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Need (Finding Anna)

Page 2

by Hayes, Sherri

  By the time I hung up with Logan, it was after four and I could hear Brianna moving around in the kitchen. I smiled to myself. She’d be starting dinner for us.

  I decided to give her a little more uninterrupted time and called my assistant, Jamie. She assured me that although Karl Walker, the foundation’s CFO, had been looking for me, it didn’t appear to be urgent. Missing work was not something I liked to do, but I hadn’t wanted to leave her alone today.

  After hanging up with Jamie, I closed down my computer and opened the lower left drawer of my desk. There in the back was what I had been looking for: an empty journal.

  As I walked back downstairs, the sounds in the kitchen got louder and then suddenly stopped. When I rounded the corner, Brianna was standing frozen in the center of my kitchen.

  I walked over to her. “Is everything all right?”

  She nodded.

  “Brianna, please talk to me. Why are you standing in the middle of the kitchen? Do you need something?”

  Again she didn’t speak, just shook her head no.

  This time, I reached out and brought her head up. Her eyes held uncertainty again. “Tell me.”

  “I don’t . . . know what to do.”


  She pressed her lips tightly together, and I was beginning to get frustrated. I tried very hard to remember what Logan had said just before hanging up with me:

  “Whatever you do, Stephan, don’t lose your temper with her.”

  I took a deep breath and refocused on her. She shifted her feet several times before she said, “I don’t know what you want me to do. How you want me to . . . act.”

  “How do you want to act?”

  That was when the tears started. I knew she was confused. This could not be easy for her. She had just begun to accept that she belonged to me, and now I had once again destroyed her reality. I only hoped she would let me help her build a new and better one.

  I brushed the tears from her cheeks with my thumbs and stepped forward to bring us closer together. She took the invitation and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed my lips against her hair. “You can tell me anything, Brianna. Anything. I don’t want you to keep things to yourself. I want you to trust me.”

  She nodded against my chest.

  I noticed there was water boiling on the stove, so I reached over and turned the burner off. She started to step away and apologize, but I pulled her back against me. “No. Dinner will wait. I think we need to talk first.”

  Brianna nodded and stayed close to my side as I led us to the living room. I walked to my chair and sat down, holding my hand out in offering to her. She placed her fingers in my grasp and lowered herself onto my lap.

  Once she was settled and my arms were around her, I said, “Now, tell me what is bothering you.”

  She took several minutes to answer, but finally said, “I don’t know how I’m supposed to act . . . what I’m supposed to do now.”

  I took a deep breath and said, “Let’s start with the first one, shall we?”

  Her face was full of anxiety, but she nodded.

  “This is my house, so I expect you to treat me and my things with respect. You are free to come and go. If you aren’t going to be home when I am, then I expect you to either call me or leave a note. My bedroom is still off limits to you unless I give you permission to go in there. I would still like for you to continue working with Brad. I think it will help you not only physically, but mentally as well. It doesn't matter what you decide to do, but it is your decision. You may stop if you wish.”

  I let that set in for a minute before I continued. “As I told you last night, I’d still like to see you go back to school. Again, it will be a benefit to you no matter what path you end up choosing.” Pausing, I made sure she was looking at me before calmly saying, “Everything else is up to you.”

  She just watched me, not saying anything for two hundred and four seconds. Then she said, “So, if I decide I don’t . . . want to stay?”

  I felt a deep pain in my chest unlike any I’d ever known. It took me a few seconds to find my voice. “I won’t stop you.”

  Brianna didn’t respond. Her eyes roamed my face and then fell to her lap. Once again, she pressed her lips together.

  I decided to take Logan’s advice and tell her exactly what I wanted. “I would like for you to stay. How do you feel about that?”

  She shifted on my lap a little. “Scared.”

  “Why do you feel scared?”

  “You want me to be your . . . submissive,” she whispered.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “I don’t,” she said, and then stopped herself. “What would I have to do?”

  The fact that she didn’t say no outright gave me some hope. I smiled, tucked her hair behind her ear with one hand, and reached over to retrieve the new journal with the other. Her fingers touched it reverently when I placed it in her lap. “This is a journal. It’s yours. I’d like for you to put your thoughts and feelings down in it every day.”

  She opened it, flipping through the blank pages. “I used to have a journal when I was with my mom,” she said absently. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I waited until she closed the book and cradled it to her chest. Brianna seemed very pleased with her new journal. “We need to communicate. I need to know what you are thinking and feeling, Brianna. I want to help you so that you’re not afraid anymore, but you have to help me. You have to talk to me. Will you do that?”


  I cupped her face with both of my hands. “You don’t have to make any decisions right now, Brianna. I won’t force you into this. It has to be your choice.”

  She closed her eyes briefly. When they opened again, they were glistening, and a single tear fell down her cheek. My mouth opened and pressed against her skin, capturing the moisture. The salty taste lingered on my tongue.

  Brianna’s lips parted as she sucked in a deep breath. My senses registered her reaction, and I felt the pull I had felt so many times before. Tilting her face up with the pads of my thumbs, I moved my lips down to within a breath of her own. “I want to kiss you, Brianna.”

  She didn’t answer me so I remained where I was. She tilted her head, bringing her mouth closer to mine almost unconsciously.

  “Do you want me to kiss you?” I whispered.

  “Yes,” she said, her breath ghosting across my lips.

  A second after the word left her mouth my lips were covering hers. My fingers wrapped around her scalp, moving her head to give me the best access. Her lips parted and I took advantage.

  The taste of her against my tongue drove me on. Ever so slowly, I explored every inch of her mouth. The mouth of the woman I hoped to one day make completely and solely mine.

  Brianna’s hands came up to rest lightly on my chest. My hands increased their grip on her hair as I pulled back enough to say, “Touch me,” before going back to my delicious exploration.

  Slowly her hands moved up my torso to my neck. Feeling her touch my bare skin sent a shiver down my spine, and I pulled her closer. I wanted to devour her.

  My body shifted and I put my left hand on her waist, pressing her closer. She was too desirable for her own good.

  I forced myself to push her away. My forehead rested against hers as our harsh breath mingled together. Her expressive blue eyes fluttered open. For a moment, they weren’t afraid. Then, I saw it again as she registered the want I knew was reflected in my own eyes.

  With great reluctance, I leaned back and cleared my face of my desire. “I have one more request,” I said once I’d regained my voice.

  “What?” she asked, still not fully in control of herself.

  “I want you to talk to Lily.”


  The rest of Monday night was uneventful. I joined Brianna in the kitchen to help her finish making dinner. She was still a little hesitant, but I could tell that she was trying not to be.

  Tuesday morning, she joined me for a very quiet breakfast before I left for the office. I beat Jamie in and was already in the middle of a grant proposal by the time she knocked on my door. “Good morning, Mr. Coleman.”

  “Morning, Jamie. Come in.”

  She walked into my office and took a seat in front of my desk. “It’s good to have you back.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled.

  My assistant was very loyal, and one of the nicest people I had ever met. “I brought you some phone messages,” she said, handing them to me. I flipped through them quickly. There was nothing overly important there other than a call from my lawyer. “Oh, and Miss Adams called just before five yesterday as well, but she said she would just track you down today. Should I call her and set something up?”

  “Yes. I do believe I have lunch available today. Why don’t you see if she is able to join me and order us something from the deli across the street?”

  She nodded. “Is there anything else, sir?”

  “I think that’s all for now, Jamie. Thanks.”

  Less than five seconds passed after my door clicked shut before I picked up the phone and dialed my lawyer. “Davis and Associates. How may I help you?”

  “Good morning. This is Stephan Coleman.”

  “Oh yes, Mr. Coleman. Mr. Davis is expecting your call. One moment, please.”

  The phone clicked and the line filled with hold music I’d heard more times than I could count. Luckily, I didn’t have to listen for long before Oscar picked up the line. We exchanged brief pleasantries before he cut to the chase.

  “My office received another phone call asking about Brianna Reeves. It was the same guy, I think. Anyway, after last time I put a tracer on the receptionist’s phone and instructed her to use it if he called again.” He paused for what seemed like several minutes, but was in fact only a few seconds. “The phone call originated from the Lake County Minnesota Sheriff’s Office.”

  Any doubt I had in my mind that Jonathan Reeves was looking for his daughter went out the window. I had known it in my gut, but now I had proof.

  “Stephan, what’s going on? Is this girl running from the law or something?”

  I debated for half a second whether to tell Oscar what was going on, but it was clearly information he should have. There was no way I could know what having someone in law enforcement actively coming after Brianna would do. “Oscar, there are some things you need to know.”

  “Whatever it is, I’ll do my best.”

  I decided to stick to the basics. “After a phone call from her father, a car picked Brianna up from her home in Two Harbors. She ended up being held by a man named Ian Pierce for ten months until I was able to get her out.” I conveniently left out the part of ‘how’ I got her away from him.

  It didn’t take Oscar long to draw the same conclusions I had. “Do you really think a county sheriff would do that to his own daughter?” he asked.

  “As much as I would like to think otherwise, yes.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out about Sheriff Reeves without drawing too much attention. It might not be a bad idea to look at Mr. Pierce either. See if maybe we can find a link between the two.”

  “Everything has to be below the radar. Nothing can tie this to me. Or you.”

  The conversation ended shortly after that with a promise from Oscar to contact me as soon as he obtained any information.

  The rest of the morning went quickly. It was amazing how much work could pile up after only a day’s absence this time of year.

  At eleven thirty there was a knock on my door. Jamie peeked her head in. “Mr. Walker is here to see you,” she said, reluctantly.

  I set the papers I had been looking at aside. “Show him in.”

  Jamie took a step back and motioned for Karl Walker to enter my office. The man looked at her with annoyance. He never liked having to go through Jamie to see me.

  “Good morning, Karl,” I said as Jamie closed the door behind her.

  Karl just smiled at me and took a seat in front of my desk. His eyes scanned over the wood surface as if he was looking for something, but he didn’t speak. “Is there something I can help you with? I do have work to do,” I said, pointing out the obvious.

  His smile took a slightly rueful turn for just a second. It was so quick that if I had not been so used to watching for subtle reactions, I would have missed it. “Just wanted to make sure your secretary gave you the final grant proposals for your signature. They need to get out this week.”

  “She did,” I said in a tone that I hoped made clear that I did not appreciate him second-guessing my assistant and her ability to do her job.

  He continued to sit there, and his eyes began taking in my office as a whole. It was quite apparent that he was looking for something. I just had no idea what. Karl had been in my office many times before, yet he had never scrutinized it so closely.

  “Is there something else you needed?”

  That seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he’d been in. “Um. No. No. I’ll just . . .”

  He stood fluidly from the chair and headed toward the door. I lowered my head back down to my paperwork in clear dismissal.

  I heard the knob turn and the door begin to open slightly. “One more thing,” he said.

  My frustration rising, I raised my gaze to meet his across the room. An all-too-innocent expression crossed his face. “I was wondering if you were planning on bringing that girl with you Saturday night. What was her name?” He paused. “Oh yes, Brianna.”

  It took a great deal of effort to keep my face from showing the emotion I was feeling, but I managed. I had not had a chance to talk to Brianna about Saturday. She was still leery of people, but I was hoping she would accompany me. Karl, however, did not need to have any doubts as to Brianna’s availability.

  “Yes,” I said, keeping it simple.

  His mouth pulled down in a false frown. “Pity,” he said, then turned his back on me and left.

  I hadn’t realized just how much rage I was feeling at Karl’s show of interest in Brianna until I heard the pen I’d been holding snap in half. He’d be there Saturday night. North Memorial was where it had all started for The Coleman Foundation. It was an important event for not only the hospital, but for us as well.

  After throwing my now-useless pen in the trash, I tried to pick up where I’d left off, but couldn’t. The only thing I could think about was Brianna. Before I could second-guess myself too much, I picked up the phone and dialed her cell phone.

  She answered on the second ring. “Hello—” She paused. “Hello.”

  Brianna was still having trouble figuring out what to call me. She hadn’t actually called me anything since we’d talked about names yesterday.

  “Hello, Brianna. How’s your morning so far?”

  “Good, Um . . .”

  I decided to address the point directly. “You may call me whatever you wish, you know.”

  “I know,” she said shyly. “It just doesn’t feel right to call you by your name.”

  “Try it.”

  “What?” she gasped.

  I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped my lips. “Say my name.”

  “I . . . I . . .”

  “Don’t say you can’t, because I know that you can. You are capable of so much, Brianna. You just have to push beyond your fear.”

  She was quiet for so long that I thought she wasn’t going to respond. Then, I heard my name spoken in what barely qualified as a whisper.

  “Again,” I said.

  “Ste . . . phan,” she squeaked.

  It was louder, but she could do better. “Again, Brianna.”

  She paused and I could almost see her pressing her lips together on the other end of the line. “Stephan.”

  My name was still foreign on her lips, but it was progress. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Her response the shy whisper I often received from her.

  I looked over at my computer
and saw that Lily would arrive in a few minutes. “I was calling to see if you would be available to have lunch with Lily tomorrow.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Good. I’m meeting with her in a few minutes, and I’ll let her know to swing by and pick you up. Maybe you two could go out.”

  “I don’t . . .”

  “If you want to go to school this fall, Brianna, you’re going to have to get used to being around people. Lily will keep you safe.”

  “I know,” she said. “Okay.”

  There was a knock on my door. Lily peeked in, her arms holding the food Jamie ordered for us. “I need to go,” I told Brianna. “I’ll see you tonight when I get home.”

  She said a shy goodbye and hung up.

  Lily walked into the room and placed the food on the small table between two chairs I had set up in the corner of my office. I stood up from behind my desk and made my way over to sit opposite her. “How are you, Lily?”

  Her eyes met mine for a second longer than normal before she said, “Fine.” She paused for a few moments before giving me a rueful smile. “I’d be better if you’d get rid of Karl.”

  I reached down and picked up a sandwich. Lily did the same. “Causing problems again?”

  “He’s just annoying. Hovering. It’s like he feels he has to double-check everything I do.” Then she waved me off. “I’m just complaining,” she said. “Don’t mind me.”

  I trusted Lily to tell me if there really was an issue. “You were looking for me yesterday,” I said, giving her an opening.

  “I wanted to know how Brianna was doing.”

  “She’s confused, which is to be expected.”

  “Was she upset?” Lily asked.

  I thought about that for a minute. “No. She wasn’t upset. Scared, yes, but not upset.”

  We continued to eat our lunch in silence for a few minutes before I started speaking again. “I told her I’d like for her to be my submissive.” Lily stopped eating. “I’d like you to talk to her. Tell her what it’s like. Answer her questions.”


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