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Skirts & Swords (Female-Led Epic Fantasy Box Set for Charity)

Page 52

by L. P. Dover

  She finally glanced up at me, smiling an easy smile. I nervously looked down at my wrist. It was magnificent. A simple outline of a bird with outstretched wings marked the delicate skin at the inside of my wrist, just above the base of my palm. Unbelievably tiny runes surrounded the bottom of its wings, making a pattern appear at first glance.

  I smiled as I praised her. “It’s beautiful.”

  One eyebrow shot up and she jumped from the bed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with her. I hoped she hadn’t smudged the design; I checked it as soon as she stopped in the center of the room and let my arm go. “And this.” It wasn’t a question, she was proud of her work and had brought me to stand in front of her mirror.

  The eyes that stared back at me in the reflection grew large as they took in her mastery. Gone was the girl I'd been in the village. This woman was striking, her dark eyes might have even been fierce if they weren't round with astonishment. Ruby was thrilled at my response, she bounced twice and clapped her hands at her success.

  And then she was over it. “Let’s eat, I’m famished.” She fired a look back at me, her hair flipping in the process. “Hmm … I’m not supposed to take you outside … Not supposed to leave you …”

  I stood, waiting.

  “Food,” she decided. She yanked two cloaks from the corner and tied them on, covering our heads, and led me to the wardrobe by her bed. I couldn’t imagine how we could get any more clothes on as she opened the door and threw a few things out to land on her bed. Then, she leaned out of the wardrobe door and whispered, “Come on.” She stepped into the cabinet, dragging me with her.

  We were standing outside the rear of her house. She slid the false wall back in place and grabbed my arm again, running from the village.

  We didn’t go far before she stopped and jerked me into a squat beside her. I noticed movement a short distance ahead. It was a thin rabbit. As I watched, a small stick shot from the ground and torpedoed the animal through the chest, killing it instantly. I gasped, and Ruby giggled at me. She grabbed her quarry and we rushed back to the house.

  We went to the main room and she started a fire as she easily skinned and gutted the animal. The entrails went in an urn beside the fire. I wondered what she’d be using them for and then remembered all of her containers from the bedroom shelf, shuddering at the thought. She stretched the pelt to dry while the meat cooked. She poured us wine and handed me half of her plunder. “It’s not much, but game close to the village is sparse. Over-hunted. When we get to the peak, we can trade. It is the strangest thing; they herd the animals to town and corral them to eat at their leisure.” She shook her head at the absurdity. “But you haven’t eaten until you’ve tasted a fattened beast.”

  “The peak?”

  Concerned, she asked, “You don’t know where we’re going?”

  Oh. I didn’t know what to say, I would have been sure not to trust her, but she was traveling with us. I immediately decided against telling her I had no clue where I was or where I was going. I had to stay on this path, now more than ever. Chevelle’s words rolled through my mind.

  She waited while I searched for an answer, but Chevelle opened the door and I knew I was saved. When he saw me, he was struck still. I had forgotten Ruby’s “treatments” until she squealed in delight at his response. He composed his face again, but she'd already marked him. “Oh, you like it. She’s fabulous, isn’t she?” She was so proud of herself, but I could tell Chevelle was embarrassed he’d been caught off guard. She offered him a drink and he sat in a chair beside mine.

  Ruby prattled on as we enjoyed the wine. I noticed him glance at me repeatedly, but I tried to focus on her stories instead of him. When he grabbed my arm, I was startled, afraid at the quickness and strength of the move. But he took his other hand and gently trailed his index finger down my arm, over the design, to stop in the center of my palm. I realized what he was doing and relaxed my arm into his grip. “Do you like it? Ruby did it.”

  His finger stayed on my palm as he looked up at me. His eyes lingered on my face for a moment, and then met mine, piercing. “A hawk?” It seemed like an accusation, but I had no idea why. I sat, blank-faced, staring back at him and he turned to Ruby and gave her the strangest look. He repeated his question to her. “A hawk?”

  She appeared abashed for a moment, but simply shrugged, smiling. “Seemed to fit.” That answered his accusation and he released my hand, relaxing into his seat.

  “Well, now that you’re back …” She hopped off her chair and bounded toward the door. “I can’t wait to visit with our new guests.” She frowned a little. “Too bad they can’t stay inside with us. Frey can have my room, I’ll be out all night, and you can take the spare.” She took one last look at me before she rushed out, completely pleased with her project.

  And I was alone with Chevelle again. My pulse quickened and I had to remind myself he hated me, he was my watcher, he was fulfilling a duty.

  For his part, he just seemed uncomfortable.

  Then it hit me what I’d heard and I wondered if my brain would ever be quick enough to keep up. “Guests?” I asked.

  He hesitated before answering, definitely uncomfortable. “We will be traveling … with some friends.”

  He was so vague. Friends, traveling to the peak. What did it all mean? My hand tightened into a fist as I remembered the map, the mountains. I could only hope there was something of my mother, my family. But, even if there wasn't, it was still further away from the village and council. And that was what mattered now.

  The second piece of Ruby’s parting comment sank in, so I excused myself to her room with a yawn after a short good night. I closed the door behind me, and though tired, knew I wouldn’t sleep with him in the next room. I walked to the back window and stared out into the night.

  Moonlight glinted off something in the distance, and I caught sight of Ruby heading away from the village. I didn’t have time to think. In a second I had pulled a cloak from the things on her bed and was out the secret door through the wardrobe. I crouched as I ran, trying not to be spotted as I gained on her, and glanced back at the house, afraid I wouldn’t be able to find my way back. I finally closed on her and was able to follow a good distance behind without being noticed. She climbed over a large rock and disappeared, so I hurried forward, hoping not to lose her. When I topped the rock, I froze for half of a second before dropping to my stomach. Just over that ridge were a group of elves, though I didn’t think they'd seen me before I fell back.

  I wasn’t close enough to hear them clearly, but couldn’t see a better vantage point without being caught. I examined the figures and found Ruby. She had tossed back the hood of her cloak and was laughing with a large elf. Steed, I was almost sure because of his stance. I scanned the darkness and found two other figures, one was about the size of Steed, and the other was thinner and appeared a little flighty, even in the dark. They were approaching Ruby and Steed now, and out of the shadows I could see them slightly better. Both had dark hair and features. The smaller one had longer hair; it flopped around when he spoke.

  I tried to examine their hands, figure out the gestures. I occasionally caught words or phrases. It seemed they were planning, but I couldn’t be sure. There was movement again in the shadows, more figures were approaching. I leaned forward, anticipating when they would come into view. One of the figures was a mass, low to the ground, I squinted to see better and—

  I almost screamed as someone grabbed my arm and pulled me from the rock. A large hand wrapped around my bicep with fierce strength. I tried to steady my head as I was jerked upright, tried to see my attacker, tried to think the magic to protect myself.

  “What are you doing?” It would have been a yell it if wasn’t a whisper; his tone was harsh and I recognized it at once.

  “Oh.” I wanted to calm down, but couldn’t be certain I wasn’t still in danger. “Chevelle … I …” I didn’t have an answer. What was I doing?

  He released his grip just a fraction as
he calmed. “I went to your room and you were gone.” He shook his head. “I thought I had to come out here to get a search party.”

  “I … uh … you were in my room?” His head had been tilted toward me in his fury and it straightened, his expression making it clear he hadn’t expected that response. I pressed, taking the chance, “Why?” I heard movement behind me and in a second I was afraid again.

  Chevelle didn’t tense; he just let out an exasperated breath. “It’s fine,” he said, clearly frustrated. He released me and I turned to see who he was talking to. Four figures stood in a line, almost a formation, and they relaxed at his words. My arm tingled as the blood returned to the limb, freed of his harsh grip. Yes, he hated me. I flexed my fist.

  “Ah, she escaped,” Ruby purred. “And you didn’t trust me with her.”

  The formation broke as Steed came to stand beside me, smiling. I stared at the group. I had no idea who they were, but from the way they spoke it was apparently no secret I was Chevelle's prisoner. Or his property. I shook off the odd thought.

  “Frey,” Chevelle said, “this is Anvil.” He nodded toward the larger man, who bowed his head to me respectfully. “And Grey.” The wiry man bent and straightened, his movements sharp and quick.

  I gasped as two more figures came into view. A pair of tall elves stepped in sync, and stopped before they reached us. They were thin but muscular, dressed in long, light gray robes, and atop their heads was shocking silvery white hair. I was convinced the moonlight must have been exaggerating it. I jumped again as, on either side of them, two beasts walked forward and stood, stopping in tandem just in front and at each side of the twinned elves. Steed spoke under his breath from beside me. “Yeah, they’re not from around here.”

  I felt myself leaning back toward Chevelle for support. “Rhys and Rider Strong,” he said. I tried to appear calm. They nodded toward me and I was surprised the small gesture also seemed synchronized. The dogs sat on their haunches, but still at attention. They were so large I wasn’t sure they weren’t wolves, but I’d never known a wolf to be tamed. Their fur matched the robes of their masters, even down to the black trim. I couldn’t be certain, but I thought there was even some silver showing. I hoped they were less frightening in the light of day.

  Ruby broke the tense atmosphere with a curtsey. “And Ruby Summit.” I attempted a smile for her.

  I noticed a silent exchange between Steed and Chevelle. They were trying to decide what to do with me.

  “Since you’re apparently not ready to retire for the evening, I suppose we will resume your training,” Chevelle said. Great.

  “Ooh, let me!” Ruby was too eager. Chevelle gave her a doubtful look, and glanced at me. He thought I deserved this. He nodded once and walked toward the rocks. Ruby bounced a few times, celebrating her victory.

  As Chevelle walked past Anvil and Grey, they turned to follow him. I glanced around but didn’t see the other two or their dogs. I was wondering where they had gone, and looked back to Ruby and Steed. Ruby was obviously very excited about the coming torture. Steed was watching me again. I always seemed to forget he was handsome until I was looking at him. He wore a loose shirt, unlaced at the chest, covered with a leather vest. It matched the long leather cuffs on his forearms and I was sure it was the same dark, worn leather of his saddles. He stepped in front of me, took my chin in his hand, and twisted my face slightly, examining it. He purred something toward Ruby about her decorations and gave me a wink as he walked off in the direction Chevelle had gone.

  We were alone now—Ruby and I—and I was sure this was going to hurt more than my other training. She untied her cloak and tossed it to the rocks, where it landed with a muffled sound. She was smiling a touch as she reached her left hand across her waist to a black hoop there. Closing her fist, she pulled it out and around as a long black trail curved in its wake and came to rest softly at her side. A whip. Oh yes, this would hurt. I loosed my cloak and tossed it aside, lowering myself in a defensive stance, hands out and ready. Crack!

  Okay, not ready. “Ow! Mother Earth!” I yelled. Blood trickled at the strike point.

  Ruby giggled a little. “Okay, we start slower.” She considered for a moment. “Maybe we work on your attacks instead of defense.”

  I relaxed my stance. “Um, I don’t really have any attacks.”

  She hadn’t worried when she'd asked me to assail her, but learning I lacked attack skills seemed to trouble her immensely. “Well, then, I suppose we had better focus on getting you some. How to begin?” She was talking to herself now, I was almost sure. My mind started to wander. I listened for the men below, wondering what they were doing there. “I‘m afraid we will have to work with your anger,” she said, smiling. “It seemed to work with your lunch.” I remembered the meat I had burnt when she’d been trying to provoke me with Steed and flushed. “Yes, this could work,” she hummed with a sly grin.

  “Let me see … oh yes, I’ve got it.” She began stepping a slow circle around me, talking as she walked. “The dreams you had… after the fairy dust, do you remember them?” Oh. “I have a few questions, you see. You had plenty to say about someone as you slept. You mentioned how his mouth tasted … muscles under his shirt. And, well, I was curious just who you meant.” No. “It couldn’t have been Chevelle; oh you should have seen his face. He was livid.” No. “Steed was certainly enjoying it, but, my dear, he won’t spill the secret to me. Whose strong back where you wrapped around, whose dark eyes—”

  I was mortified and she was using it to taunt me. There was nowhere to go with the humiliation, it was too much, and it turned to fury as she continued. I snapped. The flames that had been coursing through me burst in my hands. She laughed and tossed her head. “Oh you should have heard it. You gave us such interesting details!” The image of Chevelle hearing my dreams, the sound of their laughter when I woke …

  I knew what she wanted and I gave it to her. Fire shot from both my hands toward her, hotter than any I’d ever produced. I felt the warmth on my face and heard the slosh of Ruby’s heeled boots as the patches of snow melted beneath her steps. She batted away the flames and smiled. “Come now, you’ll have to do better than that.” She kept circling.

  “Let me try harder.” She flicked her wrist, and the end of her whip caught my ankle so fast I hadn’t even realized it was in her hand. She jerked and my leg came out from under me, so hard I hit the ground, slamming down flat on my hip. It hurt. The pain stole the heat from my anger, irritation replaced it as I started to stand up. Crack! The whip struck at my head, forcing me back down. She was still circling, and every time I attempted to right myself, she cracked it anew, keeping me from getting a foothold.

  “Come now, Freya, you must defend yourself. Fight me. Stop me.” Snap! Snap! Snap! She was faster now, cracking the whip above me and at each side, moving again and again, closer and closer. I had to think of something, but my mind could only concentrate on the snap of her whip, closing in on me. I heard the splash again, her boots in the melted snow, and I sent the icy water racing up, under the material of her skirt, to her bare legs. Shock crossed her face and I hoped it would buy the time I needed.

  What now? The cold water had thrown her for no more than a fraction of a second, but it was enough time to right myself and execute one quick attack. I volleyed a nearby rock, which struck her in the back of the head and threw her balance off for another instant. I knew I was larger than her, so I gritted my teeth and lunged, grabbing her as I tried to figure my next attack.

  She raised her face, and when her eyes met mine, they narrowed. Part of me was aware I should have been scared, but I was enjoying myself. Whatever pain I might receive didn’t factor; I had wanted to hurt this wicked little redhead since the first time I’d seen her, since her hand reached out seductively toward Chevelle and collected my ruby. My palms lit where they wrapped around her arms; I would finally burn her. She cocked one eyebrow at me. “Half fire fairy, silly.” And my body was flying through the air to land with
a heavy thump a few yards away.

  “Well, it’s a little unorthodox, but at least you’re thinking on your feet,” she mused. And then she giggled as she realized I was, in fact, not on my feet.

  My body ached as I stood and my best skill was useless. I desperately wanted to ask her to simply show me the way, but my ego stubbornly refused.

  She must have picked up my mood. “You see, most of us choose one particular favorite, we focus on that and practice constantly. That way, it becomes easier, uses less energy, you know.” I didn’t know. “Maybe we should see what your strong suit is,” she said, motioning me to follow her as she walked to the rock ridge and jumped over, hurrying down to the men.

  “Sorry to interrupt, gentlemen,” she announced. “I was wondering if you’d mind a little demonstration.” They broke their circle and gave her their attention. “Frey here hasn’t found her rhythm yet,” she explained. They seemed to understand, and she bounded back over to me and drew me to sit beside her on a large rock facing the men before cueing them to begin.

  The largest stepped forward, boasting deep brown hair and eyes. He wore plain clothing, but his broad shoulders and massive size made him seem regal. “They name me Anvil, but I am Reed, of Keithar Peak.” His voice was thick, though it was impossible to tell whether it was an accent or he had difficulty speaking. He was huge, frighteningly so, but something about him was drawing me in, I wanted to be his friend for no reason I could rationalize. He approached and held out a hand to shake. As I took it in mine, a tingle ran up my arm. I looked down and the hair was standing on end.

  I glanced back at him and he was smiling. “Sorry. I’ll try to avoid touching you.”


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