes, catching the attention of several females nearby, and I lower my voice. “That’s an understatement. Go on. I’ll be fine. Ren should be back soon anyway, right? I’ll go check on Leandra.”

  “Keep to yourself, Ajayla. I mean it.”

  Following her as she exits, I keep a corner of the barrier open to allow some fresh air in. I’m still sweating bullets. Between being hot, hungry, and aware of the constant glares thrown my way from Ren’s mom and Atiri, I’m starting to get pissed. On any given day, my attitude gets me in trouble, but when I go without food? I go from sweet to savage in zero seconds flat.

  After a few minutes, the chill becomes too much, and I start back to my pallet but stop when Linara’s superiority-laced tone echoes through the room. “Aciana, would you entertain us for a moment? Atiri wishes to speak to you.”

  I grit my teeth and exhale slowly in an attempt to control my irritation. Those two have been nothing but rude, and I swear, if she asks me for some sort of approval, I’m going to explode. If you’re going to be a jerk, don’t expect any favors.

  Checking my anger, I walk over just as the unmated females begin filing through the door.

  “What can I help you with Asha Linara?” I ask with a tight-lipped smile.

  Her violet eyes sparkle in amusement as Atiri saunters over and stands directly at my side. She’s a good foot taller than me, and the gesture feels… aggressive. I back up a few steps to give myself some room, and she follows me. What the hell is this?

  “I wish to declare my interest, Aciana.”


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