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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

Page 34

by Alma Nilsson

  Dru looked into Ket’s grey eyes and began to lower herself onto his ridged penis, so slowly. It was so large and thick, she experienced a mild burning sensation, as her vagina stretched to accommodate him, mixed in with extreme pleasure. She closed her eyes focusing on the pleasure. She just kept on going and then stopped when she felt she couldn’t go any further. “This feels amazing,” she said opening her eyes and looking down at him.

  “I’m completely spellbound,” he said. She was so tight around him and her innocent thoughts made him cherish her even more for this. She bent down to kiss him, and he gently urged her with his hands on her hips to slowly begin moving.

  Dru loved the feel of his strong hands on her hips, guiding her. She closed her eyes and reveled in the sensations. She didn’t know for how long they stayed in this position, but she loved his gentleness.

  As she became more comfortable, and his need greater, he urged her onto her back. He slowly moved in and out of her caressing her hair and the side of her face. Her hands were in his hair, which she had undone, and it spilled around them now. “I’d do anything for you Drusilla,” he whispered in her ear as he slowly increased his speed.

  Dru felt Ket both physically and mentally again, she didn’t know if she had been so overwhelmed that she had forgotten about the other half or if he had backed off, but now she felt him. He was sharing his intense mental desire for her and it was intermixing with her own emotions. It was as if their minds were running off together as well in some kind of unspoken mating. His touch became her touch and vice versa, she felt what it was like to be him inside of her and he was her. It was all ecstasy and it was overwhelming. She thought she was coming again but didn’t know if it was him, but it didn’t matter they were one. Then, she felt his penis convulsing and her own mental reaction riding along with his. Physically she came again too. It was the strangest most wonderful feeling she had ever felt.

  Ket slowly moved out of her and lay next to her running his hands through her long red hair. He could feel her contentment and was pleased he had not made a mistake this time. He had had his doubts about his own abilities, not to rush things and to be gentle.

  “Is it always like that for you?” she asked looking over at him, finding it strange to be only in her own mind again.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your mind in mine and vice versa?”

  “No, this was the first time. I’ve never had sex with another telepath before. I had glimmers of it with some other women while courting but I never had sex with them. Nothing like this. This was exhilarating. How did you find it?” He knew already because she had been projecting but he wanted to ask to be polite and see how she answered. He began casually playing with the jewelry on her right breast.

  “It was magnificent. I didn’t know it could be like this.”

  “Apparently, it will only get stronger over time when we can really control it. And don’t think I’m not nervous about that either,” he said pausing to take her nipple into his mouth again, “You’re the much stronger telepath.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes,” he said confidently. “You could conjure all kinds of fantasies if you put your mind to it.” He sucked on her other breast. “I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time Drusilla.”

  She closed her eyes and enjoyed his touch, the feel of his long hair over her body and the knowledge that this would be forever.

  After they held each other for a while, Ket rose and said, “We do actually have to do some work, we should get dressed.” He held out a hand to Drusilla and helped her up.

  She wanted to use the toilet before dressing and shower if there was one.

  “Don’t shower, I want to smell me on you for the rest of the time we are together.”

  “You can smell that?”

  “Yes, especially without your clothes on.”

  “Can other people smell that?”

  “Probably, but everyone knows we are to be married and most people do this,” he assured her.

  “Why didn’t you mention this to me before?”

  “After our date around the Promenade, I didn’t think you would mind?”

  “Wait, what are we talking about the smell or the sex?” she asked.

  “Both,” he grinned. He followed her into the bathroom.

  “Are you going to watch me?”

  “I don’t trust you not to jump into the shower.”

  “True. Was I projecting again?”

  “No, but I do know you quite well now. Through all our conversations and in the hospital, I was deep into your thoughts, and now…” he trailed off.

  She suddenly felt a moment of panic as the toilet cleaned her, “How much do you know of my life or are we talking personality?”

  Ket looked offended, “Drusilla, I would never look into any of your memories without your permission. Don’t ever think it.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t know the protocol. I didn’t know if someone was dying if you were allowed.” She got up and then stood before him and wanted to change the subject, “Speaking of protocol, do you want me to tell you when I’m going to orgasm? Is that a thing?” She had seen some movies where that was a thing but maybe not in the Alliance. Maybe it only happened in human movies because men on Earth typically didn’t know women had orgasms at all, that it was such a momentous occasion they said that.

  He couldn’t help but smile at her, “You are adorable. You can do what you like, but I always know from your body. Some women like to scream it out and others are quiet.”

  “Which do you prefer?”

  “Neither, it has nothing to do with me. It’s your pleasure.”

  “Come on, really?”

  He shrugged his shoulders and used the toilet himself, while she watched him. She had a flashback then of what it was like to be him thrusting inside of her and it felt familiar and strange at the same time.

  When they began collecting their clothing from the floor, Ket took her dress from her, “Let me,” and he dressed her minus her underwear of course. Then he braided her hair quickly and put in the hair pin, “It’s not as nice as you had it before, but I know you can’t braid it yourself.”

  “How do you know?”

  “You intermittently project things all the time around me, it’s sweet. But don’t worry, I now always create a blocking bubble around us so no one else can hear you. Now,” he said grabbing his own clothing and putting it on quickly, “we must sort out our wedding.”

  “What do we need to decide?”

  Ket got out his IC and made it visible through the panel on the small table between them.

  “I love your detailed list,” she said only half joking.




  Binding tattoos

  Drusilla’s requests


  Drusilla’s personal effects


  “Where should we get married? I don’t want to do it from my building. I know Rebecca did but that was just strange. We were all sectioned off while her husband and his friends were there.”

  “No, we definitely aren’t doing that,” Ket agreed. “We can marry from my parents’ home. It’s unusual but not that unusual. Do you agree?”


  “Good. Now witnesses, who do you want? These are usually two close friends or a sister.”

  “Dera is my only friend,” Dru admitted. “I guess Jane as well. Who will be your witnesses?”

  “My brother Kio and my friend Hez. Check the date with everyone if Jane is off planet you need someone else.”

  “What if I don’t have anyone else?”

  “Madame Bai?”

  “Oh yes, of course.”

  “Now marriage bracelets. We will wear these for the rest of our lives, so do you have any preference of the kind we get?” He brought up different examples of bracelets with black and silver and some with different script.

  “I see the diff
erences, but I don’t have a strong preference and I don’t understand the cultural subtleties they carry with them. I trust you to choose.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Binding tattoos. There will be an oath to take before we give each other the tattoos and we will do that before we consummate our marriage. There are set words of course that we must recite. It will hurt. And we must decide where we want them.”

  “Where do people usually put them?”

  “In the past, when they were commonplace, they were worn on the right forearm, so that, in women’s clothing especially, they could be seen.”

  “Why don’t we just put them there?” she asked without thinking.

  Ket sighed, “Because we are being over the top by even doing this, I don’t want to advertise it.”

  “Why not?” Dru was becoming defensive. “If I’m marrying you and wearing a bracelet that says I belong to your House, you are absolutely wearing a tattoo that signifies, ‘I’ll pass out if I have sex with anyone other than my wife.’”

  “Fine,” he said annoyed. “But you are never wearing underwear ever again,” then he paused and added, “Or pajamas or any other human clothing that you know is unhealthy and ugly.” He looked her directly in the eyes, more serious than she had ever seen him, “And we will have a daughter or have as many sons to prove that we tried. We are risking a lot.”

  She knew he wasn’t really being serious now or he would have phrased it differently and made it a part of their official compromises, so she ignored his little tirade about her human comforts. “What do you mean about proving we tried?” she could tell he was exasperated by her question. “If I grew up here, I’d know, now please explain it to me so that I’ll know for the next time.”

  “We are questioning everyone who does not live monogamous relationships now. If we have a daughter all will be forgiven. If we have many children people will just think we are really in love. If we have no children, people will think we want to revive the gods’ will for monogamy and that we look down on the practice of slave artists after marriage. Everyone believes that slave artists within marriages represent the will of the gods and it’s their ‘right path’.”

  “But when did that become the ‘right path’ away from monogamy and why?”

  “Religion is always changing to meet the needs of the civilization. I can’t remember the historical influences that changed our society, but they happened thousands of years ago. By the time the law was actually changed, everyone was already doing it anyway. Right now, I just don’t want to be challenged to duels because you needed a monogamous relationship.”

  “I hope we can have children then.”

  He mentally said, We will cheat if we can’t, but out loud he said, “We will trust the gods’ decisions. Now, about our home. You’ll need to arrange to see it with my mother and decide what you want.”

  “What do you mean by ‘what I want’?”

  “At the moment, our house is sparsely furnished. It will be up to you to make it our home. You tell my mother what you want, and she arranges it. However, you want to change it or want it decorated.”

  “Ket, I have no experience with this. What would you want it to look like? I don’t know anything about Alliance homes. I don’t want to make a mistake.”

  He felt sorry for her then, most Alliance women looked forward to this most of all and she was worried about making a mistake. “There are no mistakes. What’s that other human’s name that was married?”

  “Captain Kara?”

  He gave her a look that said, ‘Be serious.’


  “Yes, she requested things from Earth. You can do the same. Also, I’m skipping forward here but all of your belongings from the human fleet have already been delivered to our house.”

  “Wow, it took them long enough.”

  “Well, you know. It wasn’t because they didn’t know where to find you.”

  Dru frowned, “Of course not. Can Dera help me with the house?”

  “No, you must do it yourself. There are no mistakes and my mother is fond of you so I doubt there will be huge disagreements about decency as there was with Rebecca.”

  “What happened there? I didn’t hear anything.”

  “Her husband told me, another time when we have more time, I will tell you what happened. Now, we must decide where to go after our wedding. We have four weeks and there are two resorts to choose from. One is more tropical and modern and the other more mountains, ocean and rustic.”

  “I don’t like the sun, not even the Alliance sun.”

  “No, me neither. That was easy. Last thing, which is good because we are almost out of time. You will receive, of course, all of my known jewelry, but I would also like to buy you some personal items which you choose. Even something from Earth? Frank has begun importing it. What do you think?”

  “I don’t need any more jewelry Ket,” she said and then saw that she hurt his feelings. “I’m sorry. It’s a cultural difference. Let me take that back and say, “I would love to have a look at what Frank has to intermix with my Alliance jewelry.” He gave her a half smile then and she got up, sat on his lap and kissed him for some time. Then without getting up said, “I’m trying too.”

  “I know. We’ll find our way.” Then their time was up. They left the room and Ket had to return to the Tuir. He promised to be back soon.

  As they said their goodbyes, she couldn’t help but ask, “Is my underwear in your pocket?”

  “Of course, it is.”

  “And you really never want me to wear it again?” she smiled.

  “Well, I was just upset, we’ll see.”

  “Can I have it back then?”

  “Absolutely not.” He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand, “May the gods watch over you until we are together again.”

  This was the traditional saying between married couples and Dru didn’t think it would resonate with her the way it did now when she said the response, “And bring you back to me so we may live in their light.”

  It was a couple weeks before Ket returned to the Capital Planet. During that time Dru was still alone with the three slaves in the building. And life moved in a slow rhythm. Every week was identical. The only variations in Dru’s days came in her messages to Ket, her requirements on 4th days and her tasks at the hospital. She also took a keen interest in the 1,000 human women still being held in orbit and had begun asking questions. In her free time, she began exploring the Capital City now that she was allowed more freedom than she was when she first arrived. Most people knew her by sight now, so she was treated with respect, which she appreciated, rather than cold and curious looks.

  Tonight, after work, Dru decided to walk around the Shopping District. It was the most prestigious of places to shop and even though Dru had no intention of buying anything, she thought it was time she at least saw it. Her other motive for not going directly home was so that she wouldn’t think about Ket. She knew he was on planet as her necklace between her breasts was warm and she knew by the location rings they shared that he was also in the city. But he hadn’t contacted her except to say that he had some things he needed to do and then would get back in touch tomorrow. She wanted to keep herself from thinking too much about what he might be doing without her.

  The perfect wide pedestrian streets of the Shopping District were full of shoppers, mostly Alliance but also other off-worlders from rich cultures. She was the only human. She casually walked along the streets and looked into some shop windows. She had been into numerous Alliance shops with Madame Bai before, but they were all mid-range shops which anyone could enter. These shops were reserved for the highest class and even though Dru was technically considered maximum class now by her being human and even more so with Ket’s rank, she still was reluctant to enter any of them.

  As Dru was looking in a jeweler’s window, out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw Ket. She looked down at her location ring
and it was almost clear so she knew it must be him. She continued to stare, and after a minute or two, she was sure it was him. She was going to go to him until she noticed who he was with and she stood completely still. It was Rez. They were speaking closely. She could not hear them, but she could feel them. He was angry and she was, Dru hesitated she could not identify this emotion. Then she got it, Rez was infatuated, or rather obsessed. Dru took deep breaths watching them. Suddenly, Ket said something and Rez hurried away with her head down and ran right into Dru with a force so strong Rez knocked her to the ground. Dru got up and Ket was running over to help her.

  Rez spit on Dru, “You hairy human whore. I challenge you to a duel. You have used your human witchcraft to enchant one of our own. To all who hear, I am challenging this human, Drusilla James of House Human, to a duel for stealing one of our own with human witchcraft.”

  Dru stood in front of Rez now, defiant. She brushed the dirt from her coat, “Go home Rez, you pathetic woman. I’m not going to fight any duel.”

  Everyone who stopped to listen gasped at this. Ket then took Dru aside and whispered in her ear, “Say you will fight the duel now and we will sort it out later, by saying you won’t, puts an impediment between our marriage.”

  Dru looked at Ket, “What nonsense is this?”

  Ket said nothing more but nodded to her as a way to urge her to say she would fight the duel.

  Dru looked at Rez with scorn, “Fine, I’ll fight your duel only to prove that I used no witchcraft to seduce Ket. The gods’ will will prove that you are just a jealous woman and nothing more.”


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