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Fevered Nights

Page 7

by Jillian Burns

  “I want you,” he said.

  The lift stilled and the doors opened. With a low moan, Neil straightened and ushered her into a corridor that led them past the busy, crowded kitchens to another larger lift.

  He pointed at the wide metal door. “These are the service elevators that lead to the guest-room floors. You have the room number, right?” She nodded and he pressed the up button. They waited in silence. Then he sighed and turned to face her. “I don’t want to go back to my hotel tonight.”

  She understood. Decision time. She’d fought hard to change her ways the past four months. But, oh, how she wanted to give in to the fever she had for this man.

  It was just one night, right? The tabloids already thought they were lovers, so it wasn’t her rep she had to worry about. So why did she hesitate? She searched his eyes. Gentle brown eyes filled with desire, filled with want.

  He framed her face, his lips almost meeting hers. A nearby door swung open and Neil jerked aside to face the lift as a woman pushing a laundry cart bustled past them.

  Piper smiled, feeling like the schoolgirl she’d never had a chance to be, let alone hiding a secret boyfriend. Maids weren’t supposed to fraternize with guests; Neil was still protecting her. But then, as they both stood there, facing the lift, his hand found hers and captured her fingers in rough warmth. A simple gesture. One of friendship and solidarity. Telling her without words that he would be okay with whatever she decided.

  The lift dinged and the doors opened. She stepped inside and he let go of her hand.

  She stood opposite him and the elevator doors started to close.

  Celibacy was overrated. She grabbed his shirt and yanked him inside the open car.

  He used the momentum to plaster her against the wall and take her mouth. Deep. Hungry. She caressed the muscles rippling beneath his T-shirt, his shoulder blades moving as he held her in his arms. The elevator slowed to a stop, opened and they stumbled forward, barely pausing to find the right room. Neil bumped against the door to the suite as she ran her hands over his hot flesh.

  The door swung back. Neil broke away from her, his chest heaving.

  Ragi stood in the doorway. She glanced from Piper to Neil and back again. “I’m sorry to interrupt. But you said to meet you with the key.”

  Right. She’d forgotten. Grimacing, she looked up at Neil. Maybe this was for the best. She wasn’t exactly known for making smart decisions.

  Neil shrugged, giving her a rueful grin. “Good night, Piper.” He nodded to Ragi. “Ms. Bhagat.” He headed for the lift.

  The farther away he got, the heavier her heart felt. She was supposed to return to London tomorrow. She’d never see him again. She couldn’t bear that.


  Neil stopped and turned, brows raised.

  Piper ran up to him. “You said you would take me to the Florida Keys...”

  His lips curved up in a slow smile.


  IF NEIL HAD ever fantasized about being alone on a boat with a drop-dead sexy lingerie model, he’d probably have pictured her tall, tanned body in a bikini, sunbathing out on the bow. She’d be leaning back on her elbows, hair blowing in the wind while she gave him a sultry smile. Maybe she’d bring him a beer and caress his manly biceps while he kept watch over the helm.

  A guy could dream.

  What he got instead was a woman he’d snuck out of a hotel, who was wearing a thrift-shop maid’s uniform under a bulky orange life vest, clinging white-knuckled to the rail and looking so green she could pass for the Wicked Witch of the West. And yet, even then, she was remarkably beautiful.

  “You okay?” Neil frowned at Piper as mist from a wave sprayed over the starboard side.

  “Fine.” She smiled, but it looked more like a grimace.

  The main sail and jib were slacking a bit. He checked wind speed and direction and turned the wheel, tacking into the breeze.

  The weather was perfect—he’d monitored the forecast and filed a float plan with the coast guard before picking Piper up this morning. Blue skies, a few puffy clouds and a warm sun overhead. Traveling at about six and a half to seven knots, they’d made good time and were already in the Intracoastal Waterway. The wind was minimal; the water was relatively calm.

  But a good sailor, Piper was not.

  He handed her a bottle of water from the cooler. “You’ve been on a boat before, right?”

  “Of course.” She waved at the ocean. “Dozens of times.”

  He gave her his skeptical look.

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, maybe only a couple of times. Once on a yacht the size of my London flat. And we tooled around an empty bay while I downed lots of yummy champagne. Is that what you wanted to know?”

  He grinned. Even weak and nauseated she was a wiseass.

  “Then there was the cruise ship earlier this year,” she said quietly.

  “You went on a cruise?”

  “Working trip, actually.”

  “Well, being on a large ship is different. I’m sorry about this. If you’d said something we could’ve driven down.”

  She shrugged. “I never say no to adventure.”

  After she’d mentioned the Keys last night, his mind had gone all fuzzy and his breath had caught, thinking of the two of them alone for a couple of days. And a couple of nights.

  A secluded bungalow by the beach, soft waves crashing, a ceiling fan circling lazily overhead. Their bodies entwined on cool cotton sheets...

  Piper sprang up and bent over the side of their boat, nauseous. Cursing, Neil scanned the waterway to make sure their route was clear, turned the knob to lock the wheel and reached her in time to slip one arm around her waist and hold her hair away from her face. As she straightened, she fell against him, limp.

  He carried her to the cushioned bench seat and dropped to one knee at her feet. “Feel better?” He tried to give her a reassuring smile.

  She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “I’m so sorry you had to see that.”

  “You’re sorry? I’m the moron. I should’ve ditched this idea the minute I saw your face this morning when we arrived at the dock. Hold on a sec.” He jogged down to the galley, grabbed a towel and brought it back to her, and then gently brushed her hair behind her ears.

  Their gazes met and she covered his hand where he was stroking her cheek. “No. It’s not your fault.”

  He stared up at her, amazed. Instead of whining and complaining—which she had every right to do—she was trying to reassure him. The guys in his platoon would call her a salty dog.

  While she rinsed her mouth with the water, he shook his head, wanting to kick himself for doing this to her. “We could turn back, or heave to, but I don’t think that would help the situation.” This morning, the Miami skyline had risen above the horizon like tall and short blocks on a graph. Deep shady purple on the west half of the buildings contrasted with blinding sunlight reflected on the east. Ahead of them now, he could barely see a dark green strip of land to the northeast. “We’re almost halfway there. But I’ve got some seasick meds in the first-aid kit. Why don’t you go below deck and lie down?”

  “No. That would make things worse. I’ll be all right.”

  “Are you sure? It’s going to be almost dark before we get to Key Largo.”

  “Key Largo?”

  “Yeah, like the song?”

  She frowned. “The song?”

  “You know...Bogie and Bacall?”

  She still looked confused.

  Great. Now he felt super old. “Never mind.” But more words of the old hit song came back to him. Something about a sweet surrender and giving the guy her heart. She hadn’t even been born when that song came out. Although, thinking about it, he wasn’t even sure he’d been born.

  She prop
ped her arms on the edge of the stern, looking out over the water. “It’s beautiful here. Might we see a dolphin, do you think?”

  “It’s very likely,” he replied. “Dolphins, gulls, pelicans. The real treat is the reefs. The coral is amazing.” He considered her for a moment. “Do you snorkel?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “No.”

  “No problem. We only have a couple of days. Maybe next time.” Then he caught what he’d said. Next time? As if they would come back together at some point? As if they had a future. It was crazy.

  But the words had just shot out of his mouth without his brain engaging first.

  She had transferred her gaze back to him, though her expression revealed nothing.

  “I meant, maybe you could come back sometime. You know, when you’re in the area again.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Those luminous light green eyes of hers... He should walk away, instead he moved closer to her. The life vest was awkward between them. He raised his hand to caress her cheek and she pressed into his palm.

  The bow of the boat tossed up, spraying saltwater over them, and Piper jerked back, fear written on her face.

  He jumped to his feet, unlocked the wheel and tacked starboard. Another boat had come within a couple dozen yards of hitting them. What had he been thinking to leave the helm for so long? The woman turned his brain to mush.

  The sooner he got her off this boat, the better.

  * * *

  PIPER AWOKE SLOWLY to a man who was calling her name, his strong arms lifting her. When she opened her eyes, she saw feathery palm fronds silhouetted against a lavender sky. The sun was a bright orange ball turning the horizon pinkish red as it sank into the water.

  “Beautiful,” she murmured, and laid her head on Neil’s shoulder. The faint whiff of his musky cologne made her nuzzle her face against his jaw.

  “Let’s get you on solid ground, okay?” He unhooked her life vest and tugged it off, then practically carried her off the boat and onto a dirt path. Her hand rested on his chest. His T-shirt was damp, clinging to the hard muscle beneath. She could feel the outline of his dog tags.

  “How are you feeling?” His voice was soft, so full of concern.

  She assessed herself. Her headache was gone and she felt...ravenous. She happily smiled at him. “Much improved.”

  His expression showed his relief. “Good. Our bungalow is this way.”


  He kept his arm around her waist as they made their way down the dirt path to an older lady with deeply weathered skin, in white capris and a bright yellow T-shirt that read Largo Cottages. She handed Neil a key attached to a large plastic key chain. “I saw your boat sailing up. I’m Jen. Welcome to Key Largo.” She gestured to the pathway that led toward a thick copse of trees. Piper could see a couple of lights twinkling through the darkness.

  “Oh, Neil. How did you find this place?”

  Neil shrugged and gave a teasing grin. “I know a guy.” He took the key from the lady. “Thanks, Jen.” Then he touched Piper’s arm. “I’ll get the bags.” He jogged back to the boat, climbed in and returned with her case and his duffel. He took Piper’s hand and steered her toward the woods.

  Piper scanned her pretty surroundings. The boat was moored at a short wooden dock alongside a thin piece of land that jutted out into the blue bay, shored up with white boulders. Large palm trees with wide green fronds lined the path, and colored lanterns were strung from tree to tree, leading them to a white wooden cabin nestled in dense tropical foliage.

  From the exterior, the cabin seemed small, but inside, the main room was spacious. Cool green walls and bamboo furniture covered with thick white cushions surrounded a glass fireplace, and there was an efficiency kitchen outfitted with modern appliances.

  Neil followed her down the hall and set their bags just inside the bedroom door. A four-poster bed covered with sumptuous white linens dominated the room. Opposite the loo was a set of French doors that led out to the beach.

  As she ran her palm over the thick comforter, he stuck his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts and leaned against the door frame. “Hungry?”

  She smiled. “Starving.”

  “Good. You want to freshen up while I get some dinner?”

  She peeked into the airy bathroom. There was a large jet tub as well as a shower. “A hot bath does sound lovely. But where do you propose to get food?”

  “There’s a restaurant and a store not far down the road. Any requests?”

  “Anything you bring is fine.”

  He nodded and turned to go.


  He halted and glanced back.

  “Thank you.”

  His eyes darkened. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

  After a hot soak in the tub, Piper threw on a sundress and then explored the grounds around the cottage. Off the kitchen was a small deck with a round table and two chairs, and steps leading to the beach.

  It was getting dark already, but the same kind of lanterns that had brightened the pathway from the dock were strategically placed around the white sandy beach. Surrounding this spot was a forest of mangrove trees.

  There were a couple of Adirondack chairs beneath an umbrella close to the softly lapping water, and a waning moon was bright enough to see the hammock slung between two larger palm trees. Compared to, say, her ex Francois’s cliff-side villa in Monaco, this little getaway might best be described as quaint. But it was quiet. Secluded. Perfect.

  Neil had brought her to a private paradise.

  Walking back to the deck, she heard the key in the lock, and the door to the bungalow opened and then closed again. She padded in just as Neil was setting several full plastic bags on the kitchen counter. He turned and their gazes met.

  Amazed that she was so lucky to be here with Neil, she simply studied the man. He wasn’t classically handsome. Just an average-looking bloke, really. Of course, the arms were nicely muscular, the chest impressive. But none of that was what really drew her to him. It was something in him. Something she’d felt from that first dinner with him. Something that made her want to be wrapped in his arms and stay there forever.

  Oh, please. She sounded like a sentimental twit.

  His gaze never wavered as she closed the distance between them, stopping a mere inch from him. “I find that I’m suddenly not so hungry,” she said with a kiss.

  Needing no further encouragement, he cradled the back of her head in his palm and slanted his mouth over hers, enveloping her in a sensual kiss. Her arms went round his neck, and she rose on tiptoe to fit her body to his. His kisses grew more passionate, more desperate as he lifted her and headed for the bedroom.

  Melting into his embrace, she circled her legs about his waist, hooked her ankles at the small of his back and buried her fingers in his short hair. She wanted him—needed him. Had since she’d met him, she realized now.

  He bumped against the end of the bed and bent to lower her onto the soft comforter. Without removing his lips from hers he reached under her dress and slipped her knickers down. But then he gave a frustrated grunt when he had to struggle to untangle her legs from around his waist to get them off her.

  Mmm, the look on his face as he accomplished his mission—raw hunger. Piper felt exposed, lying there propped on her elbows, waiting for him. But she also felt exhilarated. Anticipating. Needing.

  He glanced up to meet her eyes, then fell to his haunches, placed his hands on the insides of her thighs, and slowly lapped his tongue against her.

  Her head fell back as a keening moan escaped her throat. For the next while she knew nothing, saw nothing. She could only think, Neil. Neil. Neil. And Yes. And Do that again. And More. He was an expert. A master. A god.

  Pleasure built, winding tighter and tighter inside her. Sh
e was making silly embarrassing sounds, lifting her hips, giving herself to him, until she felt consciousness leave her. She was everywhere and nowhere. She was in the room, but not.

  Slowly, she could hear herself breathing. Heard the sounds outside. Cicadas chirping, ocean waves roaring. She opened her eyes. The ceiling fan whirled overhead.

  “I wish you could see how amazing you look right now.” Neil sat back on his heels, kneeling before her.

  But it was she who should be worshipping him. He was still dressed. That just wasn’t right.

  She sat up and reached for the hem of his T-shirt, yanking it over his head. Being a smart man, he understood her urgency and lifted his arms, then began shedding his shorts and boxers. She got a good look at his impressive erection while he rolled on a condom.

  She shuffled backward as he rose over her, stalking her like a large cat, his dog tags swinging. She watched the flexing of his taut muscles, arms, abs, thighs. His tanned skin gave evidence of his dangerous occupation. A four-inch scar across his abdomen. A round puckered one on his left shoulder. A tat on his right upper arm. It was the SEAL trident with a date below it. She ran her fingers over the tattoo, then to the smattering of dark hair on his chest that arrowed down to his straining erection.

  His lips curved in a feral smile as he hovered over her on hands and knees. “Take off your dress.”

  With a smile she grabbed the edge of the sundress and tugged it up and over her head. She pulled it free from her hair and tossed it...somewhere. Then she bent her arms behind her to unclasp her bra.

  “No.” His eyes blazed, riveted on her.


  He finally lifted his gaze from her breasts and looked into her eyes. “I want to enjoy this a bit.” He ran the back of his hand over the lacy edge of her bra. “This is one of those Desiree’s Desire lingerie things, right?”

  “Of course.” Her nipples were hard peaks, and she drew in a breath slowly, anticipating his touch.

  He lowered his head and placed his mouth on her belly button, kissing his way to her ribs. He stopped when he reached the edge of her bra and groaned. “Never thought I’d say this, but I think purple is my new favorite color.”


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