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Scars Of The Soul

Page 22

by J J Cobban

  Things after that calmed down. We’d finished the tour and everyone had started working on some new material. There was no rush for anything new but it was like everyone seemed to enjoy being able to kick around in the studio. I wasn’t complaining though, it was the perfect time for me to take some much needed holidays. I spent a good deal of the time helping out with Koda. I’d never been around little kids much in my life but I was enjoying the time I did get to spend with her. It also seemed that I had a knack for dealing with fussy kids, something Rissa exploited whenever she needed it.

  So, yeah, I liked kids but I hadn’t considered having any yet.

  I watched as Drake continued to bounce Koda on his knee and felt my smile grow as I imagined him with a chubby little black haired and blue-eyed baby. The thought was definitely tempting.

  “I think I’d like kids one day,” I admitted, “maybe in a couple of years?”

  Drake grinned at me, leaning to the side to press a kiss to my lips. Small hands slapped at our faces, making us both laugh. We pulled apart to see Koda trying to get to her feet as she grabbed Drake’s ear for balance.

  “Yeah, maybe in a few years.” Drake agreed, wincing as he pulled her little fist from his ear.

  “Don’t think I can share you quite yet anyway,” I laughed, taking Koda’s other hand as the front door opened. Our attention turned to the door as Seth and Lacey walked in.

  “Hey guys,” I called.

  Seth peered in, checking the coast was clear before sauntering in with a grin on his face.

  “Aw, poor Koda stuck with you idiots again?” Seth teased before looking around again “She cooled off yet?” he beamed.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “She took off back to her place to get cleaned up, although if I was you, I’d make myself scarce because she’ll be back soon for this little lady.” I said tickling Koda’s ribs, “Everyone is down in the basement.”

  “Sweet, I’ll go hide,” Seth grinned as he headed for the basement. Poor fucker had no idea what he was walking in to. Needless to say, Seth and I were back to annoying one another.

  Lacey moved into the room with a nervous look on her face.

  “What’s up, Lace?” Drake asked as we both smiled at Seth’s retreating form.

  “I got an invite today from my father,” She winced, “I haven’t heard from the asshole in months and this was his conversation starter? Oh and the best part? He made it quite clear that my plus one can’t be Trav.”

  “What?” I frowned “No offence, Lace, your dad sounds like an ass. Why can’t you take Travis?”

  “Last year, my father’s bitch of a fiancé started on me about being single and my father made some shitty remark about me being a mess. We got into it pretty badly and then the old fucker tried to get all up in my face. I’ve never seen Travis move so fast in my life. He punched my father straight in the face and told him to, and I quote, ‘show some fucking respect’. We left straight after and it was made quite clear that Travis wouldn’t be welcome back to any family functions.” Lacey sighed.

  “So naturally I told him I already had another plus one to take. The old fucker nearly died of surprise and then it was like word vomit, I was telling him how excited my boyfriend would be to meet everyone. My father has never been speechless but hearing I had a significant other? Yeah, that took all the acid right out of him.” She scoffed.

  Lacey looked slightly triumphant as she finished her rant. Drake and I shared a look as a manly scream came from the basement. After some heavy footsteps, Seth exploded from the basement with Travis and Mikey on his heels.

  “Son of a bitch!” Travis yelled “You had to bring us in to it?”

  Seth and Travis took off up the stairs while Mikey followed hot on their heels, cursing in Spanish. Jo was grinning viciously as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “Oh boys!” she sang sweetly. When everything fell silent she laughed wickedly before running up the stairs. Whatever she’d concocted down in the basement couldn’t have been good if the three men were on the run.

  “They’ve probably jumped out of the window,” Lacey sniggered “I’d risk a broken leg over any revenge Jo has planned.”

  Lacey had barely finished her sentence when a loud crash came from upstairs followed abruptly by male swearing. It sounded like they were just running from one room to the other. If this continued I was going to have to go up for no other reason than to sate my curiosity about what Jo had planned.

  “So, stupid question here,” Drake cleared his throat after a moment, moving to pop Koda back in her playpen, “I take it you’re not going to the wedding? Or are you going to give your fake boyfriend an excuse for not being there?”

  “Oh no, I have to go to save face.”

  Now it was my turn to look puzzled.

  “But your father expects you to bring a boyfriend?” I pointed out.

  Lacey paused, as if that thought had only just occurred to her. Then there was a flash of light behind her eyes.

  “I need to get a boyfriend,” She mumbled to herself, “Who’s downstairs?”

  The question was directed at Drake. Drake scratched his stubble covered chin and frowned.

  “Everyone bar the idiots hiding up the stairs, why?”

  Lacey got to her feet grinning, “I need to get me a boyfriend, that’s why.”

  Lacey skipped, actually skipped, towards the basement door. Drake and I watched as she disappeared from view.

  “This is going to be disastrous,” Drake groaned, “I know exactly where her head is and I know this isn’t going to work.”

  “Hey,” I poked his ribs gently as I got to my feet. “Somebody also told me that getting involved with a member of the band I was supposed to manage was a bad idea and bound to end in disaster. Now look at us.”

  Drake wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  “You were the one who thought that, I never agreed for a second.”

  “Yeah, well, whatever,” I grinned, rising on my tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips, “It worked out well regardless.”

  “Yes, it did.” Drake smiled down at me as he sealed his mouth over my own once more, parting my lips with his tongue. I tightened my arms, bringing him closer to my body.

  Some things were without a doubt worth the risk.

  I just hoped Lacey’s future misadventure would prove to be worth the risk for her because when you found that something worth fighting for?

  Well, it was pure fucking bliss.

  ?????? ??????


  So I’m kicking off with you, the wonderful reader. Your continued support and enthusiasm about the Ultimate Corruption boys fuelled this book. Thank you all so much. Without you, I wouldn’t be doing what I love.

  Of course my amazing family! You’re all there to give me a little pick me up when writer’s block hits or I’m not quite feeling like me. I love every one of you to the moon and back. You’re more of a support than you realise.

  My extraordinary ‘squad’ (the four of you know who you are). You girls may not realise it but you inspire me every time we get together. I haven’t come away from one single get together when my sides haven’t hurt from laughing. I’ve mentally catalogued so many of our adventures and conversations and you can be damned certain they’ll make an appearance in a novel somewhere. #sorrynotsorry

  Sharon, this was nowhere near ready to be published before you got your magical hands on it. You pointed me in the right direction and helped make this into something I’m proud to release. Thank you!

  This has to be my favourite cover of any of my books and that’s all thanks to LJ at Mayhem Cover Creations. You’ve outdone yourself, LJ! Thank you!

  A huge thank you to everyone! Look out for Lacey and Asher’s story next. Much love ??





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