Book Read Free

Three of Hearts

Page 19

by W. Ferraro

  “Fuck you, Wes.” But of his own accord, Seth stepped away and rubbed his hands over his bald head.

  Dylan came around to Mae’s other side, knowing Seth would never lay a hand on any woman. He had never seen Seth so furious, and he had known Seth a long time.

  Feeling that all the air had left his lungs and that his heart had been ripped open, Seth pointed his finger at Mae and said with deadly intent, “You don’t ever get to fucking decide what is my business and what isn’t my business when it comes to my kids, Mae. You knew how I felt about him driving that boat and you deliberately didn’t tell me so you could, what, get all fucked out and then when you got your rocks off you were going to tell me? When I was finished fucking going down on you?” he spat out the last of his words.

  Dylan and Wes created a barrier between Seth and Mae. Shannon watched from her unmoved vantage point and couldn’t help but keep the cat with the cream smile on her face.

  Not caring who was watching or who was listening, just knowing that the internal agony that was coursing through his body needed to get out and if it was thrown on her like acid, Seth didn’t care.

  “Now you can get your fucking ass out of my house tonight. Stay the fuck away from my kids and stay the fuck away from me.”

  With that he went over to the cue stick rack and ripped it off the wall with such fury. Causing people next to them to jump back to avoid getting hit. Wes and Dylan now each had a hold of one of Seth’s arms as he screamed, “Get out!”

  Robyn was at Mae’s side the minute Wes and Dylan left her to corral Seth. She rubbed her friend’s back and couldn’t believe her brother was being so evil. She’d never witnessed him like this before.

  Mae stoically patted Robyn’s hand and stepped forward. Not ever feeling in danger, but rather lost since he pulled away from her physically.

  When she spoke, she was clear and sincere. “Seth I know you are upset and you have every right to be. I was completely in the wrong by keeping it from you and my reasons for not telling you seem frivolous at best.”

  Seth couldn’t even look at her without thinking how his world just imploded. Needing space from everyone especially her, he hollered at her, “Mae I don’t give a flying fuck what your fucking reason was, just leave.”

  Squeezing her eyes shut and willing her eyes to stay dry until she was away from him, she grabbed her bag and walked toward the exit. She was next to Shannon when she turned back and said with the last of her nerve, “The only thing I’m guilty of is keeping you in the dark, but that is what you do when you love someone, you protect them. And I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about Conner. I protected him not because I wanted to keep anything from you for an ulterior motive, but because I saw in him, the mistakes in judgment a young person can make. So my actions were done from the heart because to me that’s what love for someone does to you. It isn’t the decision everyone would make but the decision you make because of the love you have for them. If you don’t believe me, Seth, ask Maggie why she did what she did.”

  She quickly headed out through the pub and out into the night. Her tears fell in gushing rivers. She was half way through the parking lot when she realized they arrived in his car, so she headed off on foot toward her apartment.

  “Wow, is that all it takes? I’d suck up and cover for your kids too if it got you in my bed Seth,” Shannon said caustically.

  “Fuck off Shannon!” Seth hissed as he shook off Wes and Dylan’s hold.

  Bending to pick up the pieces of the rack he broke, Seth needed air, but he couldn’t stand the thought of running into Mae.

  It was Robyn who first spoke and said, “Only my brother could ruin the best thing that has happened to him in a long time, by flying off the handle with his Irish temper.”

  “Ro, when you have kids and someone decides what you need to know and what you don’t then you can preach to me. Until then back the fuck off,” Seth said harshly.

  “Hey Seth, don’t take it out on her and don’t ever talk to her like that again.” Bryan said with cold steel. Yeah, he was a joker and usually the most laid back person you’d come across, but if anyone talked nastily to Robyn it’s joker to combatant real quick. He guided Robyn out of the room without a backward glance.

  Wes looked at one of his longest and closest friend and let out a pent up breath and said “You realize what a colossal mess you made, Seth.”

  “Wes, I’ll pay Cal tonight for any damages I made,” Seth said with biting resolve.

  “And that my friend is why you didn’t truly deserve her in the first place, you selfish prick. I’ll admit Maggie was your first love and that in itself is very special. But Mae, was your match in every way. Because of your ego and temper you just let her walk away. You fucked yourself royally.” Wes said disgusted with him, and he headed out to find Mae.

  Seth squeezed his own eyes shut as he took in all of Wes’ words. He just couldn’t get over her going behind his back when it came to his son. That was a deal breaker.

  When he opened his eyes, Dylan was leaning against the forgotten table, and quietly waited for Seth to say something.

  “You have any parting words Cross?” Seth said with newfound anger.

  “Nope, I know better to piss off an already agitated bear. Do you need a ride home?” Dylan said without his usual sarcastic tone.

  “Fuck! We came in the Tahoe, her car isn’t here.” Seth said. He may have been pissed off and furious with her, but he would never make a woman walk home at night by herself.

  “On it, I’ll go see if I can find her.” And with that Dylan left too.

  Seth watched as Dylan walked out. Seth decided he need a shot of something, anything, right now. He picked up the last of the pieces, laid them on the table and ignored all the eyes staring at him, as he made his way to the bar. Forget one shot; he would need the whole damn bottle.


  Wes went down the front porch stairs and found Robyn and Bryan in an embrace in front of her Corolla.

  “Taking off Wes?” Bryan asked causing Robyn to turn toward the new arrival.

  “Actually I was looking for Mae, have you seen her?” Wes said with concern.

  “No, Bryan and I looked around the whole bar and parking lot and I even checked both ladies room, she must of left already.”

  “Damn,” was all Wes said.

  Dylan quickly joined their small group after hearing Robyn’s account, he said “They came in the Tahoe, so if she isn’t here, she’s on foot.”

  “Oh God, we have to find her. She can’t walk to Seth’s from here.” Robyn said with growing distress.

  “She couldn’t have gotten far, especially in those heels” Bryan said trying to calm Robyn.

  Not knowing which way she would have gone, Dylan headed one way on his bike while Wes headed in the other in his SUV.

  It was Wes who found her walking down Route 29 toward the back road to Seth’s house, a good two miles from Cal’s. Wes pulled along the shoulders, got out of the vehicle and jogged to catch up to her.

  “Hey Mae, let me give you a lift.” Wes said kindly.

  Refusing to look at him, she just shook her head, not trusting her voice not to give her away.

  “Please Mae” Wes grabbed hold of her and pulled her into his arms. She was frozen to the touch from the cool, damp weather. He rubbed her arms up and down trying to make her warm. She still wouldn’t look at him, but Wes knew she was crying.

  She allowed him to walk her to the passenger door and assist her into the seat. When he got behind the wheel he positioned the vents to blow directly onto her and turned the heat on high. Before pulling back out onto the road, he sent a quick text to Dylan to let him know he had found her. He knew Dylan would let Robyn know.

  Silently, he drove to Seth’s and pulled along the road out front that allowed her to walk down the side closest to her stairs without drawing attention from the main house.

  When she made no attempt to move, he said softly, “Why don’
t you go in and grab a few things. You are more than welcome to come and sleep at my house or if you’d rather I can drop you off somewhere.”

  Sniffing loudly and trying to dry her face with the sleeve of her top, she finally looked at Seth’s friend. It was so kind of him to come after her when Seth was so upset. I mean isn’t your loyalty supposed to be to your friends?

  Talking softly due to the scratchiness of her throat, she said to him, “Thank you Wes, I appreciate the ride and the offer, but I wouldn’t want to get you in any more trouble with Seth than you must already be in for coming to get me. I’ll just go in and pack a bag and head to my friend’s house, if he’ll have me.”

  Feeling sympathy for Mae after Seth’s vicious verbal attack, and because he genuinely liked her, he spoke as her friend. “Go in and make your call to your friend. I’ll wait until you let me know you indeed have some where to go. Once I know you’re okay, I’ll leave you alone, if that’s what you want,”

  He got out and walked her down to the bottom of the steps leading to her apartment and waited until she reappeared. She returned five minutes later carrying a small suitcase and a matching duffle bag over her shoulder. He noticed she changed too. She was wearing a purple velour running suit with sneakers. Her hair was in a hasty ponytail that wasn’t pulled all the way through.

  “Were you able to get a hold of your friend?” Wes asked inquisitively.

  “Actually no, I’m just going to head to the motel outside of town. I’m sure Seth will find them, but I left the keys on the counter. If you could just ask him to leave me a message on my cell about when I can come and move the rest of my things out, I’d appreciate it.” Willing herself not to let her tears spill over.

  “Thank you Wes, for the ride and all, it’s meant more to me than you could possibly know.” Feeling the need to show him how much his kindness meant to her, she kissed him lightly on his cheek and started to walk to her car.

  “Mae, just for the record, I don’t give a damn what Seth thinks of me going after you. He was wrong to say what he did to you. And as his friend I’m ashamed to say I witnessed it. I’ll come and get your stuff for you if he’s that much of an ass. But then again, he was an ass to let you get away.” Wes reached her in three steps, kissed her on her forehead and slipped his card into her bag; at least when she found it, if she needed anything she could call him. He climbed into the SUV and watched as she backed out of the drive and drove off.

  Wes Thompson would go above and beyond for a stranger, would move heaven and earth if his friends needed him to, and he would absolutely never let his best friend live it down if he let Mae leave him permanently.

  Mae was physically and emotionally exhausted as she drove. She just wanted to get to the motel, take a long hot shower and cry herself to sleep. She was about a mile out from the motel, when her phone buzzed in her pocket. She took it out and looked at the screen, discovering she had twelve missed calls including the incoming one and ten texts, all from Robyn.

  Taking a breath she picked up the call and said, “Hey Robyn.”

  “Oh, Mae, thank God, you are alright.” She said sounding sincerely happy, the phone then became muffled and sounded like Robyn was talking to someone else.

  “Bryan and I are so relieved. We came out looking for you almost immediately and we couldn’t find you. It wasn’t until twenty minutes after you left, we found out you drove in with Seth, and so our concern grew even more.”

  Feeling the need to cut Robyn off, Mae said “Yeah, Wes drove by and gave me a lift to pick up a few things.”

  “Yes I know he texted Dylan and Dylan called me. So great you already have your stuff, so come directly to our house and I’ll have the guest room ready for you.” Robyn spoke so fast it took Mae a moment to comprehend that Seth’s sister not only was concerned for her but actually invited her to stay with her.

  Robyn was in the middle of rattling off directions to her house when Mae interrupted and said, “Robyn, you want me to come stay at your place?”

  “Well of course I want you to come; in fact we both want you to stay with us. Just because my brother is Asshole of the Year doesn’t mean I’m going to abandon my friend.” Robyn said, as if the concept was so alien.

  Touched by not only their support but also Wes and Dylan’s sincere concern and on top of the drama with Seth, the flood gates opened again and Mae had to pull over because she couldn’t see through her tears.

  “Mae! Mae! Are you alright?” Robyn asked frantically

  Trying to halt the flow of tears, Mae tried to speak, “Yes, I’m just so overwhelmed!”

  “Mae, come here and we can talk.” Robyn said wanting to reach through the phone and comfort her friend.

  Regaining her composure, “I appreciate the offer Robyn, but I’m just going to check in to the motel.”

  “Won’t you reconsider, Mae?” Robyn pleaded

  “Not tonight, but perhaps tomorrow we can talk.” Mae said feeling every bit as tired as if she worked thirty-six hours straight.

  “Ok, text me when you get into the room so I know you are safe and we will touch base first thing in the morning. Are you working tomorrow?” Robyn said surrendering the fight.

  After assuring Robyn she would text her when she got into her motel room and letting her know she wasn’t working until Monday afternoon, Mae disconnected the call and pulled into the office at Nightingale Motel.

  She exited the car with her purse in hand and opened the door to the small lobby. A man around twenty years old was sitting with his feet on the desk watching some reality show when Mae walked up to the counter.

  Waiting for him to acknowledge her, Mae got impatient and ruder than she had ever spoken to anyone before, she said “Hello!” which caused the young man to jump out of his seat and hit his head on the an old wood shelf that housed used books.

  “Oh, sorry. Can I help you?” the office worker said as he rubbed his aching head.

  “A room please, for the night.” Mae said just wanting to get the key and go to her room and lock the door.

  “Two doubles or a king?” Mr. Observant asked

  “Whichever is cheaper.” Mae answered curtly.

  Mae followed the directions and parked her Camaro in front of room B7. She walked in to the room and turned on the light before closing the door and affixing the security chain. She leaned against the door and slid down until she was sitting on the floor and cried until she didn’t think she could cry any more. When she finally pulled herself up from the floor she quickly stripped just dropping her clothes as she went and turned the shower on and stepped under the hot water. At first she just let the water run down her as she stood statue still, but then she viciously scrubbed her body as if she could wash off the ugliness of the evening.

  She turned the water off, stepped out and dried herself with the scratchy towels; she crawled in between the cold sheets with nothing on. She quickly picked up her phone, texted Robyn that she was safe and in bed, she rolled over and turned the light off and cried herself to sleep in the lonely motel bed.

  Seth woke up with a crick in his neck. As he tried to open his eyes, but for some reason they would obey. He couldn’t figure out where he was and why there was a very loud mariachi band playing. When he finally was able to open his eyes and was more confused. This wasn’t his room or Mae’s bedroom. It looked like… . a bar… what the? Why am I waking up in Cal’s bar? he thought to himself.

  “Good morning Seth!” Cal yelled from the corner of the dance floor where the old jukebox was.

  Turning to face the general direction of where the loud voice came from, Seth noticed Cal McCann was unplugging the jukebox and suddenly the mariachi band went silent. Cal walked with determination as he strode behind the bar and stood opposite Seth.

  “I said good morning, Seth.” Cal said with just the right amount of annoyance.

  “By the way, I don’t clean up other peoples drool, so do me a favor and wipe the puddle up.” He mocked as he threw a cloth at S
eth and indicated on the bar top.

  Doing as he was asked yet still complete befuddled as to why he was here at, what the hell time is it anyways?

  Having pity on the younger man who reminded Cal so much of his father, David; whom Cal knew in their younger years.

  “Yeah Seth you got completely trashed last night after you had quite the fight in my billiard room, for which you owe me $45 dollars for a new cue rack. And then you pass out right here at the bar and snored so loud my last call customers left early,” Cal said.

  Not understanding what Cal was talking, about he left the towel on the bar and walked over to the door way to the billiard area. There on a back table along the rear wall was pieces of a broken rack. As Seth turned to face the bar, it all came flooding back to him. In that moment the agony from the memory and the torture of having his heart broken by Mae’s lack of honesty made Seth’s legs buckle. As he hit the floor, he rubbed his hands down his face and felt the threat of tears. Cal came over and helped him to his feet and brought him back to the bar and got him a glass of water and some aspirin. When he got the aspirins washed down with all the water, Seth reached around to his wallet and pulled out some bills and threw them on the bar before walking out to the empty parking lot and climbing into his Tahoe. When he was behind the wheel and pulling out of the parking lot he dialed the number to his house.

  Luckily, Lynne answered the phone, “Lynne, it’s me; I’m so sorry that I didn’t come home last night, apparently I made quite the scene here at Cal’s and passed out. Is everything alright with the kids?”

  “Yes Seth the kids are actually still asleep and I was not surprised that you didn’t come home after I saw Mae and Wes here.” Lynne chastised as if she was talking to a bratty little boy.

  “Wes was there with Mae?” Seth ignored Lynne’s tone and focused on the last bit of information.

  Clearly not thrilled with having to give details on a rather upset Mae, Lynne said in a softer voice. “Yes I heard the car pull up to the front of the house and noticed it was Wes. The next thing I know, there are soft voices coming from the back walkway and Mae had a couple of suitcases with her and she was upset. Not wanting to eavesdrop I left them be and then a minute or two later, Mae was pulling out of the driveway and she hasn’t returned.”


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