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Broken Pieces (The Riverdale Series)

Page 13

by Janine Infante Bosco

  He had resisted his feelings for her for a while. When he started noticing her turn from a tomboy to a woman, he hated himself. He tried to remind himself, she was off limits, that she was like a sister to him, but he knew he was just lying to himself. The truth was that, they had been dancing around each other for years. Flirting and teasing each other whenever the opportunity presented itself. There had been a few times that he would go over to the Lanza’s knowing Luke and Jake weren’t home. He told himself he was checking up on her like one of her brothers would have, but in reality he just wanted to see her. He’d never allow himself to take what he wanted out of respect for the Lanza’s.

  Nick swallowed the lump in his throat as his eyes met Sam’s once more.

  * * * * * *

  “Anyway the last time I had to say goodbye to anyone, Jake was there for me. He gave me the strength I needed to understand the words I needed to say. Still, somehow goodbye wasn’t the saddest word I ever said. No,” she shook her head and glanced at her brother’s casket. “Not until today. It breaks my heart to say goodbye to a person I’ve looked up to, and admired my entire life.” She paused and brushed at her tears. “To say goodbye to the one who has always caught me each time I fell.” She gripped the edge of the podium as she tried to brace herself. “I thought I had more time.” She swallowed hard.

  She didn’t want to give up, she wanted to push through. It was the last thing she could give her brother. “I wanted to be there when you needed me, to see you through your darkest days, and when you fell, be the one to catch you for a change. I wanted to pay you back for everything you’ve ever done for me.” She let the tears fall down her cheeks and didn’t pay much attention to them. “I wanted to be there for you, through your whole life and when it was time to say goodbye, I always saw us as old and wrinkly.” Sam lifted her head and watched as Luke stood up, he quietly excused himself and made his way to the back of the church. Sam wondered if it was something she said. She waited a beat before continuing.

  “Goodbye will be the saddest word I ever say to you, Jake.” She murmured softly before finding the strength to move her weak legs and slowly stepped off down from the altar. She paused beside her brother’s coffin and placed her palm over the beautiful mahogany. “Until we meet again.” She whispered.

  She started for her seat, stopping in front of her parents and embracing them before she did in fact find her seat beside Nick. She glanced towards the back of the church trying to seek out Luke, but she couldn’t spot him through the sea of people. She turned back around as Father Gallo wrapped up the service with a final prayer. Nick leaned into her. She knew this because not only did she feel him, but his scent tore through her senses.

  “You did good kid,” he said in a rough whisper. She dared herself to meet his gaze and when she did, he closed his hand around her knee cap. His touch was soft, and one of comfort. It was innocent enough if they were dating, if they were anything to one another. But they weren’t he had no business touching her like that, as if she belonged to him, as if he cared. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to remove his hand. Even if it was for a moment, and just a moment, she wanted to feel as if she belonged to him and as if he cared about her.

  Father Gallo walked over to Deb and Joe and handed them a crucifix that they would keep to remember their son by. The chords of music sounded as the choir began to sing Amazing Grace. Everyone stood. Sam felt Nick brush against her as he made his way towards the other pallbearers. Luke rushed back down the aisle, taking his place across from Nick. Sam watched the silent exchange between them and as if everything was fine, the two of them carried the casket out of the church.

  Everyone found their way to their cars and as the procession pulled away from the church, making its way to Jake’s final resting place, the sound of engines roaring blared. Alongside the cars that made their way to the cemetery, were at least three dozen motorcycles. They had started their own procession. It was something Jake would’ve loved to be a part of, if one of his fellow riders had passed, if he was looking down, he would’ve been honored.

  * * * * * *

  The procession of family and friends made their way to the cemetery where Jake would be laid to rest. At Cara’s request, they had found a plot across from her mother, so the two most important people of her life would spend eternity not too far from one another. Both of them would rest just beneath the willow tree perched on the top of the hill. After Father Gallo concluded his prayers, everyone laid a long stem rose over Jake’s casket. The last of the tears were shed, with promises to return when it all settled in.

  Now they all gathered at Rudy’s Bar and Grille for food and drinks. Joe had announced at the cemetery that he and Deb would love for all those who came to pay their respects to join them at Jake’s favorite hangout. The bar was packed and closed to the public. Rudy and his staff hustled to fill the orders as they came in. Nick was standing at the bar beside Luke, who was nursing a scotch. Nick eyed his friend, noticing the look of defeat in his eyes.

  “You okay, man?” Nick asked as he loosened the knot of his tie. He pushed his empty tumbler glass towards the edge of the bar and signaled the bartender for a refill.

  “I’m fine.” Luke said, snapping out of his trance. He turned around and looked back towards Nick. “I noticed your mother was at the cemetery.”

  Nick lifted his gaze to Luke’s. “Yeah, I noticed her too.” The bartender placed his refilled glass in front of him, thankful for the distraction he grabbed the glass and gulped the whiskey. It didn’t matter that it burned like a bitch, thinking of his mother was worse.

  “It was nice of her.” Luke added innocently, earning him a dirty look from his pal. “What? She didn’t have to show up to pay her respects. It was nice of her that she did.”

  “There was no doubt some hidden agenda behind it, don’t kid yourself.” Nick said as he contemplated what that agenda could be. His mother didn’t do anything out of the kindness of her heart, she didn’t have a heart. “I bet she just showed up to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  “She hasn’t tried to contact you since you’ve been back?” Luke asked as he turned around and leaned his back against the bar while he skimmed the room.

  “No, but my father’s been hounding me lately. They have to be working together to fuck with my life a little more.” Nick said bitterly as he downed the rest of his drink. He shrugged his shoulders, shrugging both the effects of the alcohol and the thought of his parents, off. His eyes settled at the table where Sam sat with Phillip and Mallory, and sure enough he caught her staring at him

  He watched her sip her drink slowly, pretending to listen to whatever Phillip was saying to her, but Nick recognized that look in her eyes. He knew when Sam was yearning for something, something Nick would be more than happy to supply her with. He reached behind him and cupped the back of his neck. He had no fucking idea what he was doing with her, but he knew he couldn’t stop whatever it was. Her tongue snaked out and licked the salt around the rim of her glass and instantly his dick reacted. He shoved his hands into his pockets trying to tent his slacks a bit so he didn’t look like a complete schmuck standing beside Luke with a raging hard on.

  He glanced over at Luke, hoping he didn’t catch that he had been eye-fucking his sister at their brother’s repast. It sounded as bad as it was. What the hell was he thinking? This girl was making him lose his mind for sure.

  “She fucking hates me and I have no idea why.” Luke grumbled.

  Nick almost laughed at his friend's words. “Join the club.” Then his brows furrowed and he turned back towards Luke. “Wait a minute, who hates you?”

  Luke nodded towards the table where Deb and Joe were sitting with another couple and Cara. She lifted her head from her drink and ran her fingers through her curls. Nick had never seen her look so lost before.

  “It’s like she blames me for Jake’s death.” He shook his head and looked over at Nick. “My brother made me promise to take care of her, but
she’s making it damn near impossible.”

  “She’ll come around, man. Give her some time she just lost the most important person in her life.”

  “She’s not the only one who lost him.” Luke shook his head and glanced down at his watch. “I’ve got to get Ava.” He looked around the room. “Have you seen Leah? Never mind, if you see her tell her I had to leave to get Ava. I’ll come back in a few.”

  Nick raised an eyebrow, but merely nodded. He wasn’t sure what was going on with Luke, but grief made you act strange sometimes. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he signaled for the waitress to bring him another drink as he reached into his pants for his phone. The bartender filled his glass and Nick splayed a twenty dollar bill on top of the bar. He glanced down at his phone and saw that he had a text from Sam. He looked over his shoulder and she wasn’t at the table with her friends anymore.

  He opened the text.

  Sam: Meet me by the bathrooms, Samantha

  Nick bit the inside of his cheek and figured one of two things was about to go down. He slid the phone back into his pocket and downed his drink in two hefty gulps. One, she was going to lash at him for some unknown reason, or two she was looking for a quick lay. He was hoping it was the latter and he placed the empty glass onto the bar as he sauntered through the bar, making his way to the hallway where the bathrooms were. Sam was leaning against the wall between the men’s room and the ladies room. She didn’t lift her chin or raise her head the slightest bit to look at him instead she peered up at him under the fringe of her eyelashes.

  He pushed back his suit jacket, and placed one hand in his pocket as he took another step towards her, invading her space. He didn’t say a word. She asked him here, he came. With an understanding like that, who needed words? He watched as she brought the pink flesh of her lower lip between her teeth. She leaned her head against the wall, lifting her eyes to meet his.

  Nick sucked in a breath as her eyes turned a mischievous shade of dark blue. The door to the ladies room opened and a woman emerged, brushing past them. Sam turned her head and looked at the door the woman had exited and then back towards Nick. She kicked off the wall and stood straight. Even with four inch heels on, her head still came up just under Nick’s chin. Her hand traveled down one side of the lapels of his suit as she walked backwards towards the ladies room. With her free hand she grabbed the loose tie around his neck and yanked hard, a devilish smile playing upon her lips. She kicked the bathroom door open and dragged Nick inside gripping his tie.

  He let her play her little game. He let her think she had the upper hand, but once they were inside of the bathroom, he took control and pushed her up against the door. She still held his tie in her fisted hand as she stared up at him anxiously. He braced his hand above her head and caged her in against the door. She licked her lips and he fought the urge to take her tongue into his mouth.

  “You wanted something?” He asked huskily and leaned closer to her, his erection pressing against her hip.

  She peered up at him and the slightest hint of a smile threatened her lips. He was so close he could smell the tequila laced with mint that was on her breath. She trailed her free hand down the length of the door, finding the door knob. Nick heard the lock slide into place, but still he glanced down and checked to see if it was in fact locked.

  His eyes locked onto hers again and he watched her as she struggled to work the knot of his tie.

  “I’ve always wanted you like this.” She confessed as she finally freed him from the tie. She wrapped it mindlessly around her wrist as if she was about to tie herself up. She let the tie fall from her wrist and she clutched the lapels of his suit.

  “Tell me you want me.” She said as she bit her lip.

  “I want you.” Nick growled and he gripped her hips with his strong hands, lifting her up. She instantly wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her towards the counter.

  “Tell me you want to fuck me.” She whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled his ear.

  “I want to fuck you, Samantha.” Nick said as he sat her on top of the counter. He pressed a palm on each of her knee caps and spread her legs.

  His words were her drug, and once she had her fix she reached for his face, claiming his mouth with her own. Her hands pushed his suit jacket off his broad shoulders as his tongue found its way into her hot mouth. In his arms at this moment it was only the two of them no death, no eulogies just an uncontrollable desire to have him inside her. He lapped at the recesses of her mouth, tasting every crevice. His fingers slipped under the thin scrap of lace covering her pussy and he swallowed her moan as his fingers traveled along her slick folds.

  Her delicate fingertips worked the button of his slacks and dragged down the zipper carefully. She was as desperate for him as he was for her. She leaned into him as she struggled with the elastic of his boxer briefs. She decided she needed a different tactic and she grabbed his shoulders and with the stiletto heels, she wore, she brought the underwear and slacks down. They pooled at his knees, his erection free. Nick pulled back from her, catching his breath. He gripped his dick in his hand and pumped it once, then twice. With is thumb, he wiped at the clear liquid that dripped out of the head. Sam grabbed his hand and wrapped her lips around his thumb, sucking his juices off.

  Watching her tongue twirl around his thumb, making sure she tasted whatever was left, was enough to send Nick over the edge. He lifted her dress, so that the fabric sat around her waist. He didn’t bother removing her thong, he slid the lace to the side and with one slick move he drove his hard cock into her glistening pussy.

  Sam locked her ankles around his waist and met him thrust for thrust.

  “Harder!” She urged as she gripped his shoulders that were straining against the tailored shirt he still wore. Nick grunted as he pushed himself further into her. He was balls deep and her walls clenched around him. He would’ve sworn on a stack of bibles that her sweet little pussy had his dick in a vice, that’s how tight she was. He wasn’t going to be able to last long. He reached down and stroked her clit with his fingers. She grabbed his face and forced him to look at her. “Yes… Oh God, Nick. Like that. Just like that.” She purred as his finger pressed against her sensitive nub.

  She threw her head back, hitting the mirror, her whole body shuddering as she came. Nick leaned down and sucked on her neck. He couldn’t help himself that long elegant neck was calling for his touch. His mouth trailed down to her shoulder blade as he lost himself inside her.

  “Fuck yeah.” He growled against her skin as he pumped inside her while he came. He blew out a deep breath as he braced one hand against the mirror, hoping to steady himself.

  They both struggled to get their breathing under control for a moment before Nick slid his dick slowly out of her. He thought she moaned, but he couldn’t be sure. He carefully brought his briefs back up over his still semi hardened cock. The tip peaked out of the elastic as he drew his pants up. He zipped them, but didn’t bother with the button.

  He watched Sam hop off the counter top. She bent her knees and lifted her dress to fix her panties. She glanced at herself in the mirror smoothing her dress down, making sure she didn’t look like she was just fucked in the bathroom. Nick bent down to pick up his tie, curling it into a ball, and shoved it into his pocket. He didn’t bother fixing his shirt. He draped his suit jacket over his shoulder and stared at her in the mirror. Maybe she gave a shit if people knew they were together, but he didn’t. Her eyes met his and she smiled softly. She turned around and patted him on the chest.

  “Thanks.” She leaned up and pressed her lips to his cheek fleetingly. Nick barely rapped his head around the one word she uttered from her smiling mouth before she brushed past him and left him alone in the ladies room.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nick couldn’t get his head in the game. He had a half a dozen cars that needed his attention, yet he sat behind the desk in the office he shared with Luke. He wasn’t even pretending to do any
thing useful, like order auto parts or call back some of the people who had left messages over the last week. No, he just sat in the chair and stared aimlessly at the heap of paper that was piled high on the desk. His head felt as if it would explode. Between the never ending phone calls from his father and Erica and whatever the fuck you would call what was going on between him and Sam, he felt like he was in a car that someone had cut the breaks too.

  “I heard this is where I could find you.” He knew that voice, dreaded the day he’d hear it again. Nick glanced up at the doorway, in which his mother stood. A sea of emotions ran through his head as he stared at her. Lucille Foti looked just as he remembered, a little older, more lines on her face. Cold, hard and uninviting, was the best way to describe who stood in front of him.

  Something was different, maybe her tone? She spoke softly, not hard or curt.

  “Aren’t you going to say hello?” she asked. “It’s been years since you’ve seen me.”

  Nick didn’t know what he should say. He was disgusted, angry, and bitter. He didn’t want to say hello to her, or pretend the last seven years he wasn’t miserable because of her. What he wanted to do, was, spit in her face and tell her to fuck off. He couldn’t explain why he didn’t do that though. Instead, he busied his hands, shoving papers around the desk.


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