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Page 3

by Alycia Taylor

  I licked my lips. It was a sub-conscious reaction as I stared at her pretty, full red lips and thought about kissing them. I almost forgot about Nina until she reached for my hand. Instead of taking hers though, I put my hands on her hips and pulled her into me. I started grinding my hips into her to the beat of the music, the whole time staring at Emmi.

  I glanced at Nina. She was smiling and grinding right back. At least I knew if I didn’t get Emmi to agree to sleep with me tonight, I’d have Nina as a backup plan. I wondered if it was making Emmi want me, right up until the time she rolled her eyes and made a face that said “Get a room.” Then she turned her back on me.

  One of Nina’s friends was dancing next to us, so I handed her off and waltzed over to where Emmi and her friend were. I was going to at least get to dance with her. When I walked up behind her, her friend’s eyes got big and Emmi turned to see what she was looking at.

  “Can I cut in?” I interrupted, trying to sound cool.

  I thought she was going to turn me down. This one is really going to be a tough nut. But her friend, my little helper who I had never even met, gave her a little nudge and I had to grab onto Emmi to keep her from falling. I wasn’t just perving on her, although I have no moral issues with doing that either. She turned to her friend, who was already starting to leave the dance floor.

  “Zoe, where the heck are you going?” she bellowed.

  Zoe grinned and replied, “Have fun,” as she left the dance floor.

  Emmi turned back towards me and I just started dancing. I was hoping that she was well mannered enough not to leave me high and dry, looking like a fool dancing by myself. She was. She started dancing too, and damn if the girl couldn’t move.

  I danced around her so that I could get her up against me. Her back was to me and I was moving against her, but as soon as I did she stopped moving and her whole body stiffened up. I felt like I was dancing with a surf board. I decided that it wasn’t going to work and had to remind myself again that she was not like the others. I was going to have to ease into this. That would make the sex that much better anyway. I rarely had to work for it.

  I maneuvered back around her and just let her dance. I decided to try the talking to her route.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked her, doing some pathetic looking dance.

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m here with my friend and some girls from her sorority. What are you doing here?” she yelled over the loud music.

  “I’ve heard a lot about this place. I just thought I’d see what all the hype was about.”

  She didn’t look like she believed me and I wondered if she knew I had listened to her phone call earlier.

  “So, what do you think of our little city so far?” I asked her, still trying to get a conversation going.

  “It’s fine,” she said.

  Wow, talk about your stifled conversation.

  “What do you miss most about your own hometown?” I asked her.

  That was the ticket.

  “The lake. I lived at the lake pretty much all the time growing up. When I was happy or sad or anything in between, the lake was always good for my soul.”

  Wow, deep.

  “What kinds of things did you do at the lake?”

  “My friend Zoe and I swam there all the time. We had a big rope that we used to swing off the rocks. My mom’s boyfriend had a boat that we used to go out in sometimes and fish, and sometimes I’d just sit in my inner tube and read all day as I floated down the current.”

  “It sounds nice.”

  I wasn’t just saying that, it really did sound nice. I hadn’t been to a lake in a long time. There was a place that I went with some friends to party a few times when I first came here to go to school though, and it was surrounded by trees.

  It was my buddy’s uncle’s property and he had said I could go there anytime. I always thought it would be a great place to take a girl, but it was always so much easier just to take them back to the apartment, get laid and then take them home. I had never wanted to take one out there because it was too much fucking work… until now. I was prepared to go the distance for Emmi. I looked at her and thought about what a nice place it would be to get her naked.

  The song ended.

  “Well, thanks for the dance,” she choked out, revealing a grin in the right corner of her mouth.

  She spun to walk away and her friend Zoe was just walking towards us.

  “How are you two doing?” Zoe asked. Before Emmi could speak, I thought I would try something and see if Zoe really was on my side.

  “Not so good. Your friend won’t agree to go out with me,” I told her, crossing my arms to try and sell the lie.

  Emmi turned and gave me a “What the hell?” kind of look. I think she was about to tell Zoe that I was full of it and had never asked her out, but she didn’t get a chance to say it because my little helper spoke first.

  “She would love to go out with you. She told me so right before you walked up earlier.”

  Now Emmi was sputtering and pieces of words were coming out. She was so shocked that she couldn’t form an entire sentence. She let out a heavy sigh making my grin grow wider. I was winning this battle.

  “Awesome, we’ll talk details later at home. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

  I walked away quickly then, doing a virtual fist pumping in my head. Thank you, Zoe. I appreciate your help, even though I suspect Emmi would be giving the poor girl an ass chewing as soon as I walked away.



  I had spent as much of the week as possible avoiding my roommate after the night at the club when Zoe roped me into going out with him. I couldn’t get over how the two of them seemed to be acting in tandem to push me into it. After he had walked away, looking all pleased with himself I had asked her, “What the hell was that?”

  “I was helping you out. I know how shy you are,” she said with a grin that told me she was pleased with herself too.

  “I don’t want to go out with that guy. I told you that already.”

  “Oh come on, Emmi. We’re in college now. Loosen up a little. Trent’s the only guy you’ve ever been out with. You need to experience life a little bit.”

  “I don’t really know if it’s your place to decide that for me,” I snapped, wrinkling my nose.

  “Of course it is. That’s what best friends are for,” she argued.

  I’d hate to think what she would be like as an enemy.

  So like I was saying I avoided him… most of the week. Monday Zoe’s sorority had a barbecue for Labor Day at the house. I went to that and hung out there most of the day. Then on Tuesday I started my classes and I spent a lot of time at the library. A few times when I got home he was out, and one time he was already asleep when I got there. I’m realizing that he does that on days when he has one of his tough work-outs. However, he finally caught up with me on Thursday evening as I had snuck into the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

  “Hey, Emmi. What’s up?” he said as he walked into the kitchen.

  I was scrambling eggs and frying bacon because a breakfast burrito sounded good. Also because it was pretty much that or cereal. I really needed to go shopping. All Braxton had was protein crap.

  “Not much, just making some dinner.”

  “Looks and smells good. Is there enough for two?”

  I tried not to let him see the eye-roll that time.

  “Sure,” I guilty responded, adding another two eggs into my mix.

  He collapsed onto a chair at the table while I cooked. It was probably my imagination but I swear I could feel his crushing green eyes staring at me the whole time. When I was finally done, I put the burritos on a plate and slid it in front of him.

  “Don’t get used to this,” I declared, plopping down in a chair across from him.

  I wanted to make sure he knew I wasn’t one of those girls that was going to cook and clean for him just because he was cute. He didn’t s
ay anything, just returned a cocky grin. We ate mostly in silence. I was thanking the Lord that he seemed to have forgotten about our “date”. That’s until he mustered up what I thought was courage to ask me, but he’d likely just remembered.

  “So, are you available on Friday or Saturday?”

  I tried to play dumb.

  “Available Friday or Saturday for what?”

  “For our date. Which day is better for you?”

  I really didn’t think it was a good idea. I decided that now was as good a time as any to tell him so, otherwise I would be in an uncomfortable position.

  “Do you really think this is a good idea, Braxton? I mean, we’re roommates. Isn’t that crossing a line or breaking one of your stupid rules?”

  He got up to rinse off his plate and as he stood at the sink with his perfect muscular back he answered, “Lines are drawn in order to be stepped over.”

  All of a sudden he’s a philosopher.


  “Friday or Saturday?” he interrupted me… again.

  “Okay, Saturday,” I said defeated, sighing longingly.

  “Great! In case you plan on avoiding me again until then, be ready to go about seven.”

  “I’m not avoiding you,” I lied.

  I didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of thinking he knew what I was thinking…even if he did know by the blush spreading across my face.

  A grin plastered his face. Damn I wish he wasn’t so good looking.

  “Right,” he said, smugly. “I’ll see you at seven on Saturday… if I don’t see you before. Oh, and dress casually. Wear shorts or something.”

  Then he left me at the kitchen table wondering once again what I had gotten myself into.

  I did avoid him then until Saturday night. Friday after I got out of class I met Zoe for an early dinner and then we went to a movie. I stayed at the sorority house with her that night, and when I got home Saturday, he wasn’t there.

  I spent most of that day doing homework in my room until it was time to get ready for the “date.” I wondered where he was taking me in my “shorts” as I showered and got dressed. I wore a pair of cut off jean shorts. I put on a red t-shirt that said “Live Life to the Fullest” on it. I decided that might give him ideas that I was a free-spirit, and also the words kind of drew eyes to my chest and I figured he didn’t need the extra prompting. So I changed instead to a plain Lucky t-shirt. I didn’t put on a lot of make-up and I flat-ironed my hair down straight. I was presentable, but not knock-your-socks-off gorgeous. I was ready to get this over with so we could go back to being just roommates.

  It was almost seven when I went out into the living room and found Braxton waiting for me. He was wearing khaki cut offs too and damn if he didn’t have nice looking muscular legs.

  “I’m ready,” I puffed out.

  He looked up at me and let out a whistle.

  “You… look… gooood,” he spoke softly, drawing out each word longer than needed.

  I’m ashamed to admit that after all that time trying to “just look presentable” I kind of liked hearing him say that I looked good. I hoped I wasn’t blushing.

  “Yeah, yeah. So where are we going?” I asked him.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  As we walked outside, I realized that I had never seen him get into his car. I didn’t even know which one was his. I have to say I was impressed, but not surprised when he led me to the brand new Dodge pickup that was sitting in the parking lot. Of course it was lifted too, so I had to let him help me up into it.

  I’m sure he did that on purpose… just another reason to touch the girls.

  I slid in on the plush leather seats while he closed the door and went around to his side. Did he have rich parents or what since I hadn’t noticed him working? I guess that wasn’t fair. I had worked and saved my last year of high school and then all summer and now I was getting grants as well. I guess he could have done the same.

  “I like your truck,” I complimented him as he pulled himself inside the truck.

  He smiled and then morphed into a car salesman as he said, “It’s a 2015 Dodge Ram 3500. It’s got a V8 and a 5.7 liter Hemi. It also has 17,000 pound class V trailer towing hitch receiver and controls for everything built into the steering wheel.”

  “Hmm,” I said. I didn’t really know what any of that meant. I just thought it was pretty. “So where did you say we were going again?”

  He grinned again.

  “I didn’t. Just relax, it’ll take us a bit to get there.”

  He used his “built-in” controls to turn up the music as I leaned back into the comfortable seat and tried to think of places he could be taking me. I could have thought about it all week, and I would never have guessed. We turned off the main highway onto a long single lane road. After a few miles, we turned onto a gravel road. He drove slowly. I’m sure to keep his pretty truck from getting dinged. Then as we pulled into a little parking area surrounded by trees I sat up straighter and looked out the window. We were at a lake and it was beautiful. I was shocked that he was actually paying attention the other night when I told him that I missed the one at home so much.

  “Here we are,” he announced.

  He jumped out of the truck, came over to my side, and opened the door for me. Then he helped me down, unnecessarily grabbing me around the waist. I was still so happy with him about the lake that I let it go.

  I stood there for a minute, captivated by the tranquility of the spot. There was no one else here but us. He had left the pick-up lights on and I could see the leaves on the trees just beginning to change color, and the way the lake was softly rippling as ducks dived in and out after their supper. I turned to tell him how nice it was, and I realized that he was taking off his clothes. He was already in his boxers and he was pulling off his shirt.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I asked him, nervously scanning the area to see if anyone was there.

  He acted like he didn’t hear me at first, and I was suddenly staring at his muscular, naked back-side. Then he took off his boxers too, kicking them into the pile of his clothes. I could now see every inch of his chiseled backside. My heart was threatening to beat out of my chest. He grabbed a towel from a bag he’d taken out of the back of the truck.

  “I’m going swimming. Are you coming?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.

  I was in shock for a few seconds, but when I finally recovered I shielded my eyes.

  “No, I am not getting in that lake naked with you,” I whispered loudly.

  He laughed.

  “Suit yourself, no pun intended.”

  Then I heard him moving away and seconds later, splashing water. I uncovered my eyes and I could see his head bobbing in the lake. This guy was nuts.

  “It’s really warm!” he yelled. “Like bath water. You don’t know what you’re missing.”

  “I’m not going in there naked,” I croaked.

  I would have really liked to go swimming, but of course he didn’t think to tell me to bring my suit. This was planned intentionally to get me naked.

  “Then just come in with your bra and underwear. You’re wearing those, right?” he laughed.

  “Of course I’m wearing those,” I blurted.

  I didn’t think he heard me. He was swimming away and I could see the muscles in his arms flex and ripple with each stroke he took. Then he would dive under and as his bottom half came up for the dive, I would get another glimpse of his glutes.

  “This water feels so good. Come on, Emmi… you have to try this.”

  I walked over closer to the edge. It was so pretty. There were little orange and yellow wildflowers growing along the edge of the lake and down along a little trail that ran through the trees. I bet it would be a gorgeous place for a hike early in the morning.

  When I got close enough that I didn’t have to yell I said, “Don’t you worry that someone is going to come along while you’re… naked in there? This is a public place, right?”
  “Not really.”

  He stopped swimming around and now he was treading water looking at me. I felt strange having a conversation with him, knowing that he was completely nude even though I couldn’t see anything.

  “This property belongs to my friend’s uncle. This is actually private property but he told me that I could use it whenever. You should get in, it’s great.”

  “Yes, I know. You’ve already said that.”

  I sat down in the grass instead. I was not going to give this guy the satisfaction of knowing that he’d gotten me naked on our first date or fake date to me. Then, how weird would it be at home every time I saw him, knowing that he’d seen me naked.

  Nope, it’s not happening.

  “Oh come on, Emmi. You’ve worn a two-piece before, right? Most of those show more than a bra and underwear do.”

  He had a point, but again, I hated letting him think he was right.

  “I don’t want you to see my underwear.”

  He laughed.

  “Too late. I went to put clothes in the dryer the other day and it was full of some nice stuff. Lots of silk and lace and pretty bright colors,” he confessed.


  “Okay! If you’ll shut up, I’ll get in. But, only if you don’t look until I’m all the way in.”

  “Okay. My eyes are closed. Come on in.”

  He did have his eyes closed, but I didn’t trust him.

  “Put your hand over them too.”

  “Jeez, I’m beginning to wonder what you’re hiding,” he said as he put his hand across his closed eyes.

  “Shut up,” I replied as I peeled off my t-shirt and shorts.

  Kicking off my shoes I walked to the edge and put my toe out. It really was warm. I started to wade in slowly in my red lacy bra and matching underwear when suddenly I saw him cracking open one eye.



  Emmi screamed. I just wanted a little peek, and she was completely covered in her bra and underwear, more than most girls I saw in their bikinis. She had a perfect body. Not too much up top so that she looked like she would topple over, but just enough that I would love to get a handful of it. Then there was the bottom half of her. Mm… is all I can say about that.


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