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Faded Cotton (Erotic Romance)

Page 14

by Lara Sweety

  Heads nodded, laughter bubbled, and drinks were tipped in agreement.

  “How did you do it? Taking in a total stranger I mean,” Jen asked.

  Laurel grinned at Seth. “Something in his eyes. I knew he wasn’t going to hurt me or Rachel or Shannon. He just needed a place to call home, a fresh start. Rachel came home with Shannon that summer to live with us. It was comical for a while before they figured out they were crazy about each other.”

  “So Ben, how did you wind up being CIDC instead of a SEAL?” Jen mused.

  “Dunno.” Ben was a man of few words.

  That seemed to hit everyone who knew him as funny, he smiled behind his drink, and more laughter bubbled up.

  After dinner, the group moved to the study for drinks and catch-up chatter, the rain outside making the interior entertainment area a necessity.

  Laurel found Jake at her side. “Want to get some fresh air?” Jake’s voice was warmer than his usual cool, commanding one.

  Laurel sighed knowing she was going to have to deal with him sooner or later. “Okay.” They stepped out under the protection of the lanai, watching it rain.

  “So, are you enjoying the beach?” Jake pried with a light opener.

  “Jake, get to the point. What do you want?” Laurel cut him short, trying to avoid revisiting her feelings about him.

  “Laurel, what will it take for us to go forward?” Jake pleaded quietly.

  She had no idea why she had said it. “Kiss me.”

  Jake looked at her, his blue eyes twinkled at the proposition. He set his drink down on the table and took Laurel’s slowly from her to set it down as well. His actions were slow and deliberate. He studied her face. Searching, he found questioning eyes that brimmed with fear and uncertainty. He gently pulled her to him, watching her.

  Laurel met the familiar lips with hers. She’d wanted to cross him off her list, to tell him there was nothing there. She wanted to know that there was no longer anything between them. After all these years, she needed to put an end to what was once the fiery love affair of their youth. She’d put him out of her mind for so long, how could there be anything left?

  He dipped slowly to reach her mouth. His lips strong, sweet, and wet on hers. Heat flooded her. She pressed against him, moaning in pleasure, then jerking in surprise at her own reaction.

  He pulled her back to look into her eyes once more. Shock, disbelief, and a spark of passion accompanied welling tears. Unable to control himself after years of burying how he felt for her, he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her to him hard. His kiss was passionate and insistent. He parted her lips with his tongue to caress her mouth, and she returned the advance. It fueled his desire; he pulled her harder yet. His erection aching, he pressed into her, nearly begging to bury himself deep within her. He kissed her cheek, trailed down her jaw and down her neck.

  Fire shot through her at his kiss, his touch sending the electricity of desire coursing through her veins. Laurel shuddered and gasped, feeling him hard against her.

  She felt like a cheating woman. How could she have allowed a flame for Jake to flicker all this time. Was it there all the years she was married? She was sure that anything she had felt for Jake was dead and buried the day he walked away from her. If he’d done it once, he could damn well do it again.

  She pulled back from him and slapped him hard across the face with a resounding smack.

  Jake chuckled, “I love you too, sweetheart.” His eyes sparkled; he rubbed his cheek and smiled a knowing smile. “Are you really that surprised that I still do that to you?” He’d always been able to read her like a book and it looked like nothing had changed.

  Laurel turned on her heel and walked off, leaving a string of expletives in her wake. She damn sure didn’t love him anymore—or did she? What in the hell was it that heated her when she stood near him and then melted her into liquid at his kiss?


  “Hello, Miss Delaney.” Jess LeGrande smiled at her, holding the door to her room open, “I have permission to have you accompany me on a training exercise today.”

  She had been hoping the knock at her door had been Adam, but when she opened it, there stood Jess. “What? Where is it?” Jen was curious. She was overdue for a good physical challenge.

  “We are hiking through the back side of the island this afternoon.”

  “Okay, am I going to be equipped?” Jen really didn’t like the idea of going into unfamiliar territory without the appropriate gun and knife. At least they could give her a standard issue Mk 23. The .45 caliber would do.

  “I’m not at liberty to arm you, Miss Delaney, if that’s what you are asking.”

  “Humm. Are you going to be appropriately equipped?” Jen asked.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Jess grinned a sideways grin.

  “Then, yes, I’d love to see the island.”

  “Consider what you wear, ma’am. Some of the territory we will be covered with heavy undergrowth.”

  “When do we leave?” Jen asked.

  “In an hour. I’ll be here to retrieve you.” Jess was ever formal.

  The group headed out with daypacks, hiking gear and the SEALs with M4A1’s strapped across them. Skirting the perimeter of the landing strip, they moved off into the lush green at the base of the mountains. Parrots squawked and announced the entrance of the strangers.

  “What was that?” Jen laughed hesitantly as she ducked the buzzing.

  Jess laughed, “You just got buzzed by a hummingbird.

  “What else is out here?” Jen looked a little wary.

  “Lots of parrots, parakeets, other birds, snakes, different species of rodents, lots of insects, lots, and lots of insects. Jess watched Jen’s reaction.

  “Well, it’s beautiful anyway.” Jen did her best to ignore his remarks, knowing that he was devilling her, looking for a reaction. She marveled at the beauty of the island, trying to take in everything an inch at a time.

  They had hiked about thirty minutes through lush tropical foliage, into a wooded area, when they came to the island’s lagoon. The four looked at Jess, without much more than a smirk, which Jen didn’t pick up on. Agreeing to meet up in an hour at the head of the lagoon, they separated. The four others were planning to hike the mountain to do some mapping and surveillance.

  “Um, should I trust you?” Jen’s police instincts took over easily.

  “Well, you could surprise me as easily as I could surprise you. We both have training,” he chuckled, “but honestly I just thought you might like some down time in an amazing place. You’re a beautiful woman, Jen Delaney, but I took an oath to obey orders from my commanding officer, and I have an order to protect you. You know, ‘against all enemies foreign and domestic’? That is what I intend to do. Besides, I’m a gentleman, if I’m going to kiss you, you'll damn sure want to be kissed.”

  He stopped and looked at her for a few seconds before he continued. “I’ve been back here once before. It’s incredible. You’ll like it.”

  Just lay things on the line, very matter fact. She was amused by his comments. He was a gentleman, he’d proven that before—at least so far. She still wasn’t sure about his intentions, though.

  “Well, I could put you down, but it would not be easy. You are a big guy. What are you, six-six?”

  “Six-seven,” he grinned a sideways grin, “and capable of throwing you over my shoulder.”

  She shook her head. He wouldn’t be the first Navy SEAL to throw her over his shoulder. She thought of Adam.

  Two brothers, two SEALs, two gentlemen. Great, what does it take to get a guy as hot as either of these two to forget about being a gentleman for a little while? She shook her head. Jen guessed the problem was her, not them. The problem was getting a little old, too. She shook her head disgusted with herself.

  The lagoon was beautiful, crystal blue water rippling gently from the motion of the falls. As they neared the base of the small mountain at the back of the lagoon, Jen could see an
d hear water pouring from a waterfall.

  “Wow, I thought this stuff only existed in movies! This is incredible. The water is so clear, it’s just beautiful.”

  “I knew you’d like it.” Jess smiled broadly, beautiful white teeth, little dimples in his cheeks and the soft cleft of his chin now pronounced. “Last one in is a rotten egg!” He said as he pulled his t-shirt off.

  “But I didn’t bring a suit!” Jen protested.

  “Miss Delaney, I’m betting what you have on underneath your clothes covers more than the bikini you were parading around in yesterday. Come on.”

  He was right. What the hell, she’d do it. How many times does a girl get to go swimming in a waterfall, on an island in the middle of the Caribbean, with a guy who ought to be on a “sexiest men alive” list? Jen piled her clothes and pack with his. She knew the cotton panties would be hopeless when soaked with water, but maybe she could keep that part of her under water.

  “So you think I’m one of the sexiest men alive?” He laughed as he came up out of the water shaking it out of his hair.

  “Oh, wow, I guess I was thinking out loud again, sorry.” Jen blushed deeply. She wasn’t used to feeling like a giddy schoolgirl. Faking the need to push water out of her eyes, she covered her face to gain her composure. When she opened her eyes, he was right in front of her.

  “Thanks for the compliment.” Jess looked at her intently.

  His eyes burning into her, he moved within inches of her face and stood stock still for what seemed like minutes. She was almost as pretty as Shannon, he thought. Damn it anyway. He was always comparing women to Shannon. He didn’t want to betray any trust Jen had in him. He hesitated, then finally put himself in check, diving off into the water.

  Jen watched him in the water. Sexy didn’t quite cover it, she thought. Dreamy, exotic, overwhelmingly handsome, hot, yummy, foxy, studly, good Lord, pick one and it would apply. He wasn’t Adam, but close. Not only was he gorgeous in the face with his almost raven hair, chiseled face and crystal blue eyes, but he had a body that seemed invincible. A regular Adonis she thought, only bigger, much bigger. Venus and Adonis. She giggled quietly when the vision popped into her head.

  Jen dove in to cool off. She met him in the middle of the sparkling water. “So do you come here often?” Jess threw his head back roaring in laughter.

  “No, no, oh gee, I didn’t mean it like that.” She blushed and laughed with him. “I’m normally much more eloquent, really.” Jen Delaney was not used to tripping over her own words and she wondered how it was that this man could have her reduced to acting like a goofy teenager.

  “I’ve been to this installation once before. This is the first time I’ve had the chance to enjoy it. I’m Naval SWCC, Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman; I’m a boat man. Love it; guess it comes from all those years running a Jon boat up and down the Missouri like a wild man. We use the cove for training.”


  “Does that bother you?”

  “No. Why would it? I’m police; I’ve seen some rough situations before.” Jen wondered why it did bother her, it wasn’t like she was dating the guy or wondering if she was going to have a future with him.

  “I study faces with accuracy.” Jess watched her intently.

  “So what do you see?”

  “I see a woman who has unfinished business. I see a woman who is in pain. I see a woman who needs to be made love to. Not fucked. Made love to.” He saw her flush.

  “Do you analyze everyone you see? Shit. You know nothing about me!” Why in the hell did he have to be so damn direct? How could she have let him tick her off so bad? Why did he have to be so right? Jen wondered just how transparent she was to people. She shouldn’t have asked what he saw. Jen couldn’t find words for her frustration.

  They stood there looking at each other, neither moving, the mist from the waterfall enveloping them. The rivulets of water jetting down her body in the heavy mist didn’t cool her. Jen was fuming, and the longer they stood, the more she fumed. How dare he!

  His eyebrows went up as he braced for the swing. He’d really touched a nerve. When her right hook came, he stopped it easily, he spun her around and held her arm behind her.

  “Let me go, damn it!” Jen pushed out the words in pain.

  “Gonna swing at me again?” He breathed coyly, his lips at her ear. He felt her sigh and her shoulders relax, waiting. He moved her arm slowly around her, pinning it against her, with a tight hold across her chest.

  “I’m not sure who you are at war with, Jen Delaney. Maybe you are at war with yourself, but you need to be loved. Stop fighting it.” He bent his head to her.

  Jen felt his head fall to her bare shoulder, his lips firm, yet soft and wet, sucking in the soft flesh on her neck. He pulled back to consider her, as she turned her head to watch him. Planting a slow, soft kiss on her shoulder, he released her. He wondered what Shannon would taste like. Damn it. Shannon. Surfacing again from a swim in the cool water, Jess moved out to dress. “Let’s go,” he called to her over his shoulder.

  Pulling on her jeans and t-shirt over her wet bra and panties, she complied. Jen Delaney was as confused and lost in emotional turmoil as she had ever been.


  Chapter 21

  “Hi there.” Laurel noticed the deep look of consternation and frustration on Jen’s face when she came into the conference room later that afternoon.

  Jen was curt and cool, “Let’s get to work. It’s time we solved this. Sit down.”

  Laurel raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t used to taking directions from anyone, she usually was the one giving them. This wasn’t something to battle over. She pulled up a chair at the big conference table.

  “How can I help?” Laurel said.

  “Let’s go back through all the people that have been to the farm. We’re still missing something, I know it.” Jen started pulling out note cards on each person, preparing to make more.

  Laurel figured she needed to finish the one big story she’d already started, “Well how about if I finish Derrick’s story first?”

  Jen wasn’t able to concentrate after the afternoon with Jess, so working on the case was pointless, she figured. She was upset, to say the least. All she did was think about Adam, feeling guilty, as if she had just cheated on him. She couldn’t get the thought out of her mind.

  Laurel and Jen agreed to scrap the afternoon in the conference room for drinks on the beach and the rest of Derrick’s story.


  Late November ushered in chilly air, the leaves fell, and birds continued their exodus. Laurel knew she didn’t have long with Derrick. He’d be gone to college soon. They were too far away from campus for him to drive there and back every day. His moving would be their break to move on to the rest of their lives.

  Their interludes had become less frequent, and as much as it hurt, she knew it was time for both of them to move on. He was still very loving with her—tender and protective. When Kate walked into their lives, it changed things forever.

  The windows were closed so the furnace wouldn’t kick on from the cool. Clouds moved in to steal what was left of the suns warmth. Laurel didn’t hear the red Malibu pull up the drive. She was engrossed in bookwork for the farm when she heard the doorbell and rap of the doorknocker.

  Laurel couldn’t figure out why the face looked so familiar. “Hello.”

  “Hi,” said Kate Monahan, perky as ever. “I’m looking for Derrick Jones. This is Siddy Creek Farm; I mean that is what the sign says, right?”

  Laurel couldn’t find a reason not to like her, although she wanted one, and now she knew why. She finally recognized Kate as the dark tanned, cute girl that had hung on Derrick’s every word the night they had been at Wild Horses Saloon.

  “Come on in. He should be back any time now.” Laurel couldn’t believe she was inviting the petite blonde into her kitchen.

  “Okay, sure, thank you! Umm, I hope this is all rig
ht. Derrick told me I could come here if I ever needed anything.” Kate was a little less perky and a little more serious this time.

  “So what do you need?” Laurel was direct.

  “I need to talk to him.” She hesitated a bit, looking nervous and then continued. “I know this might be a bit forward, but I never forgot him. He was just so easy to talk to that night and I felt comfortable with him. I felt like he was instantly protective of me.”

  Laurel’s heart bottomed out and then climbed to soar like a bird surveying the highs and lows of a mountain, searching for a place to land. She hoped Kate hadn’t read it on her face.

  “I’m sorry. Did I say something that upset you?” Kate looked worried. Laurel shook her head, but Kate wasn’t convinced. “I know you are close to Derrick. I saw what he did for you the night in June, at the bar. What an ass that guy was! I didn’t see Derrick after that. I thought maybe I’d see him at the bar since, but never did. Is it all right that I’m here?”

  Laurel nodded. She didn’t want to, but Laurel smiled at Kate. The more they talked, the more she liked her. They talked about that night at the bar, about Derrick, about Kate, about the farm, and Kate’s college plans.

  “Kate, can you stay for dinner?” Laurel knew sending her away wouldn’t solve anything, it wouldn't prevent the inevitable. She was Laurel’s kind anyway, red around the neck, no-crap-taking, smart, and ambitious with a loving spirit. She was girlfriend material if it came to that. She must have liked him; she had found him after all. The part that really pinged at Laurel’s heart was that he had acted protective of Kate that night at the bar. Laurel knew Derrick was kind, but the protective side—that only came out for those he really cared about.

  Derrick walked into the kitchen through the mudroom to find not one, but two beautiful women, backs to him, chatting happily and cooking up a storm.


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