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Skirts & Swords (Female-Led Epic Fantasy Box Set for Charity)

Page 15

by L. P. Dover

  “First, I want you to call me Alasdair. I think we are close enough now to be on a first name basis.”

  “You make me sick, you twisted bastard,” I storm.

  I know he wants my power, but I have to find a way to get him out of Kalen’s body. The only ways to do that is if the sorcerer leaves his body or if Kalen dies, but the latter is not an option. He moves forward and I continue to step back. The wall is closing in behind me and he smirks because he knows that I have nowhere else to go. He reaches out his hand and I smack it away.

  “Feisty, just like I remember,” he laughs.

  “Ugh, don’t remind me,” I hiss back. I look over at Breena and I can tell she’s getting angry at our interaction. She’s breathing hard and fuming while looking back and forth between the sorcerer and me. Her face still hasn’t healed and I find great enjoyment in that because she seems like a woman who values her vanity above all else. I regret not killing her when I had the chance. Breena secured her death the moment she sided with the dark sorcerer.

  The dark sorcerer looks from me to her with Kalen’s eyes and dismisses her like a piece of trash, “Leave us, Breena. I want to be alone with the princess.”

  Her temper spikes with jealousy making her scream, “No! I don’t want you alone with her.” His whole demeanor changes in that instant from menacing to outright violent. The look he gives her makes her cower in fear and she fumbles while trying to leave the room quickly. The air in the room has drastically changed and it begins to make fear crawl through my veins as well.

  Once Breena leaves, the dark sorcerer turns his attention back to me. It hurts to see Kalen used this way, and I’m beginning to think this is just the beginning to the cruel game. “Now, where were we?” He furrows his brows and then continues, “Oh, right, I remember now. We were discussing what I want from you.”

  He abruptly pushes me up against the wall pinning my arms to the side. It catches me off guard and I gasp in surprise. My breath is knocked out of my lungs from the hit, so I quickly suck in a much needed ragged breath.

  His breath is hot against my skin as he trails his tongue up my neck to my ear.

  “I want your power, Princess, and I am going to get it whether you like it or not,” he whispers. I shake my head no because with him being so close and touching me I can’t seem to get the words out. “Oh, I believe you will,” he says. He pulls back and nods his head toward the table beside the bed. “Do you see the dagger over there?”

  I look at the table and instantly know what kind of dagger that is. It could end a fae’s life in a matter of seconds, and if he uses that on Kalen’s body he will be gone from me forever. “Yes,” I reply.

  “If you don’t give me your power willingly I will kill him right in front of you while you watch, and then after I kill him, I will take your power by force and enjoy every minute of it.” He pauses and runs his hands down my body. “I seem to remember you liking it rough.”

  The anger inside my body has been building for far too long and I know I can’t contain it any longer. I head butt him so hard in the face that he actually stumbles back a few steps. I know I can’t escape him, but showing that I am a force on my own is what I want him to realize.

  “Yes, I do like it rough, as you can now see,” I claim, breathing hard.

  He laughs and nods his head in approval. He takes a nearby towel and wipes away the blood. “So what will it be, Meliantha?”

  If he takes my magic I know I can heal myself, but he will also be stronger. If I don’t give him my power he will kill Kalen, and then all will be lost. I don’t trust him to leave Kalen’s body and I don’t trust he will leave Kalen alive, but what choice do I have? I storm right up to him and his eyes go wide at my advancement. I am not weak or scared, and I am not going to let him intimidate me.

  “Take it,” I demand.

  His wolfish smile grows and his body begins to change as a dark cloud settles over him. The talisman I have heard so much about begins to appear around Kalen’s neck, starting out hazy and translucent, but then becoming solid. The dark sorcerer takes a deep breath and sighs. He takes the talisman off and begins walking towards me. I stand my ground and I refuse to flinch as he places the talisman around my neck. I can immediately tell that my power is being siphoned from my body by the tiny pin pricks swarming all over my skin, sucking and pulling. I fall to my knees from the agonizing pain and I can sense the darkness coming to claim me. I try keeping the darkness at bay by digging my nails into my palms and concentrating on the pain. I have to stay awake or the sorcerer will get away, or worse, he’ll kill Kalen. The weight of the necklace is removed and I can’t stop my body from swaying uncontrollably form side to side. My head hits the floor hard and now my vision is nothing but a blurry haze.

  A face comes into view above me and I can feel the crushing weight of a body on top of mine making it hard for me to breathe. I can see Kalen’s face, but I know it’s the dark sorcerer smiling down at me with evil intentions. He takes my bottom lip in between his teeth and he bites down hard while sucking away my blood. I can taste the metallic essence of my blood going down the back of my throat and it makes my stomach roil.

  I try to fight, but my body is unresponsive and I can’t move. I’m stuck here to endure what he does to my body and all the while I am struggling to fight back. He moans and licks his lips, “You taste so good, Meliantha.”

  I’m screaming on the inside but nothing escapes my lips. What am I going to do, and how am I going to save Kalen if I can’t even move? The dark sorcerer puts his hands underneath my dress and runs them up my legs to my waist while bringing my dress up along the way. I can’t let him have me, not again. The darkness is beginning to creep around the edges of my mind, and it’s like my soul is leaving my body. He starts to pull my underwear down but then abruptly snaps to attention and lets them go.

  “It seems we have company, my dear. I hate we couldn’t finish the fun, but if you want your prince alive you have to find me.” He bites my ear lobe this time sending a sharp pain down my body. He grinds his body into mine one last time before getting up and walking toward the door.

  “May the games begin,” he taunts before leaving the room.

  I try to keep my eyes from closing, but the darkness is too close. I hear heavy footsteps quickly climbing the stairs and they are making their way to me in the bedroom. I feel warm hands gently pulling my dress back into place, and then being lifted into someone’s arms.

  “I’m here, Meliantha,” a voice whispers in my ear. I recognize the voice as being Finn’s, and then Ashur speaks through my mind.

  “We’re both here, Princess, and we’re not going let anything else happen to you.”

  “Thank you,” were the last words I said before my body gave up and took me into the darkness.

  “Wake up, Mel.” I bolt awake from the feel of someone shaking me by the shoulders and I gasp for air. The room comes into focus and I am lying on my bed in the cottage. Ashur, Elissa, and Finn are surrounding the bed staring worriedly at me. My body feels fine except for the hollow ache in my heart. I close my eyes to remember how I got here and then in a flash everything comes rushing back. Kalen is gone and the dark sorcerer took his fill of my power. I failed to save Kalen, and now I have to find him. Fear and desperation fuel my every existence and I jump out of bed to gather up my warrior gear. Even though Ashur and Finn are in here, I cease to care as I change out of my dress and into my gear as quickly as possible.

  “Maybe you should rest,” Elissa advises whole-heartedly. She stands in my way as I reach for my bow. “He’s gone Meliantha.”

  The words sting because I know he’s gone, I was there, but I’m not going to allow him to be gone from me forever. I take a deep breath and I look at all their faces. I’m determined to find him. Even if I have to search for years, I will find him.

  “I don’t care what any of you say or do, but I am going to find him, and none of you are going to stand in my way. Got it?” They all nod and
back away without a word. I don’t want to have a confrontation with any of them, so I’m grateful they have decided to keep their mouths shut.

  I grab my bow and arrows and my thick, long, wool cloak. It’ll keep me warm on my journey, wherever that may be. I pack up some extra clothing and blankets, and I place them in my riding satchel that will hook onto Prince Ashe’s saddle. I hastily leave my room to gather food and supplies in the kitchen. I load up as much food as I can into the satchel and I’m satisfied when it’s full. This should last me a week, at least.

  “I’m coming with you,” Ashur says. He’s dressed in full warrior gear, weapons and all, and he glares at me like I have no say in the matter.

  “You need to stay here with Elissa,” I reply, exasperated. We’re running out of time and I need to be on my way. I don’t know how long I was out, but I know I need to get started on the search.

  Elissa walks into the kitchen and shakes her head.

  “No, Meliantha. He’s going with you.” She comes over and wraps me in her arms. “I will be fine here. I’m going to the palace to raise the alarm. Go and find your prince.” She gives me a nudge to the door and I eagerly comply. Ashur has his things ready to go so I open the front door and Aki is waiting right there in front of me, poised and ready to go. I’m glad to see him because I know he is a good tracker, and he is our best chance at finding Kalen.

  “Come here, Aki.” He rubs against my legs and lets out a soft whine. He misses Kalen and I can feel his anguish, but most of all I can feel his determination to get him back. “Thank you,” I whisper in his ear.

  “Let’s go!” I call out to Ashur. I wish Finn would have said goodbye to me, but he disappeared off into his room once I left my bedroom. I don’t blame him, but it would have been nice to see him one last time in case I don’t come back.

  We head to the stables and as soon as I see my horse, Prince Ashe, I run straight toward his stall. He paces excitedly and it lets me know that he’s glad to see me. I can tell he’s been taken good care of him because he looks well fed and his coat has a bright sheen to it. I open the stall door and he nuzzles me along the way.

  “Hey there, boy. We have a long journey ahead of us, and I’m going to need your agility and swiftness to get through it. Can you do that?”

  He rears back excitedly and huffs in my face. “I knew you could,” I encourage him. I saddle him up while Ashur saddles up his horse. Aki is pacing around the stables and I know he is ready to get moving. So am I.

  “I’m ready when you are, Princess,” Ashur calls out.

  “You hear that, Prince Ashe. Let’s go!” I command.

  Aki runs ahead of us and we follow closely behind. He knows his alpha’s scent well so tracking him should be easy. We head away from the palace and out the Winter gates. Several of the Winter warriors tried to stop us, but we sped past them without a second glance. To where we are going I have no clue. All I know is that I will travel through the Land of the Fae a million times over if that is what it takes to find Kalen. If Elissa hasn’t spread the word then I am sure it has now. We ride for several hours without a moments rest until there is no more energy left to be spent. Aki is tired, and I know the horses are as well.

  We have reached the Mystical Forest and have decided to set up camp. It’s dark out now, but the moonlight shines through the trees giving the forest an ethereal glow. Ashur and I are about to lie down and rest when we hear a rider approaching. Ashur swiftly pulls his sword, and I already have my bow in hand and ready to fire in a matter of seconds.

  I recognize the fierce rider coming this way by the long, white-blonde hair billowing out in the wind. It’s Finn. What is he doing here? I lower my bow as Finn comes to a stop before me and dismounts from his horse. “I thought you could use more help,” he suggests. I could use the help, but I wouldn’t feel right asking for his. How can I ask him to help me search for the man I left him for?

  “I can’t ask you to do that, Finn.”

  He lets out a sigh and takes my hands in his while looking me in the eyes.

  “You didn’t have to ask. I’m here because I want you to be happy, and getting your prince back will make you happy. The Land of the Fae depends on you both,” he admits.

  He is right. The Spring Court can’t be formed without Kalen. The Land of the Fae will falter and grow weak if I don’t find Kalen and bring him home. I pull Finn to me and he encloses me in his arms. “Thank you, Finn. I don’t know what I would do without you,” I say genuinely.

  He kisses my head and lets me go. No more words were spoken as we set up camp for the night. I lie down on my blanket while Aki snuggles up to my side. We’re going to find him, I whisper to the stars above. I hope…


  The sound of a tiny voice in my ear startles me awake and I bolt upright. Dozens of sprites are flying around the camp and the buzzing of their wings sound like a swarm of bees on the verge of attack.

  “I’m sorry I startled you,” the little sprite apologizes. Ashur and Finn are awake and by the scowls on their faces it would appear they are slightly annoyed by the intrusion.

  I smile at the little pink sprite and I beckon her closer while holding out my hand. She settles onto my palm and I bring her up to my eye level.

  “It’s OK. I just wasn’t expecting to have such a grand audience. What’s your name?”

  Her voice sounds child-like, but if I had a guess, I would say she is older than me by centuries.

  “My name is Ansley, and I came to warn you. The forest isn’t safe.” That caught the attention of my men and they stride over quickly.

  “What are you here to warn me about?” I ask.

  She looks from me to Ashur and Finn.

  “There’s evil in the forest. It’s parading around wreaking havoc in its wake. It’s no place for a princess like you.”

  Now I have more motivation than anything to find the dark sorcerer. He not only has taken over Kalen, but he’s tormenting the lives of innocent fae creatures. “Thank you, Ansley, but that evil is exactly why I’m here. I have to put a stop to it.”

  Her eyes go wide and she flutters up in the air to come closer. “Please be careful, Princess,” she cries. “We are leaving the forest to seek shelter somewhere else. We no longer feel safe here.”

  The sprites all around me look scared and unsure, so I do the only thing I can think of to do. I motion for the sprites to gather around me so I can address them all.

  “Dear friends, I want you all to go to the Summer Court and stay there until I return. I have several sprite friends that will take care of you. Tell them I sent you, and you will be safe.”

  They all murmur their gratitude and fly away in the direction of the Summer Court.

  “You sure do have a way with the fae creatures, don’t you Princess?” Ashur grins.

  I grin back while loading up my things.

  “I do, but I love to help them,” I admit.

  Aki is huffing and looking off into the forest. I know he is ready so we pick up the pace and pack up our camp. We only rest for a couple of hours, but I feel energized to go on for several days. It’s still dark outside, but the horizon toward the Summer Court is slowly turning pink with the approaching sun.

  We all three mount our horses and both Ashur and Finn nod their heads showing they are ready. Aki runs ahead and we swiftly follow him into the unknown depths of the Mystical Forest. The forest is huge and I have never ventured off into the heart of it until this day. I have only traveled along the outskirts of it to get to the Fall and Winter Court from my home in the Summer. I have heard of the dangerous fae creatures that live in the forest, and I do fear of what will happen if we encounter them. I sneak a glance at both Ashur and Finn and I know they are thinking the same things as well.

  We ride hard throughout the day heading deeper into the Mystical Forest until we come across a small village that looks dark and desolate. It reeks of death. I have never seen this place before, but I can tell this isn’t wh
at it is supposed to look like. I can smell the foulness of black magic permeating the air and the taste of it is even worse. The village we are in is a leprechaun village by the symbols engraved on their doors. I was taught all the ancient symbols and these are surely ones of the leprechauns. I have met a couple of them in my lifetime and they are very superstitious creatures; hence, the symbols on their doors that stand for protection and luck.

  I dismount my horse and bend down to touch the ground. With my ability for nature, it keeps me in tune to the land, and this area of land is screaming for help. I look around the village and I don’t see a soul, but I can sense they are near. They probably ran scared the moment the dark sorcerer’s evil took hold. I need to know what happened and I do not want them afraid of me.

  I speak loudly, addressing the entire village.

  “I am Princess Meliantha of the Summer Court, and I am here to help you! Please don’t be afraid and show yourselves to me!”

  A few minutes later the leprechauns begin to come forth. One by one they slowly make their way out of their hiding spots. They all wear the traditional red coats and red hats. The mortal realm classifies them by wearing green, but here that isn’t so. The women also wear the traditional red, but instead of wearing breeches, they wear long dresses that fall just below their calves, and cinched at the waist with a thick black belt.

  They circle around us and with our height we tower over them all. Leprechauns usually only reach about three feet in height and are known to be excellent boot makers. I look down at their faces and they all look angry and scared. “What happened?” I ask the crowd, even though I have a good guess.

  A rough, gravelly voice speaks.

  “A man of great power swept through here and killed our land. Our once thriving village has now been poisoned with evil.”

  He comes forward and I can tell he must be an elder by the sheer knowledge showing in his eyes.

  “May I ask your name, elder leprechaun?” I ask.

  He bows his head and replies warmly, “My name is Griffin, Your Highness, and I’m honored to meet you.” I wonder how he knows I am a royal.


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