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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

Page 24

by Alma Nilsson

  She dropped her dress and then sat down at her desk, her cheeks flushed, not with embarrassment but with desire. “Was it how you remembered it?”


  “Will you ask me to do this every 4th day?”

  “Yes, and more,” he was trying to read her expression.

  “I look forward to it,” she said and then added not wanting this conversation to end and to take some of the control back, “Tonight I will touch myself wishing you could reach through the screen and be here with me now.”

  “No,” he said.

  She was not surprised by his answer and tried not to smile when she asked, “What do you mean, ‘no’?”

  “It’s still my day. You don’t touch yourself without my permission on 4th days.”

  “What if I do? You’ll never know.”

  “In the future I’ll know. But it’s true tonight I won’t. I hope that you would want to please me today as this is your day to be loyal.”

  “I don’t know,” she said coyly. “How would you punish me if I disobeyed you?”

  “As I’m not there I would have to have one of my slaves come and whip you while I watched over VM. Would you enjoy that?”



  “And would that get you aroused? Watching me get whipped naked by a slave?”

  “Probably, but only on the 4th day.” Ket imagined her then getting whipped by a slave artist, maybe a woman, who would then bring her to climax if only she repented.

  “And every other day?”

  “I want you soft and tender.”

  “Is this normal?”

  “I don’t know. It’s fun.” He gave her a considerate look then and reminded himself to back off. “What do you think?”

  “I want you to lick my pussy and then pound into me so hard I forget where I am. That’s all I can really think about right now to be honest.”

  He smiled, “Fair enough.” He didn’t want to push her. He already felt he had pushed a little too far today.

  “When will I see you again in person?”

  “The 4th day of the 34th week.”

  “Several weeks away.”

  “You’ll be of age then and the ban will be over.”

  “Less fines?” she commented, amused.

  “Less fines,” he agreed.

  She wanted to thank him for paying them but knew that would be disrespectful in Alliance culture, so she said instead, “I enjoyed the actions that led to the fines. Will we do that again?”

  “That and more. Now unfortunately I must go. Do not touch yourself until tomorrow. May the gods continue to shine their light on you.”

  “May the gods give you strength.”

  Dru was officially an adult today. She woke up with a smile on her face, thinking, One more thing to cross off the list. After she showered and put on her black dress with her jewelry, she had the mirror braid her hair and put a hair pin in it. The mirror told her, as if she were unaware, “Today you are an adult in the Alliance.”

  “Mirror off,” she said.

  Dru went to her desk and opened her messages on the computer.

  She opened a message from Ket. It was written which was not like him at all. Then she realized that this was the formal release of the ban. She assumed this was probably automated as she could not imagine him writing something so cold to her.

  Drusilla Anne James, House Human, the ban I put on you, 4th day of the 33rd week of the year 18904, ends today. May the gods light your path. Ket, House Vo

  Dru was disappointed that that was all there was but then she reminded herself he had messaged her about a special day when he returned next week so she shouldn’t be so demanding. Next, she opened a message from Captain Kara which she was surprised to see. She and the Captain had never really been close, she didn’t think the Captain was close with anyone. It was also a written message,


  Be aware the ban Doctor Ket placed on you ends today. Tir mentioned it yesterday and said that if he was Ket he would have made them for two years and hinted that Ket can be a bit foolish about these things. The way Tir made it sound, be prepared for a lot of unsolicited attention. And if you kiss your man again and are fined, dispute the fines. I will pay. I will be more than happy to pay.


  Dru did not believe for a minute that she would have men approaching her in droves. So, she moved on to her next message from Jane.


  You are finally of age. I hope you are feeling confident and good about the future. Your instructors send me your grades and I am so impressed. You are doing so well in the Alliance despite everything. I know it must be difficult to be the only human. I wish you the best today. I have sent you some flowers from Frank’s store, but I am not sure if you have received them already? Congratulations on all your accomplishments so far!


  PS. There is, of course, some formal paperwork if you begin courting someone. Just let me know. Thanks.

  Having no other messages, Dru went down to the dining room to eat breakfast and was surprised to find Dera there waiting for her.

  “Good morning friend. The gods’ welcome you as an adult.”

  Dru smiled broadly, “I will let the gods’ guide my way,” Dru replied in the set response. She was surprised, But this was a very special day for Alliance people and maybe she felt sorry for me that I would be alone. “Will you have the morning meal with me?”

  Dera nodded, “I hope there is more than just vegetables here.”

  Dru laughed and then blushed it was a 4th day, “There is, in fact your brother would have arranged my breakfast today.”

  Dera gave her a look of surprise, “You two are moving quickly.”

  “It seemed good to try some things out first,” Dru replied not wanting to discuss this with Dera. She was happy that she did not have to eat breakfast alone with one of the slaves looking at her. She was sure the slaves were pleased too. She and Dera discussed their final exams and who was doing their practical where. Dera of course was going to the Palace to train under her mother, the First Imperial Doctor.

  “Thanks for coming over today,” Dru said after they had finished eating.

  “Of course. It’s an important day, most of us have this meal with friends and since all the other humans were gone, I didn’t want you to have the morning meal alone.”

  Then, surprisingly, one of the slaves brought out a small cake with a candle on it. Dru looked at Dera and asked, “Did you arrange this?”

  “Of course, I did. Since we have become friends I have looked occasionally at human customs,” she explained. “To understand some of your more eccentric behaviors,” Dera smiled.

  Dru was beaming, she almost began to cry. The slave set the little cake with white icing down in front of her and she closed her eyes, made a wish and blew out the candle.

  “It’s from the Earth Store so it should be like home.”

  Dru smiled as the slave cut the small cake in half and then proceeded to give each woman half. Even though the cake was small, the pieces were larger than twice the size of a regular piece of cake. Dru shrugged and then she picked up her fork and tried it. It was chocolate cake and it was delicious. “I love this so much. You’re such a good friend to me.”

  Dera didn’t want to eat the cake at all especially not the large piece in front of her. Alliance people took their health very seriously and did not eat unhealthy food ever. She looked over at Drusilla clearly enjoying this and wondered if humans had evolved differently to enjoy unhealthy food and not get fat from it.

  “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to,” said Dru seeing Dera’s uncomfortable face.

  “I want to try it. I just don’t want too much,” Dera said not making any kind of move to eat the cake.

  “One bite will not make you overweight.”

  “I know. It’s just that I have never tried anything like this, and I am worried about becoming addicted.”
r />   Dru just looked at her bewildered. She would have thought Dera was talking about a narcotic. “I don’t know anyone addicted to chocolate. Okay, no that is a lie, Captain Kara loves chocolate and eats it every day.”

  “She is not fat.”

  “No, try the cake. You probably won’t even like it.”

  Dera took a bite of it made a face and then spit it out, “I’m sorry. I cannot eat this.” Dera couldn’t help but think of all the bad things the ingredients in the cake would do to her body when it was in her mouth. She had no idea why humans would actively seek out such unhealthy food.

  Dru smiled and said, “This just means there is more for me.” Dru reached across the table and pulled Dera’s plate in front of her. “I’ll eat the rest for the evening meal.”

  “You’re not worried about getting fat?”

  Dru laughed, “No, I think that would be impossible here. Your food is too healthy, and I can’t afford to eat cake every day.”

  “But after you marry?”

  “I’ll marry a poor man then.” When she saw the concern on Dera’s face she continued to explain because obviously Dera thought she could be a sugar addict or something. “I’m going to shock you now and tell you that on Earth, humans eat whenever they want and whatever they want. Some of us do get fat, but very few. I eat everything like this in moderation. I will not become fat just because I can afford to buy chocolate every day. I’m already way too thin here anyway.”

  “You need to eat more meat,” Dera said. “I agree, you are too thin for your body shape. You looked better before, eat the cake.”

  “I don’t disagree,” she smiled at her friend, “So now, I will happily eat this cake.”

  When Dru finished her piece of cake and left strict instructions she would eat the other for dinner, they walked to school. Today they had exams. Dru had studied and was confident that she would do well. She felt happy as she and Dera talked casually walking into school. This was the first day since she came to the Capital Planet that she felt like she really belonged there and had a life. That some people would miss her if she were to suddenly disappear.

  Throughout the day, Dru was greeted by some of her classmates with the same set phrase Dera had used that morning, ‘The gods’ welcome you as an adult’ and she would say the set reply. She was touched that some of her classmates remembered today was her special day. When she mentioned it to Dera at the midday meal, Dera explained, “Ket’s ban on you ended today. He purposely ended them today, a bold move to set you free and the gossip columnists are going mad for it. Everyone is watching now to see who will pursue you and if Ket will also continue to show interest. Some of our classmates have recognized that you are here to stay, and they need to start taking you seriously.”

  “Because of a man?”

  “No because you caught the attention of a man who will raise your status which will put you above them because everyone recognizes how clever you are. And you might be able to have daughters. A man would only provide you with the correct platform to propel yourself.” Dera brought out her IC and brought up an article and showed it to Drusilla. Ket had told her that the humans’ ICs were locked out of a lot of information.

  Dru read the short article and laughed, “I’m not going to throw off your brother for a man I’ve only met today. And I’ve not met any men today and we have exams all day anyway.”

  “But here’s the thing, there is nothing between you and my brother now. Not until he is back on planet and formally requests it. He cannot do that when he is away, and you are surrounded by men that are here now. I think they are just biding their time; no one would be dumb enough to approach someone during exams, but trust me, they will send you things and seek you out afterwards. And, no one knows that you and Ket actually know each other quite well. All they know is that you met at the Year Assembly briefly, and no matter how romantic that was, romance can fade when someone is away and there is someone new and exciting here and now.”

  “Do you think Ket’s romance has faded for me?”

  Dera smiled, “I have never seen two people so enamored with one another. Even now when you mention his name your eyes go a bit darker.” She paused, “We have this week where you can ask me anything about Ket and I will tell you. When you start courting, I won’t be able to talk to you about him.”

  She didn’t need to tell Dru twice, she jumped right in with some questions, “Has Ket courted many women?”


  That was not the answer that Dru wanted to hear, “So he falls in love a lot?”

  “I don’t know. We’ve never talked about it.” She whispered then, “Drusilla, we don’t talk about love.”

  “Do you think he will ask me to begin courting?”


  “Do you think he wants to marry me?”

  “I think he thinks he does now.”

  “But he has courted many women before?”

  “Yes, but I think it’s different with you.”

  “Because I’m human?”

  “No, because you surprise him like no woman has and as much as he enjoys the order of the Alliance way of life, he likes your disruption of it.”

  “Hmm, that’s not exactly comforting. Is that why we are friends?” she motioned between them, “Because I’m disruptive to you?”

  “No,” Dera smiled, “You’re not disruptive to me. We are friends because you liked me before you knew who my family was and then you didn’t act any differently when you found out. You saw me as an individual and if I hurt you, I know you won’t be my friend anymore.” She motioned to the rest of the women in their class, “Most of these women will always be around and the others are so nice they would let anyone walk all over them, especially me. Not you, you are real to me and I am to you. It’s a true friendship which is rare.”

  “I don’t know how else to be,” Dru admitted. “I don’t see this as an advantage. I see a lot of games going on here that I don’t know how to play.”

  “Interesting that you say that, as I would say you have done surprisingly well, even though, Rez and her friends have done their best to thwart you at every turn.”

  Dru gave her a little smile, “I did take pleasure in knowing that she still likes Ket and was jealous that it was me he was talking to and not her. But on the other hand, I can’t believe he ever courted her in the first place.”

  “I know, me neither. I told him, but he never listens to me. But, she’s not ugly, and she comes from a good family. Don’t forget though, he broke it off very quickly and has never wavered on that decision, despite her advances.”

  “He was courting her because of her position?”

  “Yes, we don’t marry for love.” She said the world ‘love’ very quietly.

  “Really?” Dru said sarcastically, “Because that is the only reason, I like your brother.”

  Dera wanted to tell her she was a fool, but held her tongue. Then she decided to say something she would have never said otherwise just to caution her friend into what she was getting into, whether she understood it or not would be no longer on Dera’s conscious. “You know women aren’t supposed to know why men duel,” Drusilla nodded, “but I know that Ket has been in quite a few this last year and the one most recently it was rumored he fought one for Admiral Tir. My brother is loyal to the Empire.” She was looking into Drusilla’s eyes most seriously and then decided at the last minute to touch her hand and show her the memory she had overheard in her house of her brothers talking.

  Dru wasn’t prepared for Dera to share a memory with her. She almost threw up from the sensation of falling through the darkness, but suddenly she was there in what she supposed was their home. It was sparse and mainly made of smooth yellow stone. Dera was standing in a strangely lit hallway and then Dru realized, Not strangely lit, this is how Alliance people see in the dark. Then she heard the conversation between Ket and another man. Ket said, ‘I fought Joux because he directly threatened Tir’s plan.’ Then the other man ask
ed, ‘Is this really our fight? Why can’t we just deal with the demographics issue and separate the two.’ Dru didn’t know what the other issue could be. Ket spoke again, ‘Why not do both at once? Human women don’t know the difference.’ Then Dera brought her out of the memory and Dru kept her eyes closed to keep herself from vomiting. When she opened them, she looked a Dera.

  “I’m sorry I should have warned you. It was a quick decision.”

  Dru nodded, “You are telling me he is only thinking of courting and marrying me to have daughters nothing more?” Her mind was racing with this information though. She had felt something from Tir when they were removed from the Refa. What were these men thinking and would it be better or worse for human women? she wondered. Alliance women had been more civil than expected to their human sisters, what could Alliance men offer them that was better for both of them? She thought about the Contracts and the inequality of men in the Empire. Do they want their equality? Or more? This was a frightening thought to Dru. She didn’t want to be part of a catalyst that flipped Alliance inequality from women ruling men to men ruling women. And if she were being honest to herself, she did like the way the Alliance was set up, things were easy for her even as a human.

  Dera shrugged, “Possibly or something more.”

  “What more could I bring? Humans have nothing the Alliance doesn’t have.”

  “Really?” asked Dera feigning ignorance. “I don’t want to discuss it anymore, but as your friend, I encourage you to always keep this in the back of your mind. You have an advantage over Alliance women, Alliance men are letting their guards down with human women.”

  Dru looked at Dera and her seriousness, “I understand. Is that why they were given permission to serve in the Alliance fleet to spy?”

  Dera shook her head affirmative but said, “No, it was to give them fulfilling careers alongside their husbands as many humans would be used to.”


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