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Rage of Rattus Norvegicus

Page 8

by L. S. O'Dea

  “I’m going to try.” Pepper’s eyes met his.

  This was the first time he’d ever seen her frightened.

  “How? Why?” Prin stared up at him. “Thank you.” A large tear ran down her cheek.

  “Anything for you.” He wiped it away.

  Pepper’s breathing hitched and she sniffled. He glanced up and there were tears in her big, brown eyes. “Rufus...”

  “How is she?” He needed the focus on Prin not the past.

  Pepper took Prin’s temperature and pulse before digging in her bag and pulling out a bottle of pills. She put two in her hand. “Water.”

  Lee handed her a small can. “Don’t let her have more than a sip or she’ll throw it up.”

  “Okay.” Pepper turned to his sister. “I need you to take these. They should help with the fever and pain.”


  He lifted her and Pepper put the pills in Prin’s mouth. His sister swallowed them with a sip of water.

  Pepper handed the can back to Lee. “The pills need to get to her stomach. Wait thirty minutes and then give her a sip of water every ten minutes. If she keeps that down after an hour let her have two sips and so on.” She raised her hand and Jimbo grabbed it, helping her to her feet. “Give her two more pills when it gets dark and two again in the morning.”

  “Thank you.” He put the pill bottle down by Prin’s bed and stood. “I mean it.”

  Pepper tipped her head toward the door and walked over there. He and Lee followed her and Jimbo.

  “Rufus, she needs a doctor. She’s very sick.” Pepper’s tone was hushed.

  “But the pills...”

  “Won’t cure her. They’ll mask her symptoms. You need to see Doctor Kalper.” She took his hand. “Let me talk to him. Trust me. Please.”

  “I...can’t.” They couldn’t risk it.

  “She’s going to die if she doesn’t get help.”

  “No.” Lee shook his head but his face was wracked with fear. “She can’t. I won’t let her.”

  “Rufus.” Pepper tugged on his hand and led him outside. She turned to her mate. “Jimbo, wait for me inside, please.”

  Jimbo shot Rufus a dirty look but walked into the building.

  Rufus wanted to follow him. He didn’t want to be alone with her. Too much had changed.

  “I’m sorry about us. About what I said.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” It hurt, but they could never be together, not now.

  “It does. I want you to know that I didn’t lie to you. At the time, I was so young and I didn’t want any responsibilities.”

  “That changed.”

  “Yeah, it’s been years. I grew up.” She squeezed his hand. “You had to do that early and you were...are a great brother. The best.”

  “Not the best. Look what happened.” His voice cracked from the pain in his chest. He’d failed them.

  “What did happen to all of you?”

  “I told you. An Almighty in a lab gave us shots and we...” He looked down at their hands—his long and slender with sharp claws and hers, the normal shape for a Guard. It was an affront to Araldo that she even touched him. He tugged but she held firm.

  “This wasn’t your fault but if you don’t let me bring the doctor and she dies, it will be your fault. You have to trust me. Trust Dr. Kalper.”

  His exhale was shaky. It went against everything in him to trust an Almighty, but he nodded.

  “Good. I’ll talk to the doctor tonight when he gets home.” She squeezed his hand again. “Don’t worry. I’ll convince him to come by tomorrow.”

  “We’re not going to be here.”


  “We have to move. Too many saw us coming from your place.”

  “Are you in trouble?”

  “The Almighty who did this to us wants us back.” His hand trembled in hers. “He wants to finish what he started.”

  “Oh, Rufus.” She hugged him and he rested his head on her shoulder and wept.

  She was soft and warm and he’d been happy with her. She’d loved him before and he still loved her. He wanted to stay in her arms but couldn’t. They were done, over, but perhaps they could be friends of a sort. He straightened, wiping the tears off his face with the back of his hand.

  “Let me know where you move.” She wiped her eyes.

  “There’s another abandoned building on the other side of this lot. It’s closer to the Servant part of town, but that might make it safer for us. Servants didn’t see us.” He pointed across the parking lot. “Go through that alley. Keep going until it ends. We’ll be in the third building on your left.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow and I’ll bring you some food.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Stay safe.” She hugged him again.

  He inhaled her scent, storing it in his memory. No matter how much he changed, he’d never forget her.


  Rufus sat next to Prin in the abandoned building, her hand tucked in his. It was Lee’s turn to stand guard, but he couldn’t sleep. Prin’s breathing was steady and her fever seemed a little less but she still wasn’t drinking much.

  The trip to the new location had been hard on her but it’d been necessary. They’d have to worry about stray Servants but only for today. As soon as the doctor was done examining Prin, they’d leave. They couldn’t risk staying in any location once someone saw them. They didn’t exactly blend in any more.

  He picked up the rag, dipped it in the cup of water and ran it across her chapped lips, making sure that several drops of water fell into her mouth. It was the only way she kept the fluid down.

  “Someone’s coming.” Lee glanced at him from the doorway.

  “It’s too early for Pepper. She and the doctor would never travel to this part of the city in the dark.” The sun hadn’t even risen yet.

  “There are carriages and they’re coming our way.”

  He jumped up and ran to the door, tipping his head and sniffing. He couldn’t smell anything but Grunts and wood but carriages meant Almightys.

  “Would Pepper’s doctor bring more than one carriage?”

  “No.” He hurried to Prin and picked her up.

  She cried out in pain.

  “Shhh. Shhh.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry but we have to go and you have to be quiet.”

  She moaned as he and Lee hurried out the door. The parking lot was empty. They had time to escape.

  “This way.” Lee darted down the nearest alleyway. He’d spent hours exploring the area, just in case.

  He ran after his brother, Prin whimpering in his arms. “Shhh, honey. We’ll stop soon. I promise.” She couldn’t take the jarring from the run for long, but he had no choice.

  A Guard stepped into the alley in front of them, blocking their escape.

  Lee had only half-stopped when he spun around. “He’s from the lab.”

  “Run. Go.” He shifted, letting Lee push to the front.

  “This way.” Lee scrambled through a doorway.

  He followed his brother into the building and out a small, side door into another alley. He had no idea where they were but Lee did. Lee always knew where to run. His brother raced down the narrow passage and through another building. When they slipped out the door, Lee stopped. His eyes wide with fear. A Guard waited on each end of the alley. They were blocked in again.

  “Where to?” He clutched Prin closer to his chest, causing her to whimper more.

  “I...I don’t know.” Lee was panting.

  “What do you mean, you don’t know? You always know.” He wanted to shake his brother but his hands were full so he shoved him with his shoulder. “Which way? You know. Now, go.”

  Lee nodded. “Back.” He ran into the building but this time they darted to the side.

  “There’s no door? Lee, what are you doing?” His brother couldn’t lose it now.

  “Window.” Lee shoved it open and squeezed through an opening that was way too s

  Rufus wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it for himself.

  “Hand her to me.” Lee stuck his arms through the window.

  He was going to argue that she wouldn’t fit, but Lee was larger than Prin. “Honey, I need you to go to Lee. Okay.”

  Her eyes fluttered open for a moment before closing.

  “Hurry up,” whispered Lee.

  He shifted, pushing his sister headfirst through the small opening. Lee grabbed her shoulders and pulled. Prin cried out in pain. He stopped pushing.

  “Rufus, help me.” Lee tugged, continuing to pull on her.

  She cried out again.

  “Stop, we’re hurting her.”

  “They’re going to hurt her more.” Lee backed away, dragging her with him.

  “Yeah. Okay. Sorry, Prin. Araldo, I’m sorry.” He shoved and she screamed as her body pressed against the wooden frame, sliding through the window.

  “It’s okay, Prin. I got you.” Lee cradled her in his arms. “Come on, Rufus.”

  He stared at that opening. It was so small. Too small. There was no way.

  “Do it,” snapped Lee. “Don’t think, just go.”

  He held his breath, not really sure why, as he ducked, shoving himself into the opening. It was tight but his body shifted, bending and pressing against itself as it slipped through the window. It didn’t hurt, but it was an odd feeling of pressure and motion. He dropped to the ground. “That was...”

  “Weird. I know.” Lee turned.

  “Give her to me.” He grabbed Prin. He was bigger and stronger. Plus, if any of them had a chance to escape it was Lee, but only if he didn’t have Prin slowing him down.

  “Stay close.” Lee hurried along the passage.

  It was a narrow opening between the buildings. So, narrow that it could barely be labeled an alley.

  Lee stopped at the edge. The open lot was ahead of them. “We need to run as fast as we can over there.” He pointed across the parking lot. “If we can get in there, we can make it to the Witch’s Warren.”

  “Let’s go.” That maze of alleys and buildings could be deadly but it wasn’t as dangerous as going back to the laboratory.

  Lee didn’t move.

  “What? Go.” He nudged his brother in the back.

  “Wait. That sound,” whispered Lee.

  Five carriages pulled into the lot from different paths, blocking their escape.

  “We can still make it.” Lee pointed to a small alley to the side of one of the carriages on the end. “We have to move fast.” He looked at Rufus over his shoulder. “Ready?” He smiled, but his lips quivered with fear.

  “Absolutely.” He grinned. “Lead the way.” It was time to break their ties.

  “We’ll stay in the shadows as much as we can.”

  “Got it.” He followed his brother for a few yards, slowly falling behind. “Keep going. I’ll catch up.” He turned and ran in the other direction. The three of them weren’t getting out of there. He was only slowing Lee down. He might make it if he left Prin but he couldn’t do that.

  The large Guard named Laddie, stepped into his path. “Stop. We don’t want no trouble.”

  “Get out of my way.” He snapped his teeth. He’d tear the Guard limb from limb if he didn’t have Prin in his arms.

  “I can’t do that,” said Laddie.

  “Then you die.” It was a bluff. He couldn’t fight the Guard and protect Prin, but the threat should make Laddie wary. He darted to the side, his body shifting direction in a fraction of a second. Something skimmed across his arm.

  “Gruntshit,” yelled Stink. “I missed. Fire, Topper. Aim for the back.”

  They must be shooting at him. The Sweepers did that sometimes. Rufus ran faster, hopping as he went, his feet barely touching the ground. Something hit his back, causing him to misstep but he recovered without slowing.

  “Araldo, those things are fast,” said Stink.

  “Not faster than a dart,” said Topper.

  Rufus’ legs grew heavy, his feet rubbery. He blinked, fighting the dizziness. He stumbled, spinning around. Topper held a long pole. He glanced over his shoulder. There was a dart in his back. He needed to get it out but he’d have to put down Prin and he’d never let her go, never. The world spun and the air became heavy, making it difficult to catch his breath. He dropped to his knees.

  The Guards approached, carrying a net.

  “Easy now,” said Stink. “This ain’t gonna hurt.”

  “Don’t.” He stared past the Guard. Lee was running toward him, shouting. He tried to yell, “No, run. Go,” but the words tripped on his thick tongue and he fell to the ground, rolling to the side so he didn’t hurt Prin.

  The net fell onto him, heavy and rank with mildew. He blinked, seeing his brother as if in still pictures. Lee running. The Guards moving toward him. A Guard raising a pole to his mouth. Lee slapping at his arm and falling to the ground. He closed his eyes, his tears adding to the dampness of the net.

  “Hurry up. Grab them and put them in the carriage but tie their hands and feet first.” It was Scottsmoor’s voice. No surprise there.

  “About that reward, sir. You got them. My information was good,” said a male.

  Reward? Rufus knew that voice, but it couldn’t be. She couldn’t have done this to them. He forced his eyes open. Jimbo stood by Scottsmoor his hand out, waiting for the reward.

  He’d kill them both for this. Rufus struggled to move, but his body wouldn’t listen.

  “Of course, but you’ll need to come with us.” Scottsmoor waved and his Guards came forward, circling closer.

  Jimbo backed away. “Ah, no. That’s okay. I’ll take it now or”—he looked around –“not at all. That’s fine.”

  “Nonsense.” Scottsmoor smiled. “You’ll come with us and I’ll give you your reward.”

  Rufus wanted to laugh. He wasn’t the only one betrayed today.

  “No. Thanks, but no.” Jimbo made a break for it, punching Stink in the face and shoving the smaller Guard out of his way.

  “We got him, sir.” Jorge, one of the more experienced Guards on Level Five, took off after him, several of the other Guards following.

  “You four,” said Scottsmoor. “Get these specimens loaded in the carriage. We have no idea how long the tranquilizer will work with their altered metabolism.”

  “No idea, sir?” Stink’s voice quavered as he helped to lift Lee.

  “Not for sure.” Scottsmoor climbed into his carriage. “You’ll be fine as long as you drive fast. Go directly to the lab.”

  “Catch Jimbo and her.” Rufus tried to shout but his lips were as immobile as if he were dead.

  Laddie bent, moving the net and reaching for Prin. Rufus tightened his grip, or he tried to, using everything he had but his muscles didn’t work.

  “I’ll take good care of her, I swear.” Laddie lifted her, cradling her in his arms as he took her to the carriage. Topper tied Rufus’ hands and feet and then he and another Guard picked him up and carried him across the lot. They dropped him on the floor next to Prin and Lee.

  The Guards crawled in after them, sitting on the bench. One of their feet slapped into his side with each bump of the carriage.

  Rufus tried to turn to see his brother, but he couldn’t even move that much. All he could do was make his fingers twitch. He had to get free. He wasn’t going to die before he paid back Pepper and her mate for their betrayal.

  “That one’s moving,” said Stink.

  “I ain’t going to be locked in here with these things still awake. Who knows how much damage they can do,” said Topper right before something hit the back of Rufus’ head and his vision went black.


  “Throw him into the carriage,” yelled Scottsmoor.

  “No, sir. Please let me go,” yelled the stray Guard who’d reported seeing the Rattus hosts.

  “I wouldn’t be doing my civic duty. Strays aren’t allowed to run loose.”

; “I’m not a stray. I have my papers.” The Guard struggled in Jorge and another Guard’s grasp. “They’re in my pocket. Check. Please.”

  “Put him in the carriage and be quick about it.” He didn’t need a wayward master showing up.

  “No, please. My name’s Jimbo. I belong to Dr. Kalper.” The Guard bucked and fought but he was no match for the Level Five Guards.

  “Get him in there. Now.” A lone carriage pulled into the parking lot. It wasn’t one of theirs.

  “Dr. Kalper. Help me, please,” screamed Jimbo.

  Jorge and the other Guard, managed to get Jimbo half inside the carriage before he dropped to his knees, falling to the pavement.

  The other carriage raced forward. The Grunts skidded to a halt as a middle-aged Almighty hopped out of the carriage. “What’s going on here?”

  A female Guard jumped out too. She was very pregnant and didn’t seem to know if she should go to the male Guard or stay put. They would be an asset to the program. All he had to do was get rid of the Almighty and he had another breeding pair.

  “Hello.” Scottsmoor stepped out of his carriage. Fortunately, the Rattus specimens were gone.

  “That’s my Guard. Let him go,” said Kalper.

  “Your Guard? I thought he was a stray.” Lying was the best option he had.

  “I told him I wasn’t. I told him I had my papers.” Jimbo was almost crying.

  “Let him go. Now. Or we’ll have to involve the authorities and being you’re in this part of town”—Dr. Kalper looked around—“with almost an army of Guards, I’m sure you don’t want me to do that. “

  “Let him go.” He did have a lot of Guards but it was unfortunate that the other Almighty was a doctor. Wealthy doctors were too important to disappear. The officials would search for them.

  Jimbo raced to the pregnant female, hugging her.

  “Pepper, you and Jimbo go see if your...the patients are where they said they’d be,” said Kalper.

  The two Guards hurried to a nearby building.

  Kalper turned toward Scottsmoor. “What brings you to this part of town? This isn’t a place Almightys tend to visit, especially in the early mornings.”


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